The "T" List: to help with finding a topic look at the words in BOLD print.


      The Lies Of Apostasies  The full title of this article is “The Pattern Of Lies Producing And Sustaining Apostasies. Read this article to study what Jeroboam did wrong when he said in his heart that God’s established order would not work. Besides Jeroboam’s apostasy, the article presents in detail the pattern of lies producing apostasies from the book of Jeremiah. Some important questions answered are: Why do lies prevail? How has the truth been affected? What Lies? What will God do in the end? Here is an excerpt: “Why do lies sustaining apostasies prevail? Such lies prevail because God’s people are TAUGHT to lie (Jer. 9:5). Such teaching counseled rebellion against what God did say! (Jer. 28:16).”



     The Appreciation Of Godly Sisters In Christ The tremendous value of our sisters in Christ is set forth in this article. Beginning with the honor that is due to faithful women in Christ, the study sets forth the various duties enjoined upon them in regards to their family and service rendered to the church that Christ built. They exemplify those whom God takes pleasure in and favors because they fear Him (cf. Ps. 149:4, 147:10-11). These are the ones who can be TAUGHT and have been (Ps. 34:11-15). Their glory is in understanding and knowing God who delights in loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth! (Cf. Jer. 9:23-24). Obedience unto righteousness is what God takes pleasure in, thus these are the scriptural reasons why all of our godly sisters are appreciated. Why not study the nine points of application directed towards their being scripturally appreciated?


     Should “Grass Roots” Pol. Movements Address Local Churches of Christ  This is election year and I’m hearing that a pastor (denominational usage) is afraid if he doesn’t allow his church to have a requested political presentation from our grass root political movement. It never dawned on such that a church of Christ would be in scriptural agreement that such is not authorized as part of an assembly of the church. Where did personal conscience suddenly go? What happened to religious liberty? Read this study to understand why all the members of the local church are in agreement, and make no apologies for respecting the authorized work of the assemblies of the church.



1. Christ’s Kingdom is a Spiritual Kingdom, Col. 1:13.

2. The Local Church With It’s Own Oversight & Collective Work.

3. Assemblies are the Collective Function of the particular Local “Body” as an Organization.

4. Some Scripturally Authorized Purposes for the Assemblies of the Local Church.

5. Christians as Individuals Participated in Government.

6. God did not Give the Gospel to Civil Government.

7. A Civil or State Religion.

8. Concerning Political Movements & Organizations.

9. Man’s Ways are not God’s Ways (Isa. 55:8-9).

10. It is Not a Matter of Just Losing One’s TAX Exempt Status.


     The Way of Integrity Psalms 119  This Psalm is often avoided because of its length. This study begins with eight points on integrity with God. Understand that it is on the grounds of your integrity that you may plead to God for protective care against the wicked (Ps. 119:121-128). Because he did not want to wander from God the scriptures would be his counselors (lit., the men of his counsel) to establish his ways. It is God’s word alone that can make you wise, even wiser than your TEACHERS, enemies, and the aged! These are but a few of the good lesson presented through studying this Psalm.


     Selected Newspaper Articles Here are four newspaper articles presented to the community with a love for the truth. The intent is to present God’s truths without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other religious bodies. “When You’re Promised You’ll Like It!” exposes “pitches” for attracting visitors contrasted with what God’s word should produce in those who hear. As one in town put it, “I hate to admit it but going where I go I think at times I’m looking at Ken and Barbie.” Ken and Barbie productions are made to please men not God! (cf. Gal. 1:10). Be aware that God’s word teaches that the fault lies with “both” the listeners and the TEACHERS.  Listeners who desire to have their ears tickled accumulate TEACHERS who will allow them all manner of immoralities. Read about them here.   

     “I’m Staying with Zoom” The current pride in technology denominational invite is “Worship online or in person here.” We must be certain that what we do with high tech is scriptural as regards the work and worship of Christ’s church. If “zoom” and “online” are let stray, as some among us already have, then you will have a developed human tradition that will cause many to lose their souls. The impact itself on the body of Christ can be like a spreading spiritual virus in years following upon member’s zeal for assembling (Cf. Eph. 4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb. 10:24-27). To “speak the things proper for SOUND DOCTRINE” you must know the difference between the word “home” and “house” and “houses” and the words “come together as a church” and “assembling of ourselves together” and “in the church.” Read here for proper definitions that lead to proper applications of what it means to “assemble together.” 


The kind of SPEAKING DEMANDED is presented in the following points with the definitions given:


Showing oneself a lover of the truth is seen in SPEAKING the truth to one another (EPH. 4:20-25).


TO SPEAK, exhort and rebuke with all authority (TITUS 2:15)


PREACHING involves “REPROVE” [G1651], “REBUKE” [G2008] & “EXHORT” [G3870] (CF. 2 TIM. 4:2)









a. “…ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN DESIRES >  [G1939 epithumia, nf] Thayer: 1) desire, craving, longing, desire for what is forbidden, lust


b. “…BECAUSE THEY HAVE ITCHING EARS” > [G2833 knēthō, vb.] Thayer: 1) to scratch, tickle, make to itch… 3) desirous of hearing something pleasant


c. “…HEAP UP FOR THEMSELVES TEACHERS” > [G2002 episōreuō] Strong’s: to accumulate further, that is, (figuratively) seek additionally: - heap. Thayer: “to heap up, accumulate in piles: to choose for themselves and run after a great number of teachers, 2 Tim. 4:3.


d. “…be turned aside to fables” >  [G3454 muthos] Strong’s: - a tale, that is, fiction (“myth”): - fable > I Tim. 1:4, I Tim. 4:7, 2 Tim. 4:4, Titus 1:14 “…turn away from the truth”; 2 Pet. 1:16 “cunningly devised tales…”



 The Worship of the Church.  This is Lesson Five in our Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Five: "The Worship of the Church." In this lesson you will be studying the items of worship for the church:

   1. The Lord's Supper upon the first day of the week.

   2. Instruction (TEACHING) in God's word.

   3. Singing.

   4. Prayer.

   5. Giving.

   By studying these items of worship you can learn what   "edification" means and how it was practiced in the assemblies of the first century church.


 The Beginning Point Leading To Salvation  Realize that the variety of explanations offered today due to diverse human philosophies and beliefs have left many frustrated concerning the important matter of salvation. Becoming a Christian is a TEACHING process. Three such beliefs: the Pentecostal experience, adults baptizing infants, and professing belief without required obedience in baptism are examined in the light of God's word and found wanting! If you will take your Bible and read each scripture in this brief study it will enable you to be honest with yourself about your own salvation (see Acts 17:11). Moreover, it will help prevent the all too common occurrence of many misleading others by that with which they were lead astray themselves.


     Believers Added to the Lord It is common to hear people ask, “Are you a BELIEVER?” But they never ask if you’ve been ADDED TO THE LORD. Why? Look below to understand when believers are added to the Lord. After the brief newspaper article there is more concerning DECEIT IN TEACHING the so-called “Sinner’s Prayer” for salvation.  



A Consideration of I Cor. 14:34-35   Womens’ conduct in both learning and TEACHING. The role of women in the church is of such a nature that they are to learn in quietness with all submission. They must not teach, nor usurp authority over the man, but be in quietness (I Tim. 2:11-12).The necessity of this role prompted the following statement to the church at Corinth: "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. [35] And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church."  I Cor. 14:34-35


     Let Us Get You A New Kind Of Preacher! Those full of carnality (works of the flesh) accuse the faithful unjustly with wicked intent, spread strife with their mouths, and set an example of evil for others to imitate (cf. 3 John 10-11). They have a goal, an objective, and will sacrifice the truth and brethren to achieve it! These are looking forward to and working towards division in order that they might have their own way, and that with the “kind of preaching” that lacks application and pleases the ungodly (cf. 2 Tim. 4:1-5). Understand that the longer the church postpones dealing with them scripturally the closer they get to their unscriptural goals (cf. Rev. 2:20). There is nothing more carnal, and full of the works of the flesh that I can think of at this age in my life than brethren who work to stop applicable preaching and TEACHING. They will stop at nothing to get the “new kind” of preacher. Old warnings need to be issued! As in the past there will always be bigger churches somewhere ready to aid the pattern of apostasy and provide the “new kind” of teachers and preachers. That is how apostasy is able to continue. Brethren beware! It is quite possible that you know of such things happening among us.


     Selected Newspaper Articles for 2013 These newspaper articles from 2013 include: (1) “Using ‘Christendom’ to Cover Religious Error”; (2) “The Ways of the Street Mugger”; (3) “Murders, Murderers, Victims”; (4) “Surely not a Hot Head” and (5) “Surely not a Greedy Person” – presents greedy preachers and teachers who love power, position and wealth above the duty in TEACHING to reprove and rebuke. 


A Safe Deposit For My Treasures Do you really want to go to heaven? This article contrasts the physical setbacks besetting those who suffered during the fires of 2003 with the eternal setbacks of not heeding Jesus instruction in Matt. 6:19-20. Why not refresh your mind by reading about heaven as a safe deposit for your treasures? Heaven is a place where there will be no more death, sorrow, TEARS and crying, pain, curse or night -- just eternal day (Rev. 21:1-4, 21:25-22:5).


