The Truth in Print Vol. 21 Issue 8, Sept. 2015

A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,

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So Called “Sex Change” and “Transgender”


    In various aspects of our lives these are promoted with an attitude that you must accept them as being normal. If it is not stated outright then understand that the general goal of the homosexual, lesbian, and trans community is you should see us as normal and acceptable — with an all too often acceptance seeking of being “religiously” acceptable before God. They are joined with an intent of producing acceptance and changing society greatly, especially when it comes to children and how they’ll choose to live their lives when they are of age. To learn you must accept God as Creator along with His order in creation in the natural world (Ps. 119:73). Young people should mark the way Paul dealt with homosexuality and lesbianism in Romans chapter one — underline “the creation” (1:20) and “the Creator” (1:25). This is the basis upon which he condemned the impurity of homosexuality and lesbianism as both being “against nature” (1:26-27). 





   Transgender: Transgender people are said to experience a mismatch between their gender identity or gender expression and their assigned sex (Sex assignment, sometimes known as gender assignment, is the discernment of the sex at the birth of a baby).


   Gender identity: Gender identity is said to be one's personal experience of one's own gender. This is generally described as one's private sense of being a man or a woman, consisting primarily of the acceptance of membership into a category of people: male or female. (B.L., They’re saying they don’t identify with what they were when they were born.)


   Transsexual: Transsexual people are said to experience a gender identity inconsistent or not culturally associated with their assigned sex, and desire to transition permanently to the gender with which they identify, usually seeking medical assistance (for example, sex reassignment surgery) to help them align their body with their identified sex or gender.


Marketing Sex Changes as Bold & Courageous


   Marketing sex change, m2f (male to female) and f2m (female to male) as being bold, courageous and pace setting — Bruce Jenner’s sportsman’s award for “courage”  would be an example — is just part of the pattern of acceptance that has evolved via first tolerance, then acceptance, and then various enforcements by intimidation (political correctness) or otherwise. The promotional picture of him setting in front of his vanity mirror is a mess in reality. Some think a man setting in front of a vanity mirror, having let his hair grow longer, in a ladies bath robe, wearing lipstick, showing his polished nails, and revealing some enlarged breasts produced by hormone treatments or otherwise is courage.


   Vanity Fair’s cover said “Call me Caitlyn” — that picture was just so ugly! So ugly! He used to be a good looking man. If he thought he’d come out looking like some diva among the transgenders — and he probably was that deceived – well the treatments produced a mockery of the very thing that is this great path to learning so much about one’s self and life. It turned out to be like an artist who messed up a portrait and the more he worked on it the worse it looked. He’s “king” of the transgenders right now!


   ESPN promoted ESPN with the hot P.C. item of the day in giving him the Arthur Ashe Award for courage in coming out as transgender. The man who won the men’s decathlon at the Summer Olympics in 1976 walks out there in this long white – supposed to be stunning gown or dress – it covered up those man legs – and was introduced as “The courageous, to stunning Caitlyn Jenner” by Abby Wambach, the American Soccer player. And her wife (?) is Sarah Huffman a former soccer player. And then “the voice” came forth — he had this gruff male voice that didn’t match the show. It was ridiculous and yet all the celebrities were being shown throughout the audience just gushing on it. There wasn’t anything truly womanly (I Tim. 2:9-15) in the whole mess. Of course he preached acceptance in saying “This transition has been harder on me than anything I could ever imagine, and that’s the case for so many like me.” Why was it so hard if it is in his DNA as some claim? 


   And you can always hide behind children. Just mention a love for children and everyone melts, right? He said “If you want to call me names, make jokes, doubt my intentions, go ahead, because the reality is I can take it. But for the thousands of kids out there coming to terms with the truth of who they are, they shouldn’t have to take it.”   



The Great Danger for Youth



   The great danger for youth is not understanding God’s Word and accepting what is classified as political and progressive pluralism as the standard for what is moral and right before God. This is our present day battle for the morality in the faith of the Gospel.  


It Is Genital Mutilation Not Sex Change!


   An excellent article by Stella Morabito found on line is titled “Trouble In Transtopia: Murmurs Of Sex Change Regret” (The Federalist Nov. 11, 2014) — shows there is a lot of regret out there and it needs to be publicized.


   Morabito writes: “Let’s start with Alan Finch, a resident of Australia who decided when he was 19 to transition from male to female, and in his 20s had genital surgery. But then, at age 36, Finch told the Guardian newspaper in 2004:  “ . . . transsexualism was invented by psychiatrists. . . .You fundamentally can’t change sex … the surgery doesn’t alter you genetically. It’s genital mutilation.” (B.L., She quotes him as putting this bluntly in saying his made up female organ was just the bag of his scrotum). “It’s like a pouch, like a kangaroo. … It’s all been a terrible misadventure. I’ve never been a woman, just Alan . . . the analogy I use about giving surgery to someone desperate to change sex is it’s a bit like offering liposuction to an anorexic.” (TNT:MOSCR)”

   You did notice he mocked the psychiatry, sociology and media hype that there is such a thing. Bruce Jenner is smarter, for now, than this man. I understand he hasn’t taken this all the way like the man in this example did.



    Mocking the surgeon, doctor and therapist


   Morabito: “…here’s a poignant excerpt from m2f2m’s painfully honest blog: I am grieving at how I have mutilated my body. . . . In the case of my surgeon, he seemed all too happy to cut off my testicles, as soon as he had a couple of glowing letters from my doctor and former therapist, saying what a nice lady I had become, how well I had ‘assimilated’ etc.”  (B.L., Understand that these snakes are doctors and therapists who take pleasure in doing this to a person!). 


An Example of High-Profile Regret


   She offers this example: “Tennis champion Rene Richards was one of the first to go through sex-change surgery and was something of a sensation in the 1970s. … This is what Richards had to say in an excerpt from a March 1999 interview attributed to Tennis Magazine (unavailable in full online):


   If there was a drug that I could have taken that would have reduced the pressure, I would have been better off staying the way I was—a totally intact person. I know deep down that I’m a second-class woman. ...Today there are better choices, including medication, for dealing with the compulsion to cross dress and the depression that comes from gender confusion. ...I get a lot of letters from people who are considering having this operation…and I discourage them all.’ —Rene Richards, “The Liaison Legacy,” Tennis Magazine, March 1999.” (TNT:MOSCR)”


    Note the matter of cross dressing mentioned here. I’ve long thought that cross dressing was just a prelude that leads to an increase in this kind of ungodliness. One vile thought leads to others. Those who despise God conceive lasciviousness in their hearts (Matt. 15:19; Gal. 5:19). You don’t have to be a homosexual to cross dress which is effeminacy (I Cor. 6:9). Moreover Paul’s “such were some of you” statement in I Cor. 6:11 shows clearly they had a choice in all such matters.   


   Just think now how some would saturate children with this nonsense — even beginning in grade school — telling them they’ll decide later what gender they want to choose.


By Bob Lovelace


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