B list: to help with finding a topic look at the words in BOLD print.
to a response on "Questions on Witchcraft" A respondent has present the idea that there
was race upon earth who did not have Adam and Eve for their genealogy. She
claims to be of this so called "other people." The reply shows how
her claim doesn't fit with the scriptures in the Bible. The nations were divided after the Flood at the Tower of BABEL.
End! The Babylonian Captivity (Part
One: Focus On First & Second Stages) :
End! The Babylonian Captivity
One: Focus On First & Second Stages)
CAPTIVITY – Three Stages (605 B.C., 597 B.C., 586
Eze 7:2 “And you, son of man, thus says the
Lord GOD to the land of Israel: 'An end! The end has come upon the four corners of the land.
Eze 7:3 Now the end has come upon you, And I
will send My anger against you; I will judge you according to your ways, And I
will repay you for all your abominations.
I thought it would be good for the younger christians in the church here to see clearly the truth in
these statements concerning Israel's provocation and rebellion against God --
and especially through their lust for idolatry:
Therefore understand that the LORD your God is not giving you this good land to
possess because of your righteousness, for you are a stiff-necked people.•Deu 9:7 "Remember! Do not forget how you
provoked the LORD your God to wrath in the wilderness. From the day that you
departed from the land of Egypt until you came to this place, you have been
rebellious against the LORD.•Deu 9:24 You have been
rebellious against the LORD from the day that I knew you.
One repeated important application in this
study: Pro19:27 Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from
the words of knowledge.
End! The Babylonian Captivity (Part
Two: The Third Stage, Focus On Zedekiah) :
Three Stages of the Babylonian Captivity (Part Two)
An End! The Babylonian Captivity
(Part Two: The Third Stage, Focus on Zedekiah)
What “End”? THE BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY – Three Stages (605 B.C., 597 B.C., 586 B.C.)
Eze 7:2 “And you, son of man, thus says the
Lord GOD to the land of Israel: 'An end! The end has come upon the four corners of the land.
Eze 7:3 Now the end has come upon you, And I
will send My anger against you; I will judge you according to your ways, And I
will repay you for all your abominations. I thought it would be good for the
younger christians in the church here to see clearly
the truth in these statements concerning Israel's provocation and rebellion
against God -- and especially through their lust for idolatry:
Therefore understand that the LORD your God is not giving you this good land to
possess because of your righteousness, for you are a stiffnecked
people.•Deu 9:7 "Remember! Do not forget how you
provoked the LORD your God to wrath in the wilderness. From the day that you
departed from the land of Egypt until you came to this place, you have been
rebellious against the LORD.•Deu 9:24 You have been
rebellious against the LORD from the day that I knew you.
One repeated important application in this
study: Pro19:27 Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from
the words of knowledge.
End! The Babylonian Captivity (Part
Three: Jeremiah’s Lamentations) :
Stages of the Babylonian Captivity (Part Three)
End! The Babylonian Captivity
Three: Focus on Jeremiah’s Lamentations)
CAPTIVITY – Three Stages (605 B.C., 597 B.C., 586 B.C.)
7:2 “And you, son of man, thus says the Lord GOD to the land of Israel: 'An
end! The end has come upon the four
corners of the land.
7:3 Now the end has come upon you, And I will send My anger against you; I will
judge you according to your ways, And I will repay you for all your
abominations. I thought it would be good for the younger christians
in the church here to see clearly the truth in these statements concerning
Israel's provocation and rebellion against God -- and especially through their
lust for idolatry:
Therefore understand that the LORD your God is not giving you this good land to
possess because of your righteousness, for you are a stiffnecked
people.•Deu 9:7 "Remember! Do not forget how you
provoked the LORD your God to wrath in the wilderness. From the day that you
departed from the land of Egypt until you came to this place, you have been
rebellious against the LORD.•Deu
9:24 You have been rebellious against the LORD from the day that I knew you.
One repeated important application in this
study: Pro19:27 Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from
the words of knowledge.
Memory #2 You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April
2016 before this continuing article concerning some simple applications
pertaining to one’s memory. Emphasis in this article is given to the importance
of our remembering our own past conduct. Paul did not exclude himself when
speaking of past conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that he was a
blasphemer, persecutor and violent aggressor (“injurious”) against the church.
There is also the importance of our not forgetting even one of God’s benefits
of salvation in Christ. Once restored one must not
revert BACK thus once again forgetting the necessary obedience for salvation in
Stubbornness Really Is The prophet
Jeremiah had a lot to say about the stubbornness of God’s people. He pulled no
punches but stated plainly the carnality involved. The purpose of this study is
to ensure that we understand the importance of obedience being commanded us.
The seriousness of this study is seen in that the stubborn contend with God,
are punished, and while being punished go yet onwards towards that point where
iniquity is great, sins are numerous, and God’s punishment painfully serious!
Stubbornness is a walk that is going BACKWARDS not
forward (Jer. 7:24). Their wicked lying heart is in perpetual
the Naïve, Scoffers and Fools In Proverbs chapter one “Wisdom” shouts publicly to all including the
simple minded (naïve), scorners (scoffers) and fools. Religious and scriptural
applications are made with propaganda techniques. God doesn’t Name Call. If God
says someone or some group is stupid then they are stupid! God does not use
Glittering Generalities. He did not choose words and phrases with always
favorable implications! God does not us the Plain Folks approach. God is not
just one of us! God Used “True” Guilt By Association. The three mentioned in
the title are grouped and belong together, God says. God did not use the BAND WAGON. Accepting God’s law
and obeying it will not put you in the majority!
Requirements According to the First Century Revelation This is Lesson Three
in our Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Three:
"Membership Requirements According to the First Century Revelation." In
this lesson you will learn about what one must do to be saved and become a
member of Christ's church. The question, "What must I do to be
saved?" is fully answered. The step of BAPTISM
as necessary for the remission of sins is given proper treatment by comparing the
conversions recorded in Acts. You can read about the baptism of the
Ethiopian eunuch as recorded in Acts 8.
Requirements According to the First Century Revelation This is Lesson Three
in our Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Three:
"Membership Requirements According to the First Century Revelation."
In this lesson you will learn about what one must do to be saved and become a
member of Christ's church. The question, "What must I do to be
saved?" is fully answered as you study through the accounts of conversion
recorded in Acts. You can read and understand why there
were no infants BAPTIZED in Cornelius' household as you study the conversion of Cornelius
and his household in Acts 10.
on scriptural baptism answered. This
article answers some of the fundamental
questions people have about BAPTISM. Such questions as, Who gave
baptism? When was the baptism of the New Covenant given? When was the baptism
of the New Testament first preached? What is baptism? What is the scriptural
mode for baptism? What is the reason for being baptize? Is repentance necessary
before one is baptized?
Thinking of Scholars on Baptism #1 Many use Bible study tools that include
the JFB Commentary -- Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fauset, David Brown (the JFB
commentary published in 1871 had co-authors). One should be extremely
careful in the use of commentaries, as such reflect the personal beliefs of the
writers. Not only do THEY DENY THAT BAPTISM
immersion in water for the remission of one’s sins (Acts 2:37-41; Acts 22:16).
They know what they’re doing. There is deceit. They use context which does not
change the mode of scriptural baptism to teach false doctrine.
Thinking of Scholars on Baptism #2 An often-used commentary is Robertson’s
Word Pictures (RWP). A.T. Robertson (1863-1934) was a Southern
Baptist preacher, and is said to have been a noted Greek scholar who focused on
the New Testament. One should be extremely careful in the use of
commentaries, as such reflect the personal beliefs of the writers. THE COMMAND TO BE BAPTIZED FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS IS NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY. Baptism is an
immersion in water for the remission of one’s sins (Acts 2:37-41; Acts 22:16).
Anyone interested in their own salvation should see through his use of Jonah’s
preaching in Nineveh, and their acceptance of it, as given in this article.
As Taught From The Bible In this
article an example of baptism in the first century is set in contrast with
teaching from the Catholic Encylopedia,
"Baptism, Sacrament of." The
explanation that the Catholic Encyclopedia gives simply does not equate with WHAT THE NEW TESTAMENT TEACHES
The mode
of baptism taught in the New Testament is immersion
and not "pouring." Neither
does the New Testament teach a blessing of the water before baptism! Above all the New Testament
does not teach Infant Baptism.
