The Truth in Print Vol. 27 Issue 10, Nov. 2021

A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928-782-5058)


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When “Mr. Make a Show” Visits


   Over the course of many years a local church will get all kinds of visitors: the non-member; the Christian who is a floater who flits from one church to another; the ones who come, often with a tall tale, thinking a hand out is  the work of every church they see who just picks yours that day; and rarely one who comes and hears the truth, or is seeking the truth, and is convicted desiring to learn more in order to be saved from their sins and eternal destruction. We had one visitor from a denomination that yelled “You’re a bunch of waterdogs!” as he existed, even after we told him if he’d stay until our service was over we’d further show him the mistakes he’d made in what he said.

   The gospel is the power of God unto salvation as we all know (Rom. 1:16-17). Some want to make “the gospel” that saves one thing (i.e., just preach Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection to be believed) and then make “sound doctrine” another thing and present it as something that can’t be decided upon, thus not necessary for fellowship. No! Cf. 2 Tim. 4:2-3; Titus 1:9; Titus 2:1; Rom. 1:15.

   When it comes to church recreation and entertainment you know what to look for --- the “fellowship hall” with all the dressings is very popular (Cf. I Cor. 11:34 “…if any man is hungry let him eat at home”; compare Acts 2:46 where they ate their common meals from house to house). The command to assemble (Heb. 10:25) and edify (I Cor. 14:26; Eph. 4:12; Acts 20:32) is what authorizes the church building. Recreation and entertainment are not work of the local church --- Christians may do that freely elsewhere among themselves.

   One personal invitation extended to church members in times past came from members elsewhere, who being in our brotherhood should have known about the tactics institutional churches use --- and yet they invited our members to an all-inclusive good time hayride – it was the y’all come for a great time with us and the youth minister of the liberal church in town is also bringing their young people. Now why would brethren be led to set up such? A few of us men went to the source and warned the ones who sent us the invitation.

   Then there’s the invitation to have a planned get together on Saturday afternoon at the park for a potluck saying we are inviting your members to come --- any motive you might think of? Do you really think it’s just a meal and that’s all? How about joint singings with churches that have left the New Testament patterns for the worship and work of the local church? That’s worship and most always attended with prayers --- this produces for many the feeling that those present are all one.

   Many can quickly forget about “stand fast” (Phil. 1:27; 2 Thess. 2:15) and “sound doctrine” verses (2 Tim. 4:2; Titus 1:9; Titus 2:1) and be induced to make personal acceptance the standard for fellowship and not sound doctrine to avoid trouble at all costs --- which undeniably has led onwards to what we see in so called churches of Christ (in name only) where they have women deacons, then add women preachers, then add women elders --- and onwards to fellowshipping practicing gays and lesbians --- most all justified by false teaching on love. That’s how apostasy works. It keeps going further from the New Testament patterns all the while ignoring sound doctrine.

   Let’s not forget our own brethren who use Romans chapter 14 out of context for anything and everything even though it is talking about what an individual eats and drinks, as well as “days” one keeps, and says God will accept both those who do and don’t in these specified in the context. Somehow with some this covers so many things that aren’t there – it’s like a skateboard that brethren ride as they weave in and out and around doctrinal issues. It popped up immediately during lockdowns for covid19 with Bob Owen using it fortify zooming the Lord’s Supper. And it didn’t take him long to go there! Because there is no scripture to go to that justifies zooming the Lord’s supper for those away from an assembly that is to be for the purpose of those who assemble to partake together (I Cor. 11:17, 20, 33).

   Have you ever known a member to get angry because of strifes and say, “That’s it! I’m finished! I’m out of here!” and walk away from the faith and still expect association, respect, material things, even fellowship on their own terms from members? – often demanding acceptance from family who are fellow Christians during vacations, on holidays, etc. Such have their own ideas of continued association and fellowship.

   There are all of kinds of visitors – some are beneficial, some are benefitted by edification and instruction and humble themselves (Cf. I Cor. 14:25), and some are to be watched carefully (Cf. Acts 20:28-29).

   Here’s a scenario that I’d say most older members of the church have seen to some degree or another. A visitor comes in and is welcomed. During class at an opportune time, he states that he disagrees with the teacher.

  Now, the teacher gives an appropriate answer with scripture –- all are thinking well good he sees the truth. Then, up with the hands and he’s disagreeing again. All ears are open, right? They’d better be! Now it’s supposed to be dialogue time and guess who is really impressed with himself? Now he’s making comments and smiling while glancing at a member near him as if he’s to be admired. And he wants that. Let’s picture him shaking his head back and forth – others are seeing this, and he wants it to be seen. Could that be to divide? Someone could come in and with such a show think they are so important (in their own mind) that they are making a great impression on some members, but they aren’t.  Even as members in their own minds are asking what this show is all about. And some thinking is this about getting some of our members.

  Picture his sitting there with both arms stretched out and shaking his hands – the gesture that means I just can’t get what the teacher is saying. Picture him leaning forward with his fingertips together placed in the center of his forehead and shaking his head back and forth --- he’s just so perplexed and you must be so impressed by now. After all, in his mind he’s the one you’d really like to dialogue with.

  Now picture him despite his dull answers asking brethren after services if your brethren like to get together and just talk about things – having now identified himself as belonging to another church in town.

   Many years back a member from a liberal church dropped by to talk to me personally and he made much the same offer for us to fellowship with one another --- fellowship being joint participation in spiritual things. I told him that the issues that his brethren, not ours, divided the church over years ago over are still there --- that you settle those scripturally first, then you come together. His reply was he thought baptism was the important thing (we agreed on baptism) and the others not all that important. I begged to differ. There’s nothing wrong with telling someone we’re not in fellowship with you. Furthermore, if you get the “I’ll be praying for you brethren” reply there is nothing wrong with telling one in error you don’t need their prayers.

   Nearly all our churches today are small, and brethren often mention the number they once had by comparison. Size doesn’t determine soundness. Brethren need to be certain that those who want to merger and become one congregation agree based on sound doctrine. Should an individual come from a church endorsing the support of human organizations and other errors (of course some come and learn because they realize something is missing and they do desire the truth) and be accepted as a member, and then another, and yet another without them acknowledging the prior errors the church will be torn or changed eventually.

   And even from among our brotherhood those endorsing and supporting individually supported societies built by our brethren that intrude into the work Christ gave the churches to do --- should they come and want to identify without acknowledging their error the church will be torn or changed.


Valley Church of Christ

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364

(928) 782-5058 ~

Sunday Services – Classes ~10:00; Assembly 10:50 am; Evening: 6:00 pm.

Wednesday evening – 7:00 pm

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