The Truth In Print Vol. 19 Issue 3, April 2013

A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928-782-5058)


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Excuses ~ Oldies Are Still the Goodies!



     There’s nothing so entertaining to some as tuning in to the “Oldies” program on their available radio network. In fact, I have a neighbor who does just such a program — he is a veritable walking encyclopedia on the hits from the 60s. Some of those hits you just don’t get tired of hearing, and there are some excuses for evading scriptural authority that you are always hearing from those who never tire of using them.


I. We are all part of the body of Christ.


     This in their mind references the “universal church.” If  you’ll just agree they’ll have blown their “oldie but goodie” around yet one more time (cf. Eph. 4:14). The “ones” in Eph. 4 certainly teach that there is “one body” — the church Christ promised to build when He said, “I will build my church” (Matt. 16:18; Eph. 1:22-23). However the “one body” goes with the “one faith” (Eph. 4:5; Jude 3), and the “one Spirit” (Eph. 4:4) who is Himself God and did not contradict Himself in revealing the “one faith.” What Paul preached in one church he preached in all   see his “everywhere in every church” statement  in I Cor. 4:17.  There is “one Lord” (Eph. 4:5) and the “one faith” is His word for all. He did not produce varying and contradicting doctrines as taught in denominational and self serving churches!


     Again,  the “ones” state that there is “one God” (Eph. 4:6). Moreover, nowhere does the New Testament embrace churches with contradictory doctrines and teaching that go beyond the doctrine of Christ (cf. 2 Jo. 9). While using this “oldie” often makes one popular in the community, taking a stand for the truth often makes one unpopular. Many people rebel against there being “one body.”


     I hear this “oldie” when Yuma Prayer Day rolls around and members of various churches begin to swing with the emotional ties of satisfying man’s desire for a unity that is not based upon God’s Word. Those gathered love to see themselves as “all” being part of the one body while doing anything but contending for the one faith!


II. The eye can’t say to the hand, “I have no need of you.”


     It is common to hear “oldies” that are based upon some verse in the New Testament, though not understood correctly in the context. In the context of I Cor. 12 Paul figuratively illustrated the care members should have for one another at Corinth. He said the body is not one member but many and that one member of the physical body can’t say to another member “I have no need of you.”


     Paul also states in this chapter that all were baptized into one body (cf. I Cor. 12:13). Concerned reader, Acts 18:8 give the account of the conversion of the first Corinthians. Paul baptized some of them (cf. I Cor. 1:14-16). Why was Paul himself baptized? He was baptized as commanded in order that his sins might be washed away (cf. Acts 22:16).  This what Jesus commanded in Mk. 16:15-16. And that is what Paul taught and practiced — “many of the Corinthians hearing, believed and were baptized” (cf. Acts 18:8).


     Peter commanded baptism for the remission of one’s sins (Acts 2:38). Most picture the figurative use of the physical body in I Cor. 12 as having an “eye” from the Baptist, a “hand” from the Methodist, a “foot” from the Presbyterians, another “foot” from the Lutherans, etc., with a “head” from Christ. That’s certainly is not found in I Cor. 12. Christ has all authority (cf. Matt. 28:18-20) and in the “one faith” which is His New Testament you don’t have varying and contradicting doctrines. The wrongful picture is simply the result of a lack of study and respect for scriptural authority (2 Tim. 3:16-17; Phil. 1:27).


III. Jesus said, I am the vine and ye are the branches.


     This is a lot like the wrongful “eye” and “hand” usage above. They mean that the branches mentioned in John 15:1-5 are various denominations, including independent churches of all kinds. But Jesus is speaking in that context about individuals — note carefully the “you” as it applies to his disciples (Jo. 15:3, 4, 5, 6). He is not speaking here about “church organizations” as so many want to apply it. Moreover, the only organization Jesus gave for His own is “local church” organization and not district, regional, national, international or world (cf. Acts 14:23; Phil. 1:1).


