The P List: to help
with finding a topic look at the words in BOLD print.
Don’t Thank The Sun, Thank God! Old PAGAN BELIEFS and practices surfaced
during the Christmas Holiday. In referring to the “sun” in this title
I am thinking of the winter solstice. One article which I read stated the sun was being thanked for
its promise that light will prevail and another life-summer will eventually
follow. What man sorely needs is
to read how God offers salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. In
doing so they will see the folly of PAGANISM with its rank
idolatrous practices, some of which have crept back into modern society.
Going to Church
with the Easter Bunny Paying close attention is hard work (Heb. 2:1-3). W. E.
Vine states commenting upon the word correctly translated “Passover” (Acts
12:4), “The term Easter is not of Christian origin. It is another form of
Astarte, one of the titles of the Chaldean goddess, the queen of heaven. The
festival of Pasch held by Christians in post-apostolic times was a continuation
of the Jewish feast, but was not instituted by Christ, nor was it connected
with Lent. From this
Pasch the Pagan festival of Easter was quite distinct and was introduced
into the apostate Western religion, as part of the attempt to adapt PAGAN
FESTIVALS to Christianity” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary). Why not read this presentation and understand
fully that the churches of Christ in the first century were not given a special
Easter service.
Were Pagans Carried Away Unto Dumb Idols (I Cor. 12:2) Many are simply not aware of the various “other”
designations for the Gentiles – such as “PAGANS,” “heathens,” “infidels” and
This is especially true when some of
these refer to idolaters. The world is divided into two divisions:
Christians and the whole world that lies in the power of the evil one, Satan (I
Jo. 5:19). Notice the emphasis given to one either being “in Christ” or
“without” i.e. “outside” of Christ (Col. 4:5).
A Safe Deposit For My Treasures Do you really want to go to heaven? This
article contrasts the physical setbacks besetting those who suffered during the
fires of 2003 with the eternal setbacks of not heeding Jesus instruction in
Matt. 6:19-20. You can read and
understand that Heaven is a place where there will be NO MORE death, sorrow, crying, PAIN, curse or night - just eternal day (Rev. 21:1-4, 21:25-22:5).
Youth through the Prime of Life (Eccl. 11:9-12:1) There are degrees of progression of age in
this text. Accountability is seen throughout and the “right” things done are
contrasted with things sinful that must be removed. These portions of life
merge together and are fleeting, thus the necessity of remembering one’s
Creator in the days of youth. Those in young adulthood are to know that for all
things done God will bring you into judgment (Eccl. 11:9). They
must remove sorrow (grief and anger) from their lives, and PAIN FROM
THEIR BODY for childhood and the prime of life are fleeting!
The PALESTINIAN ~ Israeli Conflict (This article is a reply to an article that appeared in the W.S.J.
asking why Christians were not speaking out against the PALESTINIANS.)
The Beginning Point Leading To Salvation
This article should help anyone today who has come to realize
that the variety of explanations offered today due to diverse human
philosophies and beliefs have left many frustrated concerning the important
matter of salvation. Three
such beliefs: the Pentecostal experience, PARENTS
baptizing infants, and
professing belief without required obedience are examined in the light of God's
word and found wanting! If you will take your Bible and read each
scripture in this brief study it will enable you to be honest with yourself
about your own salvation (see Acts 17:11). Moreover, it will help prevent the
all too common occurrence of many misleading others by that with which they
were lead astray themselves.
Newspaper Articles From The Valley Church of Christ With a view in mind that there are still parents and young adults who
care about morality and integrity we issued three important
scriptural warnings to PARENTS for graduation night: (1) Do not be the PARENT whose child knows you are a
hypocrite; (2) Do not
give in to your child’s wrongful wish; (3)
Do not make provision for sinful lusts. These three warnings are developed in
this article titled “Scriptural Warnings
Appropriate For Grad Night.”
Appreciation Of Godly Sisters In Christ The tremendous value of our sisters in Christ
is set forth in this article. Beginning with the honor that is due to faithful
women in Christ, the study sets forth the various duties enjoined upon them in
regards to their family and service rendered to the church that Christ built. Children and family members must practice piety
towards their “own” and requite their PARENTS (I Tim. 5:4). Moreover they are to be ready unto every good
work (Eph. 2:10, I Tim. 5:10, Titus 3:1, 2:14). Why not study the nine points
of application directed towards their being scripturally appreciated?
Can One Understand the Word of God? (A Brief Study of Scriptural Authority) Most churches never speak out on the necessity
of having “scriptural authority” for what one believes
and practices. In fact, most are not willing to deal with the subject because
of the lack of authority for things they are doing. Here is a brief study on
how to establish scriptural authority by using Statements, Commands, Examples,
and Necessary Inferences found in the Word of God. Each individual is
confronted with the task of seeking the approval of God as set forth in the
Scriptures, over the approval of men. Nor must one allow their feelings or emotions to take
precedent over the requirements of God’s word (cf. Pr. 14:12). Your PARENTS AND FAMILY TRADITION are not the
standard of religious authority (cf. Matt. 10:34-37). One’s conscience is not the standard for there are examples where one
believed they were right when wrong (cf. Acts 26:9). The preacher is not the
standard for the preacher must be preaching the Word (cf. 2 Tim. 4:1-5; Gal.
1:8-9). The elders are not the standard for the elders must be upholding the
Word (Titus 1:9). Human creeds and confessions of faith written by men are
most often found among false standards used today, yet held in high esteem by
men and institutions built by men.
From Youth
through the Prime of Life (Eccl. 11:9-12:1) There are degrees of progression of age in this text. Accountability
is seen throughout and the “right” things done are contrasted with things
sinful that must be removed. These portions of life merge together and are
fleeting, thus the necessity of remembering one’s Creator in the days of youth.
When done right this “stage” is not filled with doubt and dissatisfaction, nor
is life mostly filled with unhappiness. PARENTS greatly rejoice because their child is doing what they are in Christ
Rule of
Law Points From the authority implied in the “name” of Jesus Christ, who
has all authority, several points are made concerning the Gospel as the power
of God unto salvation for all men, Jesus authority to judge by His law, Sin as
a violation of Christ’s law and how His law convicts of sin. Major emphasis is also given to the RULE OF LAW of law being attacked
by ignorance, wrongful
intent, good intentions, sincerity, carelessness, ignoring, impulse and
inconsistency, showing
partiality, outright defiance,
distortion of one’s words and PARTIAL
NARRATIVES OF THE WORD (to neglect to teach the whole counsel of God, Acts
20:27, 32.). Applications include God is no respecter of persons, to show respect of persons is sin, the
kind of judgment that condemns oneself, and the one who boasts in God’s law but
dishonors God through breaking the law.
What To Tell Your
Mate When They Are Guilty of Wrath Christians need to study and then be honest and make the
right applications to one another, all family members, and especially with
their own mates (Cf. I Th. 5:14). Those given to wrath and anger forget that God is not PARTIAL and are wrong in thinking they will escape eternal death.
Simple Biblical Pattern For Explaining “Why?” A respondent who questioned the matter of judging those who
live together without marriage stated, “I think these days it can be a good
thing to live together before getting married.... This obviously goes
against your feelings, but they're just your feelings, not everyone's."
Last of all she stated, "As far as your last sentence, it's not an idea
that it's acceptable and normal, these days, IT IS acceptable and normal.... If
you don't like it, then don't do it.... I wouldn't criticize you...why do you
judge about people who choose to live together?"
This individual wants to know
“Why” I would determine that people who choose to live together are wrong in
doing so. I presumed this to be an honest question deserving of an answer.
In part one must understand that following a
desire to know God's will as one reads the Bible they must learn to make the
proper applications. Proper application necessitate distinguishing between what
is "right" and what is "wrong." The scriptures provide
instruction and correction so each may be “thoroughly equipped for every GOOD
work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Righteous judgment is based
upon His word, the truth, and that WITHOUT PARTIALITY (Cf. I Tim. 5:21, James 2:4). “Instruction” in the Word plainly states
that fornication as described above is a work of the flesh that leads to
eternal destruction if not repented of (I Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19-21).
Lives Matter – A Hot Topic! When one
turns to the Gospel of Christ immediately its emphasis is ALL LIVES MATTER (Mk.
16:15-16). Saying “black lives matter” became political and
enforceable and people followed like sheep! All lives matter — don’t be stupid
and endorse the Black Lives Matter organization that is evil. Have the courage
as a Christian to say all lives matter. This is fundamental to our example as a
teaching element and concern for lost souls (Cf. Mk. 16:15-16, Gal. 6:10,
etc.). There is NO PARTIALITY WITH GOD (Rom. 2:5-11; Acts 10:34 …God is no RESPECTER OF PERSONS).
Rule of
Law Points From the authority implied in the “name” of Jesus Christ, who
has all authority, several points are made concerning the Gospel as the power
of God unto salvation for all men, Jesus authority to judge by His law, Sin as
a violation of Christ’s law and how His law convicts of sin. Major emphasis is also given to the RULE OF LAW of law being attacked by ignorance, wrongful
intent, good intentions, sincerity, carelessness, ignoring, impulse and
inconsistency, SHOWING PARTIALITY, outright defiance, distortion of one’s words
and partial narratives of the Word (to neglect to teach the whole counsel of
God, Acts 20:27, 32.). Applications include God
is no respecter of persons, to show respect of persons is sin, the kind of judgment that condemns oneself, and the one who boasts in
God’s law but dishonors God through breaking the law.
Light Beer Is Not So Light! Perhaps you've
wondered what the alcohol content is in light beer. In this brief
article you will find an answer to that important question. Dear reader do not believe everything that
you hear concerning light beer. And especially comments to
this effect, "What's the big deal after all it is only light beer?" Why not read this article and give careful consideration to the scriptural warnings about DRINKING
the deceitfulness of alcohol, and its attendant state of drunkenness and addiction?
Has Its Place A Study of
Shame. When lives spiritually are at stake to save them shame matters (!!) and
Cause Themselves To Be Disgraced. Lesbians are real women! Rom 1:26 For this
reason God gave them up to VILE
For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against
nature. > “VILE” passions (Rom 1:26) - “vile” [G819] Strong’s:
comparative indignity, (objectively) disgrace: - dishonour,
reproach, shame, vile. Homosexuals are real
men! Rom 1:27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman,
burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was
due. > “indecent acts” (Rom 1:27) “indecent” [G808]
Thayer: 1b) of one’s nakedness, shame.
Understand that they cause this disgrace themselves! Compare the word “abominable”: Rev 21:8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral,
sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which
burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." > “ABOMINABLE” [G948] “to cause to be abhorred” – appears in
context with sexual immoralities. The person who works an abomination: Rev
21:27 But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are
written in the Lamb's Book of Life. > “ABOMINATION” [G946] “to stink, emit a foul odor.” A faithful Christian is not going to endorse what stinks!
Going to Church
with the Easter Bunny Paying close attention is hard work (Heb. 2:1-3). W. E. Vine states commenting upon the word
correctly translated “PASSOVER” (Acts 12:4), “The term Easter is not of
Christian origin. It is another form of Astarte, one of the titles of the
Chaldean goddess, the queen of heaven. The festival
of Pasch held by Christians in post-apostolic times was a continuation of
the Jewish feast, but was not instituted by Christ, nor was it connected
with Lent. From this Pasch the Pagan festival of Easter was
quite distinct and was introduced into the apostate Western religion, as part
of the attempt to adapt Pagan festivals to Christianity” (Vine’s Expository
Dictionary). Why not read this presentation and understand fully that the
churches of Christ in the first century were not given a special Easter
service. Learn that the so called
“Christian PASSOVER” observance is the result of apostasy.
Call it Easter just “Resurrection Sunday” and Keep the Human Tradition This article contains a complaint spoken by one who
read a newspaper article wherein Lent’s law of fasting is exposed as
human tradition, and not the teaching of the New Testament. The article
is appears along with her complaint. Most who observe Easter services know
nothing about the apostasies in the 2nd Century and what happened from the
Period 100 A.D. to 325 A.D. A short view of apostasies from Phillip Schaff’s
History of the Christian Church is presented with specific mention of the
observance of the so called Christian Sabbath, Pentecost, PASSOVER, Easter, Epiphany
and Christmas.
Memory #2 You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April
2016 before this continuing article concerning some simple applications
pertaining to one’s memory. Emphasis in this
article is given to the importance of our remembering our own PAST CONDUCT. Paul did not exclude himself when speaking
of past conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that he was a
blasphemer, persecutor and violent aggressor against the church. There is also
the importance of our not forgetting even one of God’s benefits given to us in
This Point In My Life…. Warnings concerning brethren not desiring sound
doctrine, as well as commands to speak the things concerning sound doctrine are
easily found throughout the epistles (2 Tim. 4:3; Titus 1:9, 2:1 etc). Looking
back institutional error can be much
more serious than one might think when participating. God
requires an account of WHAT IS PAST. We
need to gather up those passages on remembrance, reminding, and how putting in
remembrance is a safe thing for all.
Divine Organization ~ The Local Church, Part Two of Two This is Lesson Four (Part Two of Two) in our
Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Four, Part Two:
"God's Divine Organization ~ The Local Church, Part Two of Two." In
this lesson you will be studying the local church as the organization that God
gave for the collective work of Christians in evangelism, edification, worship
and benevolence to needy saints. You will take an in depth look at the
organization of the local church according to God's pattern in the New
Testament. There is abundant material on
the fact that each local church was to have its own qualified BISHOPS as overseers, also called elders, PASTORS or
There was a plurality (more than one) appointed over each local church, Acts
14:23. The qualifications for a man who serves as a BISHOP or overseer in Christ's
church are presented right from the Bible. You can study this lesson and see the difference in the church of
Christ and Catholic, denominational and community church organization today!
Newspaper Articles Here are four newspaper
articles presented to the community with a love for the truth. The intent is to
present God’s truths without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with
other religious bodies. “When You’re
Promised You’ll Like It!” exposes “pitches” for attracting visitors
contrasted with what God’s word should produce in those who hear. As one in
town put it, “I hate to admit it but going where I go I think at times I’m
looking at Ken and Barbie.” Ken and Barbie productions are made to please men
not God! (cf. Gal. 1:10). Be aware that God’s word teaches that the
fault lies with “both” the listeners and the teachers. Digression from the New Testament pattern
includes so called WOMEN “PASTORS” along with the non-spiritual weak men
who love to have women leading their church (I Tim. 2:11-12; I Cor. 14:34,
37-38). Read about them!
The Catholic rule of faith is not the New
Testament This
article discusses the "additions" of Catholicism along with its frank
admission that the New Testament scriptures are not its sole authority.
These additions, the Catholic hierarchy claims have equal authority to the
sacred Scriptures. It is through these "additions" that the hierarchy
of the Catholic church maintains and exercises its control over its people. At the end of the article Christ's scriptural
qualifications for a bishop or elder (also called overseers and PASTORS) in His church is
contrasted with a so-called Bishop in Catholicism. You will be able to see the
difference between the two.
Truth Exposing
Women Bishops and the False Episcopal Church Some have asked about the WOMAN
“BISHOP” who
spoke to President Trump at the Washington National Cathedral recently. She’s
promoting the Woke that is destroying our country. Above all, people need to
understand that there is no such thing as a woman “bishop” (ALSO
CALLED OVERSEERS, ELDERS, AND PASTORS) in Christ’s church. Moreover, bishops
or elders served only over the local church they themselves were members of!
provided link fully explains what people need to learn from the New Testament
about the church Christ established. The truth of God’s word exposes her and
her false Episcopal church.
Turns The Way Of The Wicked Upside Down This lesson considers the PATH OF THE WICKED that is a
familiar topic throughout the Psalms. You will learn about the wicked by the following:
(1) God thwarts the way of the wicked (Ps. 146:9); (2) God puts the wicked in
great fear because He despises them! (Ps. 53; Lev. 26:14-33); (3) Accusers are
filled with their own ways (Ps. 109). This section tells you exactly what will
happen to the wicked. God clothes the wicked with shame and dishonor! (4) You will
learn about the purpose of their traps they set for the righteous; (5) God
overthrows the best of secret counsel (Ps. 64). He fills their faces with
shame, that they might seek Him! Some can be brought to the Lord by the defeat
of their own wicked schemes and the attendant shame! Those who are not will be
put to shame and perish in their shame! (Ps. 83:16-18).
