The Truth In Print Vol. 15 Issue 9, Oct. 2009

A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928-782-5058)


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The G12 Discipline Movement Explained, Part One




     I first started hearing about G12 in our community from friends and acquaintances. It appears from what I’ve been told that G12 has disrupted at least one church that initiated it, but the “system” is going great guns in another. If one is looking for “numbers” and wealth there is no doubt that G12 works to produce such on a regular basis. When I began hearing about G12 I was amazed at the obvious scriptural errors assuming that what I was told was true. G12 is indeed a hot topic in Yuma. At least one church that initiated it backed out of it, but then collapsed. Let me say that people do not have “bad hearts” just because they wish to investigate or discuss “systems” and “movements” that claim to be of Christ. Jesus warned about false prophets who come in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are wolves. Such are to be know by their evil fruits, He said (cf. Matt. 7:15-20). Some say that money is the god of this movement, not God and His Word being the focal point. In this study I’m going to strive to present the G12 system as it is generally known. Those who have researched this say that while certain aspects of the system and doctrine may vary the general outline remains the same. Thus I believe that it is possible to understand a great deal about the G12 movement in churches.


     I do not want to mislead anyone concerning my own position. I started learning about G12 from, as I said, friends and acquaintances. I followed up on what they told me with my own research. I intend to warn all against G12. I also find it necessary to warn all against the kind of writing, research and apologetics that seeks to expose G12 as a false “system” outside “their” norm they are willing to accept, while failing to condemn the errors of Pentecostalism, the Charismatic movement, the Health & Wealth movement, the Word-Faith movement, the Positive Thinking movement, the Cell System movement, etc. that simply helped to produce and sustains this G12 movement. Such an approach, I believe, is downright hypocritical in view of what the New Testament really does teach.



The Base of the G12 Movement— Pastors Cesar and Claudia Castellanos,

Bogata Columbia


     If you want a brief history of Cesar Castellanos’ “claims” as to his supposed visions from 1982 until 1991 when he “supposedly” received the Principle of Twelve revelation then the Apologetics Press — Apologetics Research on religious movements, cults, sects, world religions and related issues does a fine job. The link is: . Here you find Castellanos’ story.


     To begin— in 1982 he resigned from being the “pastor” of a small church. Having grown weary of having to chase people and bring them back, it relates how he temporarily gave up shepherding and told God he needed something better. Then he claims that within four months while vacationing on the Atlantic coast that God commanded him to dream of a very big church. (B.L., As I read the quote of his explanation of God speaking to him it reminded me of God speaking to Abraham. God supposedly promised him the church he’d shepherd would be as numerous as the stars and the sand on the seashore. I wonder where he got that from?) Then, as the story goes, he returned to found the Mision Carismatica Internacional (MCI) church.  Starting with eight people it mushroomed to 3,000. As the story goes, he longed for more so in 1986 he met with mega church pastor David Yonggi Cho in Seoul, Korea to find out about a cell-church strategy. As the story is related he was not satisfied yet, having implemented cells, so he supposedly called on God to learn how to accelerate growth and received the “extraordinary revelation of the Principle of Twelve” (1991). You will find this site very helpful and learn that each cell leader is to have 12, sort of like Jesus working with His 12 apostles, and then each of the 12 are to start their own cell and gain 12, who then each starts their cell, and so forth. The site explains the rapid growth and the resulting hundreds of thousands meeting in satellite churches throughout Columbia. It explains how together with his wife, Pastora Claudia, Castellanos promotes his G12 vision around the world. And now churches are signing up, they say, and registering to use Castellanos’ system in North America. So, obviously this “system” produces great numbers a lot of times. But is it based upon the truth as taught in the New Testament? (cf. 2 Tim. 3:16-17). As I heard about and studied the “system” I soon had a list of what I called “immediately known errors.” I’ll be discussing these errors throughout this study. So, why not look for the following parts in the church’s new monthly article each month until I’m finished.