IV.  God Loves Sinners Too. 


      Just by saying such it relieves them of their personal responsibility to read the New Testament and obey it — rather than cling to their unwritten human tradition which is  “I always say, ‘Remember now God loves sinners too!’” Such is often pronounced before a gathering of people as if it “sanctifies” in and of itself! The New Testament teaches all indeed have sinned and come short of the glory of God (cf. Rom. 3:23). Romans also teaches that the wages of sin is eternal death! (Rom. 6:23). The fact that all have sinned doesn’t suddenly bring everyone together in a group thus justifying “unity in diversity” as if all are right before the Lord Jesus Christ!


     Consider now the spiritual dullness in one using it that way. If such will read the New Testament they'll find Peter answered the question as to what to do to be forgiven of theirs when asked in Acts 2:37-38. Admitting you and all have sinned and do sin does not qualify as having the forgiveness of sins in Christ. How about saying this in front of group when you feel like displaying this kind of  self justification? “...God is angry with the wicked every day” (Ps. 7:11).


V. We’ve All Been Left Under Human Tradition.


     Another oldie but goodie I presume. To say this one simply has to ignore all of the Lord’s warnings about Human Tradition, pushed by hypocrites, making void the word of God and producing vain (empty) worship  (cf. Matt. 15:1-9; Matt. 23). No, we haven’t been left under human tradition! We have been left with the apostles’ doctrine that thoroughly furnishes us unto every good work (cf. 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Phil. 1:27). What we have been left with was once delivered to the saints in the first century, and is “the faith” — the “one faith (Eph. 4:5) that must be contended for (cf. Jude 3). And we are told not to go beyond it (cf. 2 Jo. 9; Rev. 22:18; compare Pr. 30:6).


VI. Only God Can Judge Another.


     Notice how so many of these fit together so well in order that all accepting and using them can be so pleased with and so comforting to all! This one is way off the right note for Jesus said we are to judge righteous judgment in Jo. 7:24. It is a wrongful twist (let’s twist again) of  Matt. 7:1-5 where Jesus is speaking of hypocritical judging — even there “both” the one who has the “speck” and the one with the “log” are still wrong and both need to make correction. Above all, right there in the context of Matt. 7 Jesus teaches that we can know “dogs” and “swine” by their fruit i.e. works (Matt. 7:15-20). Isn’t it amazing that in this immense desert of varying religions that are contradictory of one another that no one is a false teacher!


VII. I’d never tell you that you are in the wrong church.


     And lets see if we can possibly come up with some reasons for that:

1. If I don’t condemn you for a false practice then you won’t condemn me for mine. Thus everyone is a “great guy” and oh what a wonderful “unity in diversity” that we enjoy. 

2. Let’s agree to this — make sincerity be what counts rather than the Truth (cf. Jo. 8:32; 2 Jo. 9).

3. If someone thinks we’ve all been left under human tradition then what the Bible says means nothing — each to their own way!  

4. Let’s both lie and say that we can’t understand the Bible when the Bible says we can  (cf. Jo. 8:32; Acts 17:11).

5. Let’s imagine that the Holy Spirit revealed different truths to different groups (cf. “one faith,” Eph. 4:4-6).


VIII. Never place a period where God has placed a comma.


      I read this is a church’s advertisement. Whatever it meant I thought how about the necessity of reading the whole thought in context. Actually, it made me think of those who would approach the Scriptures with the idea that it’s one big comma to be followed by whatever man wants to make of it. After all, some churches endorse just about anything today — even homosexuality, transgender and gay marriage.


     Could some possibly reason let us not be placing periods! In other words there are no end marks that show a complete thought. Any thing with a comma is left open. I thought of I Cor. 6:9-10 where it names those who will not inherit the kingdom of God with adulterers, effeminate, homosexuals being set of by commas before the period. And how about those “women pastors” and this: “Let a woman learn in silence with all submission” ( I Tim. 2:11). Sorry, no comma there! Note what preceded the period here: “But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.” (I Tim. 2:12) There will be no women preaching over men Christ’s church the “one body” period! Also qualifications for elders are for men not women (cf. I Tim. 3:1-7) — no women pastors here period!


By Bob Lovelace



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