     Why We Rejoice With One Another  God delights over His people to do them good (De. 28:63). The Psalmist said, “Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart” (Ps. 97:11). We are commanded to rejoice with those who rejoice, and to weep with those who weep, being of the same mind one toward another (Rom. 12:15-16). Our being sorrowful when one is arrogant and suffers is different from sharing joy and sorrow as Paul spoke of. If one of us suffers because we remain obstinate and arrogant then our sorrow will be the TEARS of Jeremiah if we love them: “But if ye will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for your pride; and mine eye shall weep sore, and run down with tears, because the Lord's flock is carried away captive” (Jer. 13:17). We know that arrogance and pride God will destroy! The righteous will weep because of this for the reasons Jeremiah did in Lamentations— they were given many opportunities to repent and give glory to God, but that takes fear and trembling, and they refused every time the offer was given and would not (cf. Jer. 13:15-19, 15:7, 5:3). This is the bitter sorrow that realizes God can make enemies rejoice over His own when He casts them off (Ps. 89:42).


 Newspaper Articles   This publication contains selected newspaper articles. "Fornication Kit" is an appropriate warning for TEENAGERS today.


 A Description of the Wicked This is a good article to present to the TEENAGER at home or elsewhere. The article is written as a way of warning the young and others as well who are simple minded and do not see danger. The vicious conduct of the wicked is well illustrated in Judges 19 with regard to the Levite and his concubine who turned in to Gibeah to lodge for the night. Applications to “today” include the fact that in some cases the “victim” must understand that a tragedy could have been avoided had they themselves not contributed by being out late at night in a place that makes them vulnerable.


Selected Newspaper Articles Dear reader the following titles are selected newspaper articles that appeared in our local newspaper the Yuma Sun. Advertizing for many churches tends to follow the current trend for advertizing in general and has an emotional “pitch” to possibly interest the reader. The intent of these articles is that each shows a love for and desire to present the Truth without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other religious bodies today. The topics are: “The Buyer Is Like The Seller; The Creditor Is Like The Debtor” (What God’s word says about liars, cheats and murderers applies to all – the rich and poor!); “Wicked Kids, TEENS, Beating & Stomping Others” -- This exposes the lie, “Oh they’re just too young to know better!”; “Some Wrights Are So Wrong” (When so called “Pastors” are asked if John 14:6 is true and if they think Islam is another way to salvation, and then suggest that there is another path to the Father they deny what Jesus and the apostles taught! (cf. John 12:48).


     Selected Newspaper Articles Here are four newspaper articles presented to the community with a love for the truth. The intent is to present God’s truths without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other religious bodies: (4) “Justifying Self By Saying Church Responsibility Is Not Necessary” answers four popular self justifications offered for not studying and seeking to worship in a scriptural church. The oft repeated self justification based upon a use of the word “TEMPLE” is: 4. “The Bible says ye are the TEMPLE of the living God.” Answer: Since this statement was made by Paul “when” he wrote to the local church at Corinth, and regulated their assemblies, it could never mean you can choose to not consider carefully your collective responsibility! (cf. I Cor. 1:1, 3:6, 11:17-34, 14:1-40; 2 Cor. 6:16). Why not read all four pitiful self justifications along with the scriptural answers? To understand this collective obligation you may go to .


The Israeli ~ Palestinian conflict. This article is a reply to an article that appeared in the W.S.J. asking why Christians were not speaking out for Israel. Cynthia Ozick’s compulsion that Christians speak out for the Jews (“Why Aren’t Christians Speaking Out?” Oct. 30th, 2000) on behalf of the history and central claims of Christianity displayed her ignorance of what Christianity truly is. I will agree that it would be absurd for any Palestinian or other wise to claim there never was a temple. However, should some try to make the historicity of the TEMPLE a “chimera” as she states then I believe that Christianity will still stand. As a Christian I do not see, as she does, “the heart of Christianity” suffering erasure here; the Bible with its New Testament is here to stay. Please indulge me on this for but a brief moment as I speak out. God did not give Christians the work of upholding the practice of Judaism (I’ll use the term “Judaism” to refer to the Law of Moses as God’s temporary religion given to the Jews at Mount Sinai). Christians are not taught to uphold the Jewish “faith” anymore than they are taught to uphold “the faith” of Palestinians who believe otherwise than they do. Christians are to uphold the Gospel of Christ as the power of God unto salvation unto all men, both to Jews and Gentiles (Romans 1:16). When it comes to “religion” that’s where we stand!



       Five Short Articles On Jesus’ Kingdom And Reign Here are five articles that were written for our local newspaper. Look below to see if some or all may be of benefit to you or to another you might know.

1. Jesus Is King Of The Jews And Of All Men!

2. The Israel of God Today (With Additional Comments on Zionism).

3. Christianity Does Not Teach Another TEMPLE In Jerusalem!

4. The One Thousand Year Reign Is Not On Earth!

5. The Battle of “Armageddon.”


After Baptism, Then What?  A main point in the article gives emphasis to how old TEMPTATIONS have a way of coming back quickly after one is baptized. The material offers appropriate encouragement and warnings for those recently baptized for the remission of their sins.


The Ten Commandments In Public Schools  Here is an article about the inconsistencies in members of the church when they jump on political bandwagons and thus promote the TEN COMMANDMENTS. Perhaps you need to study and realize the simple truth about where the Ten Commandments belong in Biblical history. Christians do not “live by” the Ten Commandments!


A Review of “Questions of Women’s roles…requires grace, humility” by Cana Moore (Part One) Part One: Here is an article concerning WOMEN’S ROLES in the church. It especially centers on the woman is not to USURP AUTHORITY over a man in I Tim. 2:12. Paul said: 1Ti. 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 1Ti. 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” I’ve got some things I want to say that I believe apply to some of the contexts in the article; the article should elicit thoughts of your own as well.

   You will find key points made concerning the necessity of our TESTING all things and holding fast to what is good – we can read and understand, and be doers of the Word not just hearers only  (I Th. 5:21; Ja. 1:22-25; Eph. 3:4).


     A Review of “Questions of Women’s roles…requires grace, humility” by Cana Moore (Part Two)  Part Two: Here is an article concerning WOMEN’S ROLES in the church. It especially centers on the woman is not to USURP AUTHORITY over a man in I Tim. 2:12. Paul said: 1Ti. 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 1Ti. 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. I’ve got some things I want to say that I believe apply to some of the contexts in the article; the article should elicit thoughts of your own as well.

   You will find key points made concerning the necessity of our TESTING all things and holding fast to what is good – we can read and understand, and be doers of the Word not just hearers only  (I Th. 5:21; Ja. 1:22-25; Eph. 3:4).



   Jesus Came to Fulfill the Law (Matt. 5:17-18)  People are quick to quote these passages to justify using a combination of the Mosaic Law (OLD TESTAMENT or COVENANT) along with the NEW TESTAMENT. This is used for any number of things, but especially for items of worship that they particularly like that cannot be justified by the New Testament teaching concerning the church of Christ. The attraction of special clothing (cf. Ex. 28) for ministers and priests, along with the use of instruments, candles, incense, etc. would be examples. For the most part should any one of them be asked, Why not offer the animal sacrifices and various offerings and activities made by the Jews at the Temple? — they’d say that’s not necessary today. Why? Since we are not given these in the New Testament for worship are we free to choose one or all if we want to?  


What You Can And Will Do In Christ  This brief study should offer assurance to Christians that their efforts to serve God faithfully are attainable, as well as being greatly aided by others' prayers on their behalf. What one can and will do by remaining faithful in Christ is declared through the words of Paul's prayer for the church at Colossae in Col. 1:9-12. Here are the key thoughts: A. Be filled with knowledge, all wisdom and spiritual understanding. B. Walk worthy, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. C. Strengthened for attaining all stedfastness and patience, with Joy. D. Joyously giving thanks to the Father. Following is a "Check Your Spiritual Growth With Self-Test Questions" giving further emphasis to our growth in knowledge and discernment. We find out what pleases God by proving (TESTING, putting into practice) His commands. The stated "goal" of our efforts is seen in Philippians 1:10-11.


How Will God Feel About You When You Ask Him For Help? Do you know someone who is in trouble and needs God’s help? In this brief study the scriptures are related to  three important questions dealing with those times when we need, desire, and ask for God’s help: (1) When you want God’s help how fast do you want Him there?  (2) When we need Him to deliver us how far do we want Him from us? (3) How do you want God to feel about you when you ask Him to help you? Our calls to God must always be with THANKSGIVINGS for the blessings we have each day!


Who Can Forgive Sins But God Alone? The various accounts of Jesus’ power to forgive sins during His personal ministry testified to Him being God. He forgave sins for both men and women. In Matt. 9:1-8 when Jesus healed the paralytic He wanted them to know that the Son of Man had authority to forgive sins. The simple point is He had the authority do so because He was God. We must accept that and keep it in the “time” period in which it occurred. This article explains the purpose of John’s baptism, as well as the forgiveness and salvation of the THIEF WHO WAS CRUCIFIED WITH JESUS (Lk. 23:43). The Lord said that He came to seek and to save the lost (Lk. 19:10). Thus He forgave sins as one of the blessings of His presence among men.