     Presently I want to stop here and discuss the matter of women pastors and the co-pastorate, husband and wife setup in general. I often find myself explaining to others that there were no women “pastors” in Christ’s church, as the New Testament designates “pastors” and their work. What I’m about to say applies to any church claiming a woman “pastor.” Women “pastors” and women “co-pastors” appear in various types of churches. It is fashionable for a husband-wife team to start a “non-denominational” church today. What’s prominent isn’t necessarily what’s right!  Some denominations as well as the community church movement have distorted the term “pastor.”  Not all preachers were “pastors.” This is obvious from Eph. 4:11, compare there —“...evangelists, and some pastors....” Consider Timothy being single and that “pastors” or “elders” must be married, I Tim. 3:2.



Women Pastors & The Co-Pastorate Husband and Wife Setup in General



     First, scriptures guiding the church Christ built command this: “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence”( I Tim. 2:11-12; Cp. I Cor. 14:34, 37).  Regardless of the church, if the church has a so called woman “pastor” leading over men and teaching over men it is in violation of Paul’s command for Christ’s church. To illustrate, one gentleman complained to me about how his new “pastor,” a woman, was demanding things that he and his wife did not approve of. I told him, “You got what you deserve! The men of your church who allowed a woman to have authority over them are in direct violation to Paul’s command in I Tim. 2:11-12” (cf. I Cor. 14:34; 2 Tim. 1:13; 2 Tim. 4:1-5; 2 Jo. 9). Their “system” is flawed. I suggested that the men of that church tell the woman to set down and she’ll no longer be exercising authority over and teaching over the men in the church. I suggested that the men, then, instruct from the New Testament and they should “order” all things according to the first century church that Christ said He would build (cf. Matt. 16:18; Eph. 2:20; 2 Tim. 3:16-17). To do that they’d have to start from scratch with just God’s Word! How many bill boards do you see around town promoting “Ken & Barbies” as such?  People who claim to be Christians need to go back to the New Testament and do what was commanded in the first century and then they will be truly Christians! 


     There is no such thing as women “pastors” in Christ’s church. You can find the qualification for “pastors” in I Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9 and I Pet. 5:1-3. “Pastors” (Eph. 4:11) were also called “elders” and “bishops” or overseers who tended the local church — see Acts 14:23, Acts 20:17, 28; Phil. 1:1; I Pet. 5:1-3. Do you see any “Pastora Claudias” in those qualifications in I Tim. 3:1-7? No! The qualifications for pastors are for men and not for women. A woman can’t be the husband of one wife!


     Concerned reader, when a local church had elders there was always a plurality of elders (also called “pastors,” see above) over each local church (cf. Acts 14:23, I Pet. 5:3). Again, these were men not women. The “pastors” (called elders, bishops, shepherds—see above) in each church only tended that church which they themselves belonged to. This was Peter’s command in I Pet. 5:1-3, “tend the flock (singular) which is among you (plural).”  Each local church was autonomous. There is no such thing as some pastor telling a local church that the church is to submit to another “pastor” in another church somewhere else. As I studied this I read the following from the Apologetics press concerning a G12 church here in Yuma. That church’s statement said: “We are submitted to Pastor Richard Santiago and ultimately to Pastor Ceasar Castellanos of MCI.” The link is:  .




By Bob Lovelace




To learn more call, visit or visit our website at:






 The Truth In Print Vol. 15 Issue 10, Nov. 2009

A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928-782-5058)


Website Address ~



The G12 Discipline Movement Explained, Part Two



     If you have not read “part one” on the G12 Discipline Movement then I encourage you to do so at:,partone.htm . You will find a brief history of this movement based upon its founder, Cesar Castellanos. Moreover, there is an important general warning given concerning a popular but unscriptural pattern today of husbands and wives as “co-pastors” of their own churches.