Various Errors
Concerning Salvation:
Often times the problem is not one’s sincerity but “what” one has been
taught. Today much emphasis is put on “belief” (just as long as one is sincere)
rather than the necessity of the Truth being believed. Moreover, too many push
“sincerity” is good enough regardless of what is believed. They say believing
(whatever) is the important thing. This is wrong. Why not read these articles
with this in mind? Then ask, What does the New Testament really teaching
concerning initial salvation? Articles included: 1. The So Called “Sinner’s
Prayer” (Jan. 31, 2015); 2. A Wrongful Understanding of Confessing Sins (Feb.
28, 23015); 3. One Must Confess Jesus is the Christ the Son of God (Mar. 28,
2015); 4.
There Is No Such Thing as “INFANT BAPTISM” (April
25, 2015); 5. There Is No Such Thing as the “Altar Call” (May 30, 2015).
Is No Such Thing as Sprinkling or Pouring for Baptism Many members of Christ’s
church have come out from human denominations in order to be such. They came to understand that modes of BAPTISM other
than that taught in the New Testament are additions to God’s word and do not
save. In
denominations “church manuals” offer options and override immersion by stating
baptism may be administered to believers by sprinkling, pouring or immersion. Many falsely view baptism as a “sacrament” and
not what it is, i.e. an initial step of obedience necessary for the forgiveness
of sins. This explains why some wait until they
have a group they can so baptize. Neither sprinkling nor pouring are authorized
as an option for baptism.
Can One Understand the Word of God? (A Brief Study of Scriptural Authority) Most churches never speak out on the necessity
of having “scriptural authority” for
what one believes and practices. In fact, most are not willing to deal with the
subject because of the lack of authority for things they are doing. Here is a brief study on how to establish
scriptural authority by using Statements, Commands, Examples, and Necessary
Inferences found in the Word of God. These are applied to scriptural BAPTISM. Each
person is expected to read and understand God’s Word, just the same as if someone
gave them an important set of instructions dealing with their work or health to
be read for their own benefit.
Majority Know Another Jesus The church at Corinth gladly tolerated fools
who taught another Jesus and different gospel, Paul said (cf. 2 Cor. 11:4,
19). It is possible for one to read the
trifling literature of fools and possess a completely false view of Jesus. Read
the Gospels for your- self and see what He really did do and teach. Here’s a
start with applications from the Gospels that show the stark differences
between what most think Jesus taught and what He really did teach! Jesus taught on
BAPTISM (Cf. Matt. 28:18-20).
What are the Works
of the Flesh? The
WORKS OF THE FLESH in the New Testament scriptures are part of God’s
moral analysis to be taught and applied. The Vatican recently issued a new
document stating when people ask their priests for a blessing “an exhaustive
moral analysis should not be placed as a precondition for conferring it” – this
is mentioned later with comments in this article. The works of the flesh are
sin (I Jo 3:4). We’re told they are what keeps one from Heaven,
and sends one to Hell – thus, the truth about them must not be rejected. The
works of the flesh can be divisive being sound doctrine (I Cor 11:19).
God’s word applied correctly will divide the faithful from the unfaithful. False
churches push Woke philosophies and LGBT+ based on out right acceptance
(!!) of the works of the flesh.
You can compare what the Vatican says with important
points like these:
6. The works of the
flesh are sins to be repented of at BAPTISM (Acts 2:38).
7. BAPTISM is certainly not for the remission of sins when one is lying
out their teeth saying they are sex they aren’t! (Acts 2:38)
Spirit Baptism The following study
resulted from a respondent who asked for scriptural answers for one with whom
he was studying. The respondent stated that this person now believes in faith
only without the necessity of baptism. Moreover they believe that water baptism
was of the Old Testament and now it is HOLY SPIRIT
BAPTISM without water that saves. The core of this particular study
is Peter's preaching to Cornelius and his household upon whom the Holy Spirit
fell, and how they were saved by the words Peter spoke. In addition it examines
the conversion of the Samaritans by Philip, and how they received the Holy
Spirit through the laying on of the apostle's hands.
Who Can Forgive
Sins But God Alone? The various accounts of
Jesus’ power to forgive sins during His personal ministry testified to Him
being God. He forgave sins for both men and women. In Matt. 9:1-8 when Jesus
healed the paralytic He wanted them to know that the Son of Man had authority to
forgive sins. The simple point is He had the authority do so because He was
God. We must accept that and keep it in the “time” period in which it occurred.
This article explains the purpose of JOHN’S BAPTISM, as well as the forgiveness and salvation of the thief who was crucified
with Jesus (Lk. 23:43). The Lord said that He came to seek and to save the
lost (Lk. 19:10). Thus He forgave sins as one of the blessings of His presence
among men.
Phrase “Baptized Believer” The phrase “BAPTIZED BELIEVER” may mean any number of things depending upon who
is using it. If you plug “baptized believer” into your search on the internet you’ll
probably get “Believer’s Baptism.” This
careful consideration of the wide variety of meanings that exist concerning the
use of “baptized believer” should serve as a warning concerning its use.
Go ye
therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Explaining how one truly becomes a "disciple" of
Christ by being BAPTIZED for the
remission of one's sins according
to the commission given the apostles.
Were Pagans Carried Away Unto Dumb Idols (I Cor. 12:2) Many are simply not
aware of the various “other” designations for the Gentiles – such as “pagans,” “heathens,” “infidels” and “unbelievers.” This is especially true when some of these refer to
idolaters. The
world is divided into two divisions: Christians and the whole world that lies
in the power of the evil one, Satan (I Jo. 5:19). Notice the emphasis given to one either being “in
Christ” or “without” i.e. “outside” of Christ (Col. 4:5). Jesus is the door
(Jo. 10:9). You
enter that “door” by BAPTISM INTO CHRIST (Mk. 16:15-16; Acts 2:38; Gal. 3:26-27). If one is not “IN” Christ he is “WITHOUT” or “OUTSIDE”
(Col. 4:5). Being “outside” he
belongs with the vast majority of the world’s population (7 B+) who are
“unbelievers.” The New Testament is the Word of Christ for all men everywhere
(Mk. 16:15-16; Matt. 28:18-20; Rom. 1:16) and all other world religions and
religious beliefs are human philosophy, empty deception and the traditions of
men (Col. 2:8).
Baptism, Then What? The material offers appropriate encouragement and
warnings for those recently BAPTIZED
for the remission of their sins.
Endings For Torn Relationships Five
important Bible relationships are presented while giving emphasis to the
importance of entreaty and reconciliation. The relationships discussed in this
article include Cain & Abel, Esau & Jacob, Saul & David, Paul & BARNABAS and Euodia & Syntyche. Stated goals for
entreating are: 1. To be of the same mind, Phil. 2:2; 2. To be at peace, I Th.
5:13; 3. To understand the outcome of dissension. It strengthens the enemy of
the gospel; the weak when pulled in to dissensions are
caused to stumble; 4. To repent and return to the work, Rev. 3:19-20; 5. To use
with older men, I Tim. 5:1; 6. To implement with God's wisdom which is easy to
be entreated, Ja. 3:17-18. Thus one is to be both
approachable and easily persuaded to do that which is right.
Noah Got Drunk,
But That’s Not Me! There is a look here at Noah in failing as all righteous men will do (Ecc 8:20). There are several
here concerning Noah. Also, on DAVID and BATHSHEBA --- David
with lustful eyes coveting another man’s wife, and she lusted after him. In Bathsheba you see the mind of a
soon to be adulteress going to where he told her to meet him! And then
afterwards she’s going back to her house where she belongs!
Five Short
Articles On Jesus’ Kingdom And Reign Here are five articles that
were written for our local newspaper. Look below to see if some or all may be
of benefit to you or to another you might know.
1. Jesus Is King Of The
Jews And Of All Men!
2. The Israel of God Today (With Additional Comments on Zionism).
3. Christianity Does Not Teach Another Temple In
4. The One Thousand
Year Reign Is Not On Earth!
The mark
of the beast, 666, Rev. 13:16-17 A respondent has stated that people are going
around preaching 666 from the book of Revelation and applying it to just about
everything. This concerns, of course, the mark of
the BEAST. He states that people are
even looking for the "mark" on the foreheads of others and requests
that something be said about this. The
material puts the "mark" in the context (historical setting) where it
belongs! It also discusses the BEAST of the Sea
and the BEAST
of the earth as two
allies of Satan.