     Identity Theft   Here is a lesson based upon the prevalence of “IDENTITY THEFT.” This lesson answers the questions, “What is identity theft?” “How do thieves steal an identity?” “What do thieves do with a stolen identity?” “How can you find out if your identity was stolen?” and “What can you do to help fight identity theft?” --- All with a spiritual view as to the use of Christ’s name without proper permission and how Christ name theft crimes take many forms. Spiritually the unity of belief and practice of the one Gospel is the means by which we fight identity theft and protect against those who wear Christ’s name who are frauds. You will find twelve scriptural and helpful applications for detecting these impostors who preach another Gospel. Such will “rob” you of your prize if you let them (Col. 2:18-19).


A Safe Deposit For My Treasures  Do you really want to go to heaven? This article contrasts the physical setbacks besetting those who suffered during the fires of 2003 with the eternal setbacks of not heeding Jesus instruction in Matt. 6:19-20. Far too many are overly anxious about THIEVES stealing their earthly treasures. Why not refresh your mind by reading about heaven as a safe deposit for your treasures? Morever, you can read and understand that Heaven is a place where there will be no more death, sorrow, crying, pain, curse or night - just eternal day (Rev. 21:1-4, 21:25-22:5).


     About the Label “Advertisement” On Our Articles   I’m often asked why there is a label of “advertisement” at the bottom of the Church’s articles. They’ll often say, “No one else’s does, why yours?” The newspaper places it there. Consider this: While the designation is accurate, for our articles tell people about the church of Christ, it is obvious that the content is what we are seeking to get forward (Cf. 1 Tim. 3:15). There should be a distinct difference in what a church of Christ presents to the community, and that of the various false religions. And there is if the church is doing its work as it should. By refusing the often sought “marketing approach” the Truth becomes apparent. It is the Truth that is important in contrast to sin and religious error. Included is an exposure of the oft used “Try Us And You’ll Like Us” pitch.

   When visitors are looking to please “self” rather than God then you’ll often see them get up and march out. Those who hate the Light aren’t comfortable around applicable teaching. It isn’t that the church is not friendly. It is what Jesus said about those who love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil (Read Jo. 3:19-21). The point is that YOU are just what GOD’S WORD is looking for! Through instruction from the Word the secrets of the heart are made manifest (I Cor. 14:24). Those who go a lifetime playing “games” — thinking that they have escaped the eyes of God — are greatly deceived:


Heb 4:12  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the THOUGHTS and intents of the heart. 

Heb 4:13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.



Memory #2  You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April 2016 before this continuing article concerning some simple applications pertaining to one’s memory. Emphasis in this article is given to the importance of our remembering our own past conduct. Paul did not exclude himself when speaking of past conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that he acted ignorantly as a blasphemer, persecutor and violent aggressor (“injurious”) against the church. He included himself in being foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another (Titus 3:3). Paul THOUGHT he should do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 26:9). This is the difference between “I THINK I SHOULD” and what is right before God! There is also the importance of our not forgetting even one of God’s benefits of salvation in Christ. Once restored one must not revert back--- thus once again forgetting the necessary obedience for salvation in Christ. 


     The Transgender Attack This contains two newspaper articles: 1. Surely Not Shameless ~ The Transgender Directive; 2. Surely Not Living a Lie ~ The Transgender Directive. These present both the spiritual and physical dangers tied to the recent “I think I identify with transgender” decree from President Obama. This is moving quickly in our society and especially so when the media’s bias is presenting the kind of things that promote LGBT (Lesbian, Gay *Homosexual, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual).

   Key points include scriptures on: evil THOUGHTS, evil desire, lewdness, shameless behavior, uncleanness, motives, the mind, depraved passions, wrath of God upon the children of disobedience, walked in immoralities, lived in immoralities, despise wickedness and immorality.


     What Every Politician Needs to Know  Applicable lessons based upon David’s addresses, and of course God’s, to Solomon concerning his reign upon David’s throne form the background of this particular article. This article applies to politicians. Read about Solomon’s THRONE and exemplification of one of his own proverbs: “It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness” (Prov. 6:12). Applications are also made from the book of Jeremiah and the Psalms denouncing oppression, fraud, extortion, cruelty and the destruction of the foundation of society.


    Stand Strong Spiritually Against Those Who Frame Wickedness by Law Don’t buy in with the sinful Go-Along Get-Along Gang. Just keep on exposing and reproving what is sinful. The New Testament, the will of Christ, will do that right well. Christians don’t endorse man’s “legislations” – Ps 94:20 Can a THRONE OF DESTRUCTION be allied with You, one who devises mischief by decree? > “DECREE” H2706 a statute, law -- just because a particular political party might be pushing them. See the point on Republicans and the 15 WEEK abortion ban. 




The Bible Does not Teach Praying to Animals  Amazingly during the celebration of the “blessing of animals” this year one church, not Catholic, offered this opportunity: “In addition to the blessing, all present can offer special prayers to the animal friends who have died. Each person may name the pet.” At least this what appeared in the newspaper article promoting this event. Read this article and you will notice several strange and divergent views that some hold concerning animals as part of God’s creation. Other scriptural points made are: 1. Living members of the church at Philippi were called “saints” in the first century church (read Phil. 1:1). The New Testament knows nothing of the elaborate process that Catholicism practices in making one a so called “Saint” such as St. Francis of Assisi, and then honoring them. 2. Human myths and traditions when practiced and believed as one’s religion make void the commands of God (read Matt. 15:3-8; Col. 2:8; I Tim. 1:3-4, 6:4). 3. TITLES such as Rabbi, Father, Master, Reverend etc. are man’s credentials given by the human institutions men build that bestow them. They simply have no place in Christ’s church – read Matt. 23:8-10.


Hating Homosexuality This article from 1999 relates to the meeting between Jerry Falwell and the so called gay Christians. The press presented them as "gay Christians" meaning that they were practicing homosexuals and lesbians. The purpose of that meeting was to reduce violence and hatred toward homosexuals. The purpose of that meeting was to reduce violence and hatred toward homosexuals. When the press presents practicing homosexual and lesbians as Christians who present themselves in good standing with God, then the contradictions from a religious point of view must be exposed! And that's what the article does. It shows clearly how "practicing" homosexuals and lesbians are not to be accepted or fellowshipped in the church. Many young people are taking Acceptance, TOLERANCE and Diversity Instruction to mean that there is nothing wrong "morally" with being gay. You will hear them say, "What’s wrong with being gay?" Such I believe is the aim of the homosexual activists. Tell your children that being taught "TOLERANCE" does not make sinful acts right. It changes nothing! Such instruction in school should never leave the impression that one should not, cannot or does not have the right to hold the conviction that homosexuality is perversion.


 The Conduct God Expects From Our Members  Read this article and it should help you to better understand the "unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph. 4:1-3; Col. 3:12-14). These 7 Virtues are discussed as being necessary for each member of the local church: Lowliness (Humility), Meekness (Gentleness), Longsuffering (Patience), Forebearing (Showing TOLERANCE), Tender Mercies (Heart of Compassion), Kindness and Forgiving one another. Understanding these in this context answers such important questions as: Whom can I talk to? When do I go to another? Can I speak publicly in rebuking to thus maintain this unity? What would a refusal to listen indicate? What happens to one who does not forgive if one repents?


      The Majority Know Another Jesus The church at Corinth gladly TOLERATED fools who taught another Jesus and different gospel (cf. 2 Cor. 11:4, 19).  It is possible for one to read the trifling literature of fools and possess a completely false view of Jesus. Read the Gospels for yourself and see what He really did do and teach. Applications from the Gospels themselves that show the stark differences between what most think Jesus taught and what He really did teach!


Selected Newspaper Articles The following are selected newspaper articles ran by the Valley church of Christ for 2009-2010. We put some together periodically in order to post them on our website. Both churches and preachers would do well to consider that just offering a few scriptural points on important topics can go a long way in helping others. Consider the following points on (1) Why Pentecostal / Charismatic Tactics Easily Deceive; (2) TOLERATING Evil In The Church Seen ~ Complaining With No Intention Of Making Things Scriptural; (3) Stupid Kid’s Games Draw Customers; (4) Liberation Theology & Marxist Ideology; (5) Human Creeds & Statements of Faith


     God Turns The Way Of The Wicked Upside Down  This lesson considers the path of the wicked that is a familiar topic throughout the Psalms. You will learn about the wicked by the following: (1) God thwarts the way of the wicked (Ps. 146:9); (2) God puts the wicked in great fear (Ps. 53); (3) Accusers are filled with their own ways (Ps. 109). This section tells you exactly what will happen to the wicked; (4) You will learn about the purpose of their traps they set for the righteous; (5) God overthrows the best of secret counsel. Their own TONGUE is a stumbling for them! (Ps. 64).


   Is There Prophecy Today? This is a study of prophecy in the New Testament dispensation. It issues appropriate warnings to those who are often deceived by false teachers claiming the gift of prophecy. “Prophecy” was but one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit enumerated in I Corinthians 12:8-10. There is an abundance of information here on the “gifts of the Holy Spirit” besides prophecy. Prophecy, as a spiritual gift, appears here along with SPEAKING IN TONGUES, the word of knowledge, and various other spiritual gifts. Notice that there were nine spiritual gifts in all that were given to the infant church: 1. the word of wisdom, 2. the word of knowledge, 3. faith, 4. gifts of healing, 5. working of miracles, 6. prophecy, 7. discerning of spirits, 8. different kinds of TONGUES (languages), 9. the interpretation of TONGUES.


