"E" List: to help with finding a topic look at the words in BOLD print.
Newspaper Articles Here
are four newspaper articles presented to the community with a love for the
truth. The intent is to present God’s truths without incorporating the
emotional flavor so popular with other religious bodies. “When You’re Promised You’ll Like It!” exposes “pitches” for
attracting visitors contrasted with what God’s word should produce in those who
hear. As one in town put it, “I hate to admit it but going where I go I think
at times I’m looking at Ken and Barbie.” Ken and Barbie productions are made to
please men not God! (cf. Gal. 1:10). Be aware that God’s word teaches that the
fault lies with “both” the listeners and the teachers. Listeners who desire to have their EARS tickled
accumulate teachers who will allow them all manner of immoralities. Read
about them!
Staying with Zoom” The current pride in technology denominational invite is “Worship
online or in person here.” We must be certain that what we do with high tech is
scriptural as regards the work and worship of Christ’s church. If “zoom” and
“online” are let stray, as some among us already have, then you will have a
developed human tradition that will cause many to lose their souls. The impact
itself on the body of Christ can be like a spreading spiritual virus in years
following upon member’s zeal for assembling (Cf. Eph. 4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb.
10:24-27). To “speak the things proper for SOUND DOCTRINE” you must
know the difference between the word “home” and “house” and “houses” and the
words “come together as a church” and “assembling of ourselves together” and
“in the church.” Read here for proper definitions that lead to proper
applications of what it means to “assemble together.”
The kind of SPEAKING DEMANDED is presented in the
following points with the definitions given:
Showing oneself a lover of the truth is seen in SPEAKING
the truth to one another (EPH. 4:20-25).
TO SPEAK, exhort and rebuke with all authority (TITUS 2:15)
PREACHING involves “REPROVE” [G1651], “REBUKE”
[G2008] & “EXHORT” [G3870]
(CF. 2 TIM. 4:2)
(Titus 1:9).
2Ti 4:3 For the time will come when they will not
endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, BECAUSE THEY HAVE
ITCHING EARS, they will heap up for themselves teachers;
TRUTH, and be turned aside to fables.
a. “…according to their own desires” > [G1939 epithumia, nf] Thayer: 1) desire,
craving, longing, desire for what is forbidden, lust
HAVE ITCHING EARS” > [G2833 knēthō,
vb.] Thayer: 1) to scratch, tickle, make to itch… 3) desirous of hearing
something pleasant
c. “…heap up for themselves teachers” > [G2002 episōreuō] Strong’s: to accumulate further,
that is, (figuratively) seek additionally: - heap. Thayer: “to heap up,
accumulate in piles: to choose for themselves and run after a great number of
teachers, 2 Tim. 4:3.
d. “…be turned aside to fables” > [G3454 muthos]
Strong’s: - a tale, that is, fiction (“myth”): - fable > I Tim. 1:4, I Tim. 4:7,
2 Tim. 4:4, Titus 1:14 “…turn away from the truth”; 2 Pet. 1:16 “cunningly
devised tales…”
Short Articles On Jesus’ Kingdom And Reign
Here are five articles that were written for our local newspaper. Look below to
see if some or all may be of benefit to you or to another you might know.
1. Jesus Is King Of
The Jews And Of All Men!
2. The Israel of God Today (With Additional Comments on Zionism).
3. Christianity Does Not Teach Another Temple In
4. The One Thousand Year Reign Is Not On
5. The Battle of
man, the world; Satan, man and the course of this world (PART ONE OF TWO) Emphasis
is upon God the creator of THE EARTH, man, the universe and all material
things --- by using various definitions of “WORLD” OR “AGE”
Satan, the Devil, is presented as “the god of this world” who blinds the minds
of the unbelieving. The Devil rules the thoughts and deeds of the men of our
own age. Get the Devil in your conversations!
The wise according to human wisdom and
philosophy, the scribe i.e. professional who writes and speaks to the detriment
of God’s word and wisdom, as well as the debater i.e. learned disputant ---
these offer elaborate and devious arguments in this “age” we live in as they
serve the Devil. Their message is full of deceit and error and hostile to God
and His Word.
man, the world; Satan, man and the course of this world (Part Two) Here in PART TWO there is continued focus upon the work of the Devil with emphasis upon
Christ, the church and the Devil’s work. Things done to resist the Devil are
stated along with examples of Satan’s influences in the church. What will
happen to the Devil and those who follow him points to the necessity of one
obeying in baptism to be saved (Mk. 16:15-16).
and National Ignorance: The concerns of space aliens and
extraterrestrial activity in recent balloon intercepts, present A TOTALLY WRONG PERSPECTIVE OF THE EARTH,
LIFE HERE, AND MANKIND HAVING BEEN GIVEN THE EARTH AS A DWELLING PLACE (Gen. 1:26; Ps. 115:16). There are no space aliens!
and National Ignorance: The concerns of space aliens and extraterrestrial
activity in recent balloon intercepts, present A TOTALLY WRONG PERSPECTIVE
AS A DWELLING PLACE (Gen. 1:26; Ps. 115:16). There are no space aliens! Here are points on the CREATION OF THE
Going to Church
with the Easter Bunny Paying close attention is hard work (Heb. 2:1-3). W. E. Vine states commenting upon the word
correctly translated “Passover” (Acts 12:4), “The term EASTER is not of Christian origin.
It is another form of Astarte, one of the titles of the Chaldean goddess, the
queen of heaven. The festival of Pasch
held by Christians in post-apostolic times was a continuation of the Jewish
feast, but was not instituted by Christ, nor was it connected with Lent. From
this Pasch the Pagan festival of Easter was quite distinct and was introduced
into the apostate Western religion, as part of the attempt to adapt Pagan
festivals to Christianity” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary). Churches of
Christ in the first century were not given a special EASTER SERVICE.
Newspaper Articles These are selected
articles that appeared in our local newspaper, The Sun. The intent of these
articles is that each shows a love for and desire to present the Truth without
incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other religious bodies
today. Why not read these short truthful articles titled “Coming To Worship ~ A
Spectator Sport!,” “King Solomon And Child Murder,” “An Old Fear And Shame ~ EASTER,” “War Protesters.” In addition there is an attached
applicable newspaper article: “Easter, Remember It’s the Belly That Really Matters!”
Newspaper Articles for 2013 These newspaper articles from 2013 include: (1) “Using ‘Christendom’ to Cover Religious
Error” - EASTER
supposedly “the holiest day in Christendom”; (2) “The Ways of the Street
Mugger”; (3) “Murders, Murderers, Victims”; (4) “Surely not a Hot Head” and (5)
“Surely not a Greedy Person.”
Call it Easter just “Resurrection Sunday” and Keep the Human Tradition This article contains a complaint spoken by
one who read a newspaper article wherein Lent’s law of fasting is exposed as
human tradition, and not the teaching of the New Testament. The article is
appears along with her complaint. Most who
observe EASTER SERVICES know nothing about the apostasies in the 2nd Century
and what happened from the Period 100 A.D. to 325 A.D. A short view of apostasies from Phillip Schaff’s
History of the Christian Church is presented with specific mention of the
observance of the so called Christian Sabbath, Pentecost, Passover, EASTER, Epiphany and Christmas.
Baptism, Then What? New Christians
are to recognize Paul's instruction in I Cor. 5:11 and not EAT with any Christian that does not lead a faithful life. The material offers appropriate encouragement and
warnings for those recently baptized for the remission of their sins.
& Additions (Expediencies Reviewed) Most churches never speak out on the necessity
of having “scriptural authority” for
what one believes and practices. In fact, most are not willing to deal with the
subject because of the lack of authority for things they are doing. It is
important to know the difference between “aids” used to carry out what is
authorized versus “additions” which are things not authorized. This lesson
should help with that distinction. Before brethren justify something based upon
expediency they must first state the authorized work, need or thing commanded
to be done. Sadly,
some brethren will reason on the basis of what they “like” or “enjoy” and seek
to incorporate it into the work and worship of the local church. This sometimes happens when brethren seek to
justify a practice by saying it makes them feel better. Some just flat reject
what is authorized, get mad, and leave. The truth never causes anyone to
stumble, but rejecting it will! (I Jo. 2:10). At times you will find members
who will accept what is authorized in the work and worship of the church while
admitting that in their own mind they’d be willing to do that which is not
authorized — this usually comes with the promise that they’d never cause
trouble or go against the majority. Error in the mind is still error!
Applications are made to these important
topics: (1) Instruction to Assemble; (2) The Example of a Treasury; (3) Why the
church building is authorized; (4) Social Functions: Kitchens, Fellowship Halls
& Game Rooms On Church Grounds; (5) The Assemblies of the church in I Cor.
11, 14; (6)
Eating Common Meals Acts 2:42-46; (7) The Serving of the Widows,
Acts 6:1-6.
God Turns
The Way Of The Wicked Upside Down This lesson considers the path of the wicked
that is a familiar topic throughout the Psalms. You will learn about the wicked
by the following: (1) God thwarts the way of the wicked (Ps. 146:9); (2) God
puts the wicked in great fear because He despises them! (Ps. 53; Lev.
