The Truth in Print Vol. 23 Issue 5, June 2017
A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,
2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928-782-5058)
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At This Point In My Life…
Paul told Timothy to “Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you
have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 1:13).
The New Testament speaks of growth and the mature man in Christ (Heb. 5:14). James’
“be not many teachers” is a rebuke for teachers are commanded to study in order
to make the right applications of the New Testament patterns. Warnings
concerning brethren not desiring sound doctrine, as well as commands to speak
the things concerning sound doctrine are easily found throughout the epistles
(2 Tim. 4:3; Titus 1:9, Titus 2:1). These apply to all members and not just
current elders, preachers, and teachers (2 Jo. 9 “whosoever”; I Jo. 1:7). In
comparison the New Testament speaks of “children” i.e. adults who are immature
spiritually, have not grown, and fifty years after their initial obedience you
will find them saying and doing the same wrongful things (Eph. 4:14; I Cor.
14:20). We live in a time when students of God’s Word surpass teachers in
adhering to the New Testament patterns and applying them (Ps. 119:99).
Beginning Christians can read about the church and its organizational structure
being the local church ---- and recognize motives for brethren wanting to add
to God’s divine organization and consent to building human organizations that
intrude into the works God gave the local churches of Christ (Acts 14:23; I Th.
1:8; I Tim. 3:15; Phil. 1:27).
Looking back “error” can be much more serious
than one might think when participating.
Consider the ox owner from the Law as an example:
Exo 21:28 "If an ox gores a man or a woman to
death, then the ox shall surely be stoned, and its flesh shall not be eaten;
but the owner of the ox shall be acquitted.
Exo 21:29 But if the ox tended to thrust with its horn
in times past, and it has been made known to his owner, and he has not kept it
confined, so that it has killed a man or a woman, the ox shall be stoned and
its owner also shall be put to death.
Exo 21:30 If there is imposed on him a sum of
money, then he shall pay to redeem his life, whatever is imposed on him.
Re-read verse 28 and think of the false motives that the owner could
have contrived to justify keeping such an ox. He could have thought well my
servants must have work and the more oxen I have the better for them. His ox was valuable financially for
himself. His peers possibly likewise
disregarded similar situations that were brewing and he felt better about his
own. The deception of “I have a right” when he no right. When judgment time
came in verse 29 did he understand that error can be much more serious than he
thought when participating? Rude people defend error being set on doing it
How many serious consequences come with these warnings? 2 Jo. 9; Gal. 1:7-9; Matt. 7:26-29.
At this point in my life I would not seek to
justify brethren building any human organization that intrudes into the works
God gave the local churches of Christ to do.
Maybe you’ve heard a few say this and it is good when they do. But is it
more convenient for them to say it now — their being financially secure — no
intense pressure to be wrought on them now for saying so — possibly near the
end of their life and thinking I’ve got to have this right. What about the
example set for younger preachers way back “then” when
they couldn’t say it!
At this point in my life I will bemoan how the
brotherhood organization(s) I used to endorse, support or belong to has changed
so much — but I won’t say it had no right to exist to begin with.
Sure! Join a list and talk about the “good old days” and how right and
scriptural the organization was when it had no right to exist to begin with.
We see the inability to believe that apostasies affect one’s eternal destiny.
And there may well be many applications here. But for a quick aside. Many years ago a friend
told me about a well-known preacher who visited where he was and as that
preacher recounted the past with another from an earlier era (he was younger
and just beginning in his preaching) he was there listening. The older visiting
preacher said to an older brother and acquaintance through the years that he
didn’t really think there was anything wrong with those feeds they used to have
years ago before the split involving
church socials and recreation. Christ did! (I Cor.11:34, 14:37). Remember Lot’s
wife and her reluctance to break with the past — opportunity for her ran out
(Lk. 17:32).
At this point in my life I’ll strive to
strengthen those who most likely will be among those left behind when I
It is with this thought that we need to gather up those passages on
remembrance, reminding, and how putting in remembrance is a safe thing for all:
2Pe_1:12 Wherefore I will not be negligent to
put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be
established in the present truth.
2Pe_1:13 Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am
in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance;
2Pe_1:15 Moreover I will endeavour
that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in
2Pe_3:1 This second epistle, beloved, I now
write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:
Some brethren just aren’t getting it! Peter’s statements contain elders
over their own local church they are members of — the local church as that
divine organization which God left for us to work through, not human
organizations! (I Pet. 5:1-4)
Php_3:1 Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the
Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for
you it is safe.