So Called “Visions” And “Prophecies”


     Here is an accurate evaluation of what this movement is comprised of: “Few elements in the G12 program are really new; cell groups, retreats, aggressive discipleship plans, speaking in tongues, inner healing, deliverance, and the Prosperity Gospel have long been emphasized by a host of well-known Pentecostal leaders. Evidently, Castellanos and his disciples have elevated this mix of methods to the level of success by means of pressure and manipulation” (Apologetics Press, 4. Encountering G12 - Conclusion; Authors; Credits). Pentecostal or “charismatic” type preachers seek to convince a majority that God is speaking directly to them, thus they must be believed and obeyed. This appeals to emotional people easily duped and persuaded. When they convince enough simple minds they succeed — numbers bring wealth. At times they’ll even claim so called “prophesies” uttered by other so called “prophets” about themselves in order to glorify themselves. Here is an example: “Castellanos underscores the special role he plays in the history of Christianity. For example, in his book Dream and You Will Win the World, he reproduces portions of a 1997 prophecy given to him through latter-day “apostles” Bill Hamon and Cindy Jacobs: And the Lord says, ‘Son, I have sent you for the healing of the United States. My son, I could have found someone else, but I am asking you to do this. Only you! … I anoint you as I did Joseph when I sent him to Egypt to heal the nation. [16] From now on you will talk with apostolic authority and fresh anointing. Nations will rise and collapse with the prophetic word that will come out of your mouth. [17]” (Apologetics Press, Encountering G12 The Vision,


     Consider Castellanos’s claimed visions and prophecies in light of what the apostle Paul taught about prophecies. Hear Paul, “Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away” (I Cor. 13:8). With the completed revelation of the written New Testament prophecies failed, speaking in tongues as a spiritual gift likewise ceased and knowledge as a spiritual gift vanished away (cf. I Cor. 13:8-10). Castellanos’s claim of prophecy shows what his so called visions really are. Anytime that a “system” asserts God’s guidance yet contains obvious false doctrines contrary to the New Testament scriptures  prophecies have not ceased they say — then you know the claim is false! The “test” of whether the doctrines are truth is not in the material success of numbers and wealth, but by going to the inspired New Testament scriptures once for all delivered in the first century (cf. Jude 3, 2 Tim. 3:16-17). The false claims of Charismatic preachers mark them for what they are. As you read about the “Consolidation Process” connected with the G12 indoctrination in the various churches the same error displays itself again. At the “Encounter” weekend participants are marched along a series of events preparing them to receive, supposedly, the Holy Spirit with the sign of speaking in tongues. When you hear of such the scriptural answer is that with the completed revealed written New Testament  prophecies failed, and speaking in tongues ceased just as Paul said they would (I Cor. 13:8-10). The Apologetics Press articles compare the G12 manipulation and pressure to speak in tongues with that of Assemblies of God in Cuba (See the Apologetics Press, Encountering G12, The Encounter). In Pentecostalism such manipulations are common place when the participant’s emotions, fear and desire to belong to the group allow them to led by others. So, according to the scriptures what are the G12 “tongues”? A helpful link on Prophesy and what “Tongues” actually were in the first century church is .



Keep Coming to “Me” For Updated Revelations


     The arrogance and falsehood in all of this is further displayed by the claim that Pastor Cesar and Claudia Castellanos are supposedly regularly receiving fresh revelation to equip churches. The Apologetics Press explains: “Pastors who travel to Bogota to learn the G12 strategy at the source are offered a comprehensive training package, and they are encouraged to purchase all of Castellanos’s books so they can fully implement his strategy in their churches. Churches are also encouraged to join the official “G12Net” in order to work with MCI and use its approved methods and materials. As one official G12 web site explains: …Pastors César and Claudia Castellanos are regularly receiving fresh revelation to bless and equip churches. This refreshing, rhema word needs to be available to pastors and leaders in the vision. The Castellanos are, in reality operating in an apostolic role. They are the Apostles of the vision, like John Wesley was the Apostle of the Methodist Holiness movement. The G12 Network is the apostolic platform for the Castellanos to pastor the vision worldwide. The G12 vision runs on the fuel of Holy Spirit revelation. The more revelation a Pastor or leader has about the vision, the more success he or she will achieve in the vision. [21]” (Apologetics Press, Encountering G12 The Vision).


     This is nothing more, besides being on a much larger scale, than the old line Pentecostal preacher telling his flock that God spoke to him directly so that he could tell them what God wanted them to know. 2 Tim. 3:16-17 answers this, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” The Scriptures thoroughly furnish us unto every good work. God speaks to man today through His written revealed word. Men today claiming direct revelation from God are false! 