Newspaper Articles Dear
reader the following titles are selected newspaper articles that appeared in
our local newspaper the Yuma Sun. Advertizing for many churches tends to follow
the current trend for advertizing in general and has an emotional “pitch” to
possibly interest the reader. The intent of these articles is that each shows a
love for and desire to present the Truth without incorporating the emotional
flavor so popular with other religious bodies today. There is nothing
comparable to the truth of God’s words with its wisdom. The topics are: “The
Buyer Is Like The Seller; The Creditor Is Like The Debtor” (What God’s word
says about liars, cheats and murderers applies to all – the rich and poor!); “Wicked Kids,
Teens, BEATING & STOMPING Others” (This exposes the lie, “Oh they’re just too
young to know better!”); “Some Wrights Are So Wrong” (When so called “Pastors” are asked if John 14:6 is true and
if they think Islam is another way to salvation, and then suggest that there is
another path to the Father they deny what Jesus and the apostles taught! (cf.
John 12:48).
Selected Newspaper
Articles from 2016 These four articles include: (1)
Surely Such BEAUTIFUL People (In this article “Beautiful people are just
everywhere here!” People, and especially our youth, do not
understand the vanity that is evil and destructive). (2) Surely Correct Thinking ~ Although
It Does Not Begin With the Fear of the Lord (In this article “The fear of
the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Pr. 1:9) – “beginning” meaning the
first step in acquiring and then applying God’s revealed word. This is not your
own “I think” or “I believe.” Four important applications display what men are
willing to do when they lack the fear of the Lord. (3) Surely Not Their Kind
of Preacher ~ Hired to Protect the Ungodly (Based upon I Tim. 3:16-17 it is
the members themselves who are responsible for maintaining such preachers;
these men pleasers are standing in line to take the place of those who preach
the truth and are dismissed or cast out for doing so. (4) Surely Displays
Great Love for Jesus ~ Cancelling Church for Sunday Dec. 25 (Lk. 2:11 says
“For you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the
Lord.” That’s right, all we have is “this day” --- thus the obvious flaw in
saying that anyone today knows the exact day Jesus was born. Since no one knows
then how can “cancelling” church figure in at all? Put this with the command
not to forsake assembling and you see that love of the Traditions of men, not
God’s Word, is all important and mighty self-serving.
Beer Is Not So Light! Perhaps you've
wondered what the alcohol
content is in LIGHT BEER. In this brief
article you will find an answer to that important question. Dear reader do not
believe every thing that you hear concerning light
beer. And especially comments to this effect, "What's the big deal after
all it is only light beer?" Why not
read this article and give careful consideration to the scriptural warnings about the deceitfulness of alcohol, and its attendant state of drunkenness
and addiction?
Beginning Point Leading To Salvation
This article points to the
BEGINNING POINT leading to one's salvation. It should help
anyone today who has come to realize that the variety of explanations offered
today due to diverse human philosophies and beliefs have left many frustrated
concerning the important matter of salvation. Three such beliefs, the
Pentecostal experience, adults baptizing infants, and professing belief without
required obedience are examined in the light of God's word and found wanting!
If you will take your Bible and read each scripture in this brief study it will
enable you to be honest with yourself (see Acts 17:11) about your own
salvation. BELIEF (FAITH) comes by hearing the Word
(Rom. 10:17). Moreover, it will help
prevent the all too common occurrence of many misleading others by that with
which they were lead astray themselves.
Things in
Christ not found in Islam One simple but effective way of explaining the
difference between a major “world” religion and the gospel of Christ (the New
Testament, Matt. 26:28) is to show the things found “in Christ” that are not
found elsewhere. The following are
things found in Jesus Christ that are not found in Islam. BELIEF that God raised Jesus from the dead is important enough that one
cannot be saved with it! (Rom. 10:9-10). You will find this
under "Things Concerning the
Resurrection." It is clearly
pointed out by scripture that to BELIEVE on Christ is to believe on the Father
who sent Him. And those who reject Christ as the Son of God
also reject the Father who sent Him (John 12:44; 14:6; John 5:23; Lk.
You Really Have To Do Is Believe In God”
said, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord,
shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father
which is in heaven” (Matt. 7:21). Please look below for BELIEF IN CHRIST.
Points made concerning both the Father’s will and JESUS are:
1. Jesus did the will of the father who sent
Him (cf. John 6:37-38).
Jesus’ words are the Father’s (John 17:14, 17).
Jesus was seeking the Father’s glory not His own (Jo. 7:17-18).
Jesus’ authority was the Father’s! (Read John 12:48-50).
Jesus gave us the Father’s word which is truth (John 17:14, 17).
One cannot come to Christ except by the will of the Father (Jo. 6:37).
7. The Father’s will is that
you believe in Jesus His Son (Jo. 6:45).
8. The “work of God,”
or requirement of God is that one believes in Jesus whom He has sent (John
9. The Father’s will is that
eternal life comes through belief in Christ (John 6:40).
10. Eternal life is gained by knowing His Father
and the Son whom He sent (Jo. 17:3).
11. Jesus is the only way to the Father (Jo.
12. The doing of the Father’s will establishes
one’s relationship with Christ (Matt. 12:50).
13. Those who do believe will not perish
14. The belief in Christ that saves is a belief
that obeys Him, else the wrath of God abides upon one (cf. Matt. 7:21; Jo.
3:36; Heb. 5:9).
15. The one who doesn’t believe God has given us
eternal life in His Son makes God a liar ( I John
16. This is all
based in the Scriptures (John 5:39; De. 18:18-19).
17. Jesus didn’t say that they
“can’t” believe and obey but they “would not” (John 8:24).
18. His word which was the Father’s
necessitates baptism for initial obedience in order that one might be saved
(cf. Matt. 28:18-20 “all” authority for “all” nations; Mk. 16:15-16; Acts
16:31; Acts 22:16 an example of Saul obeying the Son of God).
19. Christ was
“end of the Law” (Rom. 10:4). Both Jew and Gentile are saved the same way by
obeying the Gospel (Rom. 1:16, 17, Rom. 3:29-30).
20. To believe in Christ is to
believe in the Father (cf. John 12:44-45). Of course, for that is the Father’s
will! (see above)
21. To reject
Christ is to reject the Father’s word (cf. John 12:48-50, 14:24). Read the
boldness of Peter and John in the newspaper article above (Acts 4:12-13).
22. To receive
Christ is to receive the Father (cf. John 13:20). Jesus told why some do not
receive Him (cf. John 5:43-44).
23. If you don’t
love Christ you don’t keep the Father’s words (cf. John 14:24).
24. If you keep
the Father’s will you will keep Christ’s commandments (cf. John 14:15, 24,
25. To abide in
Jesus’ love is to abide in the Father’s love (cf. John 14:21, 15:9-10; I John
26. To be in
Christ is to be in the Father (cf. I John 4:15-16).
27. Knowing the
Son is knowing the Father (cf. John 14:7-10, 1:18, 10:15; Matt. 11:27 Plain!).
28. If you deny
the Son you do not have the Father (cf. I John 2:23). You’ve called God a liar!
(I John 5:10). You will die in your sins (John 8:24). Those who deny the Son
are in the power of Satan
(I John
29. Whoever
confesses the Son has the Father (cf. I John 2:23).
30. Does the Father’s will really say
all that one must do is believe in God in a very general way? No!
This becomes, when we understand the expression “the will of My Father,” the very lesson
people need who say Jesus is Lord and then profess there are other religions
that lead to the Father that don’t believe Jesus is Lord (cp. Lk. 6:46). And
again, notice in our study what knowing and doing “the will of
My Father” does to the statement often heard, i.e. all you have to do is
believe in God.
Beginning Point Leading To Salvation This article should help anyone today
who has come to realize that the variety of explanations offered today due to
diverse human philosophies and beliefs have left many frustrated concerning the
important matter of salvation. Three such beliefs, the Pentecostal experience,
adults baptizing infants, and PROFESSING BELIEF
examined in the light of God's word and found wanting! If you will take your
Bible and read each scripture in this brief study it will enable you to be
honest with yourself (see Acts 17:11) about your own salvation. Moreover, it
will help prevent the all too common occurrence of many misleading others by
that with which they were lead astray themselves.
Requirements According to the First Century Revelation This is Lesson Three
in our Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Three:
"Membership Requirements According to the First Century Revelation."
In this lesson you will learn about what one must do to be saved and become a
member of Christ's church. The question, "What must I do to be
saved?" is fully answered as you study through the accounts of conversion
recorded in Acts. The step of BELIEVING (BELIEF) in
the deity of Christ and its
place in the order of the steps of obedience necessary to become a Christian is
given proper consideration.
Various Errors
Concerning Salvation: Often times the problem is not one’s
sincerity but “what” one has been taught. Today much emphasis is put on “BELIEF” (just as
long as one is sincere) rather than the necessity of the Truth being believed.