In the days forming the American Christian Missionary Society supported
by the churches, brethren also erringly had Individually Supported Societies as
well. The Missionary Society apostasy affected eternal destinies; the
Instrumental Music apostasy that coincided with it affected the eternal
destinies of those who endorsed it and refused to repent. The Christian Church
is not the church of Christ you find in your New Testament. Look at the First
Christian Church with its addition of the instruments of music in worship,
schools for secular education and all kinds of social recreation and
Speaking of when I Die
Job 17:11 “My days are past, My purposes are
broken off, Even the thoughts of my heart.” What will happen when My purposes are broken off, even the thoughts of My heart?
At this point in my life I’ll quit living in
the 50s and 60s era of preaching on just the Liberal’s problems, and preach on
institutional apostasies from the 40s up to the present in our own brotherhood.
Gospel meeting sermons on institutionalism stop in the 50s and 60s with
the Liberals, for as it said those were church supported. I’ve been blessed by
knowing preachers who did not stop there. I can still hear brother
H.E. McCaskill say when preaching on the Liberal’s
and their organizations that the error of building Human Societies applies to
the Colleges as well. He spoke to me about the price he paid for standing up
against the push for the church support of the colleges. He told those pushing
he didn’t see any authority for the colleges as they presently were, much less
to start churches supporting them.
Thankfully some consistently opposed “our” evangelistic, worship, and
benevolent societies for saints by many warnings. Some “nobodies” (but they
were somebody) spoke to us who were younger. Many younger today don’t have
One brother related that having been asked by the elders to preach on
Human Societies he did Sunday morning and spoke of the Liberals’ and it was
knockout. Then Sunday night he told the church he wasn’t through and he spoke
on “our” own institutions. The elders handed him his last check the minute he
finished and got to the back. Advice for another was that sort of lesson
belongs elsewhere and not in the pulpit. He also experienced being fired for
that kind of preaching. One had a non-affiliated with emissary, mind you, come
and tell him a certain institution was not happy with his preaching. How many
pulpits are left? Some churches are so weak teachers are prohibited from naming the
Denominations with their errors, much less our own human organizations.
At this point in my life I’ll repent for having
helped to build and participate in these human societies.
I’m sorry that I saw “war” coming
and changed my mind.
Exo 13:17 Then it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let
the people go, that God did not lead them by way of the land of the
Philistines, although that was near; for God said, "Lest perhaps the
people change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt."
How many should say I knew and had the Truth, and then I didn’t stand
with the Truth (Eph. 6:14) —- always a change in sound doctrine will be
seen in the “content” of lessons presented and in the fear of controversy. How
many should confess I dropped it and let this one go (cf. Acts 20: 26-27).
At this point in my life I’ll tell my brethren
including family and close friends to repent for their having participated.
Silence speaks volumes in tolerant churches where even their preachers
are allowed to build a human society and/or participate in and support them
(cf. Heb. 10:39). The institutional error that started up again in our
brotherhood in the 1940s with Florida College should have been dealt with in
the churches; all who planned and participated having been warned should have
been withdrawn from if not repenting. Those associated with institutions that
followed claimed we have Florida College and it is accepted. Could it be that
endearment with friends and family is what got them into supporting other
organizations that followed? (I Cor. 15:33).
God requires an account of what is past.
Ecc 3:15 That which is
has already been, And what is to be has already been; And God requires an
account of what is past.
1) That which is has already been.
> Apostasy repeats itself.
2) What is to be has already been. >
Apostasy repeats itself again and again. If it was wrong in the past it is
wrong in the present; it will be repeated again in time.
3) And God requires an account of
what is past.
a) Ecc 3:16 Moreover I saw
under the sun: In the place of judgment, Wickedness was there; And in the place
of righteousness, Iniquity was there. > cf. Matt. 7:23 “lawlessness”.
b) Ecc 3:17 I said in my
heart, "God shall judge the righteous and the wicked, For there is a time
there for every purpose and for every work."
The churches need instruction on the error of some who chose to work
through Human Societies — those individually supported as well as church
supported. Even some who had it when younger are now avoiding having it.
Brethren were warned years ago if you don’t deal with these scripturally you
will see your children working through human societies in addition to the local
church as God gave it. And the majority didn’t listen. At present for them it
seems a thing that does not involve the eternal destinies of souls, some
Valley Church of Christ
2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364
(928) 782-5058 ~
Sunday Services – Classes ~10:00;
Assembly 10:50 am; Evening: 6:00 pm.
Wednesday evening – 7:00 pm
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