The Conduct God Expects From Our Members
Read this article and it should help you to better understand the
"unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph. 4:1-3; Col.
3:12-14). These 7 Virtues are discussed as being necessary for each member of
the local church: Lowliness (Humility), Meekness (Gentleness), Longsuffering (PATIENCE), Forebearing
(Showing Tolerance), Tender Mercies (Heart of Compassion), Kindness and
Forgiving one another. Understanding these in this context answers such
important questions as: Whom can I talk to? When do I go to another? Can I
speak publicly in rebuking to thus maintain this unity? What would a refusal to
listen indicate? And what happens to one who does not forgive if one repents?
What You
Can And Will Do In Christ This brief study should
offer assurance to Christians that their efforts to serve
God faithfully are attainable, as well as being greatly aided by others'
prayers on their behalf. What one can
and will do by remaining faithful in Christ is declared through the words of
Paul's prayer for the church at Colossae in Col. 1:9-12. Here are the key
thoughts: A. Be filled with knowledge, all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
B. Walk worthy, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and
increasing in the knowledge of God. C. Strengthened for
attaining all stedfastness and PATIENCE, with Joy. D. Joyously giving
thanks to the Father. Following is a "Check Your Spiritual Growth With
Self-Test Questions" giving further emphasis to our growth and development
into mature children of God. The stated "goal" of our efforts is seen
in Philippians 1:10-11.
Noah Got Drunk,
But That’s Not Me! There is a look here at Noah in failing as all righteous men will do (Ecc 8:20). There
are several points here concerning Noah. Also, on the kind of PATIENCE needed
when one sins, and it is out of character ---
when instructing and admonishing because of sin (Cf I Th 5:14).
It is staying with what is right (scriptural), and condemning what is sinful.
It is not ignoring the sin or sins. It’s not looking the other way, or staying
away so you don’t have to hear or see it --- they might not want you to come
and talk, and that for you might be unpleasant. You let God do the identifying
of what is sinful, and let the New Testament tell the truthful consequences
that follow if it is not repented of. And be forgiving when confessed and
repented of!
“Thank you
for the strong words.” The title is also a quotation from a visitor. She said, “I want
you to know it is good to hear strong words used. Back home we don’t get that.”
The thing that bothers too many brethren today, and it is sadly lacking because
of that, is proper application to the brotherhood, the local church, other
local churches, and individual lives. She made some good “application” herself
– a wonderfully strong statement concerning a member who isn’t coming. In no
way did she indicate that it was otherwise and that she just could not attend
at all. She said they had a member who
says she’s sick, but sets at home and watches that “dribble” from the fake T.V.
evangelists on healing, and then when we admonish her we’re not loving enough
and too hard.” Sound familiar? Does
this fit? “At what
point does the church stop being too PATIENT and stop neglecting church
discipline?” There are both “collective” and “individual” responsibilities
presented in these verses: Matt. 18:15-17; I Cor.
5: 1-2, 9-13, 6:9-10; I Thes. 5:14; 2 Thes. 3:6, 14.
Do Not Let
Your Heart Envy Sinners The purpose of this
article is to emphasize the importance of enabling others to develop speech
that correctly describes the sinner, and especially our children. Emphasis is
given to what envy says about the heart. Applications are made for this
important question: If you can’t say the
wicked are so what are some likely problems you will have? Ps. 73
discussed here is about one who lost the pure heart he praised and was envious
of “boasters” who depicted physical health and material prosperity that most
did not have. Ps. 37:7-9 says “Rest in the Lord, and WAIT PATIENTLY
for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth
wicked devices to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself
in any wise to do evil. Don’t
fret as it only leads to doing more evil!”
Nation Under God This
article begins with an example of patronage to our flag and pledge of
allegiance, but respectfully submits that the mention of God brings with it an
even greater lesson concerning "Allegiance." For Christians the
words "under God" are illustrative of Christ's rule over all the nations
of mankind (Ps. 2:7-12; Matt. 28:18-20; I Tim. 6:15; Rev. 2:27). Moreover the
earth, the world, and all who dwell therein ~ all souls are His (Ps. 24:1; Ezk. 18:4; Haggai 2:8). Through simple deduction and
reduction one soon comes to understand on a Personal Individual basis that they
do indeed belong to God, for He created man (Gen. 1:27). Solomon summed up the
whole purpose of one's life, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole
matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of
man" (Eccl. 12:12). Applying the principle of God's ownership on an
individual personal level means that we respond to the fact that His ownership
demands our personal obedience to His commands. The article shows clearly that one must not
confuse PATRIOTISM with the personal obedience that saves the individual's soul. Our
response will determine our judgment for Paul said, "For we must all
appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the
things done in the body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or
bad" (2 Cor. 5:10). Sadly, herein is where Americans are failing today!
Bible Endings For Torn Relationships Five important Bible relationships are
presented while giving emphasis to the importance of entreaty and
reconciliation. The relationships discussed in this article include Cain
& Abel, Esau & Jacob, Saul & David, PAUL & Barnabas, and
Euodia & Syntyche. Stated goals for entreating are: 1. To be of the same
mind, Phil. 2:2; 2. To be at peace, I Th. 5:13; 3. To understand the outcome of
dissension. It strengthens the enemy of the gospel; the weak when pulled in to dissensions are caused to stumble; 4. To repent and
return to the work, Rev. 3:19-20; 5. To use with older men, I Tim. 5:1; 6. To
implement with God's wisdom which is easy to be entreated, Ja. 3:17-18. Thus
one is to be both approachable and easily persuaded to do that which is right.
Casting Down
Eloquence & Sophistry Series (2 Cor. 10:4-5) This series is aimed at
the eloquence and sophistry of false teachers. Modern teachers love
to quote selected sayings of Jesus while discounting the teachings of His
apostles. Such false teachers often
target PAUL with derogatory terms. Paul
exposes such when he writes: “If any man think himself to be a prophet, or
spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the
commandments of the Lord” (I Cor. 14:37). You see how quickly the Scriptures
make a “pickle” of their false position!
Memory #2 You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April
2016 before this continuing article concerning some simple applications
pertaining to one’s memory. Emphasis in this article is given to the importance of our
remembering our own past conduct. PAUL
did not exclude himself when speaking of past conduct before his conversion – stating
plainly that he was a blasphemer, persecutor and violent aggressor against the
church. There is also the importance of our not forgetting even one of God’s
benefits given to us in Christ.
and Sects Among Us : here is an outline / notes, etc.,
on the sects of the Pharisees and Sadducees, as well as application to sects
among us today. When speaking of the church Jesus said “I will build My church” (Matt 16:18). It is His
church: 1Co 3:10 According to the grace of God which
is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have
laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon.
But let every man take heed how he buildeth
thereupon.; 1Co 3:11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid,
which is Jesus Christ.; Eph 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the
apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; …the
sect of the Pharisees added “more” to God’s word than was written in the Old
Testament – today sects add “more” than revealed in the New Testament
concerning the church of Christ.
article contains information on the Sects, Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Lawyers, Jewish Council or Sanhedrin, the Herodians, Human Tradition handed down and bound making thus making void the law
of God, Heresy is defined, PAUL gave up the sect of the
Pharisees to be a Christian, problems sects caused to the
church in the first century and how they were dealt with, how some think they
can Counsel God, Traditions Handed Down today Have a Beginning, Sects Among Us Associated with Human Tradition are Florida
College and the Guardian of Truth Foundation, the Arlington
Meeting (1968) between some chosen “Institutionalist and Non-Institutionalist”
is exposed --- some of both sides being intent on justifying the Human
Societies of their own choosing, how the Akin Fund among Non-Institutionalist
is used against them at the Arlington Meeting, Emphasis being: “To keep the
church as God gave it the society that intrudes into the works He gave the
churches must go! All necessary correction (restoration) must be made back to
the New Testament scriptural pattern for Christ’s church.”
Bible Endings For Torn Relationships Five important Bible relationships are
presented while giving emphasis to the importance of entreaty and
reconciliation. The relationships discussed in this article include Cain
& Abel, Esau & Jacob, Saul & David, Paul & Barnabas and Euodia
& Syntyche. Stated
goals for entreating are: 1. To be of the same mind (Phil. 2:2); 2. To be at PEACE (I Th. 5:13);
3. To understand the outcome of dissension. It strengthens the enemy of the
gospel; the weak when pulled in to dissensions are caused to stumble; 4. To
repent and return to the work (Rev. 3:19-20); 5. To use with older men (I Tim.
5:1); 6. To implement with God's wisdom which is easy to be entreated (Ja.
3:17-18). Thus one is to be both approachable and easily persuaded to do that
which is right.
The Way
of Integrity Psalms
119 This Psalm is often avoided because of its length. This study begins with
eight points on integrity with God. God’s
word treasured in our heart keeps us from sin. And if we delight in His
statutes then we are not going to forget them no matter what circumstance comes
upon us. Every day the same process of delighting in His
word, hating falsehood, loving the truth, and thanking God for all His
blessings works PEACE in our lives. These are but a few of the good lesson presented through studying this
The Conduct God Expects From Our Members To better understand the "unity of the
Spirit" in the bond of
PEACE and love (Eph. 4:1-3;
Col. 3:12-14). These 7 Virtues are discussed as being necessary for each
member of the local church: Lowliness (Humility), Meekness (Gentleness),
Longsuffering (Patience), Forebearing (Showing Tolerance), Tender Mercies
(Heart of Compassion), Kindness and Forgiving one another. Understanding these
in this context answers such important questions as: Whom can I talk to? When
do I go to another? Can I speak publicly in rebuking to thus maintain this
unity? What would a refusal to listen indicate? And what happens to one who
does not forgive if one repents?
Call it Easter just “Resurrection Sunday” and Keep the Human Tradition This article contains a complaint spoken by one
who read a newspaper article wherein Lent’s law of fasting is exposed as human
tradition, and not the teaching of the New Testament. The article is appears
along with her complaint. Most who observe Easter services know nothing about
the apostasies in the 2nd Century and what happened from the Period 100 A.D. to
325 A.D. A short view of apostasies from Phillip Schaff’s History of the
Christian Church is presented with specific mention of the observance of the
so called Christian Sabbath, PENTECOST, Passover, Easter,
Epiphany and Christmas.
Beginning Point Leading To Salvation This article should help anyone
today who has come to realize that the variety of explanations offered today
due to diverse human philosophies and beliefs have left many frustrated
concerning the important matter of salvation. Three such beliefs: the PENTECOSTAL
adults baptizing infants, and professing belief without required obedience are
examined in the light of God's word and found wanting! If you will take your Bible and read each scripture in
this brief study it will enable you to be honest with yourself about your own
salvation (see Acts 17:11). Moreover, it will help prevent the all too common
occurrence of many misleading others by that with which they were lead astray
Newspaper Articles The following are selected newspaper articles ran by the Valley church of
Christ for 2009-2010. We put some together periodically in order to post them
on our website. Both churches and preachers would do well to consider that just
offering a few scriptural points on important topics can go a long way in
helping others. Consider the following points on (1) Why PENTECOSTAL / Charismatic Tactics
Easily Deceive; (2) Complaining With No Intention Of
Making Things Scriptural; (3) Stupid Kid’s Games Draw Customers; (4) Liberation
Theology & Marxist Ideology; (5) Human Creeds & Statements of Faith.
Snakes to Church (Pentecostals’ Snake Handling) Some get offended when you ask, “Why do PENTECOSTALS practice fake spiritual
signs?” Speaking
the truth often offends in the religious realm (cp. Jo. 6:60-62). Randy Mack
Wolford “was” a snake handler. He died of a snake bite received during a
worship service in May, 2012. His death was supposed to have proved something
--- that he was faithful to Christ. I’ll discuss that in
light of some scriptures in this article.
…These two articles connect both adults and children to the destructive
influence of WOKE philosophy,
You mentioned
“going to Hell,” with accent. After a bible study, which was on Forgiveness, a visitor
asked me, “What do you believe about Hell?” I told him it believed Hell is real and eternal. Have you heard the saying “God said it, that
settles it, I believe it”? And that
settles it IF I don’t believe it! — but I do and the visitor didn’t. He wrote to me and referred to
Hell in his letter as “the fabled Hell.” Read this article for points that
answer those who choose not to believe in Hell,
although the Lord gave much teaching on eternal punishment. You will find the
following words defined:
Simple Biblical Pattern For Explaining “Why?” A respondent who questioned the matter of judging those who
live together without marriage stated, “I think these days it can be a good
thing to live together before getting married.... This obviously goes
against your feelings, but they're just your feelings, not everyone's."
Last of all she stated, "As far as your last sentence, it's not an idea
that it's acceptable and normal, these days, IT IS acceptable and normal.... If
you don't like it, then don't do it.... I wouldn't criticize you...why do you
judge about people who choose to live together?"
This individual wants to know
“Why” I would determine that people who choose to live together are wrong in
doing so. I presumed this to be an honest question deserving of an answer.
In part, one must understand that following a desire to
know God's will as one reads the Bible they must learn to make the proper
applications. Proper applications necessitate distinguishing between what is
"right" and what is "wrong." Paul said concerning
God’s word, “All scripture is given by inspiration of
God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be PERFECT, throughly furnished unto all
good works” (2 Tim. 3:16-17). “Instruction” in the Word plainly states that fornication
as described above is a work of the flesh that leads to eternal destruction if
not repented of (I Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19-21).
Conduct God Expects From Our Members To better understand the "unity of the Spirit" in the bond of
peace" (Eph. 4:1-3; Col. 3:12-14). Love is said to be the "bond of
PERFECTNESS" or "the PERFECT bond of unity." These
7 Virtues are discussed as being necessary for each member of the local church:
Lowliness (Humility), Meekness (Gentleness), Longsuffering (Patience),
Forebearing (Showing Tolerance), Tender Mercies (Heart of Compassion), Kindness
and Forgiving one another. Understanding these in this context answers such
important questions as: Whom can I talk to? When do I go to another? Can I
speak publicly in rebuking to thus maintain this unity? What would a refusal to
listen indicate? And what happens to one who does not forgive if one repents?
~ Oldies Are Still the Goodies! There’s nothing so
entertaining to some as tuning in to the “Oldies” program on their available
radio network. Some of those hits you just don’t get
tired of hearing, and there are some excuses for evading scriptural authority
that you are always hearing from those who never tire of using them. Here are several oldies that are still goodies for those disrespecting
scriptural authority: I. We are all part of the body of Christ; II. The eye
cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; III. Jesus said, I am the vine
and ye are the branches; IV. God loves sinners too; V. We’ve all been left
under human tradition; VI. Only God can judge another; VII. I’d never tell you
that you are in the wrong church; VIII. Never place A PERIOD where God has placed a comma.
9-11-2001 ~ Things I Can Count On
Today America was attacked by terrorists on this date. This is a
“time” when people thrive upon inappropriate statements and misleading
applications of God’s Word. Illustrations of such would be, “Nostradamas said…,” “Armageddon has come,” “the Mark of the
Beast.” An important part of this study shows when men have questions as to
"Why?" or "What is the future?" that Christians have a
limited number of precious things that they can depend upon. These few but
precious things are where a Christian's life really is any day, and any place
that they might be. One of these is that the New Testament emphasis is a
spiritual keeping or safety in Christ (Luke 21:16-19). This is what Jesus meant when He said, "there shall not a hair of
your head PERISH." Several points are made
to show that through perseverance and patience we gain eternal life.
Turns The Way Of The Wicked Upside Down
lesson considers the path of the wicked that is a familiar topic throughout the
Psalms. You
will learn about the wicked by the following: (1) God thwarts the way of the
wicked (Ps. 146:9); (2) God puts the wicked in great fear because He despises
them! (Ps. 53; Lev. 26:14-33); (3) Accusers are filled with their own ways (Ps.
109). This section tells you exactly what will happen to the wicked. God
clothes the wicked with shame and dishonor! (4) You will learn about the
purpose of their traps they set for the righteous; (5) God overthrows the best
of secret counsel (Ps. 64). He fills their faces with shame, that they might
seek Him! Some can be brought to the
Lord by the defeat of their own wicked schemes and the attendant shame! Those who are not will PERISH in their shame!
