The Truth In Print, Volume 11 Issue 12, Jan. 2006

A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 539-7089


We Are Delivered To Do All Of This! (Jer. 7:10)


By Bob W. Lovelace


     Does the above title sound faintly familiar, perhaps similar to “We have a right!”? Turn to Jeremiah chapter seven and read how apostates speak when they decide to do something, then go ahead without scriptural authority, and then justify themselves.  “Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not; [10] And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?” (Jer. 7:9-10). Having done what they desired, they stand and proclaim that they are delivered to do it! When it comes to Christians building human organizations for worship and evangelism, the issue has always been the right of man to build another organization when God specified His, the local church (I Tim. 3:15). That is the issue we are facing today! The issue has never been just whether the organizations were supported by local churches rather than individuals only; it is sad that the majority of the teaching that has been done by the church has centered on just that.


   Since the Guardian of Truth’s “Truth Magazine Lecture” has presented itself to the Lord’s people I have read some strengthening, encouraging, admonitions, articles and statements and am appreciative of all the examples brethren are presenting as they take a stand for the truth.


   From the outset a concerned brother wrote a brief  article, “Why I Refused to Participate in the Truth Lectureship” – I read his fine article to the church because it was “good news” for a time which should be characterized by being ashamed (read about being ashamed, Ezra 9).  I also stated that he used scriptures Christians have always used to prove that the organization that God authorized for evangelism is the local church. When you turn to Acts chapter two the church was established and from that day forward it is spoken of as being in existence (Cf. Acts 2, 2:41-42, 47; 5:11, 13:1 Antioch, etc.). If you start with the beginning of the church in Acts 2 and  keep reading what does the post script show? In Acts 14:21-23, during Paul’s first missionary journey, the result of preaching the Gospel was the establishment of local churches in the district of Asia Minor. Reading on in Acts 20:7 Paul met with the church at Troas to partake of the Supper. Also in Acts 20 he meets with the elders of the church at Ephesus, having called them to Miletus. When I read I Tim. 3:15 the apostle states that the  “church” is the pillar and ground of the truth. What does the post script show? It shows that they planted churches wherever they went. In other words the outcome of their preaching was God’s organization, not mans! It is blatant error to teach, or lead others to believe, that the local church is just “a” tool, i.e. just one of many and not “the tool” as regards organizations for edification, evangelism and worship. As one brother said, “Many brethren on organizations today sound like the Mormons about the Bible: It is good but not the only book of Christ; there are other books too, they say.”


   Listen carefully to these statements (some paraphrased) also taken from the prophet Jeremiah. In so many words he said, Go look where you used to worship, observe what was done to it, and at what became of it although it was once the place where the Lord dwelt (Jer. 7:12). God abandoned them there because of their transgression (Cf. Ps. 78:60). Yes, go look at the churches that have left the patterns! In Jeremiah 8:8-9 we read, “How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain. [9] The wise men are ashamed, they are dismayed and taken: lo, they have rejected the word of the Lord; and what wisdom is in them?” Verse 8 refers to the false pen of scribes who made the Word into a lie! Moreover, those considered “wise” were contrasted (verse 7) with the  stork, turtle dove, crane, and swallow who knows its way; they did not accept God’s Word, and their “glosses” were like those of the Scribes and Pharisees in Jesus’ time who placed human desires and traditions above God’s law. What wisdom does one have, regardless of his credentials and stature before men, should he reject God’s Word? Moreover, they get their wives and their children involved: “The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger” (Jer. 7:18).  Apostasy always becomes a “family thing.” Wives promote and encourage apostate husbands, and sons and daughters are brought in to participate when one thinks, “We are delivered to do all these things!”  God said, “But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you” (Jer. 7:23). They followed the counsels and dictates of their own hearts, and went backward not forward! (Jer. 7:24); they went on with stiffened necks and did worse than their fathers (Jer. 7:26). Their speech showed they felt like they had nothing to repent of; no man repented of his wickedness, Saying ‘What have I done?’ Everyone turned to his own course…”  (Jer. 8:6).


   Another strengthening example of standing up appeared in Gospel Truths, Aug., 2005 in “The Church – God’s Only Organization (to Preach the Gospel; Edify the Saints & Provide Benevolence). Here an evangelist simply stated that in the beginning of his publication he was wrong in soliciting contributions from brethren to get his journal started. In short he said it was mistake and he’d repented of it. More good news! Another strengthening example! His article stressed the same simple truth that kept the former brother from accepting the invitation to speak at the first Truth Lectureship. He gives I Tim. 3:15 and goes on to state that the Truth Magazine Lectures are “a further effort of a human entity usurping the work of the Lord’s church.”