Moreover, too many push “sincerity” is good enough
regardless of what is believed. This is wrong. Why not read these
articles with this in mind? Then ask, What does the New Testament really
teaching concerning initial salvation? Articles included: 1. The So Called
“Sinner’s Prayer” (Jan. 31, 2015); 2. A Wrongful Understanding of Confessing
Sins (Feb. 28, 23015); 3. One Must Confess Jesus is the Christ the Son of God
(Mar. 28, 2015); 4. There Is No Such Thing as “Infant Baptism” (April 25,
2015); 5. There Is No Such Thing as the “Altar Call” (May 30, 2015).
Added to the Lord It is common to hear people ask, “Are you a BELIEVER?” But they never ask if you’ve been ADDED TO THE LORD. Why? Look below to understand when believers are added to the Lord.
After the brief newspaper article there is more concerning deceit in teaching
the so-called Sinner’s Prayer for salvation.
Foolishness In Forgetting God’s Word Trials should not
cause us to forget God’s law! We can receive strength in remembering past
trials we persevered in (Cf. Heb. 10:32-34). The one who perseveres does not
shrink back! To forget God’s Word is to forget His BENEFITS and past deliverances. Why not
read this article and acquaint yourself with what is happening when one forgets
God’s law?
Memory #2 You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April 2016
before this continuing article concerning some simple applications pertaining
to one’s memory. Emphasis in this article is given to the importance of our
remembering our own past conduct. Paul did not exclude himself when speaking of
past conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that he was a blasphemer,
persecutor and violent aggressor against the church. There is also the importance of our not forgetting even one of GOD’S
BENEFITS given to us in Christ. Sometimes
you make more than one trip through a “wilderness” you’ve been through before –
you can do it without being overly anxious when you continue to serve God,
trust in His deliverances, and do not serve Mammon (cf. Matt. 6:24-25).
Local Church And Benevolence Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the
Church." This is Lesson Seven in our Series: "Fundamental Lessons on
the Church." Lesson Seven: "The Local Church And Benevolence." This lesson presents the patterns for the local church
in the work of BENEVOLENCE. It shows
how the autonomy of the local church is maintained along with needed
applications for the present day. There is a warning about the unscriptural
sponsoring church arrangements!
It’s Not A
Church! Once
accepted one human organization spawns others. A
kinship develops through acceptance, and the influence of even one “type” of
human society can weigh strongly in others’ desire for yet another. The common defense
of the human society amongst us is “It’s not a church” --- thus the arguments that the school, the camp
and the BENEVOLENT SOCIETY engaged in works God
gave the local church are to be accepted. But defining the human society by
what it is “not” by no means scripturally justifies it. This article presents
this common defense with current application. The article contains a
description of the Bread Upon the Waters Agency for application.
The Great
Apostasy is Done, Finished! This article brings the apostasy of Individual
Societies built by christians up to date. What was
proposed in the 1800s and then again in our lifetime has taken root. Faithful
members have always recognized that the congregational plan is the divine
arrangement. Societies built today to do the works God gave His organization,
the local church, to do are additions to His plan. They are not as is said just
another avenue or tool for the church to work through. They are additions to
God’s divine plan! This article is applicable to the
Guardian of Truth Foundation Lectureship, Florida College engaged in worship
and evangelism, and multiple Camps that engage in worship and edification. It also applies to BENEVLENT SOCIETIES engaged in works God
gave to the local churches. In conjunction with this you might also want to
read “Individually
Supported Societies on the Sideline.”
Unsuspiciousness (Jer. 40:14) Gedaliah’s mistake was in refusing to credit
information given by “all.” He was stupidly indignant towards the informant who
sought to help him and accusing him of lying (Lies). “You liar!” You will often
hear that when the evidence points to something one doesn’t want to believe. He
should have listened. One point developed is
that there are always deceitful, wicked people looking for opportunities to for
Let Us
Get You A New Kind Of Preacher! Those full of carnality (works of the flesh)
accuse the faithful unjustly with wicked intent, spread strife with their
mouths, and set an example of evil for others to imitate (cf. 3 John 10-11).
They have a goal, an objective, and will sacrifice the truth and brethren to
achieve it! These are looking forward to and working towards division in order
that they might have their own way, and that with the “kind of preaching” that
lacks application and pleases the ungodly (cf. 2 Tim. 4:1-5). Understand that
the longer the church postpones dealing with them scripturally the closer they
get to their unscriptural goals (cf. Rev. 2:20). There is nothing more carnal,
and full of the works of the flesh, that I can think of at this age in my life
than brethren who work to stop applicable preaching and teaching. They will
stop at nothing to get the “new kind” of preacher. Old warnings need to be
issued! As in the past there will always be bigger churches somewhere ready to
aid the pattern of apostasy and provide the “new kind” of teachers and
preachers. That is how apostasy is able to continue. Brethren BEWARE! It is quite
possible that you know of such things happening among us.
Simple Biblical Pattern For Explaining “Why?” A respondent who questioned the matter of
judging those who live together without marriage stated, “I think these days it
can be a good thing to live together before getting married.... This
obviously goes against your feelings, but they're just your feelings, not
everyone's." Last of all she stated, "As far as your last sentence,
it's not an idea that it's acceptable and normal, these days, IT IS acceptable
and normal.... If you don't like it, then don't do it.... I wouldn't criticize
you...why do you judge about people who choose to live together?"
This individual wants to know
“Why” I would determine that people who choose to live together are wrong in
doing so. I presumed this to be an honest question deserving of an answer. In part, one must understand that Christians believe the BIBLE is the
inspired of God (2 Tim. 3:16-17). “Instruction” in the Word
plainly states that fornication as described above is a work of the flesh that
leads to eternal destruction if not
repented of (I Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19-21).
Can One Understand the Word of God? (A Brief Study of Scriptural Authority) Most churches
never speak out on the necessity of having “scriptural authority” for what one believes and practices. In fact, most are not
willing to deal with the subject because of the lack of authority for things
they are doing. Here is a brief study on how to establish scriptural authority
by using Statements, Commands, Examples, and Necessary Inferences found in the
Word of God. Each
person is expected to read and UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE, just the same as if
someone gave them an important set of instruction dealing with their work, or
health, to read for their benefit.
The Quran
On Jesus (Series) This series presents the significance of the BIRTH OF CHRIST. You will often hear that Islam honors all prophets, including Jesus. Just
what “kind” of honor does Islam give to the Lord Jesus Christ? It is certainly
not that they believe in His deity because they do not. The truth is Islam
repeatedly denies that Jesus is God. Islam also denies the basic tenants of the
New Testament teaching about Jesus and salvation. How do you supposedly honor
Him when the honor you give to Him is the dishonor of saying He was not who He
said He was? Why
not follow this series and see the many truths that Islam denies about Jesus
that the New Testament teaches and Christians believe?
Strong Spiritually Against Those Who Frame Wickedness by Law Don’t buy in with the
sinful Go-Along Get-Along Gang. Just keep on exposing and reproving what is
sinful. The New Testament, the will of Christ, will do that right well.
Christians don’t endorse man’s “legislations” – Ps 94:20 One who devises mischief by “decree” H2706 a statute, law -- just because a particular
political party might be pushing them. See the point on Republicans and the 15 week abortion ban. See
the note on excuses for cleaning up prostitution. See
the note on Woke and BIRTHING PEOPLE.
Transgender Attack This contains two newspaper articles: 1.
Surely Not Shameless ~ The Transgender Directive; 2. Surely Not Living a Lie
~ The Transgender Directive. These present both the spiritual and physical
dangers tied to the recent “I think I identify with transgender” decree from
President Obama. This is moving quickly in our society and especially so
when the media’s bias is presenting the kind of things that promote LGBT (Lesbian, Gay *Homosexual, BI-SEXUAL, Trans-sexual). Key points include scriptures on:
evil thoughts, evil desire, lewdness, shameless behavior, uncleanness, motives,
the mind, depraved passions, wrath of God upon the children of disobedience,
walked in immoralities, lived in immoralities, despise wickedness and
Divine Organization ~ The Local Church, Part Two of Two This is Lesson Four (Part Two of Two) in our
Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Four, Part Two:
"God's Divine Organization ~ The Local Church, Part Two of Two." In
this lesson you will be studying the local church as the organization that God
gave for the collective work of Christians in evangelism, edification, worship
and benevolence to needy saints. You will take an in depth look at the
organization of the local church according to God's pattern in the New
Testament. There is abundant material on
the fact that each local
church was to have its own qualified BISHOPS as
overseers, also called elders, pastors or shepherds. There was a
plurality (more than one) appointed over each local church, Acts 14:23. The qualifications for a man who serves as a
BISHOP or overseer in Christ's church are presented right from the
Bible. You can study this
lesson and see the difference in the church of Christ and Catholic,
denominational and community church organization today!