The Truth on the Baptism of the Great Commission


     Castellanos also warns that pastors who do not accept his cellular vision are not fulfilling the Great Commission: Every leader must know that there is a window of grace in which we must carry out the Great Commission. This task is possible through the cellular vision. [11]” (Apologetics Press, Encountering G12 The Vision). Granting that steps may vary from  church to church the Apologetics Press explains what is referred to as the “Consolidation Process.” It says: “The following steps can vary from country to country and from church to church. Typically, the nonbeliever who begins to attend a cell group and receives Christ as Savior will attend church on Sunday and respond again to the altar call. The three steps that follow — “Pre-Encounter,” “Encounter,” and “Post-Encounter” — are called the “Consolidation Process” and should begin “immediately after the new believer has made his decision for Christ.” [25]” (Apologetics Press, Encountering G12 The Vision).  Some other descriptions of the “system” state that instruction on Water Baptism and Holy Spirit Baptism is included in the weekend Encounter.


     Concerned reader, the New Testament is distinct as to what the “baptism” of the Great Commission is as stated in Mk. 16:15-16. There is a great deal of deception in the general religious world when it comes to “baptism.” Some churches using the G12 system will state that their creed says one is saved wholly by faith in Christ, thus baptism in water “follows” salvation. This is wrong! Here are important scriptural points on the baptism Jesus gave to the Apostles for all the world:

1. It is a command of God to be obeyed. “Man” would administer this baptism (cf. Mk. 16:15-16, Acts 2:37-41, Acts 8:35-39).

2. It is immersion in water for the remission of one’s sins (cf. Mk. 16:15-16, Acts 2:37-41, Acts 8:35-39, Col. 2:11-12). Acts 2:37-41 presents the proper response to correct teaching on this baptism.

3. It is not the baptism of the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 8:14-24. The Samaritans were baptized, thus saved, but had not yet received the Holy Spirit).

4. It is the “one” baptism of Eph. 4:5 that goes with the “one” faith, the New Testament.

5. It is the baptism mentioned in I Pet. 3:21 where Peter states that “baptism doth also now saves us.”  He speaks of water for he explains — it is not the removal of dirt from the flesh.

6. This baptism in water for the remission of sins is the point of exit from one state (darkness) into another (the kingdom of Christ). It is the point at which one is translated from the power of darkness into the Kingdom of Christ (cf. Col. 1:13-14, Acts 2:41, Acts 8:38-39, Acts 18:8, Rom. 6: 2-4, I Cor. 12:13).


     General instructions to just accept Christ as your Savior or say the Sinner’s Prayer are false approaches to salvation! Luke’s account of the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:29-40 is helpful in exposing much of the error taught concerning salvation and baptism. Should you desire you will find a full discussion of this case of conversion on our website in Fundamental Lessons on the Church. This is Lesson Three: "Membership Requirements According to the First Century Revelation." The link is: . Here you will learn about what one must do to be saved and become a member of Christ's church. You can actually study several accounts of conversion recorded in the book of Acts. The question "What must I do to be saved?" is fully answered.



By Bob Lovelace




To learn more call, visit or visit our website at:





The Truth In Print Vol. 15 Issue 11, Dec. 2009

A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928-782-5058)


Website Address ~



The G12 Discipline Movement Explained, Part Three



    If you have not read the first two in this series then I encourage you to do so. They begin at:,partone.htm . In our last article we discussed the so called visions and prophecies connected with this movement while stating the truth on the baptism of the Great Commission. 



A False Definition of “Disciple”


     This is a “cell” structured system. In consideration of the cell structure I found this false definition of disciple: “In the G12 “cellular vision,” discipleship is the key to church development. In this system, before a Christian can be considered a disciple, he or she should be directing at least one cell group. Otherwise, he cannot be part of someone else’s “twelve,” and should submit himself to the authority of the leader who chose him. When this disciple has his own twelve, these will also submit themselves to him” (Apologetics Press—Encountering G12 The Vision, Repeatedly the warning that goes with the “cells” is the pressure to submit and proselytize. Such is the life blood of this movement.