26:14-33); (3) Accusers are filled with their own ways (Ps. 109). This section tells you exactly what will
happen to the wicked. They will EAT the fruit of their own ways (sins), and be
filled with their own fancies (Pr. 1:31); (4) You will learn about
the purpose of their traps they set for the righteous; (5) God overthrows the
best of secret counsel (Ps. 64).
Baptism, Then What? A main point in
the article is that new Christians now have the responsibility along with all
others to EDIFY and encourage others.
The material offers appropriate encouragement and warnings for those
recently baptized for the remission of their sins.
~ Things I Can Count On Today America was attacked by
terrorists on this date. This is a “time” when people thrive upon inappropriate
statements, and misleading applications of God’s Word. Illustrations of such
would be, “Nostradamas said…,” “Armageddon has come,”
and “the Mark of the Beast.” An important part of this study shows when men
have questions as to "Why?" or "What is the future?" that
Christians have a limited number of precious things that they can depend upon.
These few but precious things are where a Christian's life really is any day
and any place that they might be. One of these is that EDIFICATION in its various forms (individual and collective)
sustains us at all times. Several points are made as to what edification
and the importance of reading the scriptures in order to know God's will.
Worship of the Church. This is Lesson Five in our Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the
Church." Lesson Five: "The Worship of the Church." In this
lesson you will be studying the items of worship for the church:
1. The Lord's Supper upon the first day of
the week.
2. Instruction in God's word.
3. Singing.
4. Prayer.
5. Giving.
By studying these items of worship you can
learn what EDIFICATION means and how it was practiced in the assemblies
of the first century church.
Many and Few by Contrast It is better to have few than to have the human organizations our
brethren have formed that intrude into the work God gave the local churches to
do. God’s blessings come for the few as well as many who are willing to respect
scriptural authority. Here are some applications of one another duties matched with NECESSARY EDIFICATION.
~ Things I Can Count On Today (America was attacked
by terrorists on this date. This is a “time” when people thrive upon
inappropriate statements, and misleading applications of God’s Word. Many love
to “go with the flow,” and jump on the bandwagon! Illustrations of such would
be “Nostradamas said…,” “Armageddon has come,” and
“the Mark of the Beast.” One important
point in this presentation is the resolve of nations to rebuild in time past -
how it worked and did not work. EDOM will ever
stand as a nation with a resolve to rebuild that did not come to pass. (Prov.
14:34; Malachi 1:4).
Institutions Among The Brethren by Robert F. Turner (Preceptor 1962) EDUCATIONAL
The below is the first of six articles written in 1962 by brother Robert Turner
as duplicated by brother Dan Gatlin. A link will be provided should you desire
to read them in full, and I believe it will benefit you to do so. However, I’m
compelled to warn that the below approach captioned with the catch phrase
“hasten leisurely” was not and is not today the way to deal with apostasy. The
phrase as you’ll see was taken from the president of Franklin College who urged
brethren in 1850 to “hasten leisurely” in their conclusions touching the
subject of the Bible in Colleges, Professorships in Sacred History and
Theological Schools. Brother Turner adopts and repeats it as that which best
expresses his own personal feelings on this matter in 1962 — some 112 years
later. We must never convince ourselves as Christians only that to deal with error
immediately and demand repentance will do more harm than good — those involved
in error must repent and stop the practice thereof (Cf. Acts 15:1-2; Gal.
2:14). Although you find no scriptures in the several pages of these articles —
“church history” has been and easily may be accompanied by New Testament
Scriptures to expose the false practices, motives and patterns produced by the
human wisdom that seeks to establish human organizations to do the work Christ
gave the churches of Christ to do.
Bob Lovelace
*For more on Human Organizations built by brethren to do the work
Christ gave the local churches to do see “Institutionalism,” “Individually
Supported Societies,” “Societies,” “Human Societies” etc.
Transgender Thing The bible contains an abundance of information applicable to the direction
that our society is going as regards sexual immoralities or perversion. One
immorality perhaps considered less publicized than others is the “transgender”
thing. Perhaps I should be more specific and say “transsexual” thing, i.e. the
desire to live and be accepted as a member of the sex opposite to that of their
own birth. Such often alter their bodies
and physical appearance in order to present themselves according to this desire.
Some of these perversions contain the desire to act and dress “EFFEMINATE”. In
the New Testament alone there are several lists of the works of the flesh that
will keep one out of the kingdom of Christ.
You will find some helpful, worthwhile applications at the close of this
article that will provide wisdom to be shared with others.
What You
Can And Will Do In Christ This brief study should offer assurance to Christians that their EFFORTS to serve God faithfully are attainable,
as well as being greatly aided by others' prayers on their behalf. What one can
and will do by remaining faithful in Christ is declared through the words of
Paul's prayer for the church at Colossae in Col. 1:9-12. Here are the key
thoughts: A. Be filled with knowledge, all wisdom and spiritual understanding.
B. Walk worthy, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and
increasing in the knowledge of God. To
further describe our EFFORTS, the diligence Peter mentions in his list of virtues is paralleled
(2 Peter 5:1-11). C. Strengthened for attaining all steadfastness and
patience, with Joy. D. Joyously giving thanks to the Father. Following is a
"Check Your Spiritual Growth With Self-Test Questions" giving further
emphasis to our growth and development into mature children of God. The stated
"goal" of our efforts is seen
in Philippians 1:10-11.
Review of “Questions of Women’s roles…requires grace, humility” by Cana Moore
(Part One) Part One: Here is an
article concerning WOMEN’S ROLES in the church. It especially centers on
the woman is not to USURP AUTHORITY over a man in I Tim. 2:12. Paul said: 1Ti. 2:11 “Let
the woman learn in silence with all subjection.” 1Ti. 2:12 “But
I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” I’ve got some things I want to say that I
believe apply to some of the contexts in the article; the article should elicit
thoughts of your own as well.
You will find key
points made concerning God’s grace, faith and DOING THE WORKS He prepared
beforehand in eternity to be revealed in the New Testament enable us to be holy
an blameless before Him in love (Rom. 10:17; Jas. 2:24, 26; Eph. 1:4; 2 Tim.
1:9; Eph. 2:10; Col. 1:9-10; I Jo. 1:6-9). There is a brief list of where BEST EFFORTS are seen as we do the works He prepared for us to do.
Review of “Questions of Women’s roles…requires grace, humility” by Cana Moore
(Part Two) Part Two: Here is an article concerning WOMEN’S
ROLES in the church. It especially centers on the woman is not to USURP
AUTHORITY over a man in I Tim. 2:12. Paul said: 1Ti. 2:11 “Let
the woman learn in silence with all subjection.” 1Ti. 2:12 “But
I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” I’ve got some things I want to say that I believe apply to some of the
contexts in the article; the article should elicit thoughts of your own as
You will
find key points made concerning God’s grace, faith and DOING THE WORKS He
prepared beforehand in eternity to be revealed in the New Testament enable us
to be holy an blameless before Him in love (Rom. 10:17; Jas. 2:24, 26; Eph.
1:4; 2 Tim. 1:9; Eph. 2:10; Col. 1:9-10; I Jo. 1:6-9). There is a brief list
of where BEST EFFORTS are seen as we
do the works He prepared for us to do.
Divine Organization ~ The Local Church, Part Two of Two This is Lesson Four (Part Two of Two) in our
Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Four, Part Two:
"God's Divine Organization ~ The Local Church, Part Two of Two." In
this lesson you will be studying the local church as the organization that God
gave for the collective work of Christians in evangelism, edification, worship
and benevolence to needy saints. You will take an in depth look at the
organization of the local church according to God's pattern in the New
Testament. There is abundant material on
the fact that each local
church was to have its own qualified BISHOPS as
overseers, also called ELDERS, pastors or shepherds. There was a
plurality (more than one) appointed over each local church, Acts 14:23. The qualifications for a man who serves as a
BISHOP or overseer in Christ's church are presented right from the
Bible. You can study this
lesson and see the difference in the church of Christ and Catholic,
denominational and community church organization today!
Church Autonomy This is Lesson Six
in our Series: "Fundamental Lessons
on the Church." Lesson Six: "Local Church Autonomy."
Scriptures emphasizing local church autonomy or independence are presented,
along with the needed applications for the present day. The works of the local church that ELDERS are responsible for
overseeing are listed so that
you learn more about the local church and elders.
Catholic rule of faith is not the New Testament This article discusses the
"additions" of Catholicism along with its frank admission that the
New Testament scriptures are not its sole authority. These additions, the
Catholic hierarchy claims have equal authority to the sacred Scriptures. It is
through these "additions" that the hierarchy of the Catholic church
maintains and exercises its control over its people. At the end of the article Christ's scriptural qualifications for a bishop or ELDER (also called overseers and
pastors) in His church is contrasted with a so-called Bishop in
Catholicism. You will be able to see the difference between the two.
Can One Understand the Word of God? (A Brief Study of Scriptural Authority) Most churches never speak out on the necessity
of having “scriptural authority” for
what one believes and practices. In fact, most are not willing to deal with the
subject because of the lack of authority for things they are doing. Here is a
brief study on how to establish scriptural authority by using Statements,
Commands, Examples, and Necessary Inferences found in the Word of God. Each
individual is confronted with the task of seeking the approval of God as set
forth in the Scriptures, over the approval of men. Nor must one allow their
feelings or emotions to take precedent over the requirements of God’s word (cf.