Replacing the Truth with Christmas Tradition  The vast majority of people think that mere human TRADITION is the truth today. This article exposes the religious errors (and there are many) that the majority of people practice during the Christmas Holiday. You do not have to remain among them!


    The Lies Of Apostasies The full title of this article is “The Pattern Of Lies Producing And Sustaining Apostasies. Read this article to study what Jeroboam did wrong when he said in his heart that God’s established order would not work. Besides Jeroboam’s apostasy, the article presents in detail the pattern of lies producing apostasies from the book of Jeremiah. Some important questions answered are: Why do lies prevail? How has the truth been affected? What Lies? What will God do in the end? Here is an excerpt: Why do lies sustaining apostasies prevail? Because people love the flattery of liars and trust in their reckless boasting! (Jer. 23:32). This comes from their “own hearts” (23:26); from their own imagination (23:16). Moreover they have influence with those who despise God (23:17). This is where HUMAN TRADITION is born and comes from, and how it continues! (Jer. 14:14). Lying pens are nothing new, Jer. 8:8. In reading their justifications you see their own authority speaking so they can rule by their own authority (Jer. 5:30-31). When apostasies go on and continue it is proof that they have caused people to trust in their reckless boasting! It is HUMAN TRADITION born and continued by their own authority! It has an “end” – Matt. 15:13; Ezk. 7 “An end!”


     The Majority Know Another Jesus The church at Corinth gladly tolerated fools who taught another Jesus and different gospel, Paul said (cf. 2 Cor. 11:4, 19).  It is possible for one to read the trifling literature of fools and possess a completely false view of Jesus. Read the Gospels for yourself and see what He really did do and teach. Here’s a start with applications from the Gospels themselves that show the stark differences between what most think Jesus taught and what He really did teach! Verses are presented that deal with: (15) the HUMAN TRADITION that you obey that causes you to despise God’s justice and the true love of God that rebukes and convicts the sinner…


     The Majority Know Another Jesus The church at Corinth gladly tolerated fools who taught another Jesus and different gospel, Paul said (cf. 2 Cor. 11:4, 19).  It is possible for one to read the trifling literature of fools and possess a completely false view of Jesus. Read the Gospels for your self and see what He really did do and teach. Here’s a start with applications from the Gospels themselves that show the stark differences between what most think Jesus taught and what He really did teach! Verses are presented that deal with: (16) locking the door of salvation by HUMAN TRADITION, thus allowing others the wickedness you yourself partake of, and working hard to keep others from truly repenting and obeying the Gospel…


The Bible Does not Teach Praying to Animals  Amazingly during the celebration of the “blessing of animals” this year one church, not Catholic, offered this opportunity: “In addition to the blessing, all present can offer special prayers to the animal friends who have died. Each person may name the pet.” At least this what appeared in the newspaper article promoting this event. Read this article and you will notice several strange and divergent views that some hold concerning animals as part of God’s creation. Other scriptural points made are: 1. Living members of the church at Philippi were called “saints” in the first century church (read Phil. 1:1). The New Testament knows nothing of the elaborate process that Catholicism practices in making one a so called “Saint” such as St. Francis of Assisi, and then honoring them. 2. Human myths and TRADITIONS when practiced and believed as one’s religion make void the commands of God (read Matt. 15:3-8; Col. 2:8; I Tim. 1:3-4, 6:4). 3. Titles such as Rabbi, Father, Master, Reverend, etc. are man’s credentials given by the human institutions men build that bestow them. They simply have no place in Christ’s church – read Matt. 23:8-10.


     How Can One Understand the Word of God? (A Brief Study of Scriptural Authority)  Most churches never speak out on the necessity of having “scriptural authority” for what one believes and practices. In fact, most are not willing to deal with the subject because of the lack of authority for things they are doing. Here is a brief study on how to establish scriptural authority by using Statements, Commands, Examples, and Necessary Inferences found in the Word of God. Each individual is confronted with the task of seeking the approval of God as set forth in the Scriptures, over the approval of men. Nor must one allow their feelings or emotions to take precedent over the requirements of God’s word (cf. Pr. 14:12). Your parents and FAMILY TRADITION are not the standard of religious authority (cf. Matt. 10:34-37). One’s conscience is not the standard for there are examples where one believed they were right when wrong (cf. Acts 26:9). The preacher is not the standard for the preacher must be preaching the Word (cf. 2 Tim. 4:1-5; Gal. 1:8-9). The elders are not the standard for the elders must be upholding the Word (Titus 1:9). Human creeds and confessions of faith (HUMAN TRADITION) written by men are most often found among false standards used today, yet held in high esteem by men and institutions built by men.


     Casting Down Eloquence & Sophistry Series (2 Cor. 10:4-5) False teachers are getting away with things warned of in this series. In conclusion here are IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF JESUS’ TEACHING DURING HIS MINISTRY:

1. Jesus correctly explained the Law of Moses (cf. Matt. 12:12). A scribe understood and stated that Jesus had rightly explained the greatest commandments of the Law (cf. Mk. 12:28-34).

2. Christ exposed the empty “TRADITIONS” (man’s not God’s) of the Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees – religious leaders of His day (cf. Matt.15:1-10; 22:23-33).

3. Some of His teachings contained teaching to be used under the New Covenant that replaced the Old Mosaic Covenant (cf. Mk. 16:15-16; Matt. 18:15-18, 19:3-9; cp. Col. 2:14-17).

4. There is the necessity of identifying when the New Covenant came into effect. Jesus spoke of the church as yet in the future when He said, “I will build My church…” (Matt. 16:18). In giving instruction on His Supper, the fruit of the vine is said to represent His blood of the New Testament (Matt. 26:28). His priesthood necessitated that the law changed from the Old to the New (cf. Heb. 7:12). The apostles preached the New Testament on Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2.

5. No portion of His teaching denies that the judgments of God brought upon the world, as recorded in the Old Testament, were indeed left as warnings for us today! (See Lesson Four). People love the deception in being told that God today just isn’t like that (cf. Rom.16:17). But God will punish the wicked in Hades and eternally in Hell (cf. Lk.16:22-26; Matt. 10:28).


     Using The Word “Religion” Correctly You will hear, “You know there is really no such thing as religion in the Bible.” That’s as false as one saying you can love Jesus but religion is non-essential. Some falsely present Jesus as greater than religion, but the religion He gave is His love, holiness, discipline and just nature. Various scriptural usages of the word “RELIGION” are presented in this article, while contrasting false religion with the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 3). You find references to the Jews’ religion, sects of the Jews (Pharisees * Sadducees), and man-made religion after the commandments and doctrines of men (man’s tradition). Such are contrasted with “pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father” (Ja. 1:27).


   In The House of Public Issues Here is information on the National Cathedral in D.C. hosting same-sex nuptials. Here is a present example of the fallacy of human conventions making man made laws and binding them on their church. Such displays how corrupt churches really are! This includes a brief history of the Episcopal Church and it progression into gay marriage. The Anglican fellowship and Church of England’s love for HUMAN TRADITION is also exposed as they battle for Women Bishops.


     Excuses ~ Oldies Are Still the Goodies! There’s nothing so entertaining to some as tuning in to the “Oldies” program on their available radio network. Some of those hits you just don’t get tired of hearing, and there are some excuses for evading scriptural authority that you are always hearing from those who never tire of using them. Here are several oldies that are still goodies for those disrespecting scriptural authority: I. We are all part of the body of Christ; II. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; III. Jesus said, I am the vine and ye are the branches; IV. God loves sinners too; V. We’ve all been left under HUMAN TRADITION; VI. Only God can judge another; VII. I’d never tell you that you are in the wrong church; VIII. Never place a period where God has placed a comma.


     You Discriminate! You Hate! ~ “Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?” (Matt. 15:12) What Jesus said that the Pharisees heard in Matt. 15:11 caused them great displeasure, but there was no wrong on Jesus’ part. He exposed the Pharisees’ HUMAN TRADITION by explaining that such does not come from God, but man’s own mind (cf. “but you say” Matt. 15:5). He said their hypocritical worship centered in teaching as doctrine the precepts of mere men (Matt. 15:9). He answered the above question by saying “Every plant, which My Father has not planted, shall be rooted up.” His truthful answer called them “blind leaders of the blind” saying both fall into the pit (Matt. 15:14). His words were the words of the Father; He always did the things that were pleasing to Him (Jo. 6:38, 8:29,14:10). He did not teach that it is wrong to name and describe false religious beliefs. He said concerning their doctrines, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees” (Matt. 16:6). Why? Because both really were blind guides of the blind! They invalidated the Word of God by their HUMAN TRADITITONS bound as doctrine (Matt. 15:6). And just as today – their upholding human tradition brought with it money, prestige and power (Jo. 12:43; Lk.16:13-15).