   Since we are “drifting” (for years we have said repeatedly, “Brethren we are drifting!”), should we see the need to “back up” to the Truth by all means let us back up all the way. If you have been inconsistent, but changed just to have opponents cast that into your face, then just admit you were inconsistent but now want Truth. If you must suffer rejection to stand then stand! In 2 Chronicles 11 there was a return of priests, Levites, some from all Israel of those whom Jeroboam rejected from serving the Lord. They took their stand with Rehoboam (11:13-15). This follows,  “And after the Levites left, those from all the tribes of Israel, such as set their heart to seek the Lord God of Israel, came to Jerusalem to sacrifice to the Lord God of their fathers. These strengthened Judah and made Rehoboam strong because they walked in the way of David for three years (verses 16-17). They became strong together. Their “re-location” is commendable! These put themselves in a place where they could worship acceptably because they wanted to obey God rather than man! They did not continue to rationalize and follow along with those who followed false doctrine.

     Asa, when prompted by Azariah the prophet (2 Ch. 15) took courage and  removed the abominable idols from Judah and Benjamin, and some cities of Ephraim, and restored the altar before the vestibule of the Lord. Then, they came in great numbers from Israel when they saw that the Lord His God was with him. There are other lessons in the Bible brethren than just saying, “Brethren we are drifting,” “It’s all about learning, you know,” etc.


    By now, with the history of the church before us, since the mid 1800s we have had to deal with brethren who love their human societies or institutions. For this long the body of Christ has heard such trying to justify the latest organization because brethren built a prior organization and brethren let is pass. This is simply what Hosea spoke of when he said they willingly walked by human precept, not God’s! (Hosea 5:11; Cf. Matt. 15:3).


  Age old arguments are popping up such as Paul disputing in the school of Tyrannus. I read in “We Have A Right” that “Tyrannus operated a school in Corinth and the apostle Paul taught daily in that school for around two years (Acts 19:9, 10).” Let’s not get in such a hurry to get to old arguments that we neglect to look carefully at the context. The school was in Ephesus! In the most “unsure” (apparently this, probably that) manner the author strives to convince us that Paul saw nothing wrong with being a faculty member or at least being perceived as such. He supposes things because he does not know! If one’s intent is to have Paul employed by the school, on the faculty, disputing the Gospel as he did just before in the synagogue, that is what I call adding to God’s word! Paul plainly stated to the Ephesian elders that his hands provided for his necessities, and for those who were with him (Acts 20:34-35; Cf. Acts 18:3). He says to the Ephesian elders that when he was in Ephesus he taught them “publicly” (Acts 20:20); we know he taught in the school of Tyrannus. Compare Acts 19:8 with 19:9-10 and you can understand what Paul was doing in that place (Compare “in the temple” Acts 2:46, 3:11; 5:12 for further study). Paul did in that place what he did in the Synagogue before he separated the disciples (Compare Acts 20:18-21; 19:8, 9-10). God’s word grew mightily and prevailed in Ephesus, and not the academic accreditation of the board of the school of Tyrannus! What organization do Christians know that God established in Ephesus for the purpose of teaching the Gospel and worship? Why of course— the church in Ephesus (Eph. 1:1; Rev. 2:1; I Tim. 3:15).


   And here comes the Jesus Foundation once again with Judas and the bag! We are told, “You must prove that this was a temporary arrangement only authorized during the lifetime ministry of Jesus!” Again we are told, “The example of Jesus is conclusive evidence that the argument being made that the only collectivity of God’s people authorized of God for worship and service in the gospel is the local church is fallacious.” Brethren, their explanation of this arrangement does not show up under the New Covenant. That’s one thing wrong with their argument! Saying you must prove it was a temporary arrangement is simply another usage of a well known argument that is rejected by all— The New Testament doesn’t say not to. Moreover, Jesus’ works were the works of the Father and He finished that work (John 17:4).  


   Some are striving, and it appears with great difficulty, to give the appearance they know a lot more about “the bag” and the contributions of the women than one can know. Above all, the whinny list of “can’t haves” and “can’t dos” speaks loudly on what the book is all about.  Indeed, the whinny list helps us see why the church has come to this point. Why would any Christian give precedent to any human organization, tour enterprise, etc. if they stand in the way of a return to Christians really believing and practicing God’s wisdom in giving the local church! (I Tim. 3:15).


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