Pr. 14:12). Your parents and family tradition are not the standard of religious
authority (cf. Matt. 10:34-37). One’s conscience is not the standard for there
are examples where one believed they were right when wrong (cf. Acts 26:9). The
preacher is not the standard for the preacher must be preaching the Word (cf. 2
Tim. 4:1-5; Gal. 1:8-9). The ELDERS are not the standard for the elders
must be upholding the Word (Titus 1:9). Human creeds and confessions of
faith written by men are most often found among false standards used today, yet
held in high esteem by men and institutions built by men.
Exposing Women Bishops and the False Episcopal Church Some have asked about
the WOMAN “BISHOP” who spoke to President Trump at the Washington
National Cathedral recently. She’s promoting the Woke that is destroying our
country. Above all, people need to understand that there
is no such thing as a woman “bishop” (ALSO
Moreover, bishops or elders served only over the local church they themselves
were members of!
provided link fully explains what people need to learn from the New Testament
about the church Christ established. The truth of God’s word exposes her and
her false Episcopal church.
Staying with Zoom” The current pride in technology denominational
invite is “Worship online or in person here.” We must be certain that what we
do with high tech is scriptural as regards the work and worship of Christ’s
church. If “zoom” and “online” are let stray, as some among us already have,
then you will have a developed human tradition that will cause many to lose
their souls. The impact itself on the body of Christ can be like a spreading
spiritual virus in years following upon member’s zeal for assembling (Cf. Eph.
4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb. 10:24-27). TO “Speak the things proper for sound
doctrine” you must know the difference between the word “home” and
“house” and “houses” and the words “come together as a church” and “assembling
of ourselves together” and “in the church.” Read here for proper definitions
that lead to proper applications of what it means to “assemble together.”
presented in the following points with the definitions given:
1. Showing oneself a
lover of the truth is seen in SPEAKING the truth to one another (EPH.
EXHORT and rebuke with all authority (TITUS
involves “REPROVE” [G1651], “REBUKE” [G2008] & “EXHORT” [G3870] (CF. 2 TIM. 4:2)
(Titus 1:9).
Degraded State of the Anglican Church
Read the
verses in this article about bishops or
ELDERS in Christ's church and then consider the various council
meetings, emergency meeting, etc., along with the human credentials and
advanced technology used to present to the world their stress of trying to
decide if homosexuality is sin that cannot be tolerated by their church.
Please now, try not to laugh out loud.
Why cannot they simply read the Bible?
Christians Never Need --- The Corporate
Chaplain The corporate Chaplain is unknown in the
New Testament church. Here is your “physical future” generally speaking (Eccl.
12:1-8). With that in mind this article presents duties one must fulfill.
First, there is duty to self to not forsake the truth in old age. Of course, there is also the duty to relieve and care for
one’s own family. Thirdly, this article presents some of the dangers for
Christians in care centers and lessons from the ELDERLY, both good and bad.
Newspaper Articles Dear reader
the following titles are selected newspaper articles that appeared in our local
newspaper the Yuma Sun. Advertizing for many churches tends to follow the
current trend for advertizing in general and has an emotional “pitch” to
possibly interest the reader. The intent of these articles is that each shows a
love for and desire to present the Truth without incorporating the emotional
flavor so popular with other religious bodies today. The topics are: “The Buyer
Is Like The Seller; The Creditor Is Like The Debtor” (What God’s word says
about liars, cheats and murderers applies to all – the rich and poor!); “Wicked Kids, Teens, Beating & Stomping
Others” (This exposes the lie, “Oh
they’re just too young to know better!”; considers
the children who mocked ELISHA; “Even
a CHILD is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be
right” (Pr. 20:11); “Some Wrights Are So Wrong” (When so called “Pastors”
are asked if John 14:6 is true and if they think Islam is another way to
salvation, and then suggest that there is another path to the Father they deny
what Jesus and the apostles taught! (cf. John 12:48).
Casting Down
Eloquence & Sophistry Series (2 Cor. 10:4-5) This series title is
aimed at the ELOQUENCE and sophistry of False
Teachers. Modern teachers love to
emphasize some of the teaching of Jesus while discounting the teaching of His
apostles. This “discount” includes all prophets who wrote the New Testament. Their prejudice
against the whole of the New Testament scriptures makes it easy to identify
them. It is the Scriptures themselves that expose their unwillingness to accept
the whole of the New Testament teaching as the revealed will of Christ. Why not
take time to read the exposure of such false teachers in these newspaper
Churches Fear Applying “Scriptural Authority” ~ Selected Newspaper Articles
Concerning “Scriptural Authority.” Local churches of Christ must continue to be
the pillar and support of the truth. These
three articles relate to the fear manifested by church leaders who use human
wisdom, EMOTIONS and lies; whose goals are power,
prestige, pleasing self and material gain.
Members themselves love their
false position that allows them to fulfill their own lusts. These show how
secular institutions influenced by Political Correctness have become protectors
and enforcers for those who despise God’s Word, thus displaying a lack of
respect for “religious” freedom of speech!
Many and Few by Contrast It is better to have few than to have the human organizations our
brethren have formed that intrude into the work God gave the local churches to
do. God’s blessings come for the few as well as
many who are willing to respect scriptural authority. hen doing so if few they
will nothing to be ashamed of – they certainly will not go by “I FEEL LIKE IT’S RIGHT” or “I don’t have any scripture BUT…” Those who go by FEELINGS or EMOTIONS alone will leave.
Errors of the
"Positive Mental Attitude" Style of
Preaching What is wrong with the POSITIVE MENTAL
ATTITUDE style of preaching – using EMOTIONALISM and entertaining. In
addition there is a short applicable newspaper article attached: “Surely Not Paul Coming to Town ~ When PMA
Guarantees Satisfaction.”
Emotionalism Via E-Mails The
important warning given on EMOTIONALISM in this
article is introduced by, “Dear reader, beware of the appeal of a cute
religious story, poem or prose. People love to be told they are the greatest,
receive unwarranted sympathy, hear they have surprise coming, etc., and thus be
made to feel secure in spite of their ungodliness.”
…With a
click of a button an EMOTIONALLY
charged email can be passed on via one’s mailing list.
Newspaper Articles These are selected articles that appeared in our local newspaper, The Sun.
The intent of these articles is that each shows a love for and desire to
present the Truth without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with
other religious bodies today. Included is “Coming
To Worship ~ A Spectator Sport!” Because laughter is one of the easiest
responses to induce it is being used for deception.
keeps one’s EMOTIONS foremost rather than reason; it shuts out thoughts of
fearing God, eternity, human frailty, either reward or punishing following
one’s death. The sinner is made to feel good when they should feel bad! Moreover,
religious counterfeits have seduced the simple minded into accepting the social
as the spiritual and worship.
Can One Understand the Word of God? (A Brief Study of Scriptural Authority) Most churches never speak out on the necessity
of having “scriptural authority” for what one believes and practices. In fact,
most are not willing to deal with the subject because of the lack of authority
for things they are doing. Here is a brief study on how to establish scriptural
authority by using Statements, Commands, Examples, and Necessary Inferences
found in the Word of God. Each individual is confronted with the task of
seeking the approval of God as set forth in the Scriptures, over the approval
of men. Nor
must one allow their FEELINGS OR EMOTIONS to take precedent over the
requirements of God’s word (cf. Pr. 14:12). Your parents and family
tradition are not the standard of religious authority (cf. Matt. 10:34-37).
One’s conscience is not the standard for there are examples where one believed
they were right when wrong (cf. Acts 26:9). The preacher is not the standard
for the preacher must be preaching the Word (cf. 2 Tim. 4:1-5; Gal. 1:8-9). The
elders are not the standard for the elders must be upholding the Word (Titus
1:9). Human creeds and confessions of faith written by men are most often found
among false standards used today, yet held in high esteem by men and
institutions built by men.
Unsuspiciousness (Jer. 40:14) This is based upon Gedaliah’s mistake as
recorded by Jeremiah. We see stupidity in the pattern presented by refusing to
credit information given by “all” and being indignant towards the informant and
accusing him of lying (Lies). “You liar!” You will often hear that when the
evidence points to something one doesn’t want to believe. He should have
listened. This also includes events in the family of David when Amnon
rapes Tamar, and Absalom seeks to kill Amnon. David
is an example of when EMOTION overrides reason.
Were Pagans Carried Away Unto Dumb Idols (I Cor. 12:2) Many are simply not aware
of the various “other” designations for the Gentiles – such as “pagans,”
“heathens,” “infidels” and “unbelievers.” This is especially true when some of
these refer to idolaters. The world is divided into two divisions: Christians
and the whole world that lies in the power of the evil one, Satan (I Jo. 5:19).
Notice the emphasis given to one either being “in Christ” or “without” i.e.
“outside” of Christ (Col. 4:5). The church
is presented here as it is – a holy nation (I Pet. 2:9) – the spiritual
Israel, citizenship is in heaven – the church made up of both Jews and
Gentiles. There is no praise here for “man” from a physical, ethnic or national
background (cf. Rom. 2:28-29). If one is
not in Christ he is “WITHOUT” or “OUTSIDE” (Col. 4:5). All other “world religions” and religious
beliefs fall under the category of “human philosophy” and “EMPTY DECEPTION”
according to the “traditions of men” (Col. 2:8). When it comes to
the total population of the world there are only two divisions: Christians and
the whole world that lies in the power of the evil one, Satan (I Jo. 5:19).