     Consider statements concerning the disciples multiplying in the beginning of the church in Jerusalem. Acts 6:1 states that “the number of disciples was multiplied.” Moreover the “disciples” comprised the whole church in Acts 6:2, 5 (cp. Acts 5:11). This is followed by “And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith” (Acts 6:7). What was multiplying? The number who made up the church in Jerusalem. How did the disciples multiply? To answer this you need to go back to the beginning of the church in Acts chapter two. At the beginning those who gladly received the word were baptized, and there were added (added together) about three thousand souls. Luke records the following:


Act 2:38  Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the 

name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the

Holy Ghost.

Act 2:39  For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off,

even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

Act 2:40  And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves

from this untoward generation.

Act 2:41  Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day

there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

Act 2:42  And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in

breaking of bread, and in prayers. ...

Act 2:46  And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread

from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

Act 2:47  Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the

church daily such as should be saved.


     From that point onwards being added together they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine or teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread i.e. the Lord’s Supper and prayers (Acts 2:42). New converts were disciples! If new converts are not disciples then they would have to be excluded from the Lord’s Supper. Luke says of the disciples at Troas, “And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight” (Acts 20:7). All who assembled partook! It is sheer nonsense when you try to apply this false definition of “disciple” to the church coming together to partake of the Lord’s Supper. Let’s see — only those who were directing at least one cell group came together upon the first day of the week to break bread. Nonsense! There is no such thing in the New Testament church as being a Christian yet having to “wait” to be considered a disciple. This is error! It is the kind of error that is used to promote a false religion. Let’s see — only those who are directing at least one cell group are referred to as increasing in number in Acts 6:1. Nonsense! Again — only those who are directing at least one cell group made up the multitude that comprised the church in Acts 6:2. That’s stupid! That’s like saying that those recently baptized into Christ are in His church but are not disciples. Consider Acts 11:26: “And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.” Let’s see — and just the ones who had a cell group to oversee were called christians. There are many errors associated with this false G12 system.



Manipulating Emotions


     I mentioned the “Encounter” weekend associated with the “Consolidation Process” in Part Two. The Apologetics Press article (Apologetics Press, G12 The Encounter) states that these encounters depend upon “the element of mystery—even secrecy.” It says some  churches forbid telling others exactly what happened. Various mentions of the encounter list such items for the three day weekend as:

* Repentance.

* Forgiveness.

* Breaking of Curses — generational curses passed down by forefathers. One explanation is “confess each sin of our ancestors and repent, thus breaking any relation with the occult, forgive others, and renounce every curse” (Apologetics Press, G12 The Encounter — This sounds much like inherited sin to me. The Mormon church is still looking for all our ancestors and hasn’t found them yet!

* Deliverance — from demonic bondage.

* Inner Healing — identifying by help of a leader who offers suggestions and freeing

   oneself from wounds from the womb to the present.

* Baptism with Water.

* Baptism with the Holy Spirit.

*The Cell Vision according to the Model of 12.


     Castellanos has called this Encounter the “Peniel” experience, a reference to Gen. 32:20 in which Jacob “saw God face to face” (Apologetics Press, G12 The Encounter— He seems to have forgotten that Jacob was alone that night. He was not being manipulated in a three day retreat! Remember, there are different approaches and usages depending upon the country and particular church using the system. Again, a lot of this is just old line Pentecostalism. The “Encounter” — the three day retreat — includes many things. Participants carry around a personal Sin List. They undergo what is called “Genuine Repentance.” You can find a description of some of the items listed at Apologetics Press, G12 The Encounter. They state that the goal of this Repentance is to cause participants to feel unclean and miserable for their sins. The atmosphere is described with such terms as “artificial hysteria” and “spiritual shock treatment.” The grotesqueness is astounding! Here are some descriptions given: (1) Participants stab the heart of a large animal to learn they’ve wounded Jesus’ heart; (2) Trampling a heart made of fabric which was immersed in a container of red paint, thus splattering the entire room; (3) One Encounter is described by participants sniffing increment to learn their sin stinks.