(Ps. 83:16-18).
The Way of Integrity Psalms 119 This Psalm is often
avoided because of its length. This study begins with eight points on integrity
with God. You will note that our inconsistencies are often our reproach in
life. And that there is boldness in serving God when there are no inconsistencies.
One lesson is what God tells us to do when PERSECUTED with a lie. And another is that we should fear God’s judgments rather
than fearing man. Understand that it is on the grounds of your integrity that
you may plead to God for protective care against the wicked (Ps. 119:121-128).
These are but a few of the good lesson presented through studying this Psalm.
Why not read the article and while doing so read it along with your Bible?
After Baptism, Then What? New converts will experience PERSECUTION in various forms as a result of
their obedience to the faith. The material offers
appropriate encouragement and warnings for those recently baptized for the
remission of their sins.
Often Missing During Afflictions The applications in this brief study will
deal with those who are in affliction. Dear
reader, you will notice that with some of these God has no pleasure. Others see
God’s faithfulness during their afflictions. One must
endure afflictions and PERSECUTIONS. Why not read this
either for yourself or with a view to being able to help another?
Restrictions ~ Just Safety or Persecution Included PERSECUTION
COVID19 RESTRICTIONS Just what kind of “push” did you expect from the ungodly
and unbelieving to make? Get the preachers out of the way – make them turn from
the rightful order of things – let’s not hear about God and His law.
Memory #2 You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April
2016 before this continuing article concerning some simple applications
pertaining to one’s memory. Emphasis in this article is given to the importance
of our remembering our own past conduct. Paul did not exclude
himself when speaking of past conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that he was a blasphemer, PERSECUTOR and violent aggressor against the
church. There is also the
importance of our not forgetting even one of God’s benefits given to us in Christ.
The Foolishness In Forgetting God’s Word Trials should
not cause us to forget God’s law! We can
receive strength in remembering past trials we
PERSEVERED in (Cf. Heb. 10:32-34). The one who PERSEVERES does not
shrink back! Why not read
this article and acquaint yourself with what is happening when one forgets
God’s law?
One Nation Under God This article begins with an example of
patronage to our flag and pledge of allegiance, but respectfully submits that
the mention of God brings with it an even greater lesson concerning
"Allegiance." For Christians the words "under God" are
illustrative of Christ's rule over all the nations of mankind (Ps. 2:7-12;
Matt. 28:18-20; I Tim. 6:15; Rev. 2:27). Moreover the earth, the world, and all
who dwell therein ~ all souls are His (Ps. 24:1; Ezk.
18:4; Haggai 2:8). Through simple deduction and reduction one soon comes to
understand on a Personal Individual basis that they do indeed belong to God,
for He created man (Gen. 1:27). Solomon summed up the whole purpose of one's
life, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep
his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man" (Eccl. 12:12). Applying the principle of God's ownership on an
individual personal level means that we respond to the fact that His ownership demands our PERSONAL OBEDIENCE to His commands. The article shows clearly that one must not confuse patriotism with the personal
obedience that
saves the individual's soul. Our response will
determine our judgment for Paul said, "For we must all appear before the
judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in the
body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad" (2 Cor.
5:10). Sadly, herein is where Americans are failing today!
Bible Endings For Torn Relationships Five important Bible relationships are
presented while giving emphasis to the importance of entreaty and
reconciliation. The relationships discussed in this article include Cain
& Abel, Esau & Jacob, Saul & David, Paul & Barnabas and Euodia
& Syntyche. Stated goals for entreating are: 1. To be of the same mind,
Phil. 2:2; 2. To be at peace, I Th. 5:13; 3. To understand the outcome of
dissension. It strengthens the enemy of the gospel; the weak when pulled in to dissensions are caused to stumble; 4. To repent and
return to the work, Rev. 3:19-20; 5. To use with older men, I Tim. 5:1; 6. To
implement with God's wisdom which is easy to be entreated, Ja. 3:17-18. Thus one is to be both
approachable and easily PERUSADED to do that which is right.
Casting Down
Eloquence & Sophistry Series (2 Cor. 10:4-5) False teachers love to quote selected
sayings of Jesus while discounting the teachings of His apostles. Besides Paul, PETER also is a favorite for
their derision. Consider that both together account for over
half of the books of the New Testament. Some misrepresent PETER’S AUTHORITY as if it preempted
that of his Lord who gave it to him. Peter was included in Christ’s promise to
guide the apostles into all truth (cf. John 16:12-15). Those who pick on Peter
pick on all of the apostles. Jesus said to the twelve, “Verily, verily, I say
unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth
me receiveth him that sent me” (Jo. 13:20).
Noah Got Drunk,
But That’s Not Me! There is a look here at Noah in failing as all righteous men will do (Ecc 8:20). There
are several points here concerning Noah. Also, on PETER being without
strength having ignored the warning to watch and pray
(Matt 26:33-41).
Application: He expressed his desire (!) when he said, “Even if all are
made to stumble because of You, I will never be made to stumble.” -- BUT WHEN
This also shows the foolishness of thinking too lightly of one’s sin.
There is scripture on drinking and drunkenness, and application made directly
to brethren who separate themselves from their brethren to seek their own
sinful desires.
Has Its Place A Study of Shame. When lives
spiritually are at stake to save them shame matters (!!) and has a place. Shame is a consequence of sin that is a violation of
God’s law; with sin there is sting of conscience (that’s shame). PETER’S SHAME (Mat 26:69-75) > “wept bitterly” (Mat
26:75). When you call to mind a warning, and you’ve just done exactly what you
were warned you feel shame. Someone cared to warn you. This weeping was not
like Saul’s false tears when David cut off a corner of his robe while he slept
in the cave (2 Sam 24:16); and not like Saul’s false confession when David took
his spear and jug of water, and he says he’s a fool (2 Sam 26:21).
"What went you out…to see?" This is a lesson on dress. The study
first looks at Jesus' teaching concerning "anxiety" and dress (Matt.
6, the Sermon on the Mount). Following this, application is drawn from the use of
"clothing" as a metaphor in warning against false religious teachers
(Matt. 7:15). A very important lesson is
drawn from His teaching concerning the hypocritical Jewish leaders (Scribes and PHARISEES)
who were skilled in identifying their "own" holy signs of dress, yet so unskilled in
listening to God's word and identifying "proper" conduct. What it means to
present one's self as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God (Rom.
12:1-2), is viewed in the light of proper dress and conduct. The kind of
conduct that shows respect for oneself, for others, and manifests one's self control (I Tim. 2:8-9).
Casting Down
Eloquence & Sophistry Series (2 Cor. 10:4-5) False teachers are getting away with things warned
1. Jesus correctly explained
the Law of Moses (cf. Matt. 12:12). A scribe understood and stated that Jesus
had rightly explained the greatest commandments of the Law (cf. Mk. 12:28-34).
2. Christ exposed the empty “traditions” (man’s not God’s) of the Scribes,
PHARISEES and Sadducees – religious leaders of His day (cf. Matt.15:1-10; 22:23-33).
3. Some of His teachings
contained teaching to be used under the New Covenant that replaced the Old
Mosaic Covenant (cf. Mk. 16:15-16; Matt. 18:15-18, 19:3-9; cp. Col. 2:14-17).
4. There is the necessity of
identifying when the New Covenant came into effect. Jesus spoke of the church as yet in the future when He said, “I will build My church…”
(Matt. 16:18). In giving instruction on His Supper, the fruit of the vine is
said to represent His blood of the New Testament (Matt. 26:28). His priesthood
necessitated that the law changed from the Old to the New (cf. Heb. 7:12). The
apostles preached the New Testament on Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2.
5. No portion of His teaching
denies that the judgments of God brought upon the world, as recorded in the Old
Testament, were indeed left as warnings for us today! (See Lesson Four). People
love the deception in being told that God today just isn’t like that (cf.
Rom.16:17). But God will punish the wicked in Hades and eternally in Hell (cf.
Lk.16:22-26; Matt. 10:28).
Using The Word
“Religion” Correctly : You will hear, “You know there is really no such thing as religion in the Bible.” That’s as false as one saying you can love
Jesus but religion is non-essential. Some
falsely present Jesus as greater than religion, but the religion He gave
is His love, holiness, discipline and just nature. Various scriptural usages of
the word “religion” are presented in this article while contrasting false
religion with the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 3). You
find references to the Jews’ religion, sects of the Jews (PHARISEES &
SADDUCEES), and man-made religion after the commandments and doctrines of men
(Human Tradition). Such are contrasted with
“pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father” (Ja. 1:27).
Discriminate! You Hate! ~ “Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after
they heard this saying?” (Matt. 15:12) What Jesus said that the PHARISEES heard in Matt. 15:11 caused them great displeasure, but
there was no wrong on Jesus’ part. He exposed the PHARISEES’ human tradition by
explaining that such does not come from God, but man’s own mind (cf. “but you
say” Matt. 15:5). He said their hypocritical worship centered in teaching as doctrine
the precepts of mere men (Matt. 15:9). He answered the above question by saying
“Every plant, which My Father has not planted, shall be rooted up.” His
truthful answer called them “blind leaders of the blind” saying both fall into
the pit (Matt. 15:14). His words were the words of the Father; He always did
the things that were pleasing to Him (Jo. 6:38, 8:29, 14:10). He did not teach
that it is wrong to name and describe false religious beliefs. He said
concerning their doctrines, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of
the PHARISEES and of the Sadducees” (Matt. 16:6). Why?
Because both really were blind guides of the blind! They invalidated the Word
of God by their traditions bound as doctrine (Matt. 15:6). And just as today –
their upholding human tradition brought with it money, prestige and power (Jo.
12:43; Lk. 16:13-15).
and Sects Among Us Sects, and Sects Among Us Sects, and Sects
Among Us : Here is an outline / notes, etc., ON THE SECTS OF THE PHARISEES AND
SADDUCEES, as well as application
to sects among us today. When speaking of the church Jesus said
“I will build My church” (Matt 16:18). It is His church: 1Co 3:10 According to
the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.; 1Co 3:11 For other foundation can no
man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.; Eph 2:20 And are built upon
the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the
chief corner stone; …the sect of the Pharisees added “more” to God’s word than
was written in the Old Testament – today sects add “more” than revealed in the
New Testament concerning the church of Christ.
The article contains information on the
Sects, Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Lawyers,
Jewish Council or Sanhedrin, the Herodians, Human Tradition handed and bound
making void the law of God, Heresy is defined, Paul gave up the sect of the
Pharisees to be a Christian, problems sects caused to the church in the first
century and how they were dealt with, how some think they can Counsel God,
Traditions Handed Down today Have a Beginning, Sects Among Us Associated with
Human Tradition are Florida College and the Guardian of Truth Foundation, the
Arlington Meeting (1968) between some chosen “Institutionalist and
Non-Institutionalist” is exposed --- some of both sides being intent on
justifying the Human Societies of their own choosing, how the Akin Fund among
Non-Institutionalist is used against them at the Arlington Meeting, Emphasis
being: “To keep the church as God gave it the society that intrudes into the
works He gave the churches must go! All necessary correction (restoration) must
be made back to the New Testament scriptural pattern for Christ’s church.”
and Sects Among Us Here is an outline / notes, etc., on the sects of the
PHARISEES and Sadducees, as well as application to sects among us today. When speaking of the church
Jesus said “I will build My church” (Matt 16:18). It
is His church: 1Co 3:10 According to the grace of God
which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I
have laid the foundation, and another buildeth
thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth
thereupon.; 1Co 3:11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid,
which is Jesus Christ.; Eph 2:20 And are built upon the foundatio
n of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner
stone; …the sect of the Pharisees added “more” to God’s word
than was written in the Old Testament – today sects add “more” than revealed in
the New Testament concerning the church of Christ.
The article contains information on the Sects,
Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Lawyers, Jewish Council or Sanhedrin, the
Herodians, Human Tradition handed down and bound thus making void the law of
God, Heresy is defined, Paul gave up the sect of the Pharisees to be a Christian,
problems sects caused to the church in the first century and how they were
dealt with, how some think they can Counsel God, Traditions Handed Down today
Have a Beginning, Sects Among Us Associated with Human Tradition are Florida
College and the Guardian of Truth Foundation, the Arlington Meeting (1968)
between some chosen “Institutionalist and Non-Institutionalist” is exposed ---
some of both sides being intent on justifying the Human Societies of their own
choosing, how the Akin Fund among Non-Institutionalist is used against them at
the Arlington Meeting, “To
keep the church as God gave it the society that intrudes into the works He gave
the churches must go! All necessary correction (restoration) must be made back
to the New Testament scriptural pattern for Christ’s church.”
Newspaper Articles from 2018 #2 Here
are three newspaper articles from 2018: (1) Surely Know What A
PHARISEE Is ~ When Charging Others As One! (2) Surely Friends of
Jesus! Those Who Accuse Others of “Legalism” for Obeying Christ’s Commandments
(3) Surely Farfetched ~ The Church Can’t Be About Religion Or It Is A Cult.
Were Pagans Carried Away Unto Dumb Idols (I Cor. 12:2) Many are simply not aware of the various
“other” designations for the Gentiles – such as “pagans,” “heathens,”
“infidels” and “unbelievers.” This is especially true when some of these refer
to idolaters. The world is divided into two divisions: Christians and the whole
world that lies in the power of the evil one, Satan (I Jo. 5:19). Notice the
emphasis given to one either being “in Christ” or “without” i.e. “outside” of
Christ (Col. 4:5). The church is presented here as it
is – a holy nation (I Pet. 2:9) – the spiritual Israel, citizenship is in
heaven – the church made up of both Jews and Gentiles. There is no praise here
for “man” from a physical, ethnic or national background (cf. Rom. 2:28-29). If one is not in Christ he is “without” or
“outside” (Col.
4:5). All other “world religions”
and religious beliefs fall under the category of “HUMAN PHILOSOPHY” and
“EMPTY DECEPTION” according to the “TRADITIONS OF MEN” (Col. 2:8).
When it comes to the total population of
the world there are only two divisions: Christians and the whole world that
lies in the power of the evil one, Satan (I Jo. 5:19).
A Read the
Bible Story worth Telling The importance of reading the Bible is stressed along with appropriate
applications concerning the blessings of reading it, hearing it and keeping it.
In Jo. 8:31-32 Jesus said if you continue in word, then you are my disciples.
The Bible can be understood alike. If those who believed on Him
couldn’t understand it alike then how could they continue in it? Concerning the epistle
to the Ephesians Paul said, “Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand
knowledge in the mystery of Christ” (Eph. 3:4). There is this warning: If you
could not understand the Bible you would not know the difference between human
tradition, man’s so called spiritual wisdom, and God’s Word (Col. 2:8). Col 2:8 warns us, “Beware lest any man spoil you through PHILOSOPHY
and vain deceit,
after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” So why
do people make the claim we cannot understand the Bible alike? They claim such because
they are holding on to their human traditions. With that in mind the article
presents a conversation with a man who said that he is reading the Bible for
himself for the first time in his life. Moreover, he’s seeing the differences
between what man is willing to teach for the sake of human tradition, power,
prestige, etc. and how the Bible really reads.
Churches Fear Applying “Scriptural Authority” ~ Selected Newspaper Articles
Concerning “Scriptural
Authority”. Although
GAY MARRIAGE is recognized “civilly” by some states that will not make it
“spiritually” right in God’s sight (cf. Matt. 19:5-6).
Christians have a right to oppose this just like a guest column for the Sun recently
explained: “Of course, religious groups have a constitutional right to oppose
gay marriage and to refuse to perform same-sex weddings. And as long as we
uphold the First Amendment that will continue to be the case.” When a group practicing that which is immoral is
given status “civilly” ---- then suddenly it is “hate speech” when others
continue as they always have to identify “religiously” a specific immorality;
those claiming to be for freedom of speech want censorship while crying PHOBIA!
must uniformly speak as “they” else the motives are to be impugned and the
characters assassinated.
A great weakness and lack of respect for
“religious” freedom of speech is seen in objecting to specific sins being
identified and requiring that others speak in generalities.