Wanting Abortions that Murder the Unborn – and All Others Included in the Same
Deception. *POLITICAL, POLITICIANS, POLITICS This article shows just
how deceived anyone is who thinks they can advocate for or practice the murder
the unborn, and newly born. There are many applications
of being DECEIVED, and SELF-DECEIVED while practicing the works of the
flesh! The warning is do not be deceived by EMPTY
WORDS of false teachers who say you can practice them!
The Quran
On Jesus (Series) This series
presents the basic teachings about The Second Coming of Christ, The
Resurrection Day, The Judgment Day and THE END OF THE WORLD. You will often hear that Islam honors all prophets, including Jesus. Just
what “kind” of honor does Islam give to the Lord Jesus Christ? It is certainly
not that they believe in His deity because they do not. The truth is Islam
repeatedly denies that Jesus is God. Islam also denies the basic tenants of the
New Testament teaching about Jesus and salvation. How do you supposedly honor
Him when the honor you give to Him is the dishonor of saying He was not who He
said He was?
Why not follow this series and see the many truths that Islam denies about
Jesus that the New Testament teaches and Christians believe?
Newspaper Articles from 2017 These
four newspaper articles include: (1)
Surely All the Men’s Fault ~ So Called “Forced Heterosexuality”; (2) Surely
Empowerment and Courage ~ Abortion; (3) Surely the ENDS
OF THE WORLD ~ But Don’t Quit Your Job! This brief article uses 2
Pet. 3:10 to show the folly of the end of the world predictions for 2017.
Remember all the hype over the Black Moon in August? And now you know it
doesn’t fulfill bible prophecy connected with the second coming of Christ. A
hoard of speculation falsely used Rev. 12:1-2 and even along with rank
“astrology” tossed in. No sooner does one predictor make a fool of himself than
another chimes in. With a zoom here comes asteroid 2012 TC4 on Oct. 12, 2017.
Scriptures used are out of context, and most of them erringly use scriptures
from the Gospels relating to the signs portending the destruction of Jerusalem
in 70 A.D. by Titus. And just what could motive be other than notoriety and
monetary gain?; (4) Surely Not the Time for Two Drinking Parties ~ Christmas
& New Years.
Things Often
Missing During Afflictions The applications in this brief study will deal with those
who are in affliction. Dear reader, you will notice that with some
of these God has no pleasure. For others, they see God’s faithfulness during
their afflictions. One must ENDURE
afflictions and persecutions and not cast away their confidence!
Why not read this either for your self or with a view to being able to help
Staying with Zoom” The current pride in technology denominational invite is “Worship
online or in person here.” We must be certain that what we do with high tech is
scriptural as regards the work and worship of Christ’s church. If “zoom” and
“online” are let stray, as some among us already have, then you will have a
developed human tradition that will cause many to lose their souls. The impact
itself on the body of Christ can be like a spreading spiritual virus in years
following upon member’s zeal for assembling (Cf. Eph. 4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb.
10:24-27). To “speak the things proper for SOUND DOCTRINE” you must
know the difference between the word “home” and “house” and “houses” and the
words “come together as a church” and “assembling of ourselves together” and
“in the church.” Read here for proper definitions that lead to proper
applications of what it means to “assemble together.”
The kind of SPEAKING DEMANDED is presented in the
following points with the definitions given:
Showing oneself a lover of the truth is seen in SPEAKING
the truth to one another (EPH. 4:20-25).
TO SPEAK, exhort and rebuke with all authority (TITUS 2:15)
PREACHING involves “REPROVE” [G1651], “REBUKE”
[G2008] & “EXHORT” [G3870]
(CF. 2 TIM. 4:2)
(Titus 1:9).
2Ti 4:3 For the time
will come when THEY WILL NOT ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE, but according
to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up
for themselves teachers;
4:4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to
a. “…according to their own desires” > [G1939 epithumia, nf] Thayer: 1) desire,
craving, longing, desire for what is forbidden, lust
b. “…because they have itching ears” > [G2833 knēthō, vb.] Thayer: 1) to scratch, tickle,
make to itch… 3) desirous of hearing something pleasant
c. “…heap up for themselves teachers” > [G2002 episōreuō] Strong’s: to accumulate further,
that is, (figuratively) seek additionally: - heap. Thayer: “to heap up,
accumulate in piles: to choose for themselves and run after a great number of
teachers, 2 Tim. 4:3.
d. “…be turned aside to fables” > [G3454 muthos]
Strong’s: - a tale, that is, fiction (“myth”): - fable > I Tim. 1:4, I Tim.
4:7, 2 Tim. 4:4, Titus 1:14 “…turn away from the truth”; 2 Pet. 1:16 “cunningly
devised tales…”
The Way
of Integrity Psalms
119 This Psalm is often avoided because
of its length. This study begins with eight points on integrity with God.
Understand that it is on the grounds of your integrity that you may plead to
God for protective care against the wicked (Ps. 119:121-128). Because he did
not want to wander from God the
scriptures would be his
counselors (lit., the men of his counsel) to establish his ways. It is God’s word alone that can make you wise, even wiser
than your ENEMIES, teachers, and the aged! Those who forget God’s word will
become your ENEMY though you considered them a friend! These are but
a few of the good lesson presented through studying this Psalm. Why not read
the article and while doing so read it along with your Bible?
God Turns
The Way Of The Wicked Upside Down
lesson considers the path of the wicked that is a familiar topic throughout the
Psalms. You will learn about the wicked by the following: (1) God thwarts the
way of the wicked (Ps. 146:9); (2) God puts the wicked in great fear (Ps. 53);
(3) Accusers are filled with their own ways (Ps. 109). This section tells you
exactly what will happen to the wicked; (4) You will learn about the purpose of
their traps they set for the righteous; (5)
God overthrows the best of secret counsel. They are bold and ENCOURAGE one another as
they talk about their plans (Ps.
End! The Babylonian Captivity (Part
One: Focus On First & Second Stages) :
End! The Babylonian Captivity
One: Focus On First & Second Stages)
“END”? The Babylonian
Captivity – Three Stages (605
B.C., 597 B.C., 586 B.C.)
Eze 7:2 “And you, son of man, thus says the
Lord GOD to the land of Israel: 'AN END! The end has come upon the four corners of the
Eze 7:3 Now the end has come upon you, And I will send My anger
against you; I will judge you according to your ways, And I will repay you for
all your abominations.
I thought it would be good for the younger christians in the church here to see clearly the truth in
these statements concerning Israel's provocation and rebellion against God --
and especially through their lust for idolatry:
Therefore understand that the LORD your God is not giving you this goodland to possess because of your righteousness, for you
are a stiff-neckedpeople.•Deu 9:7 "Remember! Do
not forget how you provoked the LORD your God to wrath in the wilderness. From
the day that you departed from the land of Egypt until you came to this place,
you have been rebellious against the LORD.•Deu
9:24 You have been rebellious against the LORD from the day that I knew you.
One repeated important application in this
study: Pro19:27 Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from
the words of knowledge.
End! The Babylonian Captivity (Part
Two: The Third Stage, Focus On Zedekiah) :
Three Stages of the Babylonian Captivity (Part Two)
An End! The Babylonian Captivity
(Part Two: The Third Stage, Focus on Zedekiah)
WHAT “END”? The Babylonian Captivity – Three Stages (605
B.C., 597 B.C., 586 B.C.)
Eze 7:2 “And you, son of man, thus says the
Lord GOD to the land of Israel: 'An end! The end has come upon the four corners of the land.
Eze 7:3 Now
the end has come upon you, And I will send My anger against you; I will judge
you according to your ways, And I will repay you for all your abominations. I
thought it would be good for the younger christians
in the church here to see clearly the truth in these statements concerning
Israel's provocation and rebellion against God -- and especially through their
lust for idolatry:
Therefore understand that the LORD your God is not giving you this good land to
possess because of your righteousness, for you are a stiffnecked
people.•Deu 9:7 "Remember! Do not forget how you
provoked the LORD your God to wrath in the wilderness. From the day that you
departed from the land of Egypt until you came to this place, you have been
rebellious against the LORD.•Deu 9:24 You have been
rebellious against the LORD from the day that I knew you.
One repeated important application in this
study: Pro19:27 Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from
the words of knowledge.
End! The Babylonian Captivity (Part
Three: Jeremiah’s Lamentations) :
Stages of the Babylonian Captivity (Part Three)
An End! The Babylonian Captivity
Three: Focus on Jeremiah’s Lamentations)
The Babylonian Captivity – Three Stages (605 B.C., 597 B.C., 586 B.C.)
7:2 “And you, son of man, thus says the Lord GOD to the land of Israel: 'An
end! The end has come upon the four
corners of the land.
7:3 Now the end has come upon you, And I will send My anger against you; I will
judge you according to your ways, And I will repay you for all your
abominations. I thought it would be good for the younger christians
in the church here to see clearly the truth in these statements concerning
Israel's provocation and rebellion against God -- and especially through their
lust for idolatry:
Therefore understand that the LORD your God is not giving you this good land to
possess because of your righteousness, for you are a stiffnecked
people.•Deu 9:7 "Remember! Do not forget how you
provoked the LORD your God to wrath in the wilderness. From the day that you
departed from the land of Egypt until you came to this place, you have been
rebellious against the LORD.•Deu 9:24 You have been
rebellious against the LORD from the day that I knew you.
