The Truth In Print Vol. 18 Issue 10, Nov. 2012
A Publication of the
Valley church of Christ,
2375 W. 8th Street,
Yuma, AZ 85364 (928-782-5058)
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“Why I Left The
Christian Church”
The above topic is the title to a lesson by brother
Clarenge C. Morgan from back in 1932. His article
gives a good look at the Christian Church in the early 1900s. His points were of particular interest to me
since my father was baptized in the Christian church. He was born in 1894. When
I was young he chose to be baptized into the body of Christ (I Cor. 12:13; Gal.
3:26-27; Eph. 1:22-23, 5:23). I asked him about his decision to be baptized —
he explained that the more he learned about the church the more he realized
that the Christian church was not the right church. It was that plain! He was
certainly aware of some of the following errors that C.C. Morgan lists as
“either additions to, or substitutions for, what God has commanded.”
his article you find evidence of the two major apostasies that resulted in the
Christian church separating from the church of Christ. These take us back to
the “Restoration Movement” that had its beginning about the turn of the 19th
Century. Briefly, when restoration
preachers rejected all human creeds they then dissolved their “associations”
they’d formed. They did that understanding that the root of the problem with
Human Organizations was that the local church is God’s agency to convert the
world (cf. Acts 14:23; I Th. 1:8,1). Neither
individuals nor churches had scriptural authority to organize institutions
separate and apart from the local church for the work of worship and
Sadly, some were not content with God’s pattern and within a few years
plans were begun that brought to fruition the American Christian Missionary
Society (1849) — supported by churches of Christ. Alexander Campbell was
elected the first president. He had earlier said concerning the New Testament
church in 1823: “Their churches were not fractured into Missionary Societies,
Bible Societies, Education Societies; nor did they
dream of organizing such in the world.” Of Christians he had said: “In their
church capacity along they worked. They dare not transfer to a Missionary
Society, or bible society, or educational society, a cent or a prayer, lest in
so doing they rob the church of its glory, and exhalt
the inventions of men above the wisdom of God. Their church they considered
‘the pillar and ground of the truth.” They considered if they did all they
could in this capacity, they had nothing left for any other object of a religious nature” (Aug.
1823). Exalt the wisdom of man over God’s they did! Within some 40 years of the
dissolution of human “associations” (organizations) the church is faced with a
great apostasy. Others having renounced their former errors refused to
participate and saved the church of Christ.
The next major apostasy soon followed — the introduction of the instrument
of music into the worship of the churches. It is recorded that in 1851 in
Kentucky a man
who signed his name “W” wrote to J.B. Henshall,
assoc. director of the Ecclesiastical Reformer: “..We are far in the rear of
Protestants on the subject of church music.” Henshall
replied: “In proportion as men become worldly minded, provided they have not
entirely lost the fear of God, they begin to require helps to their devotion.”
Those opposing argued that to use the instrument would be adding to the
authorized worship of the New Testament church (cf. 2 Jo. 9). Issue died down, then came up again in 1860. L.L. Pinkerton of Midway Ky.
Wrote: “So far as known to me…I am the only preacher in Kentucky of our
brotherhood who has publicly advocated the propriety of employing instrumental
music in some churches, and that the church of God in Midway is the only church
that has yet made a decided effort to
introduce it…”
Things died down and then in 1864 one signing as “Ancient Order” wrote
to W.K. Pendleton in the Millennial Harbinger asking if its use is scriptural
in the worship of the church. Pendleton admitted the New Testament church did
not use it, but folded for material and earthly advantages (cp. Gal. 6:12; Rom.
16:17) seeking to justify it on the basis of silence of the scriptures. The
battle was on to save the church again. McGarvey and
other pioneer preachers taught the truth — reasoning on the difference between
the Old Testament (for the Jews until it was abrogated on the Cross, Col. 2:14)
and the New Testament as the will of Christ for all men. You will find the use
of instruments in the Old Testament worship but not in the New Testament
church. We teach people that you can’t go back to the Old Covenant for
authority for worship under the New Covenant — this applies to religious dance,
incense, animal sacrifices, special clothing worn for a high priest and special
priesthood, observing the Sabbaths and other Jewish religious days —- as well
as the food and drink regulations (cf. Col. 2:14-16).
