The Truth In Print, August 2007 Vol. 13 Issue 7


The Pattern Of Lies Producing And Sustaining Apostasies


   This month’s study concerns the pattern of lies producing and sustaining apostasies. You don’t see much on this particular “part” of apostasy in spite of the fact that those involved in apostasy are frequently said to have misrepresented other’s statements,  twist what others say in confronting them, and that they just flat make false arguments!


Jeroboam’s Apostasy Was Founded Upon Lies


  Concerned reader, as you consider this apostasy notice how God’s order and arrangement for worship in Jerusalem is slighted. From I Kings 11-13 we learn that the kingdom of Israel was divided just as God had foretold Jeroboam by the prophet Ahijah. The kingdom was divided as God had foretold but God intended that His “order” and arrangement for worship continue in Jerusalem for all of the Israelites! (cf. I Kings 11)




He Said In His Heart That God’s Order Would Not Work,


   He “said in his heart” that God’s order would not work! (cf. I Kings 12:26-27) In doing so he ignored and did not trust in what the Lord had said, for God intended that David’s family would  have one tribe and that worship would continue for all according to God’s order in Jerusalem! (cf. I kings 11:31-36). Moreover, Jeroboam could have done this right and would have been blessed, but he didn’t! (I Kings 11:38).


  He Conspired With Others In A Lie,


   His statement wins the Blue Ribbon for lies producing apostasy! “It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem…,” he said (I Kings 12:28). This was apostasy founded upon a lie and mistrust in what God said! He conspired with others and took counsel from others in this lie! Lies oil the machinery of apostasies and always have. All the males were accustomed to going to Jerusalem to maintain “God’s order” for worship! (cf. Ex. 23:14-17, De. 16:16). The people are responsible for accepting an obvious lie. They let Jeroboam talk them out of doing what God specified! Your time, money, energy and all sacrifices necessary are worth doing what God specifies!


Two Golden Calves Were Part Of The Wicked Counsel,


   He made two gold calves and said “behold your gods, O Israel, that brought you up from the land of Egypt” (I Kings 12:28-29). Sounds just like Ex. 32:4, 8 doesn’t it? Compare Lev. 23:43 where the stated purpose in the Feast of Booths was a reminder that it was God who brought them out  — “when I brought you out,” it says.

   This thing became a sin to all who participated in it (I Kings 12:30). It was man’s (Jeroboam’s and others’) arrangement that was being glorified and not the Lord’s arrangement for worship in Jerusalem! Evil forces were at work that could not be stopped. He made his own priests and put houses on the idolatrous high places to provide well for them! (I Kings 12:31). Money wasn’t taken from the Temple treasury in Jerusalem. Their apostasy missed the point that God assigned specific work to the Temple! Men build human organizations today for worship and evangelism and then say the money for our work isn’t taken from the local churches’ treasuries. Their apostasy misses the point that God assigned specific work to the local church and not to other organizations!


He Came Up With His Own “Feast” Like The One In Judah,


   He came up with his own feast of Booths “like” the one in Judah. (I Kings 12:32). My, how clever men can be who work together to promote doctrinal error! The Feast of Booths was in the 7th Month, on the 15th day for seven days (Lev. 23:34). His feast was the 8th Month, 15th day! This was clever for he chose a time of rejoicing (Lev. 23:40).  And what of the others mentioned in the seventh month? He skipped the Feast of Trumpets as well as the Day of Atonement — a time of humbling oneself! (Lev. 23:23-25; Lev. 23:26-32). Moreover if anyone did not humble himself on the Day of Atonement he would be cut off from God, but Jeroboam has already cut them off from God!


He Offered Upon The Altar In Bethel,


  How impressive and credentialed it must have been to have the King offering upon the altar (I Kings 12:32-33). His intent is to completely replace the order God gave at Jerusalem for all of Israel.

   For how many years have brethren been attending and supporting individually college lectureships men devised in their own hearts? And for as long some have sounded the warning that the only organization God authorized for evangelism is the local church. Well, now we are hearing that evil forces were not halted and now things are getting worse. Some cry out, “Something is happening that is worse than we ever imagined!” Why would anyone be surprised? After all the talk, talk, talk, and just talk did anyone really expect anything better to happen? Now, today, as some men speak of the “danger” involved in what Florida College and now the Guardian of Truth Foundation (Truth Magazine Lectureship) are doing they say it competes with the Local Church God ordained, and has the potential to “replace” the local church in this country. Hmm — really!  