   You Were Pagans Carried Away Unto Dumb Idols (I Cor. 12:2)  Many are simply not aware of the various “other” designations for the Gentiles – such as “pagans,” “heathens,” “infidels” and “unbelievers.” This is especially true when some of these refer to idolaters. The world is divided into two divisions: Christians and the whole world that lies in the power of the evil one, Satan (I Jo. 5:19). Notice the emphasis given to one either being “in Christ” or “without” i.e. “outside” of Christ (Col. 4:5). The church is presented here as it is – a holy nation (I Pet. 2:9) – the spiritual Israel, citizenship is in heaven – the church made up of both Jews and Gentiles. There is no praise here for “man” from a physical, ethnic or national background (cf. Rom. 2:28-29). If one is not in Christ he is “WITHOUT” or “OUTSIDE” (Col. 4:5). All other “world religions” and religious beliefs fall under the category of “Human Philosophy” and “Empty Deception” according to the “TRADITIONS OF MEN” (Col. 2:8). When it comes to the total population of the world there are only two divisions: Christians and the whole world that lies in the power of the evil one, Satan (I Jo. 5:19).


 A Read the Bible Story worth Telling The importance of reading the Bible is stressed along with appropriate applications concerning the blessings of reading it, hearing it and keeping it. In Jo. 8:31-32 Jesus said if you continue in word, then you are my disciples. The Bible can be understood alike. If those who believed on Him couldn’t understand it alike then how could they continue in it? Concerning the epistle to the Ephesians Paul said, “Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ” (Eph. 3:4). There is this warning: If you could not understand the Bible you would not know the difference between HUMAN TRADITION, man’s so called spiritual wisdom, and God’s Word (Col. 2:8). Col 2:8 warns us, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” So why do people make the claim we cannot understand the Bible alike? They claim such because they are holding on to their human traditions. With that in mind the article presents a conversation with a man who said that he is reading the Bible for himself for the first time in his life. Moreover, he’s seeing the differences between what man is willing to teach for the sake of human tradition, power, prestige, etc. and how the Bible really reads.



   “I’m Staying with Zoom” The current pride in technology denominational invite is “Worship online or in person here.” We must be certain that what we do with high tech is scriptural as regards the work and worship of Christ’s church. If “zoom” and “online” are let stray, as some among us already have, then you will have a developed human tradition that will cause many to lose their souls. The impact itself on the body of Christ can be like a spreading spiritual virus in years following upon member’s zeal for assembling (Cf. Eph. 4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb. 10:24-27). You must know the difference between the word “home” and “house” and “houses” and the words “come together as a church” and “assembling of ourselves together” and “in the church.” Read here for proper definitions that lead to proper applications of what it means to assemble together.




   Are brethren being led to believe that an online presentation is “assembling”?





   Where do false motive come from? Just how much in such a developed human tradition is there a pleasing of self and others? Enough to leave sound doctrine!





2Ti 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.


“SPIRIT” [G4151 pneuma] – Thayer 5. “disposition, desire…”


a. NOT OF “FEAR” (timidity, NASB) [G1167 deilia, n.] Thayer: 1) timidity, fearfulness, cowardice. From [G1169 deilos, adj.] > From δέος deos (dread); timid, that is, (by implication) faithless: - fearful > Rev. 21:8 “cowardly” followed by “unbelieving” [G571 apistos] 1) unfaithful, faithless, (not to be trusted, perfidious).


b. “BUT OF POWER” [G1411 dunamis] Thayer: strength, ability, power – from [G1410 dunamai] to be able or possible: - be able, can (do, + -not), could, may, might, be possible, be of power; Rom. 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”


Notes: “spirit” (mind, mental or desire):  “…not ...of fear” (timidity, cowardice), “but of power” (*seen in believing and doing the Word, 2 Tim. 1:8, 2 Tim. 3:5 denied the power thus weak and unfit; Ja. 1:22 doers of the word);


Some verses where we are told to be able and are able: Jas 1:22 doers of the word; Lk. 6:46-48; Jo. 12:42-43; I Th. 2:2; Eph. 3:16-17; Col. 1:9-12.


c. “OF LOVE AND A SOUND MIND” – “sound” [G4995 sōphronismos] Thayer:

1) an admonishing or calling to soundness of mind, to moderation and self-control.


Application: You can’t separate the sound mind from sound doctrine!





VERSES: Rom. 1:16-17 “the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation”; Eph. 6:11 “put on the whole armor of God that you might be able to stand”, 16 “shield of faith” (cf. Rom. 10:17 faith comes by hearing the word), 17 “the sword of the Spirit…the word of God”, 19 “prayer and supplication for all saints.” Christ’s strength would have gotten all of His churches through “lock down” whatever it took: 1) Back Yards 2) Open Spaces 3) Parking Lots etc.





   Remember way back when we were explaining that the church is not the building – that church buildings are expedients of the command to assemble (Heb. 10:25) and the work of edifying the body (I Cor. 14:26) – there was common way of putting it plainly back then, “You can meet under a tree for that matter!” Let’s hear that again, “You can meet under a tree for that matter! Yes, “You can meet under a tree for that matter! Until it came time to! Let’s hear that again. Until it came time to! 



     Selected Newspaper Articles from 2016  These four newspaper articles include: (1) Surely Such Beautiful People (In this article “Beautiful people are just everywhere here!” People, and especially our youth, do not understand the vanity that is evil and destructive). (2) Surely Correct Thinking ~ Although It Does Not Begin With the Fear of the Lord (In this article “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Pr. 1:9) – “beginning” meaning the first step in acquiring and then applying God’s revealed word. This is not your own “I think” or “I believe.” Four important applications display what men are willing to do when they lack the fear of the Lord. (3) Surely Not Their Kind of Preacher ~ Hired to Protect the Ungodly (Based upon I Tim. 3:16-17 it is the members themselves who are responsible for maintaining such preachers; these men pleasers are standing in line to take the place of those who preach the truth and are dismissed or cast out for doing so. (4) Surely Displays Great Love for Jesus ~ Cancelling Church for Sunday Dec. 25 (Lk. 2:11 says “For you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” That’s right, all we have is “this day” --- thus the obvious flaw in saying that anyone today knows the exact day Jesus was born. Since no one knows then how can “cancelling” church figure in at all on “Christmas”? Put this with the command not to forsake assembling and you see that love of the TRADITIONS OF MEN, not God’s Word, is all important and mighty self-serving.


     Don’t Call it Easter just “Resurrection Sunday” and Keep the Human Tradition This article contains a complaint spoken by one who read a newspaper article wherein Lent’s law of fasting is exposed as HUMAN TRADITION, and not the teaching of the New Testament. The article is appears along with her complaint. Most who observe Easter services know nothing about the apostasies in the 2nd Century and what happened from the Period 100 A.D. to 325 A.D. A short view of apostasies from Phillip Schaff’s History of the Christian Church is presented with specific mention of the observance of the called Christian Sabbath, Pentecost, Passover, Easter, Epiphany and Christmas.


     Sects, and Sects Among Us  Here is an outline / notes, etc., on the sects of the Pharisees and Sadducees, as well as application to sects among us today. When speaking of the church Jesus said “I will build My church” (Matt 16:18). It is His church: 1Co 3:10 According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.; 1Co 3:11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.; Eph 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; …the sect of the Pharisees added “more” to God’s word than was written in the Old Testament – today sects add “more” than revealed in the New Testament concerning the church of Christ.

    The article contains information on the Sects, Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Lawyers, Jewish Council or Sanhedrin, the Herodians, HUMAN TRADITION handed down and bound thus making void the law of God, Heresy is defined, Paul gave up the sect of the Pharisees to be a Christian, problems sects caused to the church in the first century and how they were dealt with, how some think they can Counsel God, TRADITIONS Handed Down today Have a Beginning, Sects Among Us Associated with HUMAN TRADITION are Florida College and the Guardian of Truth Foundation, the Arlington Meeting (1968) between some chosen “Institutionalist and Non-Institutionalist” is exposed --- some of both sides being intent on justifying the Human Societies of their own choosing, how the Akin Fund among Non-Institutionalist is used against them at the Arlington Meeting, Emphasis being: “To keep the church as God gave it the society that intrudes into the works He gave the churches must go! All necessary correction (restoration) must be made back to the New Testament scriptural pattern for Christ’s church.” 



     False Doctrines on the State of Man After Death Corrected by the Scriptures  Some religions believe that one ceases to exist after death and before the Day of Judgment. The Seventh-day Adventists’ belief is stated here to illustrate. Then compare Scriptural After-Death Scenarios such as the TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus and those present, and an after death conversation with Abraham who is with Lazarus. This study relates to scriptures showing that death cannot separate the faithful from the love of Christ and that one does “not” cease to exist after death and before the Judgment Day.



     The Transgender Thing The bible contains an abundance of information applicable to the direction that our society is going as regards sexual immoralities or perversion. One immorality perhaps considered less publicized than others is the “TRANSGENDER” thing. Perhaps I should be more specific and say “TRANSSEXUAL” thing, i.e. the desire to live and be accepted as a member of the sex opposite to that of their own birth. Such often alter their bodies and physical appearance in order to present themselves according to this desire. In the New Testament alone there are several lists of the works of the flesh that will keep one out of the kingdom of Christ. You will find some helpful, worthwhile applications at the close of this article that will provide wisdom to be shared with others.