Catholic rule of faith is not the New Testament This article discusses the
"additions" of Catholicism along with its frank admission that the
New Testament scriptures are not its sole authority. These additions, the
Catholic hierarchy claims have equal authority to the sacred Scriptures. It is
through these "additions" that the hierarchy of the Catholic church
maintains and exercises its control over its people. At the end of the article Christ's scriptural
qualifications for a BISHOP or
elder (also called overseers and pastors) in His
church is contrasted with a so-called
BISHOP in Catholicism. You can know the difference between the
Degraded State of the Anglican Church Read the verses in this article about scriptural BISHOPS or elders in Christ's church. Consider the various council meetings,
emergency meetings, etc., along with the human credentials and advanced
technology used to present to the world their stress of trying to decide if
homosexuality is sin that cannot be tolerated by their church. Please now,
try not to laugh out loud. Why cannot they simply read the Bible?
The House of Public Issues Here is information on the National Cathedral in D.C.
hosting same-sex nuptials. Here is a present example of the fallacy of human
conventions making man made laws and binding them on their church. Such
displays how corrupt churches really are! This includes a brief history of the
Episcopal church and it progression into gay marriage.
The Anglican fellowship’s
and Church of England’s love for Human Tradition is also exposed as they battle for WOMEN BISHOPS.
Newspaper Articles on Political Correctness You might enjoy reading these newspaper
articles as they are grouped together: “Politics Does Not Make Evil To Be
Good,” “What Presidents Do When They Promote Abortion And Gay Marriage,” “When
The Governing Powers Refuse to Listen” and “WOMEN BISHOPS AND GAY MARRIAGE ARE BOTH SINFUL.”
Exposing Women Bishops and the False Episcopal Church Some have asked about
the woman “bishop” who spoke to President Trump at the Washington National
Cathedral recently. She’s promoting the Woke that is destroying our country.
Above all, people need to understand that there is no such thing as a woman “BISHOP” (also
called overseers, elders, and pastors) in Christ’s church. Moreover, BISHOPS OR ELDERS served
only over the local church they themselves were members of!
provided link fully explains what people need to learn from the New Testament
about the church Christ established. The truth of God’s word exposes her and
her false Episcopal church.
What You
Can And Will Do In Christ This brief study should offer assuramce to Christians that their efforts to serve God
faithfully are attainable, as well as being greatly aided by others' prayers on
their behalf. What one can and will do by remaining faithful in Christ is
declared through the words of Paul's prayer for the church at Colossae in Col.
1:9-12. Here are the key thoughts: A. Be filled with knowledge, all wisdom and
spiritual understanding. B. Walk worthy, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in
every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. C. Strengthened for
attaining all stedfastness and patience, with Joy. D.
Joyously giving thanks to the Father. Following is a "Check Your Spiritual
Growth With Self-Test Questions" giving further emphasis to our growth in
knowledge and discernment. The Christian is to be sincere
and without offence (BLAMELESS). The
stated "goal" of our efforts is seen in Philippians 1:10-11.
The Way of Integrity Psalms 119 This Psalm is
often avoided because of its length. This study begins with eight points
on integrity with God. Follow these application is made from each of the
remaining sections. “BLAMELESS” means complete, having integrity. You will note
that our inconsistencies are often our reproach in life, and that there is
boldness in serving God when there are no inconsistencies. Also, that
affliction is one of God’s ways to “make” us understand His precepts. One
lesson is what God tells us to do when persecuted with a lie. Also, we should
fear God’s judgments rather than fearing man. Understand that it is on the
grounds of your integrity that you may plead to God for protective care against
the wicked (Ps. 119:121-128). These are but a few of the good lesson presented
through studying this Psalm. Why not read the article and while doing so read
it along with your Bible?
Unsuspiciousness (Jer. 40:14) This
is based upon Gedaliah’s mistake as recorded by Jeremiah. We see stupidity in
the pattern presented by refusing to credit information given by “all”; being
indignant towards the informant and accusing him of lying (Lies). “You liar!”
You will often hear that when the evidence points to something one doesn’t want
to believe. He should have listened. One point
developed is BLAMING all the more the true friend who tries to warn you.
Memory #2 You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April
2016 before this continuing article concerning some simple applications
pertaining to one’s memory. Emphasis in this article is given to the importance
of our remembering our own past conduct. Paul did not exclude himself when
speaking of past conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that he was a BLASPHEMER, persecutor
and violent aggressor against the church. There is also the importance of our not forgetting even one of God’s
benefits given to us in Christ.
Modern Day Rabshakehs Rabshakeh the spokesman for the great King of Assyria is all over the place in his BLASPHEMY concerning who God is and what God is doing on the earth. Read his contradictions about God as he threatens the inhabitants of Jerusalem --- telling them not to let Hezekiah convince them to trust in the Lord. A parallel is easy made to those who claim to know God and have Jesus on their side -- answer the so called “woke social justice movement” with the works of the flesh that Jesus condemned. Jesus is God and God is on to their woke! When you put their “woke social justice” on the board and look at their walk i.e. their lifestyle you see its great immoral failure!
What Jesus
said that the Pharisees
heard in Matt. 15:11 caused them great displeasure,
but there was no wrong on Jesus’ part. He exposed the Pharisees’ human tradition by explaining that such does
not come from God, but man’s own mind (cf. “but you say” Matt. 15:5). He said their
hypocritical worship centered in teaching as doctrine the precepts of mere men
(Matt. 15:9). He answered the disciples question about others being offended by saying
“Every plant, which My Father has not planted, shall be rooted up.” His truthful answer
called them “BLIND LEADERS of the BLIND” saying both fall into the pit (Matt.
15:14). His words were the words of the Father; He always did the
things that were pleasing to Him (Jo. 6:38, 8:29, 14:10). He did not teach that it is wrong to name and describe false religious
beliefs. He said concerning their doctrines, “Take heed and beware
of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees” (Matt. 16:6). Why? Because both really were blind guides of the blind! They invalidated
the Word of God by their traditions bound as doctrine (Matt. 15:6). And just as
today – their upholding human tradition brought with it money, prestige and
power (Jo. 12:43; Lk. 16:13-15).
Came to Fulfill the Law (Matt. 5:17-18) People are quick to quote these passages to
justify using a combination of the Mosaic Law (Old Testament or Covenant) along
with the New Testament. This is used for
any number of things, but especially for items of worship that they
particularly like that cannot be justified by the New Testament teaching
concerning the church of Christ. The attraction of special clothing (cf.
Ex. 28) for ministers and priests, along with the use of instruments, candles,
incense, etc. would be examples. For the most part should any one of them be
asked why not then offer animal sacrifices and various offerings and Temple
activities made by Jews they’d reply that’s not necessary today. Why? Since we
are not given these in the New Testament for worship are we free to choose one
or all if we want to? Paul said the Jews were BLINDED by their still holding to the Law of
Moses, but when they turned to Christ and His New Covenant that
blindness would cease (I Cor. 3:12-16).
The Paths of
Mercy The subject of God’s great mercy is connected with the things
that He delights in. God delights in Loving-kindness, Justice and
Righteousness, thus the necessity of our glorying in these things in order that
we might receive His mercy! Moreover, God’s mercy is for those who fear Him
(Ps. 103:17-18). We must remember that it is in the practice of mercy itself
that we receive back from God (Ps. 18:25-27). Along with these there is a checklist of applications on God’s kindness
that includes when one is BLESSED spiritually.
Newspaper Articles Here
are four newspaper articles presented to the community with a love for the
truth. The intent is to present God’s truths without incorporating the
emotional flavor so popular with other religious bodies: (# 3) “God Knows When
Men Conceal The Truth” presents a scriptural view of those who claim to preach
God’s word while restraining their lips for covetousness
sake. The ungodliness of all such who hate
the good and love evil is contrasted with the man who
is BLESSED. The man who is BLESSED trusts in God, and has not shown
regard to the proud, nor to those who lapse into falsehood (cf. Ps. 40:4). This man hates
evil, and loves the good and establishes justice so that God will be gracious
to him (cf. Amos 5:15).