One repeated important application in this
study: Pro19:27 Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from
the words of knowledge.
Memory #2 You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April 2016 before this
continuing article concerning some simple applications pertaining to one’s
memory. Emphasis in this article is given to the importance of our remembering
our own past conduct. Paul did not exclude himself when speaking of past
conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that he acted ignorantly as a
blasphemer, persecutor and violent aggressor (“injurious”) against the church.
He included himself in being foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers
lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another
(Titus 3:3). Paul thought he should do many things contrary to the name of
Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 26:9). This is the difference between “I think I
should” and what is right before God! Recalling
his past before his conversion he said he was “exceeding ENRAGED” or “furiously
enraged” against the church and tried to destroy it (Acts 26:11; Gal. 1:13). Paul had a murderer’s heart (Acts 9:1). He said he
was “chief of sinners” and thus he became an example of the longsuffering of
God for others to learn by who are going to believe on Christ – to show that
the same mercy extended to Paul through obedience to Christ is for all. You use
this to show others who are not yet Christians, who believe they have done so
much wrong that they are not worthy of salvation in Christ, that the promise of
forgiveness of sins when one repents and obeys in baptism is for them (cf. Acts
2:21 with 2:36-41).
Newspaper Articles The following are selected newspaper
articles ran by the Valley church of Christ for 2009-2010. We put some together
periodically in order to post them on our website. Both churches and preachers
would do well to consider that just offering a few scriptural points on
important topics can go a long way in helping others. Consider the following
points on (1) Why Pentecostal / Charismatic Tactics Easily Deceive; (2)
Complaining With No Intention Of Making Things Scriptural; (3) ENTERTAINMENT ~ Stupid Kid’s Games Draw
Customers; (4) Liberation
Theology & Marxist Ideology; (5) Human Creeds & Statements of Faith.
Going to Church
with the Easter Bunny Paying close attention is hard work (Heb. 2:1-3). W. E.
Vine states commenting upon the word correctly translated “Passover” (Acts
12:4), “The term Easter is not of Christian origin. It is another form of
Astarte, one of the titles of the Chaldean goddess, the queen of heaven. The festival of Pasch held by Christians in
post-apostolic times was a continuation of the Jewish feast, but was not
instituted by Christ, nor was it connected with Lent. From this Pasch the Pagan
festival of Easter was quite distinct and was introduced into the apostate
Western religion, as part of the attempt to adapt Pagan festivals to
Christianity” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary). Why not read this presentation and understand fully that the churches
of Christ in the first century were not given a special Easter service. There’s going
to be fun and ENTERTAINMENT!
Using The Word
“Religion” Correctly You will hear,
“You know there is really no such thing as religion in the Bible.” That’s as
false as one saying you can love Jesus but religion is non-essential. Some
falsely present Jesus as greater than religion, but the religion He gave is His
love, holiness, discipline and just nature. Various scriptural usages of the
word “religion” are presented in this
article, while contrasting false religion with the faith once delivered to the
saints (Jude 3). You find references to the Jews’ religion, sects of the Jews
(Pharisees & Sadducees), and
man-made religion after the commandments and doctrines of men. The so called “Sinner’s
Prayer” is man’s invention or tradition! Such are contrasted with “pure
religion and undefiled before God and the Father” (Ja. 1:27). You will find an example here of what is referred to as
“Word Performance” in the often referred to “Christian” ENTERTAINMENT Industry.
the Label “Advertisement” On Our Articles
I’m often asked why there is a label of “advertisement” at the bottom of
the church’s articles. They’ll often say, “No one else’s does, why yours?” The
newspaper places it there. Consider this: While the designation is accurate,
for our articles tell people about the church of Christ, it is obvious that the
content is what we are seeking to get forward (Cf. 1 Tim. 3:15). There should
be a distinct difference in what a church of Christ presents to the community,
and that of the various false religions. And there is if the church is doing
its work as it should. By refusing the often sought “marketing approach” the
Truth becomes apparent. It is the Truth that is important in contrast to sin
and religious error. Included is an exposure of the oft used “Try Us And You’ll Like Us” pitch. People should
be implored to come to the light (Jo. 3:19-21) of God’s Word, and not come
because they’ll like the flattery, socials and ENTERTAINMENT.
When “Mr.
Make a Show” Visits There
are all kinds of visitors – some are beneficial,
some are benefitted by edification and instruction and humble themselves (Cf. I
Cor. 14:25), and some are to be watched carefully (Cf. Acts 20:28-29). Any offer for a local church to merger with another
should be considered in light of “sound doctrine.” The
command to assemble (Heb. 10:25) and edify (I Cor. 14:26; Eph. 4:12; Acts
20:32) is what authorizes the church building. RECREATION
AND ENTERTAINMENT ARE NOT WORK OF THE LOCAL CHURCH --- Christians may do that freely elsewhere among
themselves. Be aware of the tactics churches in error use to gain others’
members –- get togethers at the park for pot lucks,
joint singings that produce for many the feeling those present are all one,
joint recreational events for “the young people” … Many can quickly forget
about “stand fast” (Phil. 1:27; 2 Thess. 2:15) and “sound doctrine” verses (2
Tim. 4:2; Titus 1:9; Titus 2:1) and be induced to make personal acceptance the
standard for fellowship--- which undeniably has led onwards to what we see in
so called churches of Christ (in name only) where they have women deacons, then
add women preachers, then add women elders --- and onwards to fellowshipping
practicing gays and lesbians --- most all justified by false teaching on love.
That’s how apostasy works. It keeps going further from the New Testament
patterns all the while ignoring sound doctrine.
Endings For Torn Relationships Five important
Bible relationships are presented while giving emphasis to the importance of ENTREATY and
reconciliation. The
relationships discussed in this article include Cain & Abel, Esau &
Jacob, Saul & David, Paul & Barnabas and Euodia & Syntyche. Stated goals for ENTREATING are: 1. To be of the same mind, Phil. 2:2; 2. To be at
peace, I Th. 5:13; 3. To understand the outcome of dissension. It strengthens
the enemy of the gospel; the weak when pulled in to
dissensions are caused to stumble; 4. To repent and return to the work, Rev.
3:19-20; 5. To use with older men, I Tim. 5:1; 6. To implement with God's
wisdom which is easy to be entreated, Ja. 3:17-18. Thus one is to be both
approachable and easily persuaded to do that which is right.
What You
Can And Will Do In Christ This brief study should offer assuramce to Christians that their efforts to serve God
faithfully are attainable, as well as being greatly aided by others' prayers on
their behalf. What one can and will do by remaining faithful in Christ is
declared through the words of Paul's prayer for the church at Colossae in Col.
1:9-12. Here are the key thoughts: A. Be filled with knowledge, all wisdom and
spiritual understanding. B. Walk worthy, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in
every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. C. Strengthened for
attaining all stedfastness and patience, with Joy. D.
Joyously giving thanks to the Father. Following is a "Check Your Spiritual
Growth With Self-Test Questions" giving further emphasis to our growth in
knowledge and ability to discern both good and evil.
To do this the Christian
must get past carnality and the works of the flesh that make us dull of
hearing, and spiteful (ENVY, STRIFE,
divisions) of one another (I Cor. 3:1-3). The stated "goal" of our efforts is
seen in Philippians 1:10-11.
Do Not Let
Your Heart Envy Sinners The purpose of this
article is to emphasize the importance of enabling others to develop speech
that correctly describes the sinner ---- and especially our children. Emphasis is
given to what ENVY says about the heart.
Applications are made for this important question: If you can’t say the wicked
are so what are some likely problem you will have? For one, ENVY and FRETTING take away the fear of God (Pr. 8:13). “Wisdom” can say evil
is hated (Rom. 12:9). Ps. 73 discussed here is about one who lost the pure
heart he praised and was envious of the “boasters” who depicted
physical health and material prosperity that most did not have.
Memory #2 You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April 2016 before this
continuing article concerning some simple applications pertaining to one’s
memory. Emphasis in this article is given to the importance of our remembering
our own past conduct. Paul did not exclude himself when speaking of past
conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that he acted ignorantly as a
blasphemer, persecutor and violent aggressor (“injurious”) against the church.
He included himself in being foolish,
disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and
ENVY, hateful, and hating one another (Titus 3:3). There is also the
importance of our not forgetting even one of God’s benefits of salvation in
Christ. Once restored one must not revert back--- thus once again forgetting
the necessary obedience for salvation in Christ.
Call it Easter just “Resurrection Sunday” and Keep the Human Tradition This article contains a complaint spoken by
one who read a newspaper article wherein Lent’s law of fasting is exposed as
human tradition, and not the teaching of the New Testament. The article is
appears along with her complaint. Most who observe Easter services know nothing
about the apostasies in the 2nd Century and what happened from the Period 100
A.D. to 325 A.D. A short view of apostasies from Phillip Schaff’s History of
the Christian Church is presented with specific mention of the observance of the
so called Christian Sabbath, Pentecost, Passover, Easter, EPIPHANY and Christmas.