Christians Never Need --- The
Corporate Chaplain The
corporate Chaplain is unknown in the New Testament church. Here is your “PHYSICAL FUTURE” generally
speaking (Eccl. 12:1-8). With that in mind this article presents duties one must
fulfill. First, there is duty to self to not forsake the truth in old age. There is also the duty
to relieve and care for one’s own family. Thirdly this article presents some of the
dangers for Christians in care centers and lessons from the elderly, both good and
Appreciation Of Godly Sisters In Christ The tremendous value of our sisters in Christ
is set forth in this article. Beginning with the honor that is due to faithful
women in Christ, the study sets forth the various duties enjoined upon them in
regards to their family and service rendered to the church that Christ built. Children and family members must practice PIETY
towards their “own” and requite their parents (I Tim. 5:4). Moreover, they are to
be ready unto every good work (Eph. 2:10, I Tim. 5:10, Titus 3:1, 2:14). Why
not study the nine points of application directed towards their being
scripturally appreciated?
the Naïve, Scoffers and Fools In Proverbs chapter one “Wisdom” shouts publicly to all including the
simple minded (naïve), scorners (scoffers) and fools. Religious and scriptural
applications are made with propaganda techniques. God doesn’t Name Call. If God
says someone or some group is stupid then they are stupid! God does not use
Glittering Generalities. He did not choose words and phrases with always
favorable implications! God does not use the PLAIN FOLKS APPROACH. God is not just one of us! God Used
“True” Guilt By Association. The three mentioned in the title are grouped and
belong together, God says. God did not use the Band Wagon. Accepting God’s law
and obeying it will not put you in the majority!
Newspaper Articles
This publication contains selected newspaper articles. One article exposing PLANNED PARENTHOOD is "Fornication Kit."
Simple Biblical Pattern For Explaining “Why?” A respondent who questioned the matter of judging those who
live together without marriage stated, “I think these days it can be a good
thing to live together before getting married.... This obviously goes
against your feelings, but they're just your feelings, not everyone's."
Last of all she stated, "As far as your last sentence, it's not an idea
that it's acceptable and normal, these days, IT IS acceptable and normal.... If
you don't like it, then don't do it.... I wouldn't criticize you...why do you
judge about people who choose to live together?"
This individual wants to know
“Why” I would determine that people who choose to live together are wrong in
doing so. I presumed this to be an honest question deserving of an answer.
In part, one must understand God requires obedience from man in
regards to what he reads in the New Testament scriptures, which are God given
(Rom. 10:17, Heb. 5:9). Faith comes by hearing God’s word and the present work
of Christ, in the plan of redemption, necessitates man's obedience. The Hebrew writer said, "And being made perfect, he became the
author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him" (Hebrews 5:9). Without faith which includes obedience we are
taught that man cannot PLEASE GOD (Cf.
Hebrews 11:6; John 6:29). “Instruction” in the Word plainly states that fornication
as described above is a work of the flesh that leads to eternal destruction if
not repented of (I Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19-21).
the Label “Advertisement” On Our Articles
I’m often asked why there is a label of “advertisement” at the bottom of
the church’s articles. They’ll often say, “No one else’s does, why yours?” The
newspaper places it there. Consider this: While the designation is accurate,
for our articles tell people about the church of Christ, it is obvious that the
content is what we are seeking to get forward (Cf. 1 Tim. 3:15). There should
be a distinct difference in what a church of Christ presents to the community,
and that of the various false religions. And there is if the church is doing
its work as it should. By refusing the often sought “marketing approach” the
Truth becomes apparent. It is the Truth that is important in contrast to sin
and religious error. Included is an exposure of the oft used “Try Us And You’ll
Like Us” pitch. …
Concerned reader, do you see the point clearly? The point is
that YOU are just what God’s Word is looking for! Here the secrets of the
heart are made manifest to himself (I Cor. 14:24). Those
who go a lifetime playing “games” — thinking that they have escaped the eyes of
God — are greatly deceived:
4:12 For the
word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged
sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the
joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the
Heb 4:13 Neither is there
any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked
and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
the visitor did not jump up and leave. He stayed for he had found the
truth of God’s Word (I Cor. 14:24). When visitors are LOOKING TO PLEASE “SELF” RATHER
THAN GOD then you’ll often see them get up and march out. Those who hate the Light aren’t comfortable around applicable
It isn’t that the church is not
friendly. It is what Jesus said about those who love darkness rather than light
because their deeds are evil.
Discontent followed
by the “Curtain Call” followed by the “Go Get ‘Em Letter” The article
contains illustrations of those who work to PLEASE SELF AND MAN, while
displaying their own discontent with the truth, as well their own failed effort
to please God
— saturated with always working to please self
and man, and courting man’s favor above God’s!
Let Us
Get You A New Kind Of Preacher! Those full of carnality (works of the flesh)
accuse the faithful unjustly with wicked intent, spread strife with their
mouths, and set an example of evil for others to imitate (cf. 3 John 10-11).
They have a goal, an objective, and will sacrifice the truth and brethren to
achieve it! These are
looking forward to and working towards division in order that they might have
their own way, and that with the “kind of preaching” that lacks application and
PLEASES THE UNGODLY (cf. 2 Tim. 4:1-5). Understand that the longer the church postpones
dealing with them scripturally the closer they get to their unscriptural goals
(cf. Rev. 2:20). There is nothing more carnal, and full of the works of the
flesh, that I can think of at this age in my life than brethren who work to
stop applicable preaching and teaching. They will stop at nothing to get the
“new kind” of preacher. Old warnings need to be issued! As in the past there
will always be bigger churches somewhere ready to aid the pattern of apostasy
and provide the “new kind” of teachers and preachers. That is how apostasy is
able to continue. Brethren beware! It is quite possible that you know of such
things happening among us.
What You Can And Will Do In Christ
This brief study should offer assurance to Christians
that their efforts to serve God faithfully are attainable, as well as being
greatly aided by others' prayers on their behalf. What one can and will do by remaining faithful in Christ is declared
through the words of Paul's prayer for the church at Colossae in Col. 1:9-12. Here
are the key thoughts: A. Be filled with knowledge, all wisdom and spiritual
understanding. B. Walk worthy, fully PLEASING Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the
knowledge of God. C. Strengthened for
attaining all steadfastness and patience, with Joy. D. Joyously giving thanks
to the Father. Following is a "Check Your Spiritual Growth With Self-Test
Questions" giving further emphasis to our growth and development into mature
children of God. The stated "goal" of our efforts is seen in Philippians
Churches Fear Applying “Scriptural Authority” ~ Selected Newspaper Articles
“Scriptural Authority”. Local
churches of Christ must continue to be the pillar and support of the truth. These three articles relate to the fear
manifested by church leaders who use human wisdom, emotions and lies; whose
goals are power, prestige, PLEASING SELF and material gain. Members themselves love their false position that allows
them to fulfill their own lusts. These show how secular institutions influenced
by Political Correctness have become protectors and enforcers for those who
despise God’s Word, thus displaying a lack of respect for “religious” freedom
of speech!
Youth through the Prime of Life (Eccl. 11:9-12:1) There are degrees of progression of age in this text. Accountability
is seen throughout and the “right” things done are contrasted with things
sinful that must be removed. These portions of life merge together and are
fleeting, thus the necessity of remembering one’s Creator in the days of youth.
When done right this “stage” is not filled with doubt and dissatisfaction,
nor is life mostly filled with unhappiness. The heart is PLEASING TO GOD and they are rejoicing.
Selected Newspaper Articles From The Valley Church
of Christ Life for everyone regardless of having or not
having riches has its vanity and
seems empty and without purpose. This life on earth possesses sorrows, grief
over man’s double-mindedness, deceit and lies. One’s own sins are a vexation of
spirit! Friend, the
answer is not in beauty, riches, mirth or PLEASURE; neither will one find the answer in
psychology or mere human wisdom that fails man again and again in providing the
right answers to vexation of spirit. Jesus’ invitation is “Come
to Me, all you who labor and are heavey laden, and I
will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle
and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy
and My burden is light” (Matt. 11:28-32). Why not read this short truthful
article titled “Has Someone Pulled The Plug From Your Life?”
Appreciation Of Godly Sisters In Christ The tremendous value of our sisters
in Christ is set forth in this article. Beginning with the honor that is due to
faithful women in Christ, the study sets forth the various duties enjoined upon
them in regards to their family and service rendered to the church that Christ
built. They
exemplify those God takes PLEASURE in and favors because they fear Him (cf. Ps.
149:4, 147:10-11). Obedience
unto righteousness is what God takes pleasure in, thus these are the scriptural
reasons why all of our godly sisters are appreciated. Why not study the nine
points of application directed towards their being scripturally appreciated?
Majority Know Another Jesus The church at Corinth gladly tolerated fools
who taught another Jesus and different gospel, Paul said (cf. 2 Cor. 11:4,
19). It is possible for one to read the
trifling literature of fools and possess a completely false view of Jesus. Read
the Gospels for yourself and see what He really did do and teach. Here’s a
start with applications from the Gospels themselves that show the stark
differences between what most think Jesus taught and what He really did teach!
Verses are presented that deal with: (13) those guilty of allowing the activities of life, its PLEASURES
AND RICHES to choke the word out of their life.
Memory #2 You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April 2016
before this continuing article concerning some simple applications pertaining
to one’s memory. Emphasis in this article is given to the importance of our
remembering our own past conduct. Paul did not exclude himself when speaking
of past conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that he acted
ignorantly as a blasphemer, persecutor and violent aggressor (“injurious”)
against the church. He included himself in
being foolish, disobedient, deceived, SERVING DIVERS LUSTS AND PLEASURES,
living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another (Titus 3:3). There is also the importance of our not forgetting
even one of God’s benefits of salvation in Christ. Once restored one must not
revert back--- thus once again forgetting the necessary obedience for salvation
in Christ.
Newspaper Articles Here
are four newspaper articles presented to the community with a love for the
truth. The intent is to present God’s truths
without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other
religious bodies: (2) “POLITICS Does Not Make Evil To Be
Good!” presents the fear
associated with “political correctness” in our society
contrasted with true Christians’ desire to tell people they are wrong morally,
i.e. religiously. POLITICIANS, like so called ministers, who tell
others they don’t believe “fornications” are sinful just seek to reverse in
peoples’ minds what the truth about sin really is. Read how no amount of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS will never change God’s
religious truths!
Political Views Commandeer the Truth of God’s Word “A Mistaken View ~ When Teaching God’s Word
You Are Just Stating YOUR POLITICAL VIEW (Parts One Through Four).” This brief series,
parts one through four, appeared in the church’s newspaper articles.
“One should never become so politicized in their thinking
that for them a rejection of a biblical truth is considered OK in view of their
personal political stand.” Several wrongful views are presented. As
things are today another’s politicizing your belief in and statement of a truth
in God’s Word in their mind is often, if they should agree with your statement,
equal in their thinking both of you have equal “standing” before Christ. This
is a dangerous assumption carried out I believe multiple times every day. …It is when “specifics” are stated concerning
works of the flesh, sexual immoralities, sexual relations outside of marriage,
God’s law on and definition of marriage etc. --- and then backed up with
scriptures that so many tied to POLITICAL CORRECTNESS (many claiming to
be religious) attack the truths of God’s Word and try to prevent Biblical
truths from being stated publically or printed in a public venue.
“Grass Roots” Pol. Movements Address Local Churches of Christ: This is election year and I’m hearing that a
pastor (denominational usage) is afraid if he doesn’t allow his church to have
a requested POLITICAL PRESENTATION from our grass root political movement. It never dawned on such that a church of
Christ would be in scriptural agreement that such is not authorized as part of
an assembly of the church. Where did personal conscience suddenly go? What
happened to religious liberty? Read this study to understand why all the
members of the local church are in agreement, and make
no apologies for respecting the authorized work of the assemblies of the
1. Christ’s Kingdom is a Spiritual Kingdom,
Col. 1:13.
2. The Local Church With It’s Own Oversight & Collective Work.
3. Assemblies are the Collective Function of
the particular Local “Body” as an Organization.
4. Some Scripturally Authorized Purposes for the
Assemblies of the Local Church.
5. Christians as Individuals Participated in
6. God did not Give the Gospel to Civil
7. A Civil or State Religion.
8. Concerning
Political Movements & Organizations.
9. Man’s Ways are not God’s Ways (Isa. 55:8-9).
10. It is Not a Matter of Just Losing One’s Tax Exempt Status.
Newspaper Articles on Political Correctness You
might enjoy reading these newspaper articles on POLITICAL CORRECTNESS as they are grouped together: “POLITICS Does Not
Make Evil to Be Good,” “What
Presidents Do When They Promote Abortion and Gay Marriage,” “When the Governing
Powers Refuse to Listen” and “Women Bishops And Gay Marriage Are Both Sinful.”
Churches Fear Applying “Scriptural Authority” ~ Selected Newspaper Articles Local churches of Christ must continue to be
the pillar and support of the truth. These three articles relate to the fear
manifested by church leaders who use human wisdom, emotions and lies; whose
goals are power, prestige, pleasing self and material gain. Members themselves
love their false position that allows them to fulfill their own lusts. Secular institutions influenced by POLITICAL
CORRECTNESS have become protectors and enforcers for those who despise
God’s Word, thus displaying a lack of respect for “religious” freedom of
speech! With
frequency we read of those who have been pursued by such despisers that led to
their being fired, threatened, replaced or cancelled. All the worldly despiser has to do is complain to the “establishment” – be it a
company, network, the press etc. expecting to and most often getting their own
Churches Fear Applying “Scriptural Authority” ~ Selected Newspaper Articles Making
hatred a POLITICAL thing is seen in Pilate caving in when told “thou art not
Caesar’s friend” if you let Christ go (Jo. 19:12). In Ephesus (Acts 19) as
many were learning about God you find a silversmith, Demetrius, who gathered
his co-hearts (fellows who made a living making shrines of Diana), spoke
to them of the danger their “pocket books” were in,
and caused an uproar. Some “politicals” (Asiarchs)
as well as the town Clerk willingly helped Paul and his companions here (Acts
Articles Series: “For the Greatly Exploited Generation Z” These NEWSPAPER
articles identify spiritual exploitations of the “Z” generation
(2019-2020). Beginning with the truthful statement that God’s Word will
not exploit you the way POLITICAL
CORRECTNESS does --- these present God’s
wisdom and power that exists far beyond mankind’s own wisdom and power. You must believe in a
Creator to learn to put your life into His perspective and purpose for mankind
(Ps. 89:11; Eccl. 12:13). You may read about the various ways generations, actually, have been deceived and thus think and act
contrary to God’s revealed Word.
Evil of No Man – But I Can Say… We find the admonition to “speak
evil of no man” in
Titus 3:2. To speak evil means to vilify, defame, or blaspheme. Most don’t know
how to read the Bible. In the same verse we are not to be a brawler. If I call
a brawler what he is, i.e., a brawler do I violate “speak evil of no man”?
People pay no attention to what Jesus said and where he said it. Furthermore,
they pay no attention to what hypocrites said to Him and when they said it.
Finally, most pay no attention to what Jesus said and who He said it to! When it comes to SOCIAL, CULTURAL, AND POLITICAL ACTIVITIES, Christians deal with the immoralities as He did. The
unfruitful works of darkness are to be reproved. (Eph 5:11-13). I’ll use Herod
Antipas as the first example. Was he the fox Jesus said he was?
Newspaper Articles from 2018 There are four NEWSPAPER articles selected
from 2018: (1) Jezebel A Woman POLITICIAN ~ Surely Quality Skills, Empathy with Honor (2) Surely God Had No
Place in the Creation ~ But If You Could Only
Talk to
Stephen Hawking Now! (3) Surely Very Beneficial ~ The “Virtues” of Vulgar
Language (4) The “Y” Chromosome ~ Surely “Men” Disappear in less than 5 Million
Every Politician Needs to Know Applicable lessons based upon David’s addresses, and of course God’s, to Solomon
concerning his reigning upon David’s throne form the background of this particular article. This article applies to POLITICIANS. Read about Solomon’s throne and
exemplification of one of his own proverbs: “It is an abomination to kings to
commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness” (Prov.
