The Truth In Print Vol. 18 Issue 4, May 2012
A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,
2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928-782-5058)
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The Great Apostasy is Done, Finished!
Israel had a
united kingdom for some 112 years from Saul, then David and Solomon. In 931
B.C. the kingdom divided. The Southern Kingdom of Judah consisted of two tribes
(Benjamin and Judah) with the capital being Jerusalem. Jeroboam in the Northern
Kingdom was followed by 18 bad kings. After a period of 209 years in 722 B.C.
the kingdom was taken captive by Assyria. Hoshea was king in Israel at that
time (2 Kings 17). Rehoboam in the Southern Kingdom was followed by 11 bad
kings and 8 good kings. When Jehoiakim was king their captivity began in 605
B.C. After two more sieges when Zedekiah was king of Judah in 586 B.C.
Jerusalem was destroyed (2 Kings 25).
Though Judah
lasted for another 117 years their end came just as the prophets said it would:
2 Chronicles 36:15-16 (KJV)
And the LORD God of their fathers sent to them by his messengers, rising up
betimes, and sending; because he had compassion on his people, and on his
dwelling place:
But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his
prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was
no remedy.
Look at that
117year figure again — that’s not so long. In spite of the bad example and punishment
of their brethren to the North most continued to despise God’s word until there
was no remedy.
The Church’s “Bad Kings of the South”
The church
experienced an apostasy in the 1950s --- church support of human institutions
as well as incorporating recreation into the work of the church. How many
simply “went with” the non-institutional position for personal advantage sake —
those who said in front of younger preachers that the issues that divided us
were not so serious, and even encouraged others to think the same, either by
word or example. Some continued to fellowship the apostates, after having
bragged about debating against them. We’ve had our “bad kings” and might I add
that some have thought too highly of them!
Continuing On with Apostasies
The American
Christian Missionary Society did not spring into being overnight. Those who
rejected apostolic doctrine (Matt.18:18; 2 John 9) continued to work towards
its inception in 1849. The proud
accomplishment of those who had no regard for God’s simple order for
“organization” — that being the local church— is expressed by D.S. Burnet who
wrote in 1867 “I consider the inauguration of our society system which I vowed
to urge upon the one of the most important acts of my career”
(The Search for the Ancient Order, Vol. 1 pg. 166). Moreover, “Campbell’s frequent essays on
Church Organization between 1841 and 1848 were producing their effects,
although in some cases these effects were not altogether desired. The magic
name of Alexander Campbell behind any idea usually was enough to discourage any
opposition from becoming too effective. On the other hand, his name frequently
caused too ready acquiescence from many” (ibid, pg. 167).
In the 1800s
institutions other than the local church for evangelism were justified based
upon the end results justifying the means. This justification has never ceased
from among brethren. Those in favor dialoged the subject, wrote many articles
to educate on the advantages, and succeeded in gaining financial support from
some churches willing to participate.
Not all
societies sought the support of the churches, though formed for evangelistic
purposes — John T. Johnson and the Danville society of 1845 is an example of
such. Chagrined over the lack of zeal among churches to support evangelists
Johnson wrote in the Christian Journal: “What then is to be done? Let such a
course be adopted, as that now in operation in several states. Let a
separate, independent, voluntary association of brethren, from any number of
churches, be formed, pledging themselves to each other to pay certain sums
annually to this purpose, so long as they continue members; and let this amount
be expended in evangelical efforts, under the direction of a committee selected
for that purpose."
In the
Christian Journal, December 21, 1844, a proposal was announced to the brethren
of various counties in Kentucky based upon a lack of efficiency from a supposed
lack of proper organization. “We have no system of cooperation,” he said. He
proposed a meeting at Danville with a plan to be adopted. “This cooperation is
designed to be permanent, not yearly: — and individual, not a congregational
association.” The meeting was conducted. The individually supported society was
formed. (These notes on individually supported societies adapted from the
following. For a broader knowledge see Gospel Anchor, Vol. 1, Sept. 1974
through Aug. 1975, Old Issues Do Not Fade Away (III) by Gene Frost pg. 202).