     Concerned reader, consider a case of conversion that I have pointed to before in this study. The conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:29-40 is helpful once again. The link for this case of conversion on our website is . Note the results when Philip preached Christ to this eunuch:


Act 8:35  Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.

Act 8:36  And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?

Act 8:37  And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Act 8:38  And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.

Act 8:39  And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing.


     The eunuch was converted on the road to Gaza (Acts 8:26). He was baptized for the same reason as those in Acts 2 (cf. Acts 2:38, 41). He was thus saved and had the joy of salvation. There was no mysterious retreat! There were no gimmicks! He understood by having Christ preached to him that he was in great need of forgiveness (cf. Rom. 1:16). No gimmicks! He asked for baptism in order that he might have his sins washed away (Cp. Acts 22:16). This recorded case of conversion should help anyone see through Castellanos’s approach.


By Bob Lovelace




To learn more call, visit or visit our website at:


                                    The Truth In Print Vol. 15 Issue 12, Jan. 2010

A Publication of the Valley church of Christ,

2375 W. 8th Street, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928-782-5058)


Website Address ~



The G12 Discipline Movement Explained, Part Four



     We want to encourage you, if you have not done so, to read the first three of this series at,partone.htm . You should enjoy reading the amazingly false definition of “disciple” in our last article — it just shows you how far deceptive religions will go to promote their own success. Now for the final part in this series — Give me the Money! I’ve discussed somewhat already the unforgettable yet untellable weekend known as the “encounter.” In the Apologetics Press material referenced in these articles they include the following as a part of the fantastic G12 encounter:


     During the course of many Encounters, a memorable feature of the final day is a series of offerings. First, an offering is taken from whatever money the participants have on hand. Then, the session moves to a new level, in which participants are urged to give any possession of value they can bring forward even being urged to bring all that you have. Witnesses from two different Encounters in El Salvador said they were instructed that, “If you don’t give, your finances will be cursed.” To manipulate participants into giving still more, a leader came forth and gave his testimony of how God prospered him after he gave everything he had brought with him to an Encounter. Then other leaders went to the front of the room and started giving all kinds of valuables. In response, participants went forward and surrendered wallets, valuable jewelry — even the shoes on their feet. This session lasted over an hour.”


     “Prosperity” teachers are known for this —if you don’t give God will curse you. I also found that to “cover up their beguilement many teach if you use the rule for selfish purposes it isn’t going to work.” Ingenious isn’t it — the fact that the top dogs get rich proves they weren’t selfish! In G12 those swept away easily by their emotions are taken in by old Pentecostal tactics. Pentecostal’s “Name-It-And-Claim-It” gig appears as “Positive Confession” or “Word-Faith” along with PMA (Positive Mental Attitude — Schuller type) indoctrination in the G12 deception. Positive Confession is being referred to as the “modern” charismatic movement that dominates the so called Christian TV media. It is plainly stated that this is where the numbers and money are to found today. Its roots are found in such performers as Schuller, Peal, Haig, Copeland and Cho the cell guru used by Castellanos in 1986. Some call this Blab-It-And-Grab-It. Use the links on Apologetics Press and you have an abundance of materials at hand.