6:12). Applications are also made from
the book of Jeremiah and the Psalms denouncing oppression, fraud, extortion,
cruelty and the destruction of the foundation of society.
Government Out of Control (Series) This
is a series of Newspaper Articles that we published in the Yuma Sun. There are
six short article based upon activities in the life of the apostle Paul. These present where government
officials either
failed or succeeded in doing their work. Actually
there is a great deal of information here about civil rulers, workers,
and POLITICIANS dealing with such things as motives, consequences, civil
harassment, rumors and lies, hatred, mob violence, intent to murder, greed and
man pleasing – the desire and advantage for political figures as they work at
pleasing others.
Be Sure to
Keep Christ at New Years! Drinking: the words or King Lemuel and
Isaiah present an appropriate lesson for kings, rulers, POLITICIANS and
government officials.
Wanting Abortions that Murder the Unborn – and All Others Included in the Same
Deception. *POLITICAL, POLITICIANS, POLITICS This article shows just
how deceived anyone is who thinks they can advocate for or practice the murder
the unborn, and newly born.
Majority Know Another Jesus The church at Corinth gladly tolerated fools
who taught another Jesus and different gospel, Paul said (cf. 2 Cor. 11:4,
19). It is possible for one to read the
trifling literature of fools and possess a completely false
view of Jesus. Read the Gospels for yourself and see what He really did do and
teach. Here’s a start with applications from the Gospels themselves that show
the stark differences between what most think Jesus taught and what He really
did teach! Verses are presented that deal with: (21) the local church is NOT IN THE BUSINESS OF POLITICS
but of saving souls.
Newspaper Articles Dear reader the following titles are selected
newspaper articles that appeared in our local newspaper the Yuma Sun.
Advertizing for many churches tends to follow the current trend for advertizing
in general and has an emotional “pitch” to possibly interest the reader. The
intent of these articles is that each shows a love for and desire to present
the Truth without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other
religious bodies today. The topics are: “The Buyer Is Like The Seller;
The Creditor Is Like The Debtor” includes “the lender is like the borrower” (What
God’s word says about greed, liars, cheats and murderers applies to all – the
rich and POOR!);
“Wicked Kids, Teens, Beating & Stomping Others” (This exposes the lie, “Oh
they’re just too young to know better!”); “Some Wrights Are So Wrong” (When so
called “Pastors” are asked if John 14:6 is true and if they think Islam is
another way to salvation, and then suggest that there is another path to the
Father they deny what Jesus and the apostles taught! (cf. John 12:48).
Newspaper Articles From The Valley Church of Christ This
short article contains several important points on the apostles of Christ. Moreover it
shows that the POPE is sadly lacking among the apostles. Paul was the last apostle and taught along with the
other apostles that their authority was not legislative authority; they simply presented
to the world what Christ through the Holy Spirit gave to them (Cf. John 16:13;
Mk. 16:15-16). They were guided into “all” the truth, the revelation of His
will was completed in the first century, and those who would add to it or take
from it were to be accursed (Cf. John 16:13; Gal. 1:8-12; Jude 3). Why not read
this short article titled, “Among The Apostles There Was No Pope!”
Selected Newspaper
Articles from 2016 These four newspaper articles
include: (1) Surely Such Beautiful People (In this article “Beautiful
people are just everywhere here!” People,
and especially our youth, do not understand the vanity that is evil and
destructive; they see benefits in POPULARITY, WEALTH, and BEAUTY – the
words of flattery that come from arrogant worldly minds seem to them to be
sincerity). (2)
Surely Correct Thinking ~ Although It Does Not Begin With the Fear of the Lord (In
this article “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Pr. 1:9) –
“beginning” meaning the first step in acquiring and then applying God’s
revealed word. This is not your own “I think” or “I believe.” Four important
applications display what men are willing to do when they lack the fear of the
Lord. (3) Surely Not Their Kind of Preacher ~ Hired to Protect the Ungodly
(Based upon I Tim. 3:16-17 it is the members themselves who are responsible for
maintaining such preachers; these men pleasers are standing in line to take the
place of those who preach the truth and are dismissed or cast out for doing so.
(4) Surely Displays Great Love for Jesus ~ Cancelling Church for Sunday Dec.
25 (Lk. 2:11 says “For you is born this day in the city of David a Savior,
which is Christ the Lord.” That’s right, all we have is “this day” --- thus the
obvious flaw in saying that anyone today knows the exact day Jesus was born.
Since no one knows then how can “cancelling” church figure in at all? Put this
with the command not to forsake assembling and you see that love of the
Traditions of men, not God’s Word, is all important and mighty self-serving.
Were Pagans Carried Away Unto Dumb Idols (I Cor. 12:2) Many are simply not aware of the various
“other” designations for the Gentiles – such as “pagans,” “heathens,”
“infidels” and “unbelievers.” This is especially true when some of these refer
to idolaters. The world is divided into two divisions: Christians and the
whole world that lies in the power of the evil one, Satan (I Jo. 5:19). Notice
the emphasis given to one either being “in Christ” or “without” i.e. “outside”
of Christ (Col. 4:5). What
happens to “unbelievers” in Rev. 21:8? If one has not been baptized into Christ they belong with all
“unbelievers” -- the vast
majority of the WORLD POPULATION i.e. some 7B+ are “unbelievers.” All
other “world religions” and religious beliefs fall under the category of “human
philosophy” and “empty deception” according to the “traditions of men” (Col.
Newspaper Articles for 2013 These newspaper articles from 2013 include: (1)
“Using ‘Christendom’ to Cover Religious Error”; (2) “The Ways of the Street
Mugger”; (3) “Murders, Murderers, Victims”; (4) “Surely not a Hot Head” and (5) “Surely not a Greedy Person” – – concerns greedy preachers and
teachers who love POWER, POSITION and wealth above the duty to rebuke and
preach the Word.
Errors of the "Positive Mental
Attitude" Style of
Preaching What is wrong with the POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE style of preaching.
In addition there is a short applicable newspaper article
attached: “Surely Not Paul Coming to Town ~ When PMA
Guarantees Satisfaction.”
Newspaper Articles Dear reader the following bold heading is a selected article that appeared
in our local newspaper, the Yuma Sun. This article “I’m Mr. Positive!” bespeaks of the empty, vain, teaching and preaching done
today by popular speakers who serve themselves and not the Lord Jesus Christ
(Rom. 16:17). Mr. PMA (POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE) can avoid every probing question as to
soundness in teaching and love for truth with, “You’ve got to understand, I’m just
being me in being totally positive in my message.”
Why not read about Mr. PMA and his motives for not using scripture and
requiring repentance unto salvation? We encourage you to read each of
scriptures referenced to understand your own accountability (Jo. 12:48; Matt.
Newspaper Articles for 2013 These newspaper articles from 2013 include: (1)
“Using ‘Christendom’ to Cover Religious Error”; (2) “The Ways of the Street
Mugger”; (3) “Murders, Murderers, Victims”; (4) “Surely not a Hot Head” and (5) “Surely not a Greedy Person” – – concerns greedy preachers and
teachers whose treasure is where their heart is i.e. in material POSSESSIONS.
Let Us
Get You A New Kind Of Preacher! Those full of carnality (works of the flesh)
accuse the faithful unjustly with wicked intent, spread strife with their
mouths, and set an example of evil for others to imitate (cf. 3 John 10-11).
They have a goal, an objective, and will sacrifice the truth and brethren to
achieve it! These are looking forward to and working towards division in order
that they might have their own way, and that with the “kind of preaching” that
lacks application and pleases the ungodly (cf. 2 Tim. 4:1-5). Understand that the longer the church POSTPONES
(PROCRASTINATES, DELAYS) dealing with them scripturally the
closer they get to their unscriptural goals (cf. Rev. 2:20). There is nothing more
carnal, and full of the works of the flesh, that I can think of at this age in
my life than brethren who work to stop applicable preaching and teaching. They
will stop at nothing to get the “new kind” of preacher. Old warnings need to be
issued! As in the past there will always be bigger churches somewhere ready to
aid the pattern of apostasy and provide the “new kind” of teachers and
preachers. That is how apostasy is able to continue. Brethren beware! It is
quite possible that you know of such things happening among us.
for Being a Fool (Pro 27:22) POUNDED refers to pounding or grinding
something in a mortar with a pestle. It is used figuratively of grinding a fool
in a mortar (Pro 27:22), to no avail in removing his foolishness. Still the
foolish sinfulness is not repented of and removed. Even worse than I didn’t see
it coming is it’s there and I’m not seeing it! Most often you hear fools say,
“I’m in control of my life” -- “I’m the captain of my own ship.” This person
has no perception of the danger (much more than just physical is the spiritual)
they are in. Study Proverbs and you will see God twisting that pestle!
Proverb is compared with a recent newspaper article Compare a recent article
for the Yuma Sun, Yuma, Az.
A Kind, Caring, Selfless, and Stand for
Humanity President is Needed!
was the message in a letter that suspect Ryan Routh left (Cf. Brietbart 23 Sep 2024). He is said to apologize to the
world in the letter stated to have been written months before we heard about
his “would-be assassination attempt” in Palm Beach on Sept 14, 2024. Whenever
it was written he stated he tried his best, failed, and is quoted as saying he
is now offering $150,000 to whomever can complete the job. Fools like this
while thinking they speak so wisely tell what they really think of the values they
proclaim are so important!
As Taught From The Bible In this article an example of baptism in the
first century is set in contrast with teaching from the Catholic Encyclopedia,
"Baptism, Sacrament of." The explanation that the Catholic
Encyclopedia gives simply does not equate with what the New Testament teaches
about baptism being an immersion. The
mode of baptism taught in the New Testament is immersion and NOT "POURING." Neither
does the New Testament teach a blessing of the water before baptism! Above all
the New Testament does not teach Infant Baptism.
Is No Such Thing as Sprinkling or Pouring for Baptism Many members of Christ’s
church have come out from human denominations in order to be such. For
some, they came to understand that modes of baptism other than that taught in
the New Testament are additions to God’s word and do not save. In denominations offering options for baptism
“church manuals” override immersion by stating baptism may be administered to
believers by SPRINKLING, POURING or immersion. Many
falsely view baptism as a “sacrament” and not what it is, i.e. an initial step
of obedience necessary for the forgiveness of sins. This explains why some
wait until they have a group they can so baptize. Why not read this article to
understand neither of these are authorized as an option for baptism?
Newspaper Articles Dear reader the following bold heading is a selected article that appeared
in our local newspaper, the Yuma Sun. “I’m Mr. Positive!” bespeaks of the empty, vain teaching
and preaching done today by popular speakers who serve themselves and not the
Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 16:17). Mr. PMA
(Positive Mental Attitude) can avoid every probing question as to soundness in
teaching and love for truth with, “You’ve got to understand, I’m just being me
in being totally positive in my message.” How clever the liars are who hide their true
motives concerning their love for riches, fame and POWER behind “I’m Mr. PMA!” Why not read about Mr. PMA and his motives for not using scripture and
requiring repentance unto salvation? We encourage you
to read each of scriptures referenced to understand your own accountability
(Jo. 12:48; Matt. 7:21-27).
Newspaper Articles for 2013 These newspaper articles from 2013 include: (1)
“Using ‘Christendom’ to Cover Religious Error”; (2) “The Ways of the Street
Mugger”; (3) “Murders, Murderers, Victims”; (4) “Surely not a Hot Head” and (5) “Surely not a Greedy Person” -- concerns greedy preachers and
teachers who love POWER, position and wealth above the duty to rebuke and
preach the Word.
Be Successful Where You Are Too often, I’m afraid, small
churches are lacking in the duty of “Liberaliity” or
giving (I Cor. 16:1-3). The article encourages local churches to be successful
in such and slack in their duty. Why not take time to read some of the
important reminders for us to be good at imparting? You will notice that we are
to be taught to be good at imparting. Understand that a request (to help, or
for help) is something needed rather than simply something desired. There
are degrees for POVERTY itself (2 Cor. 8:2). Do you remember what it is like to have to plead for aid?
Newspaper Articles for 2013 These newspaper articles from 2013 include: (1)
“Using ‘Christendom’ to Cover Religious Error”; (2) “The Ways of the Street
Mugger”; (3) “Murders, Murderers, Victims”; (4) “Surely not a Hot Head” and (5) “Surely not a Greedy Person” – concerns greedy preachers and
teachers who love POWER, position and wealth above the duty to rebuke and
preach the Word.
Churches Fear Applying “Scriptural Authority” ~ Selected Newspaper Articles Concerning “Scriptural Authority.” Local churches of
Christ must continue to be the pillar and support of the truth. These three articles relate to the fear
manifested by church leaders who use human wisdom, emotions and lies; whose
goals are POWER, prestige, pleasing self and material gain. Members themselves love their false position that allows
them to fulfill their own lusts. These show how secular institutions influenced
by Political Correctness have become protectors and enforcers for those who
despise God’s Word, thus displaying a lack of respect for “religious” freedom
of speech!
"What went you out…to see?" This is a lesson on dress. A very important lesson is drawn from Jesus'
teaching concerning John the Baptist's rebuke of the hypocritical Jewish
leaders who were skilled in identifying their "own" holy signs of
dress, yet so unskilled in listening to God's word and identifying
"proper" conduct. All
their works they did in order that they might receive the PRAISE of men,
and that is the only reward they'd receive. What it means to present one's self as a living sacrifice, acceptable to
God, holy, …and not be conformed to this world
(Rom. 12:1-2) is viewed in the light of proper dress and conduct. The
kind of conduct that shows respect for oneself, for others, and manifests one's self control ((I Tim. 2:8-9).
the Label “Advertisement” On Our Articles
I’m often asked why there is a label of “advertisement” at the bottom of
the church’s articles. They’ll often say, “No one else’s does, why yours?” The
newspaper places it there. Consider this: While the designation is accurate,
for our articles tell people about the church of Christ, it is obvious that the
content is what we are seeking to get forward (Cf. 1 Tim. 3:15). There should
be a distinct difference in what a church of Christ presents to the community,
and that of the various false religions. And there is if the church is doing
its work as it should. By refusing the often sought “marketing approach” the
Truth becomes apparent. It is the Truth that is important in contrast to sin
and religious error. Included is an
exposure of the oft used “Try Us And You’ll Like Us” pitch. … People are
undeniably being led to believe that all they need to do is show up for a
service they’re sure to like — then they can go right back to their worldly
life styles!
is like a club for them, but the club is like this: “How can ye believe, which receive honour
one of another, and not honour that cometh
from God only?” (Jo. 5:44). Such can forsake assembling, show
up occasion when convenient for them and still receive PRAISE from the members
and leaders: “Oh, it is so good to
see you again.” They give
them FALSE PRAISE so they’ll be praised in return: “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak
well of you! for so did their fathers to the false Prophets” (Lk. 6:26).
A Case Study of Mourning Sin:
This article explains in detail what it truly means to mourn the sins we
see others commit. One
application is we mourn the sins of others when we PRAY (or speak) in such a way as to compel others to come to
their senses and repent (Ezra 9:1-4). Several applicable points are
"What went you out…to see?" This is a lesson on dress. What it means
to present one's self as a living sacrifice, acceptable to God, holy, …and not
be conformed to this world (Rom. 12:1-2)
is viewed in the light of proper dress and conduct. The kind of conduct that
shows respect for oneself, for others, and manifests one's
self control ((I Tim. 2:8-9). It includes Paul’s command that men PRAY “without wrath and doubting” (I Tim. 2:8). We are to be free of murmuring
and disputing (see Phil. 2:14).
9-11-2001 ~ Things I Can Count On
Today America was attacked by terrorists on this date. This is a
“time” when people thrive upon inappropriate statements, and misleading
applications of God’s Word. Illustrations of such would be, “Nostradamas said…,” “Armageddon has come” and “the Mark of
the Beast.” An important part of this
study shows when men have questions as to "Why?" or "What is the
future?" that Christians have a limited number of precious things that
they can depend upon. These few but precious things are where a Christian's
life really is any day, and any place that they might be. How we PRAY is very important (I Tim. 2:1-2; Matt.
6:11; James 5:15; I John 1:8-10; 2 Cor. 1:11; Eph. 6:18; Matt. 6:10; Matt.