Moses Lard had a solution: (1) Check the evil by not preaching for a
church that has the instrument; (2) When moving to a new location members
shouldn’t unite with such a church; (3) If members of a church start it or want
it, if they will not listen to the truth then leave and have scriptural worship
at whatever the cost. Walk out!
Brief Timeline:
A. 1800 general date for the Restoration
B. 1849 the American Christian Missionary
Society appeared and two very distinct groups appeared.
C. 1851-1864 Instrument Introduced.
D. 1874 the Foreign C.M.S. appeared.
E. 1875 the division was going wild and from
1875 on the churches of Christ continued with the Restoration Platform.
F. 1906 the division is completed.
G. 1920 the United Christian M.S. formed
uniting the two missionary societies.
H. By 1965 the U.C.M.S. had gained control of
the Christian Church.
A Look at the Christian Church of the 1930s
Brother Morgan says: “Following, we give some of the unscriptural
practices of the "Christian Church" which cannot be acceptable to
God, for they represent either additions to, or substitutions for, what God has
I. The Name “Christian Church” Is Not
A. Quote: The name, "Christian Church"
is not found in the Bible, no, not even once, and be it said to their credit,
many of the most brilliant men, preachers and leaders in the "Christian
Church", contend it is unscriptural and refuse to wear it or use it. Then
why not drop it and use a name that is scriptural and one upon which all can
agree. The name "church of Christ" is such a name.”
B. Note: (B.W.L.) Dear readers have you
noticed all the silly names of these man made churches today? Anything to attract by stimulating
one’s emotions! Paul said, “...the
churches of Christ salute you” (Rom. 16:17).
The church is also referred to as “the church of God which is at
Corinth” (I Cor. 1:1). You have to appreciate his point on brilliant leaders
who knew and admitted it is not scriptural but won’t pay the cost of removing
it! (cf. Jo. 12:43).
II. The Choirs Are Unscriptural
A. Quote: Most "Christian Churches"
have a choir and many of the larger city churches have paid singers and
musicians who are not even Christians. Many times the choir tends to formalism
and show. In some churches it is the source of much contention and ill feelings
among its members. Many preachers of the "Christian Church" refer to
the choir as their "Standing Army" or "War Department". The
choir nearly always tends to lessen the worship in song by the congregation.
And, in addition to all this, and of much more importance, is the fact that the
choir in the worship of the church is an unauthorized invention
of man and not a good work nor of faith, because not mentioned in the
III. Instrumental Music is Unscriptural
A. Quote: “The use of instrumental music in
the worship of the church is purely a man-made innovation which has caused a
great deal of trouble and division in the church. It is a bold violation of the
divine mandate that we are not to "add to" nor “go
beyond the things which are written". We have just as much right to
add to the emblems used in the Lord's Supper as we do to add to the music,
which the Holy Spirit has authorized. See! Eph. 5 :19.
Instrumental music was not in the early church. It came in about the sixth
century from the same source as sprinkling and infant baptism, and is just as
unscriptural as either of these other Romanist innovations. It is a sin to use
mechanical music in the worship of the church, because not of faith and not of
faith, because not heard in God's word.”
IV. Money Raising Schemes of the
"Christian Church" Are Unscriptural, Disgraceful, and Sinful.
A. Quote: There is no end to the unscriptural
money raising schemes practiced by the "Christian Church" in general.