Memory #1 Hopefully this will be the first of three
articles. Memory is brought to light with such words as “remember,” “remind,”
“forget” and “neglect.” The antonym
means to forget, and at times intentionally thus implying culpability. Those who want to remember the applicable
lessons from God’s Word are the ones
who are “DOERS of the word” and not HEARERS ONLY (Ja.1:22). The “doer of the Word” is the man who is BLESSED in his deed
(Ja. 1:25). The one who deceives
himself hears God’s word as it gives him the right view of himself but
“immediately” – at once, very soon upon departing from the word he forgets what
he really is; his mind turns immediately to what pleases him when he leaves the
word. The proper use of memory is presented in
the light of using it to repent, and using the past where brethren sought to
corrupt or even destroy the congregation as frequent warnings for the present.
The Way
of Integrity Psalms
119 This Psalm is often avoided because of its length.
This study begins with eight points on integrity with God. Follow these
application is made from each of the remaining sections. You will note that our
inconsistencies are often our reproach in life; there is boldness in serving
God when there are no inconsistencies. The writer desired the kind of BLESSINGS in life that
would enable him to keep God’s commandments. The BLESSING asked was
that he would be able to see the wonderful things of God’s law, for he was just
a pilgrim on earth. Understand that it is on the grounds of your
integrity that you may plead to God for protective care against the wicked (Ps.
119:121-128). Why not read the article and while doing so read it along with
your Bible?
God Turns
The Way Of The Wicked Upside Down This lesson considers the path of the wicked
that is a familiar topic throughout the Psalms. You will learn about the wicked
by the following: (1) God thwarts the way of the wicked (Ps. 146:9); (2) God
puts the wicked in great fear because He despises them! (Ps. 53; Lev.
26:14-33); (3) Accusers are filled with
their own ways (Ps. 109). This
section tells you exactly what will happen to the wicked. They do not delight
in BLESSING so they receive none! (4) You will learn about the
purpose of their traps they set for the righteous; (5) God overthrows the best
of secret counsel (Ps. 64).
What are the Works
of the Flesh? The works of the flesh in the New Testament scriptures are
part of God’s moral analysis to be taught and applied. The Vatican recently issued a new
document stating when people ask their
priests for a BLESSING “an exhaustive moral analysis should not be
placed as a precondition for conferring it” – this is mentioned later with comments in this article. The works of the flesh are sin
(I Jo 3:4). We’re told they are what keeps one from Heaven, and sends one to
Hell – thus, the truth about them must not be rejected. The works of the flesh
can be divisive being sound doctrine (I Cor 11:19). God’s word applied
correctly will divide the faithful from the unfaithful. False churches push
Woke philosophies and LGBT+ based on out right acceptance (!!) of the works of
the flesh.
can compare what the Vatican says with important points like these:
The works of the flesh are part of the “Not Do” legislation in the authority of
Christ revealed in his new testament (Matt 28:18-20).
The warning is do not be deceived, for those practicing the works of the flesh
will not inherit the kingdom of God (Gal 5:19-21; I Cor 5:9-13; I Cor 6:9-11;
Ja 1:13-16).
The works of the flesh if not repented of demand withdrawal (I Cor 5:1-5,
Abortion is found in the works of flesh listed as “commit murder”, “murderers.”
Woke and Trans is repeatedly condemned in the works of the flesh listing liars,
homosexuals, lesbians, the sexually immoral, and more -- these will have their part in Hell
(Rev 21:8).
The works of the flesh are sins to be repented of at baptism (Acts 2:38).
Baptism is certainly not for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38) when one is
lying out their teeth saying they are sex they aren’t!
The scriptures settle the matter of what to tell same-sex couples – faithful
churches tell them they are living in sin (Col 3:5-7).
If you want to benefit one who asks about their relationship with Christ tell
them the Truth!
Practicing the works of the flesh destroys or does not allow fellowship with
God – one must walk in the light (I Jo 1:6-7).
The works of the flesh are God’s classification of others and NOT too
authoritarian! It includes the sinful conduct of homosexuals, lesbians, drunks,
fornicators, adulterers,
The works of the flesh when practiced DO NOT GO, AND CANNOT GO with commitment
to Christ!
Identifying the works of the flesh is the love of Truth, and leads one to
repentance and obedience (I Jo 5:1-3).
The works of the flesh are God’s NO (!!) to blessing same-sex unions.
Things in Christ
not found in Islam One simple but effective way of explaining the
difference between a major “world” religion and the gospel of Christ (the New
Testament, Matt. 26:28) is to show the things found “in Christ” that are not
found elsewhere. The following are things found in Jesus Christ that are not
found in Islam. One of these being "Things
Concerning the BLOOD of Christ."
Wanting Abortions that Murder the Unborn – and All Others Included in the Same
Deception. *POLITICAL, POLITICIANS, POLITICS This article shows just
how deceived anyone is who thinks they can advocate for or practice the murder
the unborn, and newly born. There are many applications
of being DECEIVED, and SELF-DECEIVED while practicing the works of the
flesh! Those practicing murder this way bear the guilt of INNOCENT BLOOD!
Appreciation Of Godly Sisters In Christ The tremendous value of our sisters in Christ
is set forth in this article. Beginning with the honor that is due to faithful
women in Christ, the study sets forth the various duties enjoined upon them in
regards to their family and service rendered to the church that Christ built.
Children and family members must practice piety towards their “own” and requite
their parents,
Paul said (I Tim. 5:4). Moreover, they are to be ready unto every
good work (Eph. 2:10, I Tim. 5:10, Titus 3:1, 2:14). Christians who are ready
and yield their bodies unto God as instruments of righteousness in sacrificial
service are fulfilling the perfect will of God (cf. Rom. 12:1-2, 6:13). They exemplify those whom God takes
pleasure in and favors because they fear Him (cf. Ps. 149:4, 147:10-11). These
are the ones who can be taught, and have been (Ps. 34:11-15). Their glory (BOAST)
is in understanding and knowing God who delights in loving-kindness, judgment,
and righteousness in the earth! (Cf.
Jer. 9:23-24). Obedience unto righteousness is what God takes pleasure in, thus
these are the scriptural reasons why all of our godly sisters are appreciated.
Why not study the nine points of application directed towards their being
scripturally appreciated?
The Lies
Of Apostasies The
full title of this article is “The
Pattern Of Lies Producing And Sustaining Apostasies.” Read this article to
study what Jeroboam did wrong when he said in his heart that God’s established
order would not work. Besides Jeroboam’s
apostasy, the article presents in detail the pattern of lies producing
apostasies from the book of Jeremiah. Some important questions answered
are: Why do lies
prevail? How has the truth been affected? What Lies? What will God do in
the end? Here is an excerpt: Why do lies sustaining
apostasies prevail? Because people love the flattery of liars and
trust in their reckless BOASTING! (Jer. 23:32). This comes from
their “own hearts” (23:26); from their own imagination (23:16). Moreover they
have influence with those who despise God (23:17). This is where Human
Tradition is born and comes from and how it continues! (Jer. 14:14). Lying pens
are nothing new, Jer. 8:8. When you read their justifications you see their own
authority speaking so they can rule by their own authority (Jer. 5:30-31). When apostasies go
on and continue they have caused people to trust in reckless BOASTING! It is human tradition born and continued by their own
authority! It has an “end” – Matt. 15:13; Ezk. 7 “An
Do Not Let
Your Heart Envy Sinners The purpose of this article
is to emphasize the importance of enabling others to develop speech that
correctly describes the sinner ---- and especially our children. Emphasis is
given to what envy says about the heart. Applications are made for this
important question: If you can’t say the wicked are so what are some likely
problem you will have? For
one, envy and fretting take away the fear of God (Pr. 8:13). “Wisdom” can say
evil is hated (Rom. 12:9). Ps. 73
discussed here is about one who lost the pure heart he praised and was envious of the “BOASTERS” who depicted physical health
and material prosperity that most did not have.
Rule of
Law Points From the authority
implied in the “name” of Jesus Christ, who has all authority, several points
are made concerning the Gospel as the power of God unto salvation for all men,
Jesus’ authority to judge by His law, Sin as a violation of Christ’s law and how
His law convicts of sin. Major emphasis is also given to the RULE OF LAW of
law being attacked by ignorance, wrongful intent, good intentions,
sincerity, carelessness, ignoring, impulse and inconsistency, showing
partiality, outright defiance, distortion of one’s words and partial narratives
of the Word (to neglect to teach the whole counsel of God, Acts 20:27, 32.). Applications include God is no respecter of
persons, to show respect of persons is sin, the kind of judgment that condemns
oneself, and the one who BOASTS IN GOD’S LAW but
dishonors God through breaking the law.