     So Called “Sex Change” & “Transgender” Read this article and understand that so called sex change is actually genital mutilation. One who has undergone such tells what it actually is. Also notice here how those who have allowed the physicians, therapists and psychologists to talk them into such mock them, as well as the social hype that is promoting this today. Consider carefully the point here that some would saturate children with this nonsense – even beginning in grade school – telling them they’ll decided later what gender they want to choose.  Definitions of TRANSGENDER, Gender Identity and TRANS-SEXUAL are given with applications.   


   The Transgender Attack This contains two newspaper articles: 1. Surely Not Shameless ~ The TRANSGENDER Directive; 2. Surely Not Living a Lie ~ The TRANSGENDER Directive. These present both the spiritual and physical dangers tied to the recent “I think I identify with transgender” decree from President Obama. This is moving quickly in our society and especially so when the media’s bias is presenting the kind of things that promote LGBT (Lesbian, Gay *Homosexual, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual).

   Key points include scriptures on: evil thoughts, evil desire, lewdness, shameless behavior, uncleanness, motives, the mind, depraved passions, wrath of God upon the children of disobedience, walked in immoralities, lived in immoralities, despise wickedness and immorality.


The Charge that Jesus was a Drag King Etc. A College professor has been quoted as saying JESUS was a drag king, pan-sexual, who was cross dressing and had lascivious desires at the Passover supper. He claims John in the Gospel of John presents a TRANSGENDERING of Jesus. This capped with Christ (God) lusting sexually after the Father (God) on the Cross. You’d think a “high” prof in a theological class would know God is Spirit and theirs is not a physical relationship. This article gets to the core error of one who held such a prestigious place among men – Sin and what Jesus had to say about it. There is no Sin in God (I Pet. 2:22). His Word reveals lewdness is expressed in one’s words and not just otherwise behavior. Evil imaginations and images stated in explanations such as we read are condemned throughout the New Testament. The only right thing to say about anyone accusing Jesus of lewdness (in word, thought or deed) is Christ’s own references to man’s heart and what comes out of it in his speech! You may read now about the filthy speech.


     “They Delight In Destroying!”; “They Are Not Good People, Nor Children.” : These two articles connect both adults and children to the destructive influence of WOKE philosophy, LGBTQ, and TRANS INFLUENCE.


   What are the Works of the Flesh?  The WORKS OF THE FLESH in the New Testament scriptures are part of God’s moral analysis to be taught and applied. The Vatican recently issued a new document stating when people ask their priests for a blessing “an exhaustive moral analysis should not be placed as a precondition for conferring it” – this is mentioned later with comments in this article. The works of the flesh are sin (I Jo 3:4). We’re told they are what keeps one from Heaven, and sends one to Hell – thus, the truth about them must not be rejected. The works of the flesh can be divisive being sound doctrine (I Cor 11:19). God’s word applied correctly will divide the faithful from the unfaithful. False churches push Woke philosophies and LGBT+ based on out right acceptance (!!) of the works of the flesh.


You can compare what the Vatican says with important points like these: 

5. WOKE and TRANS is repeatedly condemned in the works of the flesh listing liars, homosexuals, lesbians, the sexually immoral, and more  -- these will have their part in Hell (Rev 21:8).


    Stand Strong Spiritually Against Those Who Frame Wickedness by Law Don’t buy in with the sinful Go-Along Get-Along Gang. Just keep on exposing and reproving what is sinful. The New Testament, the will of Christ, will do that right well. Christians don’t endorse man’s “legislations” – Ps 94:20 Can a throne of destruction be allied with You, one who devises mischief by decree? > “DECREE” H2706 a STATUTE, LAW -- just because a particular political party might be pushing them. See the point on Republicans and the 15 WEEK abortion ban. See the point on calling fornication, fornicators, whores, whoremongers, adultery and adulterers what they are in red light districts and on the streets of our cities! See the point on women who are cowards and can’t even define what a woman is while being one and having given birth! The woman giving birth might claim whatever a WOKE degenerate mind dreams up – and wants to dress up like – we know any so called “TRANS” who gives birth is a woman. Liars are excluded from heaven and cast into hell (Gen 1:28, 3:8, 4:1; Rev 21:8, 22:15).




     God Turns The Way Of The Wicked Upside Down This lesson considers the path of the wicked that is a familiar topic throughout the Psalms. You will learn about the wicked by the following: (1) God thwarts the way of the wicked (Ps. 146:9); (2) God puts the wicked in great fear (Ps. 53); (3) Accusers are filled with their own ways (Ps. 109). This section tells you exactly what will happen to the wicked; (4) You will learn about the purpose of their TRAPS they set for the righteous; (5) God overthrows the best of secret counsel (Ps. 64).


     Selected Newspaper Articles for 2013 These newspaper articles from 2013 include: (1) “Using ‘Christendom’ to Cover Religious Error”; (2) “The Ways of the Street Mugger”; (3) “Murders, Murderers, Victims”; (4) “Surely not a Hot Head” and (5) “Surely not a Greedy Person.” See comments on abundance, possessions, one’s TREASURE and one’s heart.


     Aids & Additions (Expediencies Reviewed)  Most churches never speak out on the necessity of having “scriptural authority” for what one believes and practices. In fact, most are not willing to deal with the subject because of the lack of authority for things they are doing. It is important to know the difference between “aids” used to carry out what is authorized versus “additions” which are things not authorized. This lesson should help with that distinction. Before brethren justify something based upon expediency they must first state the authorized work, need or thing commanded to be done. Sadly, some brethren will reason on the basis of what they “like” or “enjoy” and seek to incorporate it into the work and worship of the local church.  This sometimes happens when brethren seek to justify a practice by saying it makes them feel better. Some just flat reject what is authorized, get mad, and leave. The truth never causes anyone to stumble, but rejecting it will! (I Jo. 2:10). At times you will find members who will accept what is authorized in the work and worship of the church while admitting that in their own mind they’d be willing to do that which is not authorized — this usually comes with the promise that they’d never cause trouble or go against the majority. Error in the mind is still error!   

   Applications are made to these important topics: (1) Instruction to Assemble; (2) The EXAMPLE OF A TREASURY; (3) Why the Church Building Is Authorized; (4) Social Functions: Kitchens, Fellowship Halls & Game Rooms On Church Grounds; (5) The Assemblies of the church in I Cor. 11, 14; (6) Acts 2:42-46; (7) The Serving of the Widows, Acts 6:1-6.


 A Safe Deposit For My Treasures  Do you really want to go to heaven? This article contrasts the physical setbacks besetting those who suffered during the fires of 2003 with the eternal setbacks of not heeding Jesus instruction in Matt. 6:19-20. Why not refresh your mind by reading about heaven as a safe deposit for your TREASURES? Moreover you can read and understand that Heaven is a place where there will be no more death, sorrow, crying, pain, curse or night - just eternal day (Rev. 21:1-4, 21:25-22:5).



     Why We Rejoice With One Another  God delights over His people to do them good (De. 28:63). The Psalmist said, “Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart” (Ps. 97:11). We are commanded to rejoice with those who rejoice, and to weep with those who weep, being of the same mind one toward another (Rom. 12:15-16). Our being sorrowful when one is arrogant and suffers is different from sharing joy and sorrow as Paul spoke of. If one of us suffers because we remain obstinate and arrogant then our sorrow will be the tears of Jeremiah if we love them: “But if ye will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for your pride; and mine eye shall weep sore, and run down with tears, because the Lord's flock is carried away captive” (Jer. 13:17). We know that arrogance and pride God will destroy! The righteous will weep because of this for the reasons Jeremiah did in Lamentations— they were given many opportunities to repent and give glory to God, but that takes FEAR AND TREMBLING, and they refused every time the offer was given and would not (cf. Jer. 13:15-19, 15:7, 5:3). This is the bitter sorrow that realizes God can make enemies rejoice over His own when He casts them off (Ps. 89:42).


Things Often Missing During Afflictions The applications in this brief study will deal with those who are in TRIALS and affliction.  Dear reader, you will notice that with some of these God has no pleasure. For others, they see God’s faithfulness during their afflictions. Why not read this either for yourself or with a view to being able to help another?


 The Foolishness In Forgetting God’s Word TRIALS should not cause us to forget God’s law! We can receive strength in remembering past TRIALS we persevered in (Cf. Heb. 10:32-34). The one who perseveres does not shrink back! Why not read this article and acquaint yourself with what is happening when one forgets God’s law?


     God Turns The Way Of The Wicked Upside Down This lesson considers the path of the wicked that is a familiar topic throughout the Psalms. You will learn about the wicked by the following: (1) God thwarts the way of the wicked (Ps. 146:9); (2) God puts the wicked in great fear because He despises them! (Ps. 53; Lev. 26:14-33); (3) Accusers are filled with their own ways (Ps. 109). This section tells you exactly what will happen to the wicked; (4) You will learn about the purpose of their traps they set for the righteous. They devise traps for the purpose of TRIPPING UP the righteous! (5) God overthrows the best of secret counsel (Ps. 64).