The House of Public Issues Here is information on the National Cathedral in D.C.
hosting same-sex nuptials. Here is a present example of the fallacy of human
conventions making man made laws and binding them on their church. Such
displays how corrupt churches really are! This includes a brief history of the EPISCOPAL Church and
it progression into gay marriage.
Exposing Women Bishops and the False Episcopal Church Some have asked about
the WOMAN “BISHOP” who spoke to President Trump at the Washington
National Cathedral recently. She’s promoting the Woke that is destroying our
country. Above all, people need to understand that there
is no such thing as a woman “bishop” (also called overseers, elders,
and pastors) in Christ’s church. Moreover, bishops or elders served only over
the local church they themselves were members of!
provided link fully explains what people need to learn from the New Testament
about the church Christ established. The truth of God’s word exposes her and
A Simple Biblical Pattern For
Explaining “Why?” A respondent who
questioned the matter of judging those who live together without marriage
stated, “I think these days it can be a good thing to live together before
getting married.... This obviously goes against your feelings, but
they're just your feelings, not everyone's." Last of all she stated,
"As far as your last sentence, it's not an idea that it's acceptable and
normal, these days, IT IS acceptable and normal.... If you don't like it, then
don't do it.... I wouldn't criticize you...why do you judge about people who
choose to live together?"
This individual wants to know
“Why” I would determine that people who choose to live together are wrong in
doing so. I presumed this to be an honest question deserving of an answer. Understand Jesus fulfilled His promise to guide the Apostles into ALL TRUTH
in the first century (John 14:26, 15:26, 16:13-15, Jude3; 2 Tim.
3:16-17). The revealed inspired Word thoroughly equips the Christian unto
every good work when used for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in
righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
Following a desire to know God's will
as one reads the Bible they must learn to make the proper applications. Proper
applications necessitate distinguishing between what is "right" and
what is "wrong." In the Scriptures the word FORNICATION is
properly defined as “illicit sexual intercourse.” FORNICATION as a
violation of God’s law for mankind is set forth with the penalty being eternal
punishment in hell! (Cf. Rom. 1:32, 3:23, 6:23, Heb. 13:4, Rev. 21:8). “Instruction” in the
Word plainly states that FORNICATION as described above is a work of the
flesh that leads to eternal destruction if not repented of (I Cor. 6:9; Gal.
You saw
it so deal with it! You can read
about the "immediate" approach of our Lord in correcting ERROR. This is followed with scriptures depicting the
responsibility all members have to do the same.
Institutions Among The Brethren by Robert F. Turner (Preceptor 1962) EDUCATIONAL
The below is the first of six articles written in 1962 by brother Robert Turner
as duplicated by brother Dan Gatlin. A link will be provided should you desire
to read them in full, and I believe it will benefit you to do so. However, I’m
compelled to warn that the below approach captioned with the catch phrase
“hasten leisurely” was not and is not today the way to deal with apostasy. The
phrase as you’ll see was taken from the president of Franklin College who urged
brethren in 1850 to “hasten leisurely” in their conclusions touching the
subject of the Bible in Colleges, Professorships in Sacred History and
Theological Schools. Brother Turner adopts and repeats it as that which best
expresses his own personal feelings on this matter in 1962 — some 112 years
later. We must never convince ourselves as
Christians only that to DEAL WITH ERROR (*APOSTASY) immediately and
demand repentance will do more harm than good — those involved in error must repent and stop the practice
thereof (Cf. Acts 15:1-2; Gal. 2:14). Although you find no scriptures in the
several pages of these articles — “church history” has been and easily may be
accompanied by New Testament Scriptures to expose the false practices, motives
and patterns produced by the human wisdom that seeks to establish human
organizations to do the work Christ gave the churches of Christ to do.
Bob Lovelace
*For more on Human
Organizations built by brethren to do the work Christ gave the local
churches to do see “Institutions,” “Individually Supported
Societies,” “Societies,” “Human Societies” etc.
to Deal With Issues While Loving and Following Jesus Those who deal with issues that come up concerning sound doctrine are
often called arrogant for doing so. But think of the arrogance that exempts
from the task. Brethren (including all
members) don’t get to decide “which issues” they’ll deal with for the “issue”
comes to you and your church by evil men entering in among you, and from within
i.e. from among yourselves men arise speaking perverse things. It is sheer
arrogance for one to think they are so important that they do not have to deal
with any issue that involves sound doctrine. Moreover
when issues and apostasies are dealt – shut mouths, reprove severely when
needed, name them when they PERIST IN ERROR and take souls with them, name the
ones whose souls they overthrew and remember both of them as examples in bible
classes and sermons; there is nothing new under the sun and a
different face but the same error will show up again and again, sooner or
Endings For Torn Relationships Five important
Bible relationships are presented while giving emphasis to the importance of
entreaty and reconciliation. The relationships discussed in this article
include Cain & Abel, ESAU & Jacob, Saul & David, Paul & Barnabas and Euodia
& Syntyche. Stated goals for entreating are: 1. To be of the same mind,
Phil. 2:2; 2. To be at peace, I Th. 5:13; 3. To understand the outcome of
dissension. It strengthens the enemy of the gospel; the weak when pulled in to dissensions are caused to stumble; 4. To repent and
return to the work, Rev. 3:19-20; 5. To use with older men, I Tim. 5:1; 6. To
implement with God's wisdom which is easy to be entreated, Ja. 3:17-18. Thus
one is to be both approachable and easily persuaded to do that which is right.
What To Tell Your
Mate When They Are Guilty of Wrath Christians need to
study and then be honest and make the right applications to one another, all
family members, and especially with their own mates (Cf. I Th. 5:14). Those
given to wrath and anger forget that God is not partial. They are wrong in thinking they will ESCAPE
eternal death. God’s forbearance doesn’t mean weakness
(connected with their despising or ignoring Him), nor does his longsuffering
equal forgiveness! Paul demands repentance!
the Label “Advertisement” On Our Articles
I’m often asked why there is a label of “advertisement” at the bottom of
the Church’s articles. They’ll often say, “No one else’s does, why yours?” The
newspaper places it there. Consider this: While the designation is accurate,
for our articles tell people about the church of Christ, it is obvious that the
content is what we are seeking to get forward (Cf. 1 Tim. 3:15). There should
be a distinct difference in what a church of Christ presents to the community,
and that of the various false religions. And there is if the church is doing
its work as it should. By refusing the often sought “marketing approach” the
Truth becomes apparent. It is the Truth that is important in contrast to sin
and religious error. Included is an
exposure of the oft used “Try Us And You’ll Like Us” pitch. …
When visitors are looking to please “self”
rather than God then you’ll often see them get up and march out. Those who hate
the Light aren’t comfortable around applicable teaching. It isn’t that the
church is not friendly. It is what Jesus said about those who love darkness
rather than light because their deeds are evil (Read Jo. 3:19-21). The point
is that YOU are just what GOD’S WORD is looking for! Through instruction from the Word the secrets of the heart are
made manifest (I Cor. 14:24). Those who go a lifetime playing “games” — thinking
that they have ESCAPED the eyes of God — are greatly deceived:
Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick,
and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the
dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is
a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Heb 4:13 Neither is
there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are
naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to
the Label “Advertisement” On Our Articles
I’m often asked why there is a label of “advertisement” at the bottom of
the church’s articles. They’ll often say, “No one else’s does, why yours?” The
newspaper places it there. Consider this: While the designation is accurate,
for our articles tell people about the church of Christ, it is obvious that the
content is what we are seeking to get forward (Cf. 1 Tim. 3:15). There should
be a distinct difference in what a church of Christ presents to the community,
and that of the various false religions. And there is if the church is doing
its work as it should. By refusing the often sought “marketing approach” the
Truth becomes apparent. It is the Truth that is important in contrast to sin
and religious error. Included is an exposure of the oft used “Try Us And You’ll
Like Us” pitch. … People are undeniably being led to believe that all they need
to do is show up for a service they’re sure to like — then they can go right
back to their worldly life styles!
is like a club for them, but the club is like this: “How can ye believe, which
receive honour one of another, and not honour that cometh from God only?” (Jo. 5:44). Such
can forsake assembling, show up occasion when convenient for them and still
receive praise from the members and leaders: “Oh, it is so good to see you
again.” They give them the false praise so they’ll be praised in return: “Woe
unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the
false Prophets” (Lk. 6:26). They desire the things highly ESTEEMED among men that
are abomination to God (Lk. 16:15).
You Really Have To Do Is Believe In God”
said, “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven”
(Matt. 7:21). Please
look below for points concerning ETERNAL LIFE.
Points made concerning
both the Father’s will and JESUS are:
1. Jesus did the will of the father who sent
Him (cf. John 6:37-38).
Jesus’ words are the Father’s (John 17:14, 17).
Jesus was seeking the Father’s glory not His own (Jo. 7:17-18).
Jesus’ authority was the Father’s! (Read John 12:48-50).
Jesus gave us the Father’s word which is truth (John 17:14, 17).
One cannot come to Christ except by the will of the Father (Jo. 6:37).
The Father’s will is that you believe in Jesus His Son (Jo. 6:45).
The “work of God,” or requirement of God is that one believes in Jesus
whom He has sent (John 6:26-29).