The Way
of Integrity Psalms
119 This Psalm is often avoided because of its length. This study begins with
eight points on integrity with God. It is on the grounds of your integrity that you may PRAY (plead) to God for protective care
against the wicked (Ps. 119:121-128). The cry for help should go with “I will
observe your statutes.” These are but a few of the good lesson presented
through studying this Psalm.
Often Missing During Afflictions The applications in this brief study will
deal with those who are in affliction. Dear reader, you will notice that with some
of these God has no pleasure. For others, they see God’s faithfulness during
their afflictions. Paul
PRAYED in order to receive strength and help --- and then better understood the
relationship between weakness and God’s
strength and help. Why
not read this either for yourself or with a view to being able to help another?
What You Can And Will Do In Christ This
brief study should offer assurance to Christians that their efforts to serve
God faithfully are attainable, as well as being greatly aided by others'
prayers on their behalf. What one can and will do by remaining faithful in Christ
is declared through the
words of Paul's PRAYER for the church at Colossae in Col.
1:9-12. Here are the key
thoughts: A. Be filled with knowledge, all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
B. Walk worthy, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and
increasing in the knowledge of God. C. Strengthened for attaining all
steadfastness and patience, with Joy. D. Joyously giving thanks to the Father.
Following is a "Check Your Spiritual Growth With Self-Test Questions"
giving further emphasis to our growth and development into mature children of
God. The stated "goal" of our efforts is seen in Philippians 1:10-11.
A Request: Pray For Me! This
article deals with Christians
who request PRAYER on their
behalf. While such a request is not without scriptural foundation
(James 5:14-16), some important additional truths related directly to the
Christian who makes this request are dealt with. It also presents the need for
repentance and confession of one's sin as well as an appropriate rebuke at
times (I Pet. 3:12, Acts 8:22-24, James 4:4, I John 1:9).
Things in Christ not found in Islam One simple but effective way of
explaining the difference between a major “world” religion and the gospel of
Christ (the New Testament, Matt. 26:28) is to show the things found “in Christ”
that are not found elsewhere. Christians can approach God's presence any time in PRAYER, knowing that Christ ever lives to make
intercession for us (Rom. 8:34).
Added to the Lord It is common to hear people ask, “Are you a BELIEVER?”
But they never ask if you’ve been ADDED TO THE LORD. Why? Look
below to understand when believers are added to the Lord. After the brief
newspaper article there is more concerning deceit in teaching the so-called “SINNER’S PRAYER” for salvation.
Why I Am Not A
Nazarene This article written by
B.J. Bronger explains, as one who at one time was in the Nazarene church, the
injustices done to the Lord’s plan of salvation by the church of the Nazarene. We invite you to read this carefully
for many find themselves in either his or similar circumstances found in
denominationalism. Here is
an excellent example of the detriment of the so called “ALTAR CALL” and
“PRAYING THROUGH” that stands in opposition to the New Testament requirements
for salvation.
Messianic Jewish churches A critique of one of the newer movements (denominations)
today, Messianic Judaism. These are Jews who profess belief in Jesus of
Nazareth as the Messiah. Their worship appears to be a combination of Old and
New Testament items. They look for a return of Christ, whom they do believe is
the Messiah, back to the earth in order to reign from
Jerusalem. One point made concerns their use of a sort of Jewish
version of the “SINNER’S PRAYER." We caution those interested in salvation "in
Christ" that saying a "prayer" to receive God and initial
forgiveness of past sins is not taught in the New Testament.
Using The Word
“Religion” Correctly You will hear, “You know
there is really no such thing as religion
in the Bible.” That’s as false as one saying you can love Jesus but religion is
non-essential. Some falsely present Jesus as greater than
religion, but the religion He gave is His love, holiness, discipline and a just
nature. Various scriptural usages of the word
“religion” are presented in this article, while contrasting false religion with
the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 3). You find
references to the Jews’ religion, sects of the Jews (Pharisees &
Sadducees), and man-made religion after the commandments and doctrines of men. The so called
“SINNER’S PRAYER” is man’s invention or tradition!
are contrasted with “pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father”
(Ja. 1:27).
Various Errors
Concerning Salvation: Often times the problem is not one’s
sincerity but “what” one has been taught. Today much emphasis is put on
“belief” (just as long as one is sincere) rather than the necessity of the
Truth being believed. Moreover, too many push “sincerity” is good enough
regardless of what is believed. They say believing (whatever) is the important
thing. This is wrong. Why not read these articles with this in mind? Then ask
what does the New Testament really teaching concerning initial salvation?
Articles included are: 1. The So Called “SINNER’S PRAYER” (Jan.
31, 2015); 2.
A Wrongful Understanding of Confessing Sins (Feb. 28, 23015); 3. One Must
Confess Jesus is the Christ the Son of God (Mar. 28, 2015); 4. There Is No Such
Thing as “Infant Baptism” (April 25, 2015); 5. There Is No Such Thing as the
“Altar Call” (May 30, 2015).
Newspaper Articles Here are four newspaper articles
presented to the community with a love for the truth. The intent is to present
God’s truths without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other
religious bodies: (4) “Justifying Self
By Saying Church Responsibility Is Not Necessary” answers four popular self
justifications offered for not studying and seeking to worship in a scriptural
church. The oft repeated self justification based upon
PRAYER is: 1. “Jesus said
enter into your closet and pray in secret. If good enough
for Jesus it is good enough for me!” 3. “I have a
personal relationship with God, thus I can pray
in private without being a member of a church.” Why not read all four pitiful self
justifications along with the scriptural answers?
The Worship of the Church. This is Lesson Five in our Series:
"Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Five: "The Worship
of the Church." In this lesson you will be studying the items of worship
for the church:
1. The Lord's
Supper upon the first day of the week.
2. Instruction
in God's word.
3. Singing.
5. Giving.
By studying these items of worship you can
learn what "edification"
means and how it was practiced in the assemblies of the first century church.
The Bible
Does not Teach Praying to Animals Amazingly during the
celebration of the “blessing of animals” this year one church, not Catholic,
offered this opportunity: “In addition to
the blessing, all present can offer special PRAYERS to
the animal friends who have died. Each person may name the pet.” At least this what appeared in the
newspaper article promoting this event. Read this article and you will notice
several strange and divergent views that some hold concerning animals as part
of God’s creation.
Churches Fear Applying “Scriptural Authority” ~ Selected Newspaper Articles This concerns false plans for unity in the Unity in Diversity movement
among denominations (I’m Ok, you’re Ok); a mutual
agreement that we’ll soft pedal on doctrinal differences and fellowship one
This deliberate deception to ignore
the authority of the Scriptures expanded as PRAYER became an ecumenical
“tool” used to unify the Inter-Faith Movement – so called “Christians,” Jews,
Muslims, and those of Eastern faiths joined together in worship. The
very idea of one God many faiths flies in the face of one Lord, one body
and one faith (cf. Eph. 4:1-4).
and the Unfaithful Remnant In a
prior article “Zedekiah
Would not Listen” God repeated the same warning to Zedekiah, and to all the
people. You may desire to read that article that deals with the same period of
is one chalked full of their lies, false requests for prayer on their behalf,
and idolatry as God repeats His warning. They should LISTEN and clearly
understand what God says He’ll do to THOSE WHO DO NOT LISTEN and obey. THEY DID NOT LISTEN
THEM. They were “covering all bases” – just in case. And it isn’t working! Read this lesson and understand
Errors of the "Positive Mental
Attitude" Style of
Preaching What is wrong with the POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE STYLE OF PREACHING. In addition there is a short
applicable newspaper article attached: “Surely Not Paul Coming to Town ~ When PMA
Guarantees Satisfaction.”
Selected Newspaper
Articles from 2016 These four newspaper
articles include: (1) Surely Such Beautiful People (In this article “Beautiful
people are just everywhere here!” People, and especially our youth, do not
understand the vanity that is evil and destructive). (2) Surely Correct Thinking
~ Although It Does Not Begin With the Fear of the Lord (In this article “The
fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Pr. 1:9) – “beginning” meaning
the first step in acquiring and then applying God’s revealed word. This is not
your own “I think” or “I believe.” Four important applications display what men
are willing to do when they lack the fear of the Lord. (3) Surely Not
Their Kind of PREACHER ~ Hired to Protect the Ungodly (Based upon I Tim. 3:16-17 it is the members themselves who are
responsible for maintaining such preachers; these men pleasers are standing in
line to take the place of those who preach the truth and are dismissed or cast
out for doing so. (4) Surely Displays
Great Love for Jesus ~ Cancelling Church for Sunday Dec. 25 (Lk. 2:11 says “For
you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”
That’s right, all we have is “this day” --- thus the obvious flaw in saying
that anyone today knows the exact day Jesus was born. Since no one knows then
how can “cancelling” church figure in at all? Put this with the command not to
forsake assembling and you see that love of the Traditions of men, not God’s
Word, is all important and mighty self-serving.
Can One Understand the Word of God? (A Brief Study of Scriptural Authority) Most churches never speak out on the necessity
of having “scriptural authority” for what one believes
and practices. In fact, most are not willing to deal with the subject because
of the lack of authority for things they are doing. Here is a brief study on
how to establish scriptural authority by using Statements, Commands, Examples,
and Necessary Inferences found in the Word of God. Each individual is
confronted with the task of seeking the approval of God as set forth in the
Scriptures, over the approval of men. Nor must one allow their feelings or
emotions to take precedent over the requirements of God’s word (cf. Pr. 14:12).
Your parents and family tradition are
not the standard of religious authority (cf. Matt. 10:34-37). One’s conscience
is not the standard for there are examples where one believed they were right
when wrong (cf. Acts 26:9). The PREACHER
is not the standard for the preacher must be preaching the Word (cf. 2 Tim.
4:1-5; Gal. 1:8-9). The elders are not the
standard for the elders must be upholding the Word (Titus 1:9). Human creeds and
confessions of faith written by men are most often found among false standards
used today, yet held in high esteem by men and institutions built by men.
What To Tell Your
Mate When They Are Guilty of Wrath Christians need to study and then be honest and make the
right applications to one another, all family members, and especially with
their own mates (Cf. I Th. 5:14). Those who rage against
faithful PREACHERS and teachers when the
Truth spoken hits their pocket books must be rebuked! They are
“selfishly ambitious” when they refuse to obey the precepts on giving from
spite and strife!
Newspaper Articles for 2013 These newspaper articles from 2013 include: (1)
“Using ‘Christendom’ to Cover Religious Error”; (2) “The Ways of the Street
Mugger”; (3) “Murders, Murderers, Victims”; (4) “Surely not a Hot Head” and (5) “Surely not a Greedy Person” – – concerns greedy PREACHERS and
teachers who love POWER, position and wealth above the duty to rebuke and
preach the Word.
Articles Series: “For the Greatly Exploited Generation Z” These NEWSPAPER articles
identify spiritual exploitations of the “Z” generation (2019-2020). Beginning
with the truthful statement that God’s Word will not exploit you the way
political correctness does --- these present GOD’S WISDOM AND POWER that
exists far beyond mankind’s own wisdom and power. You must believe in a Creator
to learn to put your life into His perspective and purpose for mankind (Ps.
89:11; Eccl. 12:13). You may read about the various ways generations, actually,
have been deceived and thus think and act contrary to God’s revealed Word.
Staying with Zoom” The current pride in technology denominational
invite is “Worship online or in person here.” We must be certain that what we
do with high tech is scriptural as regards the work and worship of Christ’s
church. If “zoom” and “online” are let stray, as some among us already have,
then you will have a developed human tradition that will cause many to lose
their souls. The impact itself on the body of Christ can be like a spreading
spiritual virus in years following upon member’s zeal for assembling (Cf. Eph.
4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb. 10:24-27). You must know the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE
WORD “HOME” AND “HOUSE” AND “HOUSES” and the words “come together as a
here for proper definitions that lead to proper applications of what it means
Are brethren being led to
believe that an online presentation is “assembling”?
Where do false motive come
from? Just how much in such a developed human tradition is there a pleasing of
self and others? Enough to leave sound doctrine!
2Ti 1:7 For God has not given
us a spirit of fear, BUT OF POWER and of love and of a sound
“SPIRIT” [G4151 pneuma] – Thayer 5. “disposition,
a. NOT OF “FEAR” (timidity, NASB) [G1167 deilia,
n.] Thayer: 1) timidity, fearfulness, cowardice. From [G1169 deilos, adj.] > From δέος deos (dread);
timid, that is, (by implication) faithless: - fearful > Rev.
21:8 “cowardly” followed by “unbelieving” [G571 apistos]
1) unfaithful, faithless, (not to be trusted, perfidious).
b. “BUT OF POWER” [G1411 dunamis] Thayer: strength, ability,
power – from [G1410 dunamai] to be able or possible:
- be able, can (do, + -not), could, may, might, be possible, be of power; Rom.
1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God
to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the
Notes: “spirit” (mind, mental or desire): “…not ...of fear” (timidity, cowardice),
“but of power” (*seen in believing and doing the Word, 2 Tim. 1:8, 2
Tim. 3:5 denied the power thus weak and unfit; Ja. 1:22 doers of the
Some verses where we are told to be able and are able: Jas 1:22 doers
of the word; Lk. 6:46-48; Jo. 12:42-43; I Th. 2:2; Eph. 3:16-17; Col. 1:9-12.
c. “OF LOVE AND A SOUND MIND” – “sound” [G4995 sōphronismos] Thayer:
1) an admonishing or calling to soundness of mind, to moderation and
Application: You can’t separate the sound mind from sound doctrine!
VERSES: Rom. 1:16-17 “the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of
God unto salvation”; Eph. 6:11 “put on the whole armor of God that you
might be able to stand”, 16 “shield of faith” (cf. Rom. 10:17 faith
comes by hearing the word), 17 “the sword of the Spirit…the word of God”,
19 “prayer and supplication for all saints.” Christ’s strength would
have gotten all of His churches through “lock down” whatever it took: 1) Back
Yards 2) Open Spaces 3) Parking Lots etc.
Remember way back when we were
explaining that the church is not the building – that church buildings are
expedients of the command to assemble (Heb. 10:25) and the work of edifying the
body (I Cor. 14:26) – there was common way of putting it plainly back then,
“You can meet under a tree for that matter!” Let’s hear that again, “You can
meet under a tree for that matter! Yes, “You can meet under a tree for that
matter! Until it came time to! Let’s hear that again. Until it came time
They Don’t
Have A Right To Be Supported By Our Local Churches The matter of the Truth
Magazine Lectureship has come up again (Guardian Of Truth Foundation’s). I ask
you to consider the following points: (1) What they cannot accept tells what
they are; (2) Their use of old liberal institutional slogans tell what they
are; (3) Their silly comparisons tell what they lack. You will find points concerning the support of PREACHERS.
The Worship of the Church. This is Lesson Five in our Series:
"Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Five: "The Worship
of the Church." In this lesson you will be studying the items of worship
for the church:
1. The Lord's
Supper upon the first day of the week.
2. Instruction (PREACHING) in God's word.
3. Singing.
4. Prayer.
5. Giving.
By studying
these items of worship you can learn what
"edification" means and how it was practiced in the assemblies
of the first century church.
Let Us
Get You A New Kind Of Preacher! Those full of carnality (works of the flesh)
accuse the faithful unjustly with wicked intent, spread strife with their
mouths, and set an example of evil for others to imitate (cf. 3 John 10-11).
They have a goal, an objective, and will sacrifice the truth and brethren to
achieve it! These are
looking forward to and working towards division in order that they might have
their own way, and that with the “kind of PREACHING” that lacks application and
pleases the ungodly (cf. 2 Tim. 4:1-5). Understand
that the longer the church postpones dealing with them scripturally the closer
they get to their unscriptural goals (cf. Rev. 2:20). There is nothing more carnal, and full of the
works of the flesh, that I can think of at this age in my life than brethren
who work to stop applicable PREACHING and teaching. They will stop at nothing to get the “new
kind” of PREACHER.
Old warnings need to be issued! As in the past there will always be bigger
churches somewhere ready to aid the pattern of apostasy and provide the “new
kind” of teachers and preachers. That is how apostasy is able to continue.
Brethren beware! It is quite possible that you know of such things happening
among us.