If time and space permitted, we are prepared to present a score or more of such
schemes, but shall confine ourselves here to two very recent examples which are
typical of a multitude and which will suffice for this time.
following news item appeared on the front page of the "Childress
Index", Childress, Texas, issue of October 31,
1932. The item was embellished with a bold, three line~,
heading and enclosed in black face, box border. "Flashy Female Talent To
Shine On Diamond . "
"Feminine 'Fats' and 'Leans' of Central Christian Church will clash
in a baseball game for the benefit of the church funds, officers of the women's
missionary society announced today. Personnel of the two
teams is not complete, but prominent women of the church and their
friends will be in the lineup. A date for the encounter will be set as soon as
the players wear off a little of their pre-season stiffness in practice
Example No. 2 is taken from a recent issue of the Terrel,
Texas, "Weekly Index" and is as
follows." The men's Bible class of the First Christian Church, which
recently sponsored the womanless bridge party, will pre sent another womanless
entertainment at the City Hall Friday, July 29th. This time the class is having
a 'Cry Baby' show. Only men take part in the play and it will be great sport to
see some of Terrell's prominent men mimicking babies or mothers. There will be
plenty of crying, laughing, and fun. Prizes will be given to the best babies in
the show. Rev. Harmon announces the men's class, of which he is teacher,
presents the play to raise money for the church. Admission is 25c and
15c." For shame, for shame, for shame, that Christian people will place
the cause of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in such an un holy and
undignified light as this, before an ungodly world, whom it is trying to win to
Him .
B. Note: (BWL) This
looks like many Liberal churches of Christ today! If you are not aware that
such is not the work of Christ’s church then you need to actually read the New
Testament for yourself!
V. I Left The
"Christian Church" Because Of Its Liberal Tendencies
A. Quote: “It is also common knowledge that
throughout the length and breadth of the land there are "Christian
Churches" and "Christian Church preachers," who have let down
the bars so to speak, to the denominations. They fraternize with them in many
and various ways. They go into union meetings with other religious groups known
to them to be preaching, teaching, and practicing error. Of course, I know most
of them would deny that they indorsed these false teachings, but some one has wisely said, "Actions speak louder than
words." Today, many outstanding leaders in the "Christian
Church" realize the fact that during the last few years the church has
been drifting-drifting into sectarianism, Liberalism, Modernism, and Romanism.”
B. Note (B.W.L.): Space doesn’t permit brother Morgan’s point on their “open membership advocates”
who “reveal their friendship for the foes of the old gospel and the old plea.”
Quote: “Restoration Herald, March, 1932 "United Christian
Missionary Society is cooperating in the promotion and support of the community
church of Boulder City, Hoover Dam City. A Presbyterian preacher has been
chosen as pastor."
Quote: Restoration Herald, April, 1932 "Headed Towards Rome."
'The following church notice appeared in the St. Petersburg, (Fla) Daily Independent, Thursday,
March 24th.' "The First Christian Church, Mirror Lake Drive, will observe
Maundy Thursday Communion tonight, at 7: 30 o'clock, in commemoration of the
institution of this ordinance on the Thursday evening of passion week. The
services will be presided over by the elders of the church." And the editor
of the Restoration Herald adds "Maundy Thursday! First it was 'Easter', then it was 'Good Friday' then 'Passion Week'. The next will
be 'Lent', 'Ash Wednesday' and all the rest of the Pagan-Roman festivals. One
wonders whether Dr. Steed and his Parishioners did Maundy Thursday up right.
They should have had the nabobs wash the feet of the peasants and distribute
gifts to the needy. All this went with the observance in the good (??) old
"Dark Ages". Undoubtedly they had all the candles lit around the
altar, as we understand the hierarchy at Indianapolis Suggested this be done.
This tendency towards ritualism and Romanism throughout the brotherhood is
indicative of our departure from the apostolic faith. Loyal brethren should
oppose this sinister evil with the "thus saith
the Lord".
would like to advise the editor of the "Restoration Herald" that
there is a group of "Loyal Brethren" composing the church of Christ,
who are' opposing this and the many other sinister evils which have crept into
the church, and we invite him to renounce them all and align himself with a
people who rely upon the "Thus saith the
Lord" in all things pertaining to the church.
Here is C.C. Morgan’s closing admonition: “Brothers and Sisters in
Christ, there is only one way out for those who love Truth, and that is to walk
out. Walk out of the unscriptural practices of the "Christian Church"
and stand with the New Testament church on the "Old Book" and the
"Old Faith".”
Bob Lovelace
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