     In case you are wondering about this new age nonsense there is supposedly some mysterious “faith force” that anyone including occultists can use by speaking words — you get what you name. It’s a sort of Pentecostal Occultism. It’s like a little kid’s game — don’t say anything negative else you’ll get that too. I had a neighbor who for years who listened to one of these phonies. He was always telling me about “claiming blessings.” He asked me one day what the difference was between me and himself. I replied that for one he loved the tall tales the televangelist put out. He got sick and died. Older Pentecostalism is the evil roots of the newer modern charismatic movement. Why can’t people see that? Here’s a quote: “The Word-Faith movement may be the most dangerous false system that has grown out of the charismatic movement so far, because so many charismatics are unsure of the finality of Scripture.” Yet the Scriptures furnish a complete guide (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Even the so called “tongues” of Pentecostalism are a lie. Paul spoke of the time when the Word would be completely written and spiritual gifts of the first century would cease — prophecies failed, tongues ceased and the gift of knowledge vanished! (I Cor. 13:8). Those desiring to expose Word-Faith as not being the New Testament should understand that Classical Pentecostalism is not the Gospel of the New Testament. Nor can you teach the New Testament and claim that the Pentecostal PMA preachers who’ve taken over the TV media are dangerous but somehow they are not to be fully condemned and are to be accepted as almost practicing the New Testament. Some desire to keep in some fashion “older” error in so called Christendom while thrashing the outgrowth of the root of error as heretical. Even among research institutes you will find a Generic Christianity that is not the New Testament —an acceptance philosophy or considered opinion where PMA teaching “ at best extremely aberrational and at worse heretical. (We use the term “aberrational” to refer to teaching which is decidedly unbiblical and damaging to authentic Christian faith, but which is not quite so heretical that its adherents must be considered non-Christians.).”  We’ll not pardon the errors of their “considered opinions.” A false Generic Christianity prevails even among the institutions where people go to see if their perspectives of things like Word-Faith, Positive Confession, Blab It And Grab It, G12 etc. are correct when they sense such are wrong. 


     Blab-It-And-Grab-It is promoted by telling you that God wants you to be rich but without sending the money He can’t send the blessing. The “seed-faith” offering was perfected by Oral Roberts the father of the “Prosperity Gospel.” This is called the Health-And-Wealth-Gospel. Kenneth Copeland belongs in this group with others such as Kenneth Hagin and Benny Hinn. The prevailing lie is “if you live in poverty you live outside God’s will for you.” People go nuts for this because of their own covetousness and gullibility (cf. Pr. 1:22). Look! James said, “Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?“ (Ja. 2:5). Is that a description of living outside God’s will? The opposite! The local church at Smyrna was poor physically yet “rich” spiritually (Rev. 2:9). The church at Laodicea though rich materially was wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked — Spiritually! (Rev. 3:17).


    Oral Roberts died last Tuesday. One of the first things said was he built a multimillion dollar ministry and a university. A newspaper (AP) article said he “rose” from humble tent revivals to the status of being one of the nation’s most famous and influential preachers. He’ll be praised I’m sure for size and status does matter to the worldly religious (cf. Lk. 6:24-26; I Jo. 4:5-6). You’d be praised too if you once headed a $500 million conglomerate known as the Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association, headquartered in Tulsa that became a large part of the city’s economy. Roberts helped to bring Pentecostalism with its error into the mainstream. He laid the foundation for the “Prosperity Gospel” that dominates televangelism. I don’t praise that do you? I read recently where he didn’t like being called a  faith healer.” Do you remember his Super Size Jesus (900ft tall) tale? James Randi in “The Faith-Healers” states that $5M poured in following this ploy thus he followed it with a regulation-size Jesus at the foot of his bed, and then followed that with a 7 inch replica of a large size angel that got left behind in his room — promoted with the opportunity of course to donate some money. Randi says concerning offers made during campaigns: For a donation of $20, you can get four “Expect a Miracle” coffee mugs. For a mere $120 (later slashed to $50), you will receive an Oral Roberts commentary Bible with Roberts and your name in gold lettering on the cover, and for $10 a jigsaw puzzle of Oral on Sunny his favorite horse (Randi). One mailing enclosed a tiny sack of cornmeal. The recipient was told to pray over it and return it with some cash, whereupon Oral would instruct Evelyn, his wife, to mix the cornmeal and bake for him God’s representation of the body of Christ (Randi). Executives who worked for Roberts said “You simply don’t get in his way” and that he often betrayed them and caused them to lose prestige because of his broken promises and misinformation he gave to them (Randi). Oh yes, Randi explains that Roberts was so talented that he found out he could just place his hand on the TV camera rather than a person and it worked just as well!


     Hear Paul,


2Ti 3:1  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2Ti 3:2  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

2Ti 3:3  Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

2Ti 3:4  Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

2Ti 3:5  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

2Ti 3:6  For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

2Ti 3:7  Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.



By Bob W. Lovelace




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