The Truth in Print Vol. 25 Issue 5, June 2019

A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928-782-5058)


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Various Newspaper Articles from 2018 #3



Is Gibberish A Spoken Language Like The “Tongues” In Acts 2?


   Churches of the “Pentecostal” group claim the nine spiritual gifts today (I Cor. 12:7-11), one of which is to speak in tongues. Their concept of tongues is proof of one having received the Holy Spirit.  When the apostles received the baptism of the Holy Spirit as promised, in order that He might guide them into all truth (Jo. 16:13), they “began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4). The so called “tongues” among Pentecostals today are the easiest thing in the world to disprove their claim of the 9 spiritual gifts. Why? Because we are told that the multitude that came together heard them speak, each in his own language in which he was born (Acts 2:8-11).


   Admissions from past Pentecostals include that they were even told they’d teach them how to speak in tongues. Others say when they ran syllables together to make the Pentecostal “sound” they knew they weren’t speaking a language, but they were told it was one anyway. Consider the obvious in the replies of so called interpreters today. After a drawn out burst of unintelligible nothingness, they will then stand and proclaim that they or another has just told you that God loves you. What negates all claims today is the gifts for the infant church were temporary in duration, and lasted until the revealed inspired Word was complete in the scriptures (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 3:1-2; Jude 3). With the “perfect law” (Ja. 1:25) written down the gift of tongues as well as prophecy ceased just as foretold in I Cor. 13:8-9.




Are “Prophecies” Claimed Today Like The Gibberish Called “Tongue” Speaking?


   In last month’s article I emphasized that the so called Pentecostal “tongues” are the easiest thing in the world to use to disprove their claim of having the 9 spiritual gifts. Why? Because we are told that the multitude that came together heard the apostles speak, each in his own language in which he was born (Acts 2:8-11). Tongues in the New Testament were languages not gibberish. Admissions from past Pentecostals include being told that they’d teach them how to speak in tongues. Another is when they ran syllables together to make the Pentecostal “sound” they knew they weren’t speaking a language, but they were told it was one anyway.


  The same scriptures that foretold that tongues would cease also says the gifts of prophecy and of knowledge would be done away (I Cor. 13:8-10). Yet I am repeatedly asked “Is it true that those claiming prophecy today are false?” Yes! The New Testament is the “one faith” given for all until the end of time (Mk. 16:15-16; Eph. 4:5; Jude 3). Think of the number of churches, each having been started by their “own” prophet, all claiming prophecy by the Holy Spirit, and yet their doctrines contradict one another. The Holy Spirit (God) does not contradict Himself! What negates all claims today is the gifts for the infant church were temporary in duration, and lasted until the revealed inspired Word was complete in the scriptures (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 3:1-2; Jude 3). With the “perfect law” (Ja. 1:25) written down the gift of tongues as well as prophecy ceased just as foretold in I Cor. 13:8-10.



The Mouth Speaks From That Which Is in the Heart


   Our Lord Jesus Christ taught this truth: Luke 6:45 "The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart. He stated that “evil thoughts” and “lewdness” or lasciviousness are among the evil things that proceed from the heart (Mk. 7:21-22). Last month we read about the College professor who was quoted as saying Jesus was a drag king, pan-sexual, who was cross dressing and had lascivious desires at the Passover supper. This capped with Christ (God) lusting sexually after the Father (God) on the Cross. You’d think a “high” prof in a theological class would know God is Spirit and theirs is not a physical relationship.


  Some never get to the core error of one who held such a prestigious place among men – Sin and what Jesus had to say about it. This with the fact that the Word revealed by the Spirit in the N.T. is the Father’s Word given by Christ who sent the Holy Spirit (also God) to reveal it (Jo. 14:24, 26; 16:13; 17:14-20). There is no Sin in God (I Pet. 2:22). His Word reveals lewdness is expressed in one’s words and not just otherwise behavior. Evil imaginations and images stated in explanations such as we read are condemned throughout the New Testament. The only right thing to say about anyone accusing Jesus of lewdness (in word, thought or deed) is Christ’s own references to man’s heart and what comes out of it in his speech!



The Valley Church of Christ

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364

(928) 782-5058 ~

Sunday Services – Classes ~10:00; Assembly 10:50 am; Evening: 6:00 pm.

Wednesday evening – 7:00 pm.



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