The Truth in Print Vol. 24 Issue 3, Apr. 2018

A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928-782-5058)


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“What would you say defines a Church of Christ?” Questionnaire (Reviewed)


   A questionnaire, totaling 640 plus respondents, titled “What is a Church of Christ” (The Christian Chronicle Vol. 75, No. March 2018 by Erik Tryggestad) deals with the above question. Some of the answers unscriptural as they were did not surprise me in the least — they echoed the same cat calls we have heard for years to join in fellowship with the denominations and other church types. It set forth the clear division between non-institutional (N.I.) churches and those supporting para-church organizations and missions. It mentioned churches that have added instruments of music for worship, jointly ministered with denominational groups and have changed the name but “still identify with the fellowship of autonomous congregations.” In their mind perhaps, but they fail miserably in thinking that those studying the New Testament see them somewhere in there.


Human Credentials? Yes a plenty!


   Noticeable among respondents were some with credentials from theology schools, divinity degrees and appointments in universities. If you listen to them they have nothing to offer. They stand in stark contrast to the many passages of scripture in the New Testament assuring those who are Christians that they can know, have and practice “sound doctrine” as to the membership, organization, teaching, work and worship of the local church. 


   Such is a respondent who says he grew up in “a very legalistic side of the church” and is quoted as saying “Now we’re more grace-oriented. We’re not quite sure who’s in and who’s out.” He adds “Our focus point is now Jesus Christ, which is where it should have been all along, so why am I trying to convert my Baptist friend? It’s our mission to focus on the unchurched.”


   I have Baptist friends I would like to see converted.  Here’s why: Mk. 16:15-16; Acts 2:37-38, 41; Acts 8: 26-39. Scriptural baptism is “for the remission of sins.” One is baptized into Christ to put on Christ (Gal. 3:26-27). Baptism is into the one body, the church (I Cor. 12:13).


Focus on Jesus


   The “focus on Jesus” approach is repeated with slight variations. They just can’t seem to get away from it and down to specifics. It (said focus) appears to cross boundaries that separate from those referred to as “other Christ-followers.” Here’s more: “… If ‘we’ were defined by the boundaries in the past, but want to be defined by our allegiance to Christ above all else, how do we see the boundaries now? Which distinctives do we cling to as biblical imperatives and which ones do we attribute to tradition?”


   Well brethren surely we don’t study to separate Christ from His Word and keeping it, do we? (cf. Col. 2:19, 6-9,1:23; 2 Jo. 9 (boundaries); Phil. 1:27; Jude 3; Jo. 12:48, etc.). Since when is the Head of the church (Christ) in Eph. 4:14-15 separated from the “one faith” (Eph. 4:5) and “one baptism (Eph. 4:5)? And from “singing” not playing instruments (Eph. 5:19)?


   It actually appears to me that said “focus” is the remedy of many for the so called identity crises they speak of. Under “THE FELLOWSHIP’S TRUE FOUNDER” the author states “Regardless of where they stand on the issues that divide congregations, the survey respondents and reviewers agreed that Churches of Christ should be defined not by practices or stances, but by the divine.” Defined by the divine what? By the divine Head? By the divine revelation He gave, the whole New Testament scriptures? (cf. Acts 20:27; 2 Tim. 4:1-5). Read Phil. 1:27 where  ...striving together for the faith of the gospel” is indicative of a local church’s function).


    There were groupings according to age with appropriate headings.



“Under 30: Young believers question the fellowship’s nondenominational claim (10.2%)”



•“…few in the under 30 group identified Churches of Christ as nondenominational. One even called the fellowship ‘a denomination that denies it’s a denomination.’” (Compare Eph. 4:4-6 where there is “one body” (church, Eph. 1:22-23) for the “one faith” (the New Testament, Jude 3). 


• “Instead, outsiders frequently think the Church of Christ is ‘the ones who think only they are going to heaven’ or ‘the a cappella music guys.’”


   While many decry that we often explain what we are by telling others what we do “not” do, there is nothing wrong with contrasting what we do that we have scripture for with what we don’t practice that others are willing to. The “one faith” teaches “singing” (that involves the use of words) and not the use of instruments of music (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16). That’s why we DO NOT use instruments in our worship.


•“Respondents also expressed frustration with debates in their churches about the use of instruments in worship or the practices of various denominations. The problem they said, isn’t that these issues are divisive; it’s that young people don’t care about them.”  


   Listen young people. Christians in the first century church in the N.T. did not go around debating the use of instruments in the worship of their churches for they used none! They sang as commanded. Moreover Christians in the N.T. did not go around debating baptism; from the beginning of the church when they preached Christ they preached baptism for the remission of sins (Mk. 16:15-16; Acts 2:38; 8:26-39; Gal. 3:26-27).


