Vol. 11 Issue 6, July 2005

A Publication of the Valley church of Christ 

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364



   Dear reader the following bold headings are selected articles that appeared in our local newspaper the Yuma Sun. The intent of these articles is that each shows a love for and desire to present the Truth without  incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other religious bodies today.




   Unlike the apostles (cf. I Cor. 2:4) many today think they must implement social, recreational, settings full of fun and laughter for worship. Religious counterfeits have seduced people into accepting the social as the spiritual and worship, when it is not (cf. I Cor. 11:17, 20-22, 33-34). Allowing members to sip coffee and eat pastries or watch a video is thought to be a cool way to worship. Such things are spiritually hollow.

    Because laughter is one of the easiest responses to induce it is used for deception. It replaces and impairs the reception of necessary instruction and rebukes from the Word! (cf. Rom. 10:17; 2 Tim. 4:1-5). It keeps one’s emotions foremost rather than reason; laughter often shuts out thoughts of fearing God, eternity, human frailty, either reward or punishment following one’s death. In such a setting the fool, whose mind is elsewhere, is made to feel right at home! (cf. Eccl. 7:3, 4). The sinner is made to feel good when they should feel bad (cf. James 4:9). Laughter also deceives those who use it as a tool. They judge how well they are doing based upon the audience’s response. The laughter causes the preacher’s mind to tell him, “I’m doing a great job here in this sermon.” Such is carnality! They do not realize that laughter will bring them no rest from having to deal with the foolish! (cf. Prov. 29:9).

   We are here to strengthen Christians, and to teach others how to become a Christian. We are hoping that our willingness to say these things is helping you.





    King Solomon, the wisest man on earth, stooped so low in seduction and immorality that he “went after Moloch,” thus leading the way for the vile kings of Israel and Judah to offer their children in fire to this pagan god (I Kings 11:2-5; 2 Kings 16:3; 21:6; 23:10). An estimate of the number of these outright murders (abortions) that take place in America in one year would approach 1.5 Million.

1. Considering the above kings we see that child murder was lifted to the level of the highly respected in society!

2. We must remember that just because civil law “legalizes” a matter that does not make it right if it violates God’s laws (Acts 5:29).

3. Both the Old and New Testaments present scripture teaching that the unborn is a person and has a right to life. An act of injury that resulted in the death of the unborn was murder (Cf. Ex. 21:22-25, 20:13). The New Testament likewise represents a human being, a child, as being present before birth (Compare Gen. 25:22; Lk. 1:41, 2:12).

4. For the misguided and immoral “safe sex” practitioners the message of the Bible is clear, “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do no be partakers with them” (Eph. 5:5-7; Cp. Gal. 5:19-21; I Cor. 6:9-10).  There is always “another way” for those who want to do the right thing.


      Easter originated in the second century. The “time” for its observance caused much division thus the council of Nice (325 A. D.) ruled that Easter was to be universally celebrated on the same Sunday. Easter is Judaist and pagan in origin. W. E. Vine states commenting upon the word correctly translated “Passover” (Acts 12:4), “The term Easter is not of Christian origin. It is another form of Astarte, one of the titles of the Chaldean goddess, the queen of heaven. The festival of Pasch held by Christians in post-apostolic times was a continuation of the Jewish feast, but was not instituted by Christ, nor was it connected with Lent. From this Pasch the Pagan festival of Easter was quite distinct and was introduced into the apostate Western religion, as part of the attempt to adapt Pagan festivals to Christianity” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary).   

   Like most today leaders in the second century were desirous of making the church more attractive. They were afraid that the simple worship God gave His church would be held in contempt by those used to pompous ceremonies as part of their old systems. This fear was coupled with their being ashamed of the truths of the Gospel (Cf. Rom. 1:16-17; 2 Tim. 4:1-6). Such were desirous of going back to Old Testament observances that had been done away (Cf. Col. 2:14-16). This departing from the faith was a refusal to accept the admonitions given by Paul in Col. 2:14-16 and Gal. 4:10. Leaders today stand guilty of the same refusal, fear, and being ashamed in their binding the observance of days, festivals and celebrations upon their churches! (See Gal. 1:6-9; Rev. 22:18-19)





   One of the most disheartening groups in our society are the devoted war protesters who cry “peace, peace, when there is no peace” (cf. Ezek. 13:10). There are allied with evil incarnate and really seek to discourage only the righteous. For this reason, forces of evil encourage them and urge them to continue their protests; after all, only evil gains when good men lay down their arms. For these war protesters the only evil is another’s intolerance! We speak of the great spiritual war being waged against Satan (cf. Eph. 6:11-13). The protesters water down the truth and speak against the truth’s messenger because they know that the truth condemns them (cf. Gal. 4:16). Paul said the weapons of the Lord are not carnal, i.e., they are not the fleshly wisdom that seeks worldly interests and secular advantage (cf. 2 Cor. 1:12; 10:4-6). These protesters brag on themselves, with their fleshly wisdom, while speaking against those who are trying to please God and not man (cf. Jo. 5:44; 12:43). They are cowards who fear man and not God! (cf. Heb.13:6). They compromise with Satan being driven with their own lusts to gain wealth, status, power and acceptance with man (cf. Ja. 3:14). Their carnal wisdom tells them that their silence in speaking for the truth will render them the approval they seek from men. Moreover, they love to hear one another speak! (cf. I Tim. 4:1-4).


   We are here to strengthen Christians and to teach others how to become a christian. We are hoping that our willingness to say these things is helping you.




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