Appreciation Of Godly Sisters In Christ The tremendous value of our sisters in Christ
is set forth in this article. Beginning with the honor that is due to faithful
women in Christ, the study sets forth the various duties enjoined upon them in
regards to their family and service rendered to the church that Christ built.
Children and family members must practice piety towards their “own” and requite
their parents,
Paul said (I Tim. 5:4). Moreover, they are to be ready unto every
good work (Eph. 2:10, I Tim. 5:10, Titus 3:1, 2:14). Christians who are ready and yield their BODIES
unto God as instruments of righteousness in sacrificial service are
fulfilling the perfect will of God (cf. Rom.
12:1-2, 6:13). They are glorifying God in their BODY and spirit, which are God’s (cf. I Cor. 6:13-20). Christ is being magnified (shown) in their BODY (Phil.
1:20). Why not study
the nine points of application directed towards their being scripturally
went you out…to see?" This is
a lesson on dress. The brief study first looks at what Jesus said
about clothing. It presents some of His
teaching in Matthew 6, the Sermon on the Mount concerning "anxiety"
and dress. An application is drawn from His use of "clothing" as a
metaphor in warning against false religious teachers, Matt. 7:15. Further lessons are drawn from His teaching
concerning John the Baptist's rebuke of the hypocritical Jewish leaders who
were skilled in identifying their "own" holy signs of dress, yet so
unskilled in listening to God's word and identifying "proper"
conduct. The lesson concludes with Romans
12:1-2 where Paul says to use the BODY IN YOUR SERVICE TO THE LORD.
~ Oldies Are Still the Goodies! There’s nothing so
entertaining to some as tuning in to the “Oldies” program on their available
radio network. Some of those hits you just don’t get tired of hearing, and
there are some excuses
for evading scriptural authority that you are always hearing from
those who never tire of using them. Here are several oldies that are still
goodies for those disrespecting scriptural authority: I. We are all part of the BODY OF CHRIST; II. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of
you”; III. Jesus said, I am the vine and ye are the branches; IV. God loves
sinners too; V. We’ve all been left under human tradition; VI. Only God can
judge another; VII. I’d never tell you that you are in the wrong church; VIII.
Never place a period where God has placed a comma.
Youth through the Prime of Life (Eccl. 11:9-12:1) There are degrees of progression of age in this text. Accountability is
seen throughout and the “right” things done are contrasted with things sinful
with consequences that must be removed. These portions of life merge together
and are fleeting, thus the necessity of remembering one’s Creator in the days
of youth. Those in young adulthood are to know that for all things done God
will bring you into judgment (Eccl. 11:9). They are admonished to remove sorrow (grief and anger) from their lives, and pain
from their BODY for childhood and the prime of life are fleeting!
God Turns
The Way Of The Wicked Upside Down This lesson considers the path of the wicked that is a
familiar topic throughout the Psalms. You will learn about the wicked by the
following: (1) God thwarts the way of the wicked (Ps. 146:9); (2) God puts the
wicked in great fear (Ps. 53); (3) Accusers are filled with their own ways (Ps.
109). This section tells you exactly what will happen to the wicked; (4) You
will learn about the purpose of their traps they set for the righteous; (5) God
overthrows the best of secret counsel. They are BOLD and encourage one another as they
talk about their plans (Ps. 64).
Newspaper Articles The following are selected newspaper
articles ran by the Valley church of Christ for 2009-2010. We put some together
periodically in order to post them on our website. Both churches and preachers
would do well to consider that just offering a few scriptural points on
important topics can go a long way in helping others. Consider the following
points on (1) Why Pentecostal / Charismatic Tactics Easily Deceive; (2)
Complaining With No Intention Of Making Things Scriptural; (3) Stupid Kid’s
Games Draw Customers; (4) Liberation Theology & Marxist Ideology; (5) Necessity of being BOLD ~ Human Creeds & Statements of Faith.
Often Missing During Afflictions The
applications in this brief study will deal with those who are in affliction. Dear reader, you will notice that with some
of these God has no pleasure. For others, they see God’s faithfulness during
their afflictions. One must endure and not cast
away their BOLDNESS OF SPEECH (“confidence”) during afflictions! Why not read
this either for yourself or with a view to being able to help another?
Has Its Place A Study of Shame. When
lives spiritually are at stake to save them shame matters (!!) and has a place. Here you find aspects of shame and being ashamed -- why faithful christians are not
ashamed of the gospel, and willing to suffer shame for Christ. The faithfulness of God’s promises PRODUCES GREAT BOLDNESS OF SPEECH (PHP 1:20). And there is
shame in not having boldness of speech.
Php 1:20 “boldness” [G3954] from G3956 “the whole” and a derivative
of G4483 “to command and speak.” Strong’s def.: “all out spokenness,
that is, frankness, bluntness, publicity.” You make yourself conspicuous
with it. Sound doctrine doesn’t depend on whether they like you or not! You
don’t back up --- if an opponent is honest they have nothing they can say
against sound speech and are ashamed:
Tit 2:7 in all things showing yourself to be a
pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence,
incorruptibility, Tit 2:8 sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who
is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you.
Conduct God Expects From Our Members
Read this article and it should
help you to better understand the "unity of the Spirit" in the BOND of peace and love (Eph. 4:1-3; Col. 3:12-14). These 7 Virtues are discussed as being
necessary for each member of the local church: Lowliness (Humility), Meekness
(Gentleness), Longsuffering (Patience), Forebearing (Showing Tolerance), Tender
Mercies (Heart of Compassion), Kindness and Forgiving one another.
Understanding these in this context answers such important questions as: Whom
can I talk to? When do I go to another? Can I speak publicly in rebuking to
thus maintain this unity? What would a refusal to listen indicate? And, What
happens to one who does not forgive if one repents?
Newspaper Articles Dear
reader the following titles are selected newspaper articles that appeared in
our local newspaper the Yuma Sun. Advertizing for many churches tends to follow
the current trend for advertizing in general and has an emotional “pitch” to
possibly interest the reader. The intent of these articles is that each shows a
love for and desire to present the Truth without incorporating the emotional
flavor so popular with other religious bodies today. There is nothing
comparable to the truth of God’s words with its wisdom. The topics are: “The
Buyer Is Like The Seller; The Creditor
Is Like The Debtor” --- includes
“the lender is like the BORROWER (What God’s word says about liars, cheats
and murderers applies to all – the rich and poor!); “Wicked Kids, Teens,
Beating & Stomping Others” (This exposes the lie, “Oh they’re just too
young to know better!”); “Some Wrights Are So Wrong” (When
so called “Pastors” are asked if John 14:6 is true and if they think Islam is
another way to salvation, and then suggest that there is another path to the
Father they deny what Jesus and the apostles taught! (cf. John 12:48).
~ Oldies Are Still the Goodies! There’s nothing so
entertaining to some as tuning in to the “Oldies” program on their available
radio network. Some of those hits you just don’t get tired of hearing, and there are some
excuses for evading scriptural authority that you are always hearing from those
who never tire of using them. Here are several oldies that are still
goodies for those disrespecting scriptural authority: I. We are all part of the
body of Christ; II. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; III. Jesus said, I AM THE VINE AND YE ARE THE BRANCHES;
IV. God loves sinners too; V. We’ve all been left under human tradition; VI.
Only God can judge another; VII. I’d never tell you that you are in the wrong
church; VIII. Never place a period where God has placed a comma.
It’s Not A
Church! Once
accepted one human organization spawns others. A kinship develops through
acceptance, and the influence of even one “type” of human society can weigh
strongly in others’ desire for yet another. The common defense of the human society amongst us is “It’s not a
church” thus the arguments that the school, the camp and the benevolent society engaged
in works God gave the local church are to be accepted. Defining the human
society by what it is “not” by no means scripturally justifies it. This article
presents this common defense with current application. The article contains a
description of the Bread Upon the Waters Agency for application.