“Thank you
for the strong words.” The title is also a quotation from a visitor. She said, “I
want you to know it is good to hear strong words used. Back home we don’t get
that.” The thing that bothers too many
brethren today, and it is sadly lacking because of that, is proper application
to the brotherhood, the local church, other local churches, and individual
lives. She made some good “application” herself – a wonderfully strong
statement concerning a member who isn’t coming. In no way did she indicate that
it was otherwise and that she just could not attend at all. She said they had a
member who says she’s sick, but sets at home and watches that “dribble” from
the fake T.V. evangelists on healing, and then when we admonish her we’re not
loving enough and too hard.” Sound familiar? The need for STRONG PREACHING is emphasized in this article.
to Deal With Issues While Loving and Following Jesus Those who deal with ISSUES that come up concerning
sound doctrine are often called arrogant for doing so. But think of the
arrogance that exempts from the task. Some think
they have the privilege to keep silent rather than do the necessary PREACHING
and teaching. Brethren (including all
members) don’t get to decide “which issues” they’ll deal with for the “issue”
comes to you and your church by evil men entering in among you, and from within
i.e. from among yourselves men arise speaking perverse things. It is sheer
arrogance for one to think they are so important that they do not have to deal
with any issue that involves sound doctrine.
Staying with Zoom” The current pride in technology denominational
invite is “Worship online or in person here.” We must be certain that what we
do with high tech is scriptural as regards the work and worship of Christ’s
church. If “zoom” and “online” are let stray, as some among us already have,
then you will have a developed human tradition that will cause many to lose
their souls. The impact itself on the body of Christ can be like a spreading
spiritual virus in years following upon member’s zeal for assembling (Cf. Eph.
4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb. 10:24-27). TO “SPEAK the things proper for sound
doctrine” you must know the difference between the word “home” and
“house” and “houses” and the words “come together as a church” and “assembling
of ourselves together” and “in the church.” Read here for proper definitions
that lead to proper applications of what it means to “assemble together.”
The kind
of SPEAKING DEMANDED is presented in the following points with the
definitions given:
1. Showing oneself a lover of the truth is seen in SPEAKING
the truth to one another (EPH. 4:20-25).
2. TO SPEAK, exhort and rebuke with all authority (TITUS 2:15)
INVOLVES “REPROVE” [G1651], “REBUKE” [G2008] & “EXHORT” [G3870] (CF.
2 TIM. 4:2)
(Titus 1:9).
Has Its Place A Study of
Shame. When lives spiritually are at stake to save them shame matters (!!) and
See The World’s Hatred Of The Light In Jo 3:19-21. Everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to it
“lest his deeds should be exposed.” > “EXPOSED”
/ “REPROVED” [G1651] Strong’s: - convict, convince, tell a fault, rebuke,
reprove. > CWSD: In the NT, to
convict, to prove one in the wrong and thus to
shame him.
THESE ARE RELATED TO SHAME WHEN PREACHING: “rebuke” G2008 (2 Tim 4:2) Thayer: 4) to tax with fault, rate,
chide, rebuke, reprove, censure severely 4a) to admonish or charge sharply; “convict”
G1651 (Titus 1:9) Strong’s: - convict, convince,
tell a fault, rebuke, reprove. CWSD: In the
NT, to convict, to prove one in the wrong and thus to shame him; “convict”
G1651 Thayer: 2a2) to call to account, show one
his fault, demand an explanation. Some want to act
like they are fighting for the Truth, but they are not really fighting. A
rebuke stings. General Inquiry does not (!!) replace the work of
rebuking. The receiver knows what it sounds like, and it is not a rebuke!
Casting Down
Eloquence & Sophistry Series (2 Cor. 10:4-5) This series is aimed at the eloquence and sophistry of false teachers. Modern teachers love to emphasize some of
the teaching of Jesus while discounting the teaching of His apostles. This
“discount” includes all prophets who wrote the New Testament. Their PREJUDICE against the whole of the New
Testament scriptures makes it easy to identify them. It is the Scriptures themselves that expose their
unwillingness to accept the whole of the New Testament teaching as the revealed
will of Christ.
Why not take time to read the exposure of such false teachers in these
newspaper articles.
Is King of the Jews And All Men; (2) The Israel Of God Today Here are two short
newspaper articles. Jesus is not only the king over the Jews
today but He is everyone’s king. He rules today from heaven and has all authority in heaven and upon earth
(Read and understand ~ Lk. 10:22; John 3:35; 5:22-27;17:2,10; Matt. 28:18-20;
Eph. 1:19-23). The modern state of
Israel is not like the Biblical theocracy that the Israel of old at one time
was. Moreover, the spiritual Israel of God today is the church that consists of
both Jews and Gentiles serving God by faith in Jesus as the Son of God. Read these
two articles and begin to see the error in the Dispensational PREMILLENNIAL Viewpoint.
God's Divine Organization ~ The Local
Church, Part Two of Two This is Lesson Four (Part Two
of Two) in our Series: "Fundamental
Lessons on the Church." Lesson Four, Part Two: "God's Divine
Organization ~ The Local Church, Part Two of Two." In this lesson you
will be studying the local church as the organization that God gave for the
collective work of Christians in evangelism, edification, worship and
benevolence to needy saints. You will take an in depth look at the organization
of the local church according to God's pattern in the New Testament. There is
abundant material on the fact that each local church had its own overseers as
bishops, also called elders, pastors or shepherds.
There was a plurality (more than one) appointed in each local church, Acts
14:23. In the passage in I Tim. 4:14 the word "PRESBYTERY"
simply refers to the body of elders or those men in that church who made up the eldership. The qualifications for a man who serves as a bishop or overseer in Christ's
church are present
right from the Bible. You can
study this lesson and see the difference in the church of Christ and Catholic,
denominational and community church organization today!
Based Upon One’s Righteousness, Integrity This
study is linked with a prior article and is a continuation of integrity as
defined from Psalms 119, as well as other Psalms. For the first article see the
introduction. In this study you will find such points as: (1) Pleading for
protection against the wicked, (2) One’s hope for deliverance, (3) Asking God
for vindication, (4) Who is fit for communion with God, (5) What PRESERVES when in distress, (6) The “I Haves” of integrity, and (7) David’s integrity.
for Being a Fool (Pro 27:22) Pounded refers to pounding or grinding
something in a mortar with a pestle. It is used figuratively of grinding a fool
in a mortar (Pro 27:22), to no avail in removing his foolishness. Still the
foolish sinfulness is not repented of and removed. Even worse than I didn’t see
it coming is it’s there and I’m not seeing it! Most often you hear fools say,
“I’m in control of my life” -- “I’m the captain of my own ship.” This person
has no perception of the danger (much more than just physical is the spiritual)
they are in. Study Proverbs and you will see God twisting that pestle!
Proverb is compared with a recent newspaper article Compare a recent article
for the Yuma Sun, Yuma, Az.
A Kind, Caring, Selfless, and Stand for
Humanity PRESIDENT is Needed!
was the message in a letter that suspect Ryan Routh left (Cf. Brietbart 23 Sep 2024). He is said to apologize to the
world in the letter stated to have been written months before we heard about
his “would-be assassination attempt” in Palm Beach on Sept 14, 2024. Whenever
it was written he stated he tried his best, failed, and is quoted as saying he
is now offering $150,000 to whomever can complete the job. Fools like this
while thinking they speak so wisely tell what they really think of the values they
proclaim are so important!
Every Politician Needs to Know Applicable lessons based upon David’s addresses, and of course God’s, to
Solomon concerning his reign upon
David’s throne form the background of this particular article. This article
applies to politicians. Read about Solomon’s throne and exemplification of one of his own
proverbs: “It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne
is established by righteousness” (Prov. 6:12). This article states what kings, rulers,
officials, PRESIDENTS, congressmen, mayors and councilmen need
to hear. Applications are also made from the book of Jeremiah and
the Psalms denouncing oppression, fraud, extortion, cruelty and the destruction
of the foundation of society.
Newspaper Articles on Political Correctness You might enjoy reading these newspaper
articles as they are grouped together: “Politics Does Not
Make Evil to be Good,” “What PRESIDENTS Do When
They Promote Abortion and Gay Marriage,” “When the Governing Powers Refuse to Listen” and “Women Bishops And Gay
Marriage Are Both Sinful.”
Churches Fear Applying “Scriptural Authority” ~ Selected Newspaper Articles Local churches of Christ must
continue to be the pillar and support of the truth. These three articles relate to the fear manifested by church leaders
who use human wisdom, emotions and lies; whose goals are
power, PRESTIGE, pleasing self and material gain. Members themselves love
their false position that allows them to fulfill their own lusts. These show how secular institutions influenced by Political Correctness
have become protectors and enforcers for those who despise God’s Word, thus
displaying a lack of respect for “religious” freedom of speech!
Has Its Place A Study of Shame. When lives spiritually
are at stake to save them shame matters (!!) and has a place. Shame is a consequence of sin that is a violation of
God’s law; with sin there is sting of conscience (that’s shame). As the gospel is preached the heart is pricked (Acts
2:38) > “PRICKED”
(Acts 2:38) [G2660] CWSD: “meaning to be greatly pained
or deeply moved.” This goes with
their asking the right question as to what to do to be saved (Acts 2:37). And
the right answer in Acts 2:38 goes with the right question! You see the results
of obeying in Acts 2:41, which marks the beginning of Christ’s church He
promised to build (Matt 16:18). They were baptized as commanded! True
conversions had “received the word glady” – they
continued steadfastly in worship (Acts 2:41). God enabled them to do that!
A Case Study of Mourning Sin:
This article explains in detail what it truly means to mourn the sins we
see others commit. One application is we mourn the sins of others when we are
willing to lay aside the PRIDE that over rides the necessity of church
discipline (I
Corinthians 5:2, 6). Several applicable points are presented.
Newspaper Articles The following are selected newspaper articles ran by the Valley church of
Christ for 2009-2010. We put some together periodically in order to post them
on our website. Both churches and preachers would do well to consider that just
offering a few scriptural points on important topics can go a long way in
helping others. No. 2 below emphasizes
PRIDE wherein a worldly view of “self” is seen. Consider the following points on (1) Why Pentecostal /
Charismatic Tactics Easily Deceive; (2) Complaining With No Intention Of Making
Things Scriptural; (3) Stupid Kid’s Games Draw Customers; (4) Liberation Theology &
Marxist Ideology; (5) Human Creeds & Statements of Faith.
Has Its Place A Study of Shame. When lives spiritually are at stake to save them shame
matters (!!) and has a place. Pro 11:2 When PRIDE COMES, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom. In
Corinth The
Majority Was Filled With Pride, And Did Not Mourn Shameful Conduct (I Cor 5:1-2). When you see others in spiritual danger of bad leaven because you are
not acting to see it is corrected how should you feel? …
Paul was confident to speak the truth about all things concerning the
situation in the church at Corinth, to not become ashamed. In the fornicator
not being dealt with sinful pride was there – there were many things that
needed to be repented of (2 Cor 7:14). His motive for speaking the truth about
all things was “care” (I Cor 7:12) – “care” [G4710] Thayer: 2b) to give all
diligence, interest oneself most earnestly; Strong’s: speed, dispatch, haste in
taking care of things] – this is described as love [G25 affection, brotherly
love] (2 Co 2:4).
Came to Fulfill the Law (Matt. 5:17-18)
are quick to quote these passages to justify using a combination of the Mosaic Law ( the Old Testament or Covenant) along with the New
Testament. This is used for any number of things,
but especially for items of worship that they particularly like that cannot be
justified by the New Testament teaching concerning the church of Christ. The
attraction of special clothing (cf. Ex. 28) for ministers and priests, along
with the use of instruments, candles, incense, etc. would also be examples. For
the most part should any one of them be asked why not offer the animal
sacrifices and various offerings and activities made by the Jews at the Temple
they’d say that’s not necessary today. Since we are not given these in the New
Testament for worship are we free to just choose one or all if we want to? Jesus is the eternal HIGH PRIEST of the New
Covenant (Heb. 8). The Hebrew writer taught that when the PRIESTHOOD changed
that necessitated a change in the law also (Heb. 7:12).
Youth through the Prime of Life (Eccl. 11:9-12:1) There are degrees of progression of age in
this text. Accountability is seen throughout and the “right” things done are
contrasted with things sinful that must be removed. These portions of life
merge together and are fleeting, thus the necessity of remembering one’s
Creator in the days of youth. Those in young adulthood are to know that for all
things done God will bring you into judgment (Eccl. 11:9). Thus they must remove sorrow (grief and anger) from
their lives, and pain from their body for childhood and the PRIME OF LIFE
are fleeting!
Let Us
Get You A New Kind Of Preacher! Those full of carnality (works
of the flesh) accuse the faithful unjustly with wicked intent, spread strife
with their mouths, and set an example of evil for others to imitate (cf. 3 John
10-11). They have a goal, an objective, and will sacrifice the truth and
brethren to achieve it! These are looking forward to and working towards
division in order that they might have their own way, and that with the “kind
of preaching” that lacks application and pleases the ungodly (cf. 2 Tim.
4:1-5). Understand that the longer the church postpones (PROCRASTINATES, DELAYS)
dealing with them scripturally the closer they get to their unscriptural goals
(cf. Rev. 2:20). There is nothing more carnal, and full
of the works of the flesh, that I can think of at this age in my life than
brethren who work to stop applicable preaching and teaching. They will stop at
nothing to get the “new kind” of preacher. Old warnings need to be issued! As
in the past there will always be bigger churches somewhere ready to aid the
pattern of apostasy and provide the “new kind” of teachers and preachers. That
is how apostasy is able to continue. Brethren beware! It is quite possible that
you know of such things happening among us.
How Will God Feel About You When You Ask
Him For Help? Do you know someone who is in trouble and
needs God’s help? In this brief study the scriptures are related to three
important questions dealing with those times when we need, desire and ask for
God’s help: (1) When you want God’s help how fast do you want Him there?
We do not want God to be a PROCRASTINATOR! (2) When we need
Him to deliver us how far do we want Him from us? (3) How do you want God to
feel about you when you ask Him to help you?
The Beginning Point Leading To Salvation
This article should help anyone today who has come to realize
that the variety of explanations offered today due to diverse human
philosophies and beliefs have left many frustrated concerning the important
matter of salvation. Three such beliefs: the Pentecostal experience, adults
baptizing infants, and PROFESSING BELIEF without
required obedience are examined in the light of God's word and found wanting! If you will take your Bible and read each scripture in
this brief study it will enable you to be honest with yourself (see Acts 17:11)
about your own salvation. Moreover, it will help prevent the all too common
occurrence of many misleading others by that with which they were lead astray
The Way of Integrity Psalms 119 This Psalm is often avoided because of its length. This study begins
with eight points on integrity with God. When we are free from the reproach of
inconsistencies then His word is a source of joy and comfort. Because he did
not want to wander from God the scriptures would be his counselors (lit., the
men of his counsel) to establish his ways. Through all the
changes in life it is God’s Word and its PROMISES that remain firm. These are but
a few of the good lesson presented through studying this Psalm. Why not read
the article and while doing so read it along with your Bible?
the Naïve, Scoffers and Fools In Proverbs chapter one “Wisdom” shouts publicly to all including the
simple minded (naïve), scorners (scoffers) and fools. Religious and scriptural
applications are made with PROPAGANDA TECHNIQUES.
God doesn’t Name Call. If God says someone or some group is stupid then they
are stupid! God does not use Glittering Generalities. He did not choose words
and phrases with always favorable implications! God does not us the Plain Folks
approach. God is not just one of us! God Used “True” Guilt By Association. The
three mentioned in the title are grouped and belong together, God says. God did
not use the Band Wagon. Accepting God’s law and obeying it will not put you in
the majority!
Staying with Zoom” The current pride in technology denominational
invite is “Worship online or in person here.” We must be certain that what we
do with high tech is scriptural as regards the work and worship of Christ’s
church. If “zoom” and “online” are let stray, as some among us already have,
then you will have a developed human tradition that will cause many to lose
their souls. The impact itself on the body of Christ can be like a spreading
spiritual virus in years following upon member’s zeal for assembling (Cf. Eph.
