A Publication of the Valley Church of Christ,

Yuma, AZ. Vol.7, Issue 7





By Bob Lovelace


   The following are representative of our newspaper articles. We publish one article each month in our local newspaper. Selected articles appear below.  If you are looking for the Truth and scriptural worship please note the instructions at the close of the newsletter.





   It seems that some newspapers; TV mediums, etc. are making certain that there are disclaimers for fortune-tellers, tarot card seers, and astrological forecasts. One amusing disclaimer states “for entertainment purposes only.” The tarot card readers appearing in commercials with their expensive advice, pretexts of knowledge of the future, and displays of arrogance might have disclaimers when one looks closely but those hooked really believe what they tell them. The very words of the commercials themselves are designed to make it “look like” one should believe in the occult practitioner’s ability to predict their pathway in life. The vulnerable being superstitious, ignorant, weak willed, or just afraid to face the facts of life as they present themselves often drop big bucks into the coffers of these practitioners! Do you know one of these setting ducks?

   The Bible condemns astrological consultations; considering it witchcraft and sorcery (Gal. 5:19; De. 18:9-14).  If you are interested in reading further on this please go to our web site: In the “Index of Articles” click “Witchcraft.” It contains a reply to an individual who is distressed and mistaken about what Christianity really is.






  People have been programmed to heap praise upon mothers regardless of their actions and lifestyles. The truth is that many young women in our society are not “mothers” in the true sense of motherhood. Mothers should be “discrete“ (sober minded, temperate in thinking), “chaste” (morally pure), “keepers at home” (to fulfill domestic duties), “good” (kind or generous), “obedient to their husbands” (Titus 2:5). They are to be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful in all things (I Tim. 3:11). She adorns herself with a meek and quiet spirit (I Pet. 3:4).

  The opposite of good things is bad things. If mothers are not good then they are bad! Young women “learn” bad things from others (I Tim. 5:13). Looking at mothers truthfully, the opposite of acting discretely is not acting sensibly. The opposite of dignified (honorable, honest) is to be without dignity and honesty. The opposite of chaste is to be a fornicator and adulterer. The opposite of gentleness is to use the world’s methods of dealing with things by envy, hatred, strife and bitterness. Such women delight in strife, contention, yelling and quarrelling. Are you out of your proper place as a mother?





    Seeing that it is not good for man to be alone, God made a help “suitable” for him. He made a woman and joined her to the man in marriage (Gen. 2:18, 24). The only sanctioned relationship to satisfy man’s physical and emotional needs, then, is that of a man and woman being married. One affront to the truth has been to present the idea that kids should not hear a message of “reform” for homosexuals, for that would be destructive to the child’s psyche.  To the contrary condemnation with a prospect of repentance is very helpful rather than a hindrance. The Bible approach of  repentance” (reform) applied to the matter of alternative lifestyles is simple, truthful, and consistent. God has no favorites!  I Cor. 6:9-11 calls upon the immoral to be aware that they will not inherit His kingdom. This message of “repentance” is for more than just homosexuals. Friends, God does not tell the adulterer to abandon his ways, the fornicator his "significant other" relationship --- then tell the homosexual his deviant behavior is OK. The Bible helps by offering a way out in order to save one from eternal punishment. Young people need to hear that former homosexuals have given up that lifestyle and do refute the idea that homosexuality is normal.   





    Letter to the editor, Yuma Daily Sun. In regard to "Teens weary of mixed messages..." and the photo of the Prom Survival Kit handed out by Planned Parenthood  (Thursday, May 24, 2001). The article began with a list of immoralities that incite selfish desires and lusts (both mental and physical). The spicy books, TV shows depicting sex outside of marriage as acceptable, filthy songs, etc. are indeed the very things that are leading to sexual immorality among young people. Why then does the advice to say "No" to sex have to be a mantra teens simply can't take seriously? Teens are capable of connecting immoral things that people watch and participate in with the fornication that they help to produce. This is perfectly understandable even for young minds.  How much plainer can one make it than to identify so clearly cause and effect?

   Did I detect just the slightest hint of teens labeling adults as hypocrites? If it is the adults telling them to say "No" who are placing those immoralities before them then they would be. However, what if the teens like and pursue the immoralities? Ops! Not much said about that in this article. You can kiss the being "frustrated" with mixed messages goodbye there! Learning about the human body and sexuality has nothing to do with the immoralities. Why was there no blaming of children in this article? When kids like and pursue these immoralities that's a big part of this too. Parents should be there to guide and direct teens away from what is immoral and destructive.

   And did you notice friends that the "mother" of all teens, Planned Parenthood, was center stage with the photo of the "Prom Survival Kit" containing two condoms? The kids got the message! It's their choice to do it twice that night was spelled out loud and clear. What a disgusting view of prom night. Just look at what such organizations are helping to turn such things as prom night into for young people. Clearly, as stated, this service provider (Planned Parenthood) has helped. They see that they can do it twice that night with someone's approval. And who is that? After all, the service provider advocates that it is their choice. And the service provider helps by providing condoms.  The service provider should be viewed as lending support back to those who provide the immoralities that induce and seduce young people to commit fornication.



To learn more call, visit, or visit our website at the:

Valley Church of Christ


2255 E. Burr St. (Golden West Trailer Park), Yuma, AZ 85365 

       (520) 783-1991 or 782-4202


SUNDAY: Bible Study 10:00 AM   Assembly 10:50 AM, 6:30 PM


WEDNESDAY: Bible Study, 7:30 PM




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