Rule of
Law Points From the authority
implied in the “name” of Jesus Christ, who has all authority, several points
are made concerning the Gospel as the power of God unto salvation for all men,
Jesus’ authority to judge by His law, Sin as a violation of Christ’s law and how
His law convicts of sin. Major emphasis is also given to the RULE OF LAW of
law being attacked by ignorance, wrongful intent, good intentions,
sincerity, carelessness, ignoring, impulse and inconsistency, showing
partiality, outright defiance, distortion of one’s words and partial narratives
of the Word (to neglect to teach the whole counsel of God, Acts 20:27, 32.). Applications include God is no respecter of persons,
to show respect of persons is sin, the kind of judgment that condemns oneself,
and the one who boasts in God’s law but DISHONORS
Theft Here
is a lesson based upon the prevalence of “identity theft.” This answers what
identity theft is, how thieves steal an identity, what thieves do with a stolen
identity, how you find out your identify has been stolen and what you can do to
help fight identity theft --- all with a
spiritual view as to the use of Christ’s name without proper permission and how
Christ name theft crimes take many forms. Spiritually the unity of belief
and practice of the one Gospel is the means by which we fight identity theft
and protect against those who wear Christ’s name who are frauds. It is important
that both of the names “Christian” and “BRETHREN” be carefully guarded.
You will find twelve scriptural and helpful applications for detecting these
impostors who preach another Gospel. Such will “rob” you of your prize if you
let them (Col. 2:18-19).
& Additions (Expediencies Reviewed) Most churches never speak out on the necessity
of having “scriptural authority” for what one believes and practices. In fact,
most are not willing to deal with the subject because of the lack of authority
for things they are doing. It is
important to know the difference between “aids” used to carry out what is
authorized versus “additions” which are things not authorized. This lesson
should help with that distinction. Before
brethren justify something based upon expediency they must first state the
authorized work, need or thing commanded to be done. Sadly,
some brethren will reason on the basis of what they “like” or “enjoy” and seek
to incorporate it into the work and worship of the local church. This sometimes happens when brethren seek to
justify a practice by saying it makes them feel better. Some just flat reject
what is authorized, get mad, and leave. The truth never causes anyone to
stumble, but rejecting it will! (I Jo. 2:10). At times you will find members
who will accept what is authorized in the work and worship of the church while
admitting that in their own mind they’d be willing to do that which is not
authorized — this usually comes with the promise that they’d never cause
trouble or go against the majority. Error in the mind is still error!
Applications are made to these important
topics: (1) Instruction to Assemble; (2) The Example of a Treasury; (3) Why the CHURCH
BUILDING is authorized; (4) Social Functions: Kitchens, Fellowship
Halls & Game Rooms On Church Grounds; (5) The Assemblies of the church in I
Cor. 11, 14; (6) Acts 2:42-46; (7) The Serving of the Widows, Acts 6:1-6.
Staying with Zoom” The current pride in
technology denominational invite is “Worship online or in person here.” We must
be certain that what we do with high tech is scriptural as regards the work and
worship of Christ’s church. If “zoom” and “online” are let stray, as some among
us already have, then you will have a developed human tradition that will cause
many to lose their souls. The impact itself on the body of Christ can be like a
spreading spiritual virus in years following upon member’s zeal for assembling
(Cf. Eph. 4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb. 10:24-27). You must know the DIFFERENCE
together as a church” and “ASSEMBLING OF OURSELVES TOGETHER” and “IN THE
CHURCH” - Read here for proper definitions that lead to proper applications
of what it means to ASSEMBLE TOGETHER.
Are brethren being led to believe that an
online presentation is “assembling”?
Where do false motive come from? Just how
much in such a developed human tradition is there a pleasing of self and
others? Enough to leave sound doctrine!
2Ti 1:7 For God has NOT GIVEN US A SPIRIT
OF FEAR, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
[G4151 pneuma] – Thayer 5. “disposition, desire…”
a. NOT OF “FEAR” (timidity,
NASB) [G1167 deilia, n.] Thayer: 1) timidity,
fearfulness, cowardice. From [G1169 deilos,
adj.] > From δέος deos (dread); timid, that is, (by
implication) faithless: - fearful > Rev. 21:8 “cowardly”
followed by “unbelieving” [G571 apistos] 1)
unfaithful, faithless, (not to be trusted, perfidious).
[G1411 dunamis] Thayer: strength, ability, power –
from [G1410 dunamai] to be able or possible: - be
able, can (do, + -not), could, may, might, be possible, be of power; Rom. 1:16
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to
salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”
Notes: “spirit”
(mind, mental or desire): “…not ...of
fear” (timidity, cowardice), “but of power” (*seen in believing
and doing the Word, 2 Tim. 1:8, 2 Tim. 3:5 denied the power thus weak and
unfit; Ja. 1:22 doers of the word);
Some verses where we are
told to be able and are able: Jas 1:22 doers of the word; Lk. 6:46-48; Jo.
12:42-43; I Th. 2:2; Eph. 3:16-17; Col. 1:9-12.
SOUND MIND” – “sound” [G4995 sōphronismos]
1) an admonishing or
calling to soundness of mind, to moderation and self-control.
Application: You can’t
separate the sound mind from sound doctrine!
VERSES: Rom. 1:16-17 “the
Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation”; Eph. 6:11 “put
on the whole armor of God that you might be able to stand”, 16 “shield
of faith” (cf. Rom. 10:17 faith comes by hearing the word), 17 “the
sword of the Spirit…the word of God”, 19 “prayer and supplication for
all saints.” Christ’s strength would have gotten all of His churches
through “lock down” whatever it took: 1) Back Yards 2) Open Spaces 3) Parking
Lots etc.
Remember way back when we were explaining
that the church is not the building – that CHURCH BUILDINGS are expedients of the
command to assemble (Heb. 10:25) and the work of edifying the body (I Cor.
14:26) – there was common way of putting it plainly back then, “You can meet
under a tree for that matter!” Let’s hear that again, “You can meet under a
tree for that matter! Yes, “You can meet under a tree for that matter! Until it
came time to! Let’s hear that again. Until it came time to!
Newspaper Articles From The Valley Church of Christ Life for everyone, rich and poor, has its
vanity and seems empty and without purpose. This life on earth possesses
sorrows, grief over man’s double-mindedness, deceit, and lies. One’s own sins
are a vexation of spirit! Friend, the answer is not in beauty, riches, mirth or
pleasure; neither will one find the answer in psychology or mere human wisdom
that fails man again and again in providing the right answers to vexation of
spirit. Jesus’
invitation is “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I
will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle
and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy
and My
BURDEN is light” (Matt.
11:28-32). Why not read the article titled “Has Someone Pulled The Plug From Your Life?”
Newspaper Articles Dear
reader the following titles are selected newspaper articles that appeared in
our local newspaper the Yuma Sun. Advertizing for many churches tends to follow
the current trend for advertizing in general and has an emotional “pitch” to
possibly interest the reader. The intent of these articles is that each shows a
love for and desire to present the Truth without incorporating the emotional
flavor so popular with other religious bodies today. There is nothing
comparable to the truth of God’s words with its wisdom. The topics are: “The Buyer Is Like The Seller; The Creditor Is Like The
Debtor” (What God’s word says about liars, cheats, FALSE
applies to all – the rich and poor!); “Wicked Kids, Teens, Beating &
Stomping Others” (This exposes the lie, “Oh they’re just too young to know
better!”); “Some Wrights Are So Wrong” (When so
called “Pastors” are asked if John 14:6 is true and if they think Islam is
another way to salvation, and then suggest that there is another path to the
Father they deny what Jesus and the apostles taught! (cf. John 12:48).
Many and Few by Contrast It is better to have few than to have the human organizations our
brethren have formed that intrude into the work God gave the local churches to
do. God’s blessings come for the few as well as
many who are willing to respect scriptural authority. When doing so if few they
will nothing to be ashamed of – they certainly will not go by “I FEEL LIKE IT’S RIGHT” or “I DON’T
HAVE ANY SCRIPTURE BUT…” Those who go by
feelings alone will leave.
Newspaper Articles Dear
reader the following titles are selected newspaper articles that appeared in
our local newspaper the Yuma Sun. Advertizing for many churches tends to follow
the current trend for advertizing in general and has an emotional “pitch” to
possibly interest the reader. The intent of these articles is that each shows a
love for and desire to present the Truth without incorporating the emotional
flavor so popular with other religious bodies today. There is nothing
comparable to the truth of God’s words with its wisdom. The topics are: “The BUYER Is Like The Seller; The Creditor Is Like The
Debtor” (What God’s word says about liars, cheats, false business practices,
and murderers applies to all – the rich and poor!); “Wicked Kids, Teens,
Beating & Stomping Others” (This exposes the lie, “Oh they’re just too
young to know better!”); “Some Wrights Are So Wrong” (When
so called “Pastors” are asked if John 14:6 is true and if they think Islam is
another way to salvation, and then suggest that there is another path to the
Father they deny what Jesus and the apostles taught! (cf. John 12:48).