•“Although some respondents insisted that Churches of Christ have become a denomination, several acknowledged the difficulty of defining a core set of characteristics in the ever-diversifying fellowship.”


   The important matter is where in the N.T. does it teach the idea of “fellowship” enjoined, “a sharing in” with so called churches that have left the N.T. patterns for the membership, organization, work and worship of Christ’s church? 2 Tim. 1:13 says “hold the pattern of sound words”; 2 Tim. 4:3 says “the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.” Unity is based on the “one faith delivered” (Eph. 4:3-6), and fellowship rules apply to those who cause division contrary to sound doctrine (Rom. 16:17). Moreover error produces “sects” (I Cor. 11:19); “heresies” are works of the flesh (Gal. 5:10); there are false teachers (2 Pet. 2:1).


“Ages 31-40: Millennials stress worship, not labels (15.8%)”


• “A few attend churches that have added instrumental services while others…said that Churches of Christ should focus on teaching “why we use our voices and heart to worship.”


   If you explain WHY we “sing” and DO NOT “play” instruments then you’ve just explained that those churches have false worship. They have added to New Testament worship.


•“But because we are sinful the church has become defined more by our traditions and policies. People know us for how we put people off, don’t show love and stand for traditions.” 


   Consider the use of key words and phrases which are commonly used in such responses: Legalism, Isolationism, Grace, Love (You don’t Love!), Traditions, Just Jesus, Arguing Issues, Other Christ-followers etc. If you love Christ and others you keep (obey) His commandments — you can call that legalism if you want to but He said do it: Jo. 14:15; I Jo. 5:2-3; 2 Jo. 9. Often sound doctrine is that which is labeled negatively as Legalism.


•“But as they evaluate Scripture, too many Churches of Christ have stressed correct theology, being “right,” over compassion for postmodern thinkers, the unchurched and those struggling with same-sex attraction, several respondents said.”


   Let’s not forget that instruction and withdrawal shows obedience as well. The church at Corinth got the right answer, and strongly put, for sexual immoralities being overlooked because of the sinful pride of many: I Cor. 5:9-13, 6:9-11.


“Ages 41-50: Gen. X seeks compassion, not politics (17.4%)”


•“I’m concerned that old thinking and traditions are going to win out over love and compassion.”


   Often what is not wanted to win is sound teaching and practice! 


•“While we argue over instruments and women’s roles, the rest of the world is arguing over whether there is even a God or not.”


   Such an emotional argument. While the apostles and brethren preached on women’s roles in the first century most of the world did not believe in God or Christ! (Cf. I Tim. 2:11-12; I Cor. 14:34, 37-38). 


“Ages 51-60: Boomers see fading sense of family (21.7%)”


•“Like Generation X, most respondents…said that the fellowship offers the best possible version of Bible-based Christianity.”


   Paul said he preached “the whole counsel of God” when speaking to the elders of the church at Ephesus (Acts 20:27). 


•“Now, as many churches have abandoned or moderated their stance on exclusivity, members don’t know what they stand for with regard to denominational practices or societal trends, the respondents said.”


•“In some cases, Churches of Christ have adopted traditions as doctrine and have effectively become a denomination.”


   You can’t help but wonder what “traditions”? Be careful for in the minds of many that word includes practices scripturally authorized for local churches.


“Above 60: God defines what a Church of Christ is; we don’t (34.9%)”


• ““Speak where the Bible speaks; be silent where the Bible is silent” That mantra…appeared most often in responses. ... It was, perhaps, apropos for a group sometimes called the Silent Generation, plus the first half of the baby boomers.”


   What’s needed from the above 60 is what the apostle John set forth as an example. John “the elder” as an old man was not silent. He didn’t just sit there and let apostasy have its way! (Cf. I, II, III John). 


· One says “it is nearly impossible to answer definitely… because many are breaking out of molds of their past. Some see this as apostasy; some see this as progress.”  “Today, a Church of Christ ‘is a body of like-minded believers who recognize one another as children of God,’ he said, ‘free to define itself however it understands the word of God to lead it.’” “If the question were: ‘How does the New Testament define the church?’ the answer, of course, would be different.”


   Each local church in the New Testament did not have the freedom to attach just anything they wanted to the specifics concerning membership, organization, work and worship. Each did NOT have its own type of Christianity in the first century! (I Cor. 4:17; Phil. 1:27).




Valley Church of Christ

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364

(928) 782-5058 ~

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Wednesday evening – 7:00 pm


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