The Father’s will is that eternal life comes through belief in Christ
(John 6:40).
10. Eternal life is gained by knowing His Father
and the Son whom He sent (Jo. 17:3).
11. Jesus is the only way to the Father (Jo.
12. The doing of the Father’s will establishes
one’s relationship with Christ (Matt. 12:50).
13. Those who do believe will not perish
14. The belief in Christ that saves is a belief
that obeys Him, else the wrath of God abides upon one (cf. Matt. 7:21; Jo.
3:36; Heb. 5:9).
15. The one who doesn’t believe God has given
us eternal life in His Son makes God a liar (I John 5:10-11).
16. This is all
based in the Scriptures (John 5:39; De. 18:18-19).
17. Jesus didn’t say
that they “can’t” believe and obey but they “would not” (John 8:24).
18. His word which
was the Father’s necessitates baptism for initial obedience in order that one
might be saved (cf. Matt. 28:18-20 “all” authority for “all” nations; Mk.
16:15-16; Acts 16:31; Acts 22:16 an example of Saul obeying the Son of God).
19. Christ was
“end of the Law” (Rom. 10:4). Both Jew and Gentile are saved the same way by
obeying the Gospel (Rom. 1:16, 17, Rom. 3:29-30).
20. To believe in
Christ is to believe in the Father (cf. John 12:44-45). Of course, for that is
the Father’s will! (see above)
21. To reject
Christ is to reject the Father’s word (cf. John 12:48-50, 14:24). Read the
boldness of Peter and John in the newspaper article above (Acts 4:12-13).
22. To receive
Christ is to receive the Father (cf. John 13:20). Jesus told why some do not
receive Him (cf. John 5:43-44).
23. If you don’t
love Christ you don’t keep the Father’s words (cf. John 14:24).
24. If you keep
the Father’s will you will keep Christ’s commandments (cf. John 14:15, 24,
25. To abide in
Jesus’ love is to abide in the Father’s love (cf. John 14:21, 15:9-10; I John
26. To be in
Christ is to be in the Father (cf. I John 4:15-16).
27. Knowing the
Son is knowing the Father (cf. John 14:7-10, 1:18, 10:15; Matt. 11:27 Plain!).
28. If you deny
the Son you do not have the Father (cf. I John 2:23). You’ve called God a liar!
(I John 5:10). You will die in your sins (John 8:24). Those who deny the Son
are in the power of Satan (I John 5:19-20).
29. Whoever
confesses the Son has the Father (cf. I John 2:23).
30. Does the
Father’s will really say all that one must do is believe in God in a very
general way? No!
This becomes, when we understand the expression “the will of My Father,” the very lesson
people need who say Jesus is Lord and then profess there are other religions
that lead to the Father that don’t believe Jesus is Lord (cp. Lk. 6:46). And
again, notice in our study what knowing and doing “the will of My Father” does
to the statement often heard, i.e. all you have to do is believe in God.
You mentioned “going
to Hell,” with accent. After a bible study, which was on Forgiveness, a visitor
asked me, “What do you believe
about Hell?” I told him it believed Hell is real and eternal. Have you heard the saying “God said it,
that settles it, I believe it”? And that
settles it IF I don’t believe it! — but I do and the visitor didn’t. He referred to Hell in his letter
as “the fabled Hell.” Read this article for points that answer those who choose not to believe in
Hell, although the Lord gave much teaching on eternal punishment. You will find
the following words defined: DESTROY, EVERLASTING (ETERNAL) PUNISHMENT,
to a response on "Questions on Witchcraft" A respondent has present the idea that there
was race upon earth who did not have Adam and EVE for their genealogy. She claims to be of this so
called "OTHER PEOPLE." The
reply shows how her claim doesn't fit with the scriptures in the Bible. EVE was the mother of all living!
Review of “Questions of Women’s roles…requires grace, humility” by Cana Moore
(Part One) Part One: Here is an article concerning WOMEN’S ROLES in the church.
It especially centers on the woman is not to USURP AUTHORITY over a man in I
Tim. 2:12. Paul said: 1Ti. 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all
subjection. 1Ti. 2:12 But I
suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. I’ve got some things I want to say that I
believe apply to some of the contexts in the article; the article should elicit
thoughts of your own as well. You will also find
information on MAN’S HEADSHIP in reading about Adam’s accountability along with
EVE’S, his wife, in the Garden.
Newspaper Articles Dear reader the following titles are selected
newspaper articles that appeared in our local newspaper the Yuma Sun.
Advertizing for many churches tends to follow the current trend for advertizing
in general and has an emotional “pitch” to possibly interest the reader. The
intent of these articles is that each shows a love for and desire to present
the Truth without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other
religious bodies today. There is nothing comparable to the truth of God’s words
with its wisdom. The topics are: “The
BUYER Is Like The Seller; The Creditor Is Like The Debtor” (What God’s word says about liars, cheats,
false business practices, and murderers applies to all – the rich and poor!
God’s judgment will come upon all of them for they are all “alike” in their
DESIRE TO DO EVIL); “Wicked Kids, Teens, Beating & Stomping
Others” (This exposes the lie, “Oh they’re just too young to know better!”);
“Some Wrights Are So Wrong” (When so called “Pastors”
are asked if John 14:6 is true and if they think Islam is another way to
salvation, and then suggest that there is another path to the Father they deny
what Jesus and the apostles taught! (cf. John 12:48).
Requirements According to the First Century Revelation This lesson is
Lesson Three in our Series: "Fundamental
Lessons on the Church." Lesson Three: "Membership Requirements
According to the First Century Revelation." In this lesson you will
learn about what one must do to be saved and become a member of Christ's
church. A
full discussion of the conversion of
the Ethiopian EUNUCH leads the way as an introduction to the study
of the accounts of conversion recorded in the book of Acts. The
question, "What must I do to be saved?" is fully answered.
As Taught From The Bible In this article
the example of the baptism of the
Ethiopian EUNUCH in the first century is set in contrast with
teaching from the Catholic Encyclopedia, "Baptism, Sacrament of." The explanation that the Catholic Encyclopedia
gives simply does not equate with what the New Testament teaches about baptism being an immersion. The mode of baptism
taught in the New Testament is immersion and not "pouring."
Concerning John's baptism which preceded the baptism "into Christ"
the Bible says, "And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to
Salim, because there was much water
there: and they came, and were baptized" (John 3:23). Thus with the
mention of "much water"
one sees the clear idea of the physical act of immersion
(being overwhelmed or completely covered). Neither does the New Testament teach
a blessing of the water before baptism! Above all the New Testament does not
teach infant baptism.
You mentioned
“going to Hell,” with accent. After a bible study, which was on Forgiveness,
a visitor asked me, “What do you
believe about Hell?” I told him it believed Hell is real and eternal. Have you heard the
saying “God said it, that settles it, I believe it”? And that settles it IF I don’t believe it! — but I do and the visitor
didn’t. He referred to Hell in his letter as “the fabled Hell.” Read this
article for points that answer those
who choose not to believe in Hell, although the Lord gave much teaching on
eternal punishment. You will find the
A Request: Pray For Me! This article deals
with Christians who request prayer on their behalf. One part of the article
stresses things often neglected and overlooked by such a one. Namely, that "the face of the Lord is against
those who do EVIL" (I
Peter 3:12), and just having someone pray for you without your repentance does
not change your standing before God! Additional points are applied concerning the
one making the request. It also presents the need for repentance and confession
of one's sin as well as an appropriate rebuke at times (I Pet. 3:12, Acts 8:22-24, James 4:4,
I John 1:9).
A Simple Biblical Pattern For
Explaining “Why?” A respondent who
questioned the matter of judging those who live together without marriage
stated, “I think these days it can be a good thing to live together before
getting married.... This obviously goes against your feelings, but
they're just your feelings, not everyone's." Last of all she stated,
"As far as your last sentence, it's not an idea that it's acceptable and
normal, these days, IT IS acceptable and normal.... If you don't like it, then
don't do it.... I wouldn't criticize you...why do you judge about people who
choose to live together?"
This individual wants to know
“Why” I would determine that people who choose to live together are wrong in
doing so. I presumed this to be an honest question deserving of an answer. Understand Jesus fulfilled His promise to guide the Apostles into ALL TRUTH
in the first century (John 14:26, 15:26, 16:13-15, Jude3; 2 Tim.
3:16-17). The
revealed inspired Word thoroughly equips the Christian unto EVERY GOOD WORK
when used for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness (2
Tim. 3:16-17).
Following a desire to know God's will
as one reads the Bible they must learn to make the proper applications. Proper
applications necessitate distinguishing between what is "right" and
what is "wrong." In the Scriptures the word FORNICATION is
properly defined as “illicit sexual intercourse.” FORNICATION as a
violation of God’s law for mankind is set forth with the penalty being eternal
punishment in hell! (Cf. Rom. 1:32, 3:23, 6:23, Heb. 13:4, Rev. 21:8). “Instruction” in the
Word plainly states that FORNICATION as described above is a work of the
flesh that leads to eternal destruction if not repented of (I Cor. 6:9; Gal.
Endings For Torn Relationships Five important
Bible relationships are presented while giving emphasis to the importance of
entreaty and reconciliation. The relationships discussed in this article
include Cain & Abel, Esau & Jacob, Saul & David, Paul &
Barnabas and EUODIA & Syntyche.