He Was Furious When Another Spoke Out Against His Altar,


   When the man of God came and cried out against his altar he was furious (I Kings 13: 4). Brethren today get mad when told that the human organization usurps the function of the church. That it robs God of the glory due to Him through His organization, the local church (cf. Eph. 4:10-16; I Tim. 3:15; and Acts 13:1 where teachers were in the local church not in the Antioch Christian College! )

   This apostasy persisted in spite of dividing the people from God’s arrangement and order, and after God had spoken against it (I Kings 13:33-34. By the way, Jeroboam’s fear upon being chastised and seeing God’s sign is the kind of naked fear that is without the support of confession and repentance we often see in the scriptures (I Kings 13:6). This apostasy can be dated at 931 B.C. and it will be some 209 years until the Assyrian Captivity. Are you beginning to understand now what the GOT Foundation is really doing in adding to the Florida College apostasy?  And now things are worse! 





   Jeremiah made a statement that says lies prevailed and not truth (read Jer. 9:3). When apostasies go on and continue lies prevail and not the truth!  Where did lies prevail? With the “majority” for the majority are corrupt, he says (Jer. 9:4-5).


Some Important Questions Are: Why Do Lies Prevail? How Has The Truth Been Affected? What Lies? What Will God Do In The End?


   Why do lies sustaining apostasies prevail? Because God’s people are taught to lie (Jer. 9:5). And the teaching counseled rebellion against what God did say! (Jer. 28:16).

   What happened to the Truth? Through deceit they refused to know God! (Jer. 9:6). When apostasies go on and continue it is proof that through deceit God’s people refuse to know Him! The truth perished. Hear Jeremiah, “But thou shalt say unto them, This is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the Lord their God, nor receiveth correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth” (Jer. 7:28). They were as dumb as their “idol” they trusted in! (Jer. 10:14).

   Why do lies sustaining apostasies prevail? These lies prevail because they refused correction (Jer. 5:3). When apostasies go on and continue it is proof that brethren are taught to lie and refuse correction!

   Why do lies sustaining apostasies prevail? These lies prevail because they refused to repent (Jer. 5:3). When apostasies go on and continue it is proof that when lies are taught brethren are taught to lie and become stubborn and refuse to repent! Somebody says, “That’s not fair! You can’t talk  like that!” Have you never read I Cor. 10:11-12!

    What Will God Do? Read Jer. 13:20-26 and see. This is what God will do because they refuse to know Him and trusted in lies!

    Why do lies sustaining apostasies prevail? Refusing to return they turned away in continual apostasy (Jer. 8:5, 9:6). When apostasies go on and continue it is proof that God’s people choose to dwell in the midst of deceit and refuse to return to the New Testament pattern!

   What lies? The lies they inherited from their fathers who refused to hear God’s word! (Jer. 11:9-10, 4 — this covenant). The New Covenant has been here for 2000 years! How many times have we been told that in 1955 The Gospel Press was an evangelistic society to be solely supported by individual contributions?

   Why do lies sustaining apostasies prevail? Because they are greedy for gain or recognition or power (Jer. 6:13; 5:27). These include those who appear to be “at ease” and increase in wealth. You ought have heard older preachers tell about the 1940s-50s and how well preachers did who lined up with human organizations.

   Why do lies sustaining apostasies prevail? Because people love the flattery of liars and trust in their reckless boasting! (Jer. 23:32). This comes from their “own hearts” (23:26); from their own imagination (23:16). Moreover they have influence with those who despise God (23:17). This is where Human Tradition is born and comes from and how it continues! (Jer. 14:14). Lying pens are nothing new, Jer. 8:8. When you read their justifications you see their own authority speaking so they can rule by their own authority (Jer. 5:30-31).  When apostasies go on and continue it is proof that they have caused people to trust in their reckless boasting! It is human tradition born and continued by their own authority! It has an “end” – Matt. 15:13; Ezk. 7 “An end!”

   Why do lies sustaining apostasies prevail? Because they are shrewd to do evil (Jer. 4:22). This includes strengthening the hands of evil doers so none will turn back (Jer. 23:14). When apostasies go on and continue it is proof that they are shrewd to do evil!  Just like Jeroboam above.

   Why do lies sustaining apostasies prevail? Because their children will inherit their lies! (Jer. 7:18, 2:30) And they will love them IF they do not study the Word! And the biggest lie of all is we are just doing it as individuals when it is in fact an organization doing it!


Conclusion: What will God do?  God will avenge this for good reason (Jer. 9:9). They are not ashamed of their false way (Jer. 6:15, 16).  God’s old paths were a reproach to them  (Jer. 6:10. They refuse to be ashamed (Jer. 3:3). Apostasies go on and continue when they are ashamed of God’s ways and the local church is just not enough! When God’s people are ashamed of His ways, then God will be ashamed of them! (cf. Mk. 8:38; Zech. 11:8).


By Bob Lovelace



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