The Truth In Print Vol. 19 Issue 2, March 2013

A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928-782-5058)


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Selected Newspaper Articles  Concerning Political Correctness



Politics Does Not Make Evil To Be Good!


   There is much said about the fear associated with "political correctness" in our society. Religiously speaking true Christians are going to tell people they are wrong when they are wrong morally, i.e. religiously. That's so at least for those who have not begun, as others have, to practice "political correctness" in the church! For example, Jesus' list of things proceeding out of the heart that defile a person contains "fornications" (cf. Matt. 15:19-20). His condemnation of "fornications" (pl. form) includes illicit sexual intercourse such as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, and intercourse with animals. The logical order in which Sin appears is from one's mind (heart) to being carried out by their sinful action (Matt. 15:19). No amount of political correctness will ever change that religious truth! (cf. Acts 24:25).


   Politicians, like so called ministers, who tell others they don't believe "fornications" are sinful just seek to reverse in peoples' minds what the truth about Sin really is. All of them will always be religiously wrong! Like fornications, Jesus said that "murders" come out of an evil heart. Abortion is murder. Evil thoughts produce transgender nonsense today. Saying children must "choose" sexual preference is indeed sick. Open your eyes to the vast amount of perverted nonsense pushed by those who are themselves corrupt. Concerned reader, repent and be baptized for the remission of your sins as commanded and save yourself from this corrupt generation! (cf. Acts 2:37-42).


   To begin a study and learn about the just mentioned salvation you may go to:




What Presidents Do When They Promote Abortion & Gay “Marriage”



   There is much said about the fear associated with "political correctness" in our society. Religiously speaking, true Christians are going to tell people they are wrong when they are wrong morally, i.e. religiously. That's so at least for those who have not begun as others have, to practice "political correctness" in the church! For example, Jesus' list of things proceeding out of the heart that defile a person contains "fornications" (cf. Matt. 15:19-20). His condemnation of "fornications" (pl. form) includes illicit sexual intercourse such as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, and intercourse with animals. The logical order in which Sin appears is from one's mind (heart) to being carried out by their sinful action (Matt. 15:19). No amount of political correctness will ever change that religious truth! (cf. Acts 24:25).


   Politicians who tell others they don't believe "fornications" are sinful just seek to reverse in peoples' minds what the truth about Sin really is. All of them will always be religiously wrong! Like fornications, Jesus said that "murders" come out of an evil heart. Abortion is murder. Moreover, evil thoughts produce transgender nonsense today. Saying children must "choose" sexual preference is indeed sick. Open your eyes to the vast amount of perverted nonsense pushed by those who are themselves corrupt. Concerned reader, repent and be baptized for the remission of your sins as commanded and save yourself from this corrupt generation! (cf. Acts 2:37-42).


   To begin a study and learn about the just mentioned salvation you may go to:



When the Governing Powers Refuse to Listen



     The following rebukes given to the wicked rulers of Israel say much concerning self serving politicians today.

1. Their wealth belittles them! They constructed their mansions without righteousness, and their rooms without justice, refusing even to pay the laborers their due (cf. Jer. 22:13-14).

2. They forgot what it meant to be acceptable to and please God --- it was all about competing for personal gain and engulfing themselves in material wealth (cf. Jer. 22:15,17; Ps. 82:3-5).

3. They lost sight of the blessings that came to their fathers who, knowing God, did not cheat the poor and needy (cf. Jer. 22:16; Ps. 82:5).

4. They murdered innocents (Consider abortion today!) --- Intent on dishonest gain they practiced extortion and oppression (cf. Jer. 22:17).

5. What they thought they did not need to hear is exactly what they needed to hear. God spoke such warning to them in their prosperity; but they said, “I will not listen!” (cf. Jer. 22:21).

6. From the outset of their tenures they refused to listen to warnings about their greed and cruelty (cf. Jer. 22:21).

7. They were not “great guys.” They showed partiality to the wicked because they were the wicked! (cf. Ps. 82:1-2).

8. They did not have the answers. By their willful ignorance and negligence the “foundations” (“a basis,” i.e., (fig.) political and moral support) of society were destroyed (cf. Ps. 11:3, 82:5).

9. They were the ones responsible for giving power and “place” for more of the wicked just like themselves: “The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exhalted” (Ps. 12:8).


   For a fuller account of what God expected see:




Women Bishops & Gay Marriage Are Both Sinful



   The Episcopal Church’s National Cathedral in D.C. has now sanctioned gay marriage. It has reached a pinnacle of digression in following mere human tradition.  

1. Such decrees are their “own” man made laws, not God’s (cf. Matt. 19:9, Gen.2:24).

They use human conventions to produce their error because they fear the New Testament teaching. Moreover, their man made laws constitute empty worship (cf. Matt. 15:8-9).

2. Bishops, including “women” bishops, who sanction such, are themselves the product of human tradition. The qualifications for bishops in the New Testament are for men not women (cf. I Tim. 3:1-8; Titus 1:5-9).

3. The organization Christ gave for His church is “local” church organization, not district, not regional, not national, not international or world (cf. Acts 14:23; Phil. 1:1, I Pet. 5:1-3). Bishops in the New Testament church were over the local church that they themselves were members of (cf. I Pet. 5:1-3).

4. Marriage accepted by Christ for His church is that of a man and his legitimate wife (Matt. 19:4-9; Gen. 2:24; Eph. 5:22-33). Man made changes through human councils to this order established by God at the beginning will lead the practitioners to Hell (cf. Gal. 5:19-21; I Cor. 6:9-10; Rev. 22:15).

5. Practicing homosexuals and lesbians are to be withdrawn from by the local church (cf. I Cor. 5:11, 6:9; 2 Thes. 3:6).

6. Respect of persons leading sinful lifestyles is carnality and the result of sinful pride (cf. I Cor. 5:1-6). Counsels approving gay marriage uphold a lie to be implemented and practiced (cf. Rev. 22:15).


    To read more about the “church of political correctness” espousing spiritual corruption go to:




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