4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb. 10:24-27). TO “Speak
the THINGS PROPER for sound doctrine” you must know the difference between the word “home” and “house” and
“houses” and the words “come together as
a church” and “assembling
of ourselves together” and “in the church.” Read here for proper definitions that lead to proper applications of
what it means to “assemble together.”
Is There Prophecy Today? This is A STUDY OF
PROPHECY in the New Testament dispensation; it issues appropriate warnings to
those often deceived by false teachers claiming not only the GIFT OF PROPHECY
but other spiritual gifts as well. There is an abundance of information on
all of the spiritual gifts; “prophecy”
was one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit enumerated in I
Corinthians 12:8-10. Prophecy appears here along with speaking in tongues, the word
of knowledge, and various other spiritual gifts. Notice that there were nine spiritual gifts in all that were given to the infant church: 1. the word of wisdom, 2. the word of
knowledge, 3. faith, 4. gifts of healing, 5. working of miracles, 6. PROPHECY, 7. discerning of spirits, 8. different kinds of tongues (languages), and
9. the interpretation of tongues.
Example of going beyond Local Church Organization – The Seventh-day Adventists
is a comparison of Christ’s church as set forth in the New Testament and the
Seventh-day Adventists. As you read this you will see important points
on “how” false religions get started. There is a
vast difference in stating that we must go back to the New Testament patterns
for the organization and worship of Christ's church He built, and the
establishment of a denomination upon FALSE VISIONS and leaders FALSELY
CLAIMING THE GIFT OF PROPHECY (I Cor. 13:8). New Testament
authority for what is practiced is sorely lacking today!
Newspaper Articles from 2017 These four newspaper articles include: (1)
Surely All the Men’s Fault ~ So Called “Forced Heterosexuality”; (2) Surely
Empowerment and Courage ~ Abortion; (3) Surely the ENDS OF THE WORLD
~ But Don’t Quit Your Job! This brief article uses 2 Pet. 3:10 to show the
folly of the end of the world predictions for 2017. Remember
all the hype over the Black Moon in August? And now you know it doesn’t fulfill
bible PROPHECY connected with the second coming of Christ. A hoard of speculation falsely used Rev. 12:1-2 and
even along with rank “astrology” tossed in. No sooner does one predictor make a
fool of himself than another chimes in. With a zoom here comes asteroid 2012
TC4 on Oct. 12, 2017. Scriptures used are out of context, and most of them
erringly use scriptures from the Gospels relating to the signs portending the
destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. by Titus. And just what could motive be
other than notoriety and monetary gain?; (4) Surely Not the Time for Two
Drinking Parties ~ Christmas & New Years.
The Establishment of the Church of Christ Series: "Fundamental Lessons
on the Church." Lesson One. This is the first of eight lessons on the
church Christ built. This lesson presents PROPHECIES foretelling the
establishment of the kingdom and the church. The
church was planned in eternity before the world began. Lesson One presents the
following truths: 1. God sent His Son. 2. The Jews, His own people, rejected
Him. 3. The kingdom "was" established in spite of His rejection and
the efforts of His enemies (Ps. 2; Matt. 16:18-19; 18:18; Mark 9:1; John 18:36;
see Col. 1:12-14 where Christians were "in" the kingdom). What people
fail to understand is the place of Christ's church in relation to His kingdom.
The mark
of the beast, 666,
Rev. 13:16-17 A respondent
has stated that people are going around preaching the number 666 about
everything. He states that people are even looking
for the "mark" on the foreheads of others and requests that something
be said about this. The material puts the "mark" in the context
(historical setting) where it belongs! The Devil attempts to destroy Christ's
church by using Rome and the false PROPHET, the beast of the earth.
Casting Down
Eloquence & Sophistry Series (2 Cor. 10:4-5) This series is aimed at the eloquence and
sophistry of false teachers. Modern teachers love to emphasize some of the teaching of
Jesus while discounting the teaching of His apostles. This “discount”
includes all of
the PROPHETS who wrote the New Testament. Their prejudice against the whole of
the New Testament Scriptures makes it easy to identify them. It is the Scriptures themselves that expose their
unwillingness to accept the whole of the New Testament teaching as the revealed
will of Christ. Why not
take time to read the exposure of such false teachers in these newspaper
The Best
Demon Hitter in New Zealand This reviews a report from a nurse in Auckland,
New Zealand who attended a so called “demon cleansing” ceremony – the article
relates the experiences some claimed to have had from a so
called prophet of God. It shows how gullible people are in the name of
something said to be religious. Also read it and
learn something about those who falsely call themselves “PROPHETS” of God
Things in Christ not found in Islam One simple but effective way of
explaining the difference between a major “world” religion and the gospel of
Christ (the New Testament, Matt. 26:28) is to show the things found “in Christ”
that are not found elsewhere. The following are things found in Jesus Christ
that are not found in Islam; One of these being the "PROPITIATION"
through His Blood.
Do Not Let
Your Heart Envy Sinners The purpose of this
article is to emphasize the importance of enabling others to develop speech
that correctly describes the sinner, and especially our children. Emphasis is given to what envy says about the heart.
Applications are made for this important question: If you can’t say the wicked
are so what are some likely problem you will have? Ps. 73 discussed here is about one who lost the
pure heart he praised, and was envious of the “boasters” who depicted physical
health and MATERIAL PROSPERITY that most did not have. Envy and fretting take away the fear of God (Pr. 8:13). “Wisdom” can say evil is hated (Rom. 12:9).
Strong Spiritually Against Those Who Frame Wickedness by Law Don’t buy in with the
sinful Go-Along Get-Along Gang. Just keep on exposing and reproving what is
sinful. The New Testament, the will of Christ, will do that right well.
Christians don’t endorse man’s “legislations” – Ps 94:20 One who
devises mischief by “decree” H2706 a statute, law -- just because a
particular political party might be pushing them. See
the point on Republicans and the 15 week abortion ban. See the
note on excuses for cleaning up PROSTITUTION.
Selected Newspaper
Articles from 2016 These four newspaper
articles include: (1) Surely Such Beautiful People (In this article
“Beautiful people are just everywhere here!” People, and especially our youth,
do not understand the vanity that is evil and destructive). (2) Surely
Correct Thinking ~ Although It Does Not Begin With the Fear of the Lord (In
this article “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Pr. 1:9) –
“beginning” meaning the first step in acquiring and then applying God’s
revealed word. This is not your own “I think” or “I believe.” Four important
applications display what men are willing to do when they lack the fear of the
Lord. (3) Surely Not Their
Kind of Preacher ~ Hired to PROTECT
the Ungodly (Based upon I Tim.
3:16-17 it is the members themselves who are responsible for maintaining such
preachers; these men pleasers are standing in line to take the place of those
who preach the truth and are dismissed or cast out for doing so. (4) Surely Displays
Great Love for Jesus ~ Cancelling Church for Sunday Dec. 25 (Lk. 2:11 says “For
you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”
That’s right, all we have is “this day” --- thus the obvious flaw in saying
that anyone today knows the exact day Jesus was born. Since no one knows then
how can “cancelling” church figure in at all? Put this with the command not to
forsake assembling and you see that love of the Traditions of men, not God’s
Word, is all important and mighty self-serving.
Paths of Mercy The subject of God’s great mercy is connected with the
things that He delights in. God delights in Loving-kindness, Justice and
Righteousness, thus the necessity of our glorying in these things in order that
we might receive His mercy! Moreover, God’s mercy is for those who fear Him
(Ps. 103:17-18). We must remember that it is in the practice of mercy itself
that we receive back from God (Ps. 18:25-27). Along with these there is a checklist of
applications on God’s kindness that includes God’s
The Way of Integrity Psalms 119 This Psalm is often
avoided because of its length. This study begins with eight points on integrity
with God. Understand that it is on the grounds of your integrity that you may plead to God for PROTECTIVE care against the wicked (Ps. 119:121-128). The cry for help should go with “I will observe your
statutes.” These are but a few of the good lesson
presented through studying this Psalm. Why not read the article and while doing
so read it along with your Bible?
Based Upon One’s Righteousness, Integrity This
study is linked with a prior article and is a continuation of integrity as
defined from Psalms 119, as well as other Psalms. For the first article see the
introduction. In this study you will find such points as: (1) Pleading for PROTECTION against the wicked,
(2) One’s hope for deliverance, (3) Asking God for vindication, (4) Who is fit
for communion with God, (5) What preserves when in distress, (6) The “I Haves”
of integrity, and (7) David’s integrity.
Newspaper Articles Here are four newspaper articles
presented to the community with a love for the truth. The intent is to present
God’s truths without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other
religious bodies: (3) “God
Knows When Men Conceal The Truth” presents a scriptural view of those who claim to preach God’s
word while restraining their lips for covetousness
sake. The man who is blessed trusts in God, and has not shown respect to the
PROUD, nor to those who lapse into falsehood (cf. Ps. 40:4). This man hates evil,
and loves the good and establishes justice so that God will be gracious
to him (cf. Amos 5:15).
/ “As” Comparisons from Proverbs Here is a list for reading,
learning, and work purposes from PROVERBS. I’ve grouped some of
these – the noticeable thing about the illustrations preceded by “like” (some
by “as” depending upon the translation you use) is how plain they are – even
where there is a quick change from one to another in the same verse they’re still
plain, and they make quite an impression on the mind. These preach quite well
and applications as you study them should be abundant. Again, you will be
benefitted by just reading these and thinking about their application – several
verses are included with some to show context.
What You Can And Will Do In Christ This brief study should offer assurance to Christians that their efforts to serve God faithfully are attainable,
as well as being greatly aided by others' prayers on their behalf. What one can and will do by remaining
faithful in Christ is declared through the words of Paul's prayer for the
church at Colossae in Col. 1:9-12. Here are the key thoughts: A. Be filled
with knowledge, all wisdom and spiritual understanding. B. Walk worthy, fully
pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge
of God. C. Strengthened for attaining all stedfastness and patience, with
Joy. D. Joyously
giving thanks to the Father. Following is a "Check Your Spiritual Growth
With Self-Test Questions" giving further emphasis to our growth in
knowledge and discernment. We find
out what pleases God by PROVING (TESTING i.e. putting into practice) His
commands. The stated
"goal" of our efforts is seen in Philippians 1:10-11.
Selected Newspaper Articles From The Valley Church
of Christ With a view in mind that there are still parents and
young adults who care about morality and integrity we issued three important
scriptural warnings to parents for graduation night: (1)
Do not be the parent whose child knows you are a hypocrite; (2) Do not give in to your child’s
wrongful wish; (3) Do not allow
your children to make PROVISION for sinful lusts. The word “PROVISION” in Rom. 13:14 involves
one's planning in advance. These three warnings are developed in
this article titled “Scriptural Warnings Appropriate For Grad Night.”
Newspaper Articles From The Valley Church of Christ Life for
everyone regardless of having or not having riches has its vanity and seems empty and without
purpose. This life on earth possesses sorrows, grief over man’s
double-mindedness, deceit and lies. One’s own sins are a vexation of spirit! Friend, the
answer is not in beauty, riches, mirth or pleasure; neither will one find
the answer in PSYCHOLOGY or mere human wisdom that fails man again and again in providing the right
answers to vexation of spirit. These short truthful articles are titled “Has Someone Pulled The Plug From Your Life?”
Casting Down
Eloquence & Sophistry Series (2 Cor. 10:4-5) Modern teachers, atheists, and mockers often portray God
in the Old Testament as being ruthless and unloving. A common tactic is to present the idea that God in the
Old is different from God in the New Testament. Such seek to bypass the fact
that the judgments of God brought upon the world, as recorded in the Old
Testament, were indeed left as warnings for us today. People love the deception
in being told that God today just isn’t like that (cf. Rom.16:17). But God will
PUNISH the wicked in hades and eternally in hell (cf. Lk.16:22-26; Matt.
Stubbornness Really Is The prophet Jeremiah had a lot to say about the
stubbornness of God’s people. He pulled no punches but stated plainly the
carnality involved. The purpose of this study is to ensure that we understand
the importance of obedience being commanded us. The seriousness of this study is seen in that the
stubborn contend with God, are PUNISHED, and while being punished go
yet onwards towards that point where iniquity is great, sins are numerous, and
God’s PUNISHMENT painfully serious!
A Description of the Wicked This is a good article to present
to the teenager at home or elsewhere. The article is written as a way of
warning the young and others as well who are simple minded and do not see
danger. The vicious conduct of the wicked is well illustrated in Judges 19 with
regard to the Levite and his concubine who turned in to Gibeah to lodge for the
night. Applications to “today” include the fact that the PUNISHMENT the wicked so richly
deserve at the time they did
their wicked deed awaits them with certainty! In some cases the “victim” must understand that a
tragedy could have been avoided had they themselves not contributed by being
out late at night in a place that makes them vulnerable.
You mentioned
“going to Hell,” with accent. After a bible
study, which was on Forgiveness, a visitor asked me, “What do you believe about Hell?” I told him it believed Hell is real and eternal. Have you heard the saying
“God said it, that settles it, I believe it”?
And that settles it IF I don’t believe it! — but
I do and the visitor didn’t. He wrote to me and
referred to Hell in his letter as “the fabled Hell.” Read this article for
points that answer those
who choose not to believe in Hell, although the Lord gave much teaching on
eternal punishment. You will find the following words defined: DESTROY, EVERLASTING (ETERNAL)
Things in Christ not found in Islam One simple but effective way of
explaining the difference between a major “world” religion and the gospel of
Christ (the New Testament, Matt. 26:28) is to show the things found “in Christ”
that are not found elsewhere. Jesus PURCHASED
the church with His own
blood (Acts 20:28).
Not looking for "the Church" Are you looking for "the church"
you read about in the New Testament? Many who say they are religious are
most often not looking for the church of Christ. How about reading this simple
presentation that helps to put one's perspective of
"the church" where it should be? Notice carefully the
continuum as the scriptures present the death of Christ (Matt. 26:28), the
establishment of “the church” as His PURCHASED POSSESSION (Matt.
16:18), the forgiveness of sins enjoyed by members of the church, being
Christians (Lk. 24:46-47; Acts 2:38, 41), and the inheritance the church is
promised that awaits the faithful and is yet in the future (Eph. 1:14; I Pet.
& Requests Concerning MY heart God expects the soul,
heart and oneself to be PURE. Moreover, it is man’s duty to be as
concerned as God about what He demands of one’s heart! How long has it been
since you asked God to look at your “own” heart? Perhaps you have never made
such a request to God. Why not read this brief article and compare the points
with your own heart and conscience, and this with a view to being forgiven of
your sins and maintaining a PURE heart before
One Nation Under God
This article begins with an example of patronage to our flag and pledge
of allegiance, but respectfully submits that the mention of God brings with it
an even greater lesson concerning "Allegiance." For Christians the
words "under God" are illustrative of Christ's rule over all the
nations of mankind (Ps. 2:7-12; Matt. 28:18-20; I Tim. 6:15; Rev. 2:27).
Moreover the earth, the world, and all who dwell therein ~ all souls are His
(Ps. 24:1; Ezk. 18:4; Haggai 2:8). Through simple
deduction and reduction one soon comes to understand on a personal Individual
basis that they do indeed belong to God, for He created man (Gen. 1:27). Solomon
summed up the PURPOSE OF ONE'S LIFE, "Let
us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his
commandments: for this is the whole duty of man" (Eccl. 12:12). Applying the principle of God's ownership means that we
respond to the fact that His ownership demands our personal loyalty and
obedience to His commands. Our response will determine our judgment for Paul
said, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that
every one may receive the things done in the body, according to that he hath
done, whether it be good or bad" (2 Cor. 5:10). Sadly, herein is where Americans are failing today!
Lamentations – Look Who’sCast into Hell! Two prior articles deal
with the days of Jeremiah: Zedekiah
Would not Listen and Jeremiah
and the Unfaithful Remnant . This article describes the abject misery in
Jerusalem as God brings His judgments upon Judah and destroys Jerusalem. God’s PURPOSE is not what the world thought would
ever happen. Although the word “hell” is not found in the LAMENTATIONS of
JEREMIAH it is seen everywhere. Read about the various classifications
of individuals who were cast into eternal torment.