Opposition was
NOT just based upon whether the church supported such societies. They were
opposed because they were unauthorized in the scriptures! The continued life of
the churches was in their right to refuse to participate. “John T. Johnson, who
early favored conventions and societies, wrote in the American Christian
Review, shortly before his death: The congregation plan is the divine
arrangement. It works best. It accomplishes the most good, by calling forth
energies and resources of each congregation, and the least injury is the
result…” ( pg. 185,Christians Only by James DeForest Murch). Imagine that!
Going on With the Apostasy
Learn to view
the individually supported society digression in its “full” development. Mike Willis and others started pushing
“again” in the 1980s. Today after hesitation and then coming back 20 years
later and practicing it when the time is right (just like the A.C.M.S. pattern)
– after arguing if they can have Florida College for worship and evangelism we
can have ours (somehow one unauthorized human institution authorizes many more)
— after the Guardian of Truth Foundation Lectureship — after various
Foundations evangelistic and benevolent more numerous than ever — the Camps
engaged in worship and edification soliciting contributions from brethren are
yet another —— and now the great apostasy is completed. But it’s not supposed
to be an apostasy. If you say so you are the strange minority. The appeal and
force of human societies is over riding the desire for scriptural authority.
Oh, you know the members of that little church don’t accept Christians building
evangelistic and worship societies. Who in the world would say that our
brethren shouldn't build Camps engaged in worship and teaching. What could
possibly be wrong with our preacher having his own camp? I know F.C. Camp has
worship and teaching but isn’t that just individuals? My society is just
another avenue for the church to do its work, some say. No, it is an addition
to the congregational plan.
For Those Who did not Heed the Warning
You had ample
opportunity over the past forty years to speak out against this. What was more
important to you than staying with God’s divine arrangement (Jude 3)? Were you
weak and thus beguiled (2 Cor. 11:3-4; Rom. 16:17-18)? Once again the church
let those of big reputation, and those who support them philosophically and
financially, take them down the primrose path of apostasy!
For Those Who Refused to Deal with It
If the initial
warnings had been followed by withdrawals from those leading this then the
church would be stronger today (Rom. 16:17-18). For some the side lines served
them best. Like a helicopter still circling some simply haven’t landed –
they’re still circling. Realize what Christians look like when brethren know
that old friends mean more than upholding God’s pattern (cp. Gal. 1:10).
Perhaps the fear of being persecuted or doing without also enters into this
(Gal. 6:12). At times the power of
individuals who reject apostolic authority can be overwhelming (2 Jo. 9-11).
For Those who Were Inconsistent
Oh yes, they
could lay it down on Instrumental Music in worship. And could they preach on
those Liberal institutions when asked! But where was their teaching on “our”
human organizations that were set up to do the work God gave for His divine
organization? Those in churches who knew this was lacking are accountable as
well (2 Tim. 4:3). Number the institutions now if you can!
For Those Who Benefit Monetarily
Paul compared
himself and others as not being like the many who were peddling the word of God
(2 Cor. 2:17). Not being afraid to trust in God’s plan is defined in the
scriptures as “faith” in His word! The scriptures identify greed with apostasy
(Rom. 16:18).
For Those Who Benefit “Status” Wise
There is
massive self promotion going on in human societies. You should have taught to
seek God’s praise when baptized (Rom. 2:29; Jo. 12:23). This includes those who
commended those willing to speak out on this apostasy, and then turned and “gave
in” for their children and grandchildren. Did you commend the few speaking out
and then turn and use the human institutions? Look at what the children of our
brethren “past” are now doing! They were told if they did not stand then they
would see their own children using Human Societies in the works God gave for
the local church. And they are!
For the Faithful
Stand! God’s
simple plan for organization, the local church plan is the divine arrangement
(Acts 14:23). It works because it is His plan. Being His plan it is not too
restrictive on anyone of us. Let our local churches use their resources just as
God directs in worship, evangelism and benevolence to needy saints. Continue to
teach and practice this and take opportunity to encourage those who do.
By Bob