     God Turns The Way Of The Wicked Upside Down This lesson considers the path of the wicked that is a familiar topic throughout the Psalms. You will learn about the wicked by the following: (1) God thwarts the way of the wicked (Ps. 146:9); (2) God puts the wicked in great fear because He despises them! (Ps. 53; Lev. 26:14-33); (3) Accusers are filled with their own ways (Ps. 109). This section tells you exactly what will happen to the wicked; (4) You will learn about the purpose of their traps they set for the righteous; (5) God overthrows the best of secret counsel (Ps. 64). God’s purpose is that all who see their wicked counsel overthrown fear Him, and declare it the work of God. The righteous will rejoice and TRUST in God! (Ps. 64; Ps. 107:43).


   Memory #2  You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April 2016 before this continuing article concerning some simple applications pertaining to one’s memory. Emphasis in this article is given to the importance of our remembering our own past conduct. Paul did not exclude himself when speaking of past conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that he was a blasphemer, persecutor and violent aggressor against the church. There is also the importance of our not forgetting even one of God’s benefits given to us in Christ. Sometimes you make more than one trip through a “wilderness” you’ve been through before – you can do it without being overly anxious when you continue to serve God, TRUST in His deliverances and do not serve Mammon (cf. Matt. 6:24-25).


     Memory #3 of 3  This is the third portion of a brief series on “Memory” (April, May and June 2016). This article’s emphasis is on not using memory to prevent spiritual danger and destruction, letting greed overpower remembering God’s presence in times past, using memory to correct one’s life and the necessity of being reminded to be ready for every good work. The “It’s Party Time Son” in Lk. 15notice how his memory led him to properly restore his father’s TRUST in him. Israel’s Complaining / MURMURING towards Moses and Aaron, and thus towards God Himself, that they had been brought out into the wilderness to be killed by thirst and starvation led to the destruction of many (cf. Nu. 11:1 Taberah; 11:33-34 Kibrothhathtaava). Letting “greed” (lust) overpower remembering God’s presence in times past resulted in a great plague upon the people (Nu. 11:33-34).



   A Simple Biblical Pattern For Explaining “Why?”  A respondent who questioned the matter of judging those who live together without marriage stated, “I think these days it can be a good thing to live together before getting married....  This obviously goes against your feelings, but they're just your feelings, not everyone's." Last of all she stated, "As far as your last sentence, it's not an idea that it's acceptable and normal, these days, IT IS acceptable and normal.... If you don't like it, then don't do it.... I wouldn't criticize you...why do you judge about people who choose to live together?"
   This individual wants to know “Why” I would determine that people who choose to live together are wrong in doing so. I presumed this to be an honest question deserving of an answer.
Understand that  Jesus fulfilled His promise to guide the Apostles into ALL TRUTH in the first century (John 14:26, 15:26, 16:13-15, Jude3; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).

   Following a desire to know God's will as one reads the Bible they must learn to make the proper applications. Proper applications necessitate distinguishing between what is "right" and what is "wrong." In the Scriptures the word FORNICATION is properly defined as “illicit sexual intercourse.” FORNICATION as a violation of God’s law for mankind is set forth with the penalty being eternal punishment in hell! (Cf. Rom. 1:32, 3:23, 6:23, Heb. 13:4, Rev. 21:8). “Instruction” in the Word plainly states that FORNICATION as described above is a work of the flesh that leads to eternal destruction if not repented of (I Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19-21).  



      The Paths of Mercy The subject of God’s great mercy is connected with the things that He delights in. God delights in Loving-kindness, Justice and Righteousness, thus the necessity of our glorying in these things in order that we might receive His mercy! Moreover, God’s mercy is for those who fear Him (Ps. 103:17-18). We must remember that it is in the practice of mercy itself that we receive back from God (Ps. 18:25-27). Along with these there is a checklist of applications on God’s kindness that includes: It is important that we see TRUTH connected with mercy.”


     What Stubbornness Really Is The prophet Jeremiah had a lot to say about the stubbornness of God’s people. He pulled no punches but stated plainly the carnality involved. The purpose of this study is to ensure that we understand the importance of obedience being commanded us. The seriousness of this study is seen in that the stubborn contend with God, are punished, and while being punished go yet onwards towards that point where iniquity is great, sins are numerous, and God’s punishment painfully serious! By continual stubbornness the TRUTH perishes and lies prevail!


     The Lies Of Apostasies  The full title of this article is “The Pattern Of Lies Producing And Sustaining Apostasies.Read this article to study what Jeroboam did wrong when he said in his heart that God’s established order would not work. Besides Jeroboam’s apostasy, the article presents in detail the pattern of lies producing apostasies from the book of Jeremiah. Some important questions answered are: Why do lies prevail? How has the truth been affected? What Lies? What will God do in the end? Here is an excerpt: What happened to the TRUTH? Through deceit they refused to know God! (Jer. 9:6). When apostasies go on and continue it is proof that through deceit God’s people refuse to know Him! The TRUTH perished. Hear Jeremiah, “But thou shalt say unto them, This is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the Lord their God, nor receiveth correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth” (Jer. 7:28). They were as dumb as their “idol” they trusted in! (Jer. 10:14). “


Selected Newspaper Articles From The Valley Church of Christ  What is the local church to present to one who should be seeking God for salvation?  “Holding Back Truth To Be A ‘Seeker Friendly’ Church.” Simply stated the church has the responsibility to be the pillar and support of the TRUTH as revealed in the New Testament, Paul said (I Tim. 3:15). This involves presenting “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27).  Thus there will be no holding back of the truth in order to impress and attract visitors.


     Why We Rejoice With One Another  God delights over His people to do them good (De. 28:63). The Psalmist said, “Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart” (Ps. 97:11). We are commanded to rejoice with those who rejoice, and to weep with those who weep, being of the same mind one toward another (Rom. 12:15-16). Our being sorrowful when one is arrogant and suffers is different from sharing joy and sorrow as Paul spoke of. If one of us suffers because we remain arrogant and obstinate then our tears will be the tears of Jeremiah if we love them (cf. Jer. 13:17). However, you will find such “rejoice with” applications in this article as (1) I Can Rejoice With One Who Is Faithful Whom I Know God Delights Over To Do Good; (2) I Can’t Rejoice With Another When I See The Vanity Of The World; (3) I Can Rejoice With One Who Rejoices In TRUTH; (4) I Can Rejoice With One Who Wants God’s Instruction, Counsel, And Eye Upon Them.


     Selected Newspaper Articles  Here are four newspaper articles presented to the community with a love for the truth. The intent is to present God’s truths without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other religious bodies: (3) “God Knows When Men Conceal The TRUTH” presents a scriptural view of those who claim to preach God’s word while restraining their lips for covetousness sake. Read what God says about those who hate the one who reproves sin and speaks uprightly; who hate the truths of God’s word that states their sin; who have changed the truth for a lie; who being covetous and not fearing God flatter the arrogant rich and powerful in society; who are companions of those who lapse into falsehood for fear of being persecuted; who hate the good and love the evil. Such make up the list of those God knows, and those who study His word know, who would like to fix things to prevent true Christians from speaking about sins that damn the soul.


     Let Us Get You A New Kind Of Preacher!  Those full of carnality (works of the flesh) accuse the faithful unjustly with wicked intent, spread strife with their mouths, and set an example of evil for others to imitate (cf. 3 John 10-11). They have a goal, an objective, and will sacrifice the TRUTH and brethren to achieve it! These are looking forward to and working towards division in order that they might have their own way, and that with the “kind of preaching” that lacks application and pleases the ungodly (cf. 2 Tim. 4:1-5). Understand that the longer the church postpones dealing with them scripturally the closer they get to their unscriptural goals (cf. Rev. 2:20). There is nothing more carnal, and full of the works of the flesh, that I can think of at this age in my life than brethren who work to stop applicable preaching and teaching. They will stop at nothing to get the “new kind” of preacher. Old warnings need to be issued! As in the past there will always be bigger churches somewhere ready to aid the pattern of apostasy and provide the “new kind” of teachers and preachers. That is how apostasy is able to continue. Brethren beware! It is quite possible that you know of such things happening among us.


     The Correct Delight of Kings “The appreciation of “the delight of kings” of Israel --- kept in proper context under the Old Covenant --- is seen in their fear of God and obedience to His commands given to Israel. The commands for them to LOVE TRUTH AND RIGHTEOUSNESS, and some doing so, stands in contrast to the wickedness of civil government today!”



     Various Errors Concerning Salvation:  Often times the problem is not one’s sincerity but “what” one has been taught. Today much emphasis is put on “belief” (just as long as one is sincere) rather than the necessity of the TRUTH being believed.  Moreover, too many push “sincerity” is good enough regardless of what is believed. They say believing (whatever) is the important thing. This is wrong. Why not read these articles with this in mind? Then ask, What does the New Testament really teaching concerning initial salvation? Articles included: 1. The So Called “Sinner’s Prayer” (Jan. 31, 2015); 2. A Wrongful Understanding of Confessing Sins (Feb. 28, 23015); 3. One Must Confess Jesus is the Christ the Son of God (Mar. 28, 2015); 4. There Is No Such Thing as “Infant Baptism” (April 25, 2015); 5. There Is No Such Thing as the “Altar Call” (May 30, 2015).


    What are the Works of the Flesh?  The WORKS OF THE FLESH in the New Testament scriptures are part of God’s moral analysis to be taught and applied. The Vatican recently issued a new document stating when people ask their priests for a blessing “an exhaustive moral analysis should not be placed as a precondition for conferring it” – this is mentioned later with comments in this article. The works of the flesh are sin (I Jo 3:4). We’re told they are what keeps one from Heaven, and sends one to Hell – thus, the truth about them must not be rejected. The works of the flesh can be divisive being sound doctrine (I Cor 11:19). God’s word applied correctly will divide the faithful from the unfaithful. False churches push Woke philosophies and LGBT+ based on out right acceptance (!!) of the works of the flesh.


You can compare what the Vatican says with important points like these: 

8. The scriptures settle the matter of what to tell same-sex couples – faithful churches tell them they are living in sin (Col 3:5-7).

9. If you want to benefit one who asks about their relationship with Christ TELL THEM THE TRUTH!

13. Identifying the works of the flesh IS THE LOVE OF TRUTH, and leads one to repentance and obedience (I Jo 5:1-3).

14. The works of the flesh are God’s NO (!!) to blessing same-sex unions.



   We Are Delivered To Do All Of This!  This article relates to an important issue the church faces today; when it comes to Christians building human organizations for worship and evangelism, the issue has always been the right of man to build another organization when God specified His, the local church ( I Tim. 3:15). God gave the local church as the pillar and support of the truth! The GUARDIAN OF TRUTH’S own “Truth Magazine Lectureship” age old arguments are popping up again, such as the School of Tyrannus argument and the Jesus Foundation. Why would any Christian give precedent to any human organization if it stands in the way of a return to practicing God’s wisdom in giving the local church? NOTE: You will also find a series of articles answering arguments made for the existence of FLORIDA COLLEGE on our Home Page. Simply access “Florida College” or click here  .



     They Don’t Have A Right To Be Supported By Our Local Churches The matter of the Truth Magazine Lectureship has come up again (GUARDIAN OF TRUTH FOUNDATION’S --Truth Magazine Lectureship). I ask you to consider the following points: (1) What they cannot accept tells what they are; (2) Their use of old liberal institutional slogans tell what they are; (3) Their silly comparisons tell what they lack.


     Great Truths learned from Tom Roberts Speech at the Truth Magazine Lectures 2009  Those involved in the GUARDIAN OF TRUTH FOUNDATION apostasy need to repent. Tom Roberts’ speech at the Truth Magazine Lectures simply reveals their continued digression. As he seeks to justify their present apostasy he uses arguments that liberals used to justify human societies in past generations. You’ll be benefitted by this article if you care about warning others concerning this continuing apostasy in our brotherhood.


    About the Label “Advertisement” On Our Articles   I’m often asked why there is a label of “advertisement” at the bottom of the Church’s articles. They’ll often say, “No one else’s does, why yours?” The newspaper places it there. Consider this: While the designation is accurate, for our articles tell people about the church of Christ, it is obvious that the content is what we are seeking to get forward (Cf. 1 Tim. 3:15). There should be a distinct difference in what a church of Christ presents to the community, and that of the various false religions. And there is if the church is doing its work as it should. By refusing the often sought “marketing approach” the Truth becomes apparent. It is the truth that is important in contrast to sin and religious error. Included is an exposure of the oft used “Try Us And You’ll Like Us” pitch.




     A Review of “Church Validation of The Lord’s Supper” by Robert Turner (Torch Mag. 1984) *Robert TURNER - Brother Turner’s article was printed in Torch Magazine in 1984. He presents the roots of the assembly of the local church as being essential to the Lord’s Supper as those of Catholicism. This is wrong! When he finds the LORD’S SUPPER in the New Testament what “kind” of assembly does he find it in? He tells you himself as you read his article. It is really hard to write about the Supper and not get the assembly of the local church for that purpose in there.


   Educational Institutions Among The Brethren by Robert F. Turner (Preceptor 1962)  *Robert TURNER -  EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AMONG THE BRETHREN. Preface: The below is the first of six articles written in 1962 by brother Robert Turner as duplicated by brother Dan Gatlin. A link will be provided should you desire to read them in full, and I believe it will benefit you to do so. However, I’m compelled to warn that the below approach captioned with the catch phrase “hasten leisurely” was not and is not today the way to deal with apostasy. The phrase as you’ll see was taken from the president of Franklin College who urged brethren in 1850 to “hasten leisurely” in their conclusions touching the subject of the Bible in Colleges, Professorships in Sacred History and Theological Schools. Brother Turner adopts and repeats it as that which best expresses his own personal feelings on this matter in 1962 — some 112 years later. We must never convince ourselves as Christians only that to deal with error immediately and demand repentance will do more harm than good — those involved in error must repent and stop the practice thereof (Cf. Acts 15:1-2; Gal. 2:14). Although you find no scriptures in the several pages of these articles — “church history” has been and easily may be accompanied by New Testament Scriptures to expose the false practices, motives and patterns produced by the human wisdom that seeks to establish human organizations to do the work Christ gave the churches of Christ to do.

Bob Lovelace 


*For more on Human Organizations built by brethren to do the work Christ gave the local churches to do see “Institutionalism,” “Individually Supported Societies,” “Societies,” “Human Societies” etc. 



     The Appreciation Of Godly Sisters In Christ The tremendous value of our sisters in Christ is set forth in this article. Beginning with the honor that is due to faithful women in Christ, the study sets forth the various duties enjoined upon them in regards to their family and service rendered to the church that Christ built. Consider by contrast that the sisters are not among the unappreciated mentioned in I Timothy 5. The first thing said about the unappreciated sister(s) is she gives herself to wanton pleasure and is dead while she lives (I Tim. 5:6). Sensual desires lead to her casting off the faith (I Tim. 5:10-13). Paul implores with the duties in I Tim. 5:14 that come with marriage, bearing children, managing the household, and giving no occasion to adversary for reproach. He warns that others would follow what some had already done in TURNING aside after Satan (I Tim. 5:15). Why not study the nine points of application directed towards their being scripturally appreciated?


     “I’m Staying with Zoom” The current pride in technology denominational invite is “Worship online or in person here.” We must be certain that what we do with high tech is scriptural as regards the work and worship of Christ’s church. If “zoom” and “online” are let stray, as some among us already have, then you will have a developed human tradition that will cause many to lose their souls. The impact itself on the body of Christ can be like a spreading spiritual virus in years following upon member’s zeal for assembling (Cf. Eph. 4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb. 10:24-27). To “speak the things proper for SOUND DOCTRINE” you must know the difference between the word “home” and “house” and “houses” and the words “come together as a church” and “assembling of ourselves together” and “in the church.” Read here for proper definitions that lead to proper applications of what it means to “assemble together.” 


The kind of SPEAKING DEMANDED is presented in the following points with the definitions given:


Showing oneself a lover of the truth is seen in SPEAKING the truth to one another (EPH. 4:20-25).


TO SPEAK, exhort and rebuke with all authority (TITUS 2:15)


PREACHING involves “REPROVE” [G1651], “REBUKE” [G2008] & “EXHORT” [G3870] (CF. 2 TIM. 4:2)









a. “…ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN DESIRES >  [G1939 epithumia, nf] Thayer: 1) desire, craving, longing, desire for what is forbidden, lust


b. “…BECAUSE THEY HAVE ITCHING EARS > [G2833 knēthō, vb.] Thayer: 1) to scratch, tickle, make to itch… 3) desirous of hearing something pleasant


c. “…HEAP UP FOR THEMSELVES TEACHERS” > [G2002 episōreuō] Strong’s: to accumulate further, that is, (figuratively) seek additionally: - heap. Thayer: “to heap up, accumulate in piles: to choose for themselves and run after a great number of teachers, 2 Tim. 4:3.


d. “… BE TURNED ASIDE TO FABLES” >  [G3454 muthos] Strong’s: - a tale, that is, fiction (“myth”): - fable > I Tim. 1:4, I Tim. 4:7, 2 Tim. 4:4, Titus 1:14 “…turn away from the truth”; 2 Pet. 1:16 “cunningly devised tales…”


   Shame Has Its Place  A Study of SHAME.

   When lives spiritually are at stake to save them shame matters (!!) and has a place. HYPOCRITES WILL BE SHAMED DOWN BY THE TRUTH (Lk 13:10-17). Read that and see the example of adversaries of the truth being “put to shame”; and all the multitude rejoicing over Jesus’ teaching and works. After the rebuke given to the hypocritical and angry ruler, answering is a problem for adversaries (Lk 13:14).


     Jesus Came to Fulfill the Law (Matt. 5:17-18)  People are quick to quote these passages to justify using a combination of the Mosaic Law (Old Testament or Covenant) along with the New Testament. This is used for any number of things, but especially for items of worship that they particularly like that cannot be justified by the New Testament teaching concerning the church of Christ. The attraction of special clothing (cf. Ex. 28) for ministers and priests, along with the use of instruments, candles, incense, etc. would be examples. For the most part should any one of them be asked, Why not offer the animal sacrifices and various offerings and activities made by the Jews at the Temple? — they’d say that’s not necessary today. Why? Since we are not given these in the New Testament for worship are we free to choose one or all if we want to? The Law was the Jews’ TUTOR to bring them to Christ, that they might be justified by faith in Christ (Gal. 3:24-25). Now that Christ has come the Jews are no longer under the TUTOR or schoolmaster i.e. the Law of Moses (Gal. 3:26).   






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