Stated goals for entreating are: 1. To be of the same mind, Phil. 2:2; 2. To be
at peace, I Th. 5:13; 3. To understand the outcome of dissension. It
strengthens the enemy of the gospel; the weak when pulled in
to dissensions are caused to stumble; 4. To repent and return to the
work, Rev. 3:19-20; 5. To use with older men, I Tim. 5:1; 6. To implement with
God's wisdom which is easy to be entreated, Ja. 3:17-18. Thus one is to be both
approachable and easily persuaded to do that which is right.
Local Church And Evangelism Lesson
Eight is the final lesson in our Series: "Fundamental
Lessons on the Church." This lesson
presents the patterns for the local
church in the work of supporting EVANGELISTS. It shows how the autonomy of the local church is
maintained along with needed applications for the present day. A warning is issued on the kind of
promotional letters sent out by the unscriptural sponsoring church arrangement.
Emphasis is given to the fact that churches in the New Testament did not attach
themselves to human societies in order to be able to do their work. They sent
no contributions to human societies and received no donations from human
societies. Moreover there were no human societies or foundations set up by
brethren for the support of churches of Christ!
What You
Can And Will Do In Christ This brief study should offer assuramce to Christians that their efforts to serve God
faithfully are attainable, as well as being greatly aided by others' prayers on
their behalf. What one can and will do by remaining faithful in Christ is
declared through the words of Paul's prayer for the church at Colossae in Col.
1:9-12. Here are the key thoughts: A. Be filled with knowledge, all wisdom and
spiritual understanding. B. Walk worthy, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in
every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. C. Strengthened for
attaining all stedfastness and patience, with Joy. D.
Joyously giving thanks to the Father. Following is a "Check Your Spiritual Growth With
Self-Test Questions" giving
further emphasis to our growth in knowledge and ability to discern both good
and EVIL. The stated "goal" of our efforts is seen in Philippians
Let Us
Get You A New Kind Of Preacher! Those full of carnality (works of the flesh) accuse the
faithful unjustly with wicked intent, spread strife with their mouths, and set
an example of EVIL for others to imitate (cf. 3 John 10-11). They
have a goal, an objective, and will sacrifice the truth and brethren to achieve
it! These are looking forward to and working towards division in order that
they might have their own way, and that with the “kind of preaching” that lacks
application and pleases the ungodly (cf. 2 Tim. 4:1-5). Understand that the
longer the church postpones dealing with them scripturally the closer they get
to their unscriptural goals (cf. Rev. 2:20). There is nothing more carnal, and
full of the works of the flesh, that I can think of at this age in my life than
brethren who work to stop applicable preaching and teaching. They will stop at
nothing to get the “new kind” of preacher. Old warnings need to be issued! As
in the past there will always be bigger churches somewhere ready to aid the
pattern of apostasy and provide the “new kind” of teachers and preachers. That
is how apostasy is able to continue. Brethren beware! It is quite possible that
you know of such things happening among us.
The Lies
Of Apostasies The full title of this article is “The Pattern Of Lies Producing And Sustaining Apostasies.” Read
this article to study what Jeroboam did wrong when he said in his heart that
God’s established order would not work. Besides Jeroboam’s apostasy, the
article presents in detail the pattern of lies producing apostasies from the
book of Jeremiah. Some important questions answered are: Why do lies prevail?
How has the truth been affected? What Lies? What will God do in the end? Here
is an excerpt: Why do lies sustaining apostasies prevail? Because they
are shrewd to do EVIL (Jer. 4:22). This includes strengthening
the hands of EVIL doers so none will turn back (Jer. 23:14). When apostasies go on and continue it is proof that they are shrewd to do
evil! Just like Jeroboam above.
Newspaper Articles on Political Correctness You might enjoy reading these newspaper
articles as they are grouped together: “POLITICS DOES NOT MAKE EVIL TO BE GOOD,” “What
Presidents Do When They Promote Abortion And Gay Marriage,” “When the Governing
Powers Refuse to Listen” and “Women Bishops And Gay Marriage Are Both Sinful.”
Transgender Attack This contains two newspaper articles: 1. Surely
Not Shameless ~ The Transgender Directive; 2. Surely Not Living a Lie ~ The
Transgender Directive. These present both the spiritual and physical dangers
tied to the recent “I think I identify with transgender” decree from President
Obama. This is moving quickly in our society and especially so when the media’s
bias is presenting the kind of things that promote LGBT (Lesbian, Gay *Homosexual, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual).
Key points include scriptures
on: evil thoughts, EVIL DESIRE, lewdness, shameless behavior, uncleanness, motives,
the mind, depraved passions, wrath of God upon the children of disobedience,
walked in immoralities, lived in immoralities, despise wickedness and
Charge that Jesus was a Drag King Etc. A College professor has
been quoted as saying Jesus was a drag king, pan-sexual, who was cross dressing
and had lascivious desires at the Passover supper. This capped with Christ (God) lusting
sexually after the Father (God) on the Cross. You’d think a “high” prof in
a theological class would know God is Spirit and theirs is not a physical
relationship. This article gets to the core error of one who held such a
prestigious place among men – Sin and what Jesus had to say about it. There is
no Sin in God (I Pet. 2:22). His Word reveals lewdness is expressed in one’s
words and not just otherwise behavior. EVIL
IMAGINATIONS and images stated in
explanations such as we read are condemned throughout the New Testament. The
only right thing to say about anyone accusing Jesus of lewdness (in word,
thought or deed) is Christ’s own references to man’s heart and what comes out
of it in his speech! You may read now about the filthy speech.
Evil of No Man – But I Can Say… We find the admonition to “speak evil of no
man” in Titus 3:2. To SPEAK EVIL means to vilify, defame, or blaspheme. Most don’t
know how to read the Bible. In the same verse we are not to be a brawler. If I
call a brawler what he is, i.e., a brawler do I violate “speak evil of no man”?
People pay no attention to what Jesus said and where he said it. Furthermore,
they pay no attention to what hypocrites said to Him and when they said it.
Finally, most pay no attention to what Jesus said and who He said it to! When
it comes to social, cultural, and political activities, Christians deal with
the immoralities as He did. The unfruitful works of darkness are to be
reproved. (Eph 5:11-13). I’ll use Herod Antipas as the first example. Was he
the fox Jesus said he was?
and National Ignorance: The concerns of space aliens and extraterrestrial
activity in recent balloon intercepts, present A TOTALLY WRONG PERSPECTIVE OF
PLACE (Gen. 1:26; Ps. 115:16). There are no space aliens! CONSIDERING THE “WHY”
Baptism, Then What? The article
discusses the importance of one's EXAMPLE following their baptism. The material offers appropriate encouragement and
warnings for those recently baptized for the remission of their sins.
Casting Down
Eloquence & Sophistry Series (2 Cor. 10:4-5) Sodom’s filthy conduct in the Old Testament
(Gen.19) stands as an EXAMPLE of the punishment of such for those who
live afterwards in the New Testament period (2 Pet. 2:6-9; Jude 7). Jesus, Himself God, referred to this judgment
where the Lord rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah. He said it will
be just the same way the day the Son of Man is revealed! (Lk. 17: 27-30). Jesus
also referred to the destruction of the ungodly in the world by the Flood (Lk.
17:26-27). Another thing is the Rock who led Israel in the wilderness was
Christ (Ex. 13:21; I Cor. 10:4). Moreover,
Paul taught the judgments brought upon Israel by God in the wilderness stand as
EXAMPLES; they were written for our warning so
that we would not desire to do the evil things they did and likewise be
punished by God (I Cor. 10:5-12).
Can One Understand the Word of God? (A Brief Study of Scriptural Authority) Most churches never speak out on the necessity
of having “scriptural authority” for
what one believes and practices. In fact, most are not willing to deal with the
subject because of the lack of authority for things they are doing. Here is a brief
study on how to establish scriptural authority by using Statements, Commands,
EXAMPLES and Necessary Inferences found in the Word of God. Each person is expected to read and understand
God’s Word, just the same as if someone gave them an important set of instruction
dealing with their work, or health, to read for their benefit.
Majority Know Another Jesus The church at Corinth gladly tolerated fools
who taught another Jesus and different gospel, Paul said (cf. 2 Cor. 11:4,
19). It is possible for one to read the
trifling literature of fools and possess a completely false view of Jesus. Read
the Gospels for yourself and see what He really did do and teach. Here’s a
start with applications from the Gospels themselves that show the stark
differences between what most think Jesus taught and what He really did teach! Verses are
presented that deal with: (10) having heard you have NO EXCUSE FOR SIN…
A Case
Study of Mourning Sin: This article
explains in detail what it truly means to mourn the sins we see others commit. We mourn the
sins of another when we tell one his
or her EXCUSES have come to an end (I Samuel 15:22-23). Several
applicable points are presented.
Old Sayings Of Complacency We often speak
of “age old philosophies” in the context of them being man’s flimsy EXCUSES wherein he justifies
himself in ungodliness. Solomon
said there is nothing new under the sun. Why not take a trip through the ages
and look at some age old sayings of complacency along with the type of
individuals who make them?
Members They Are Sinning In Deliberately Missing Church This article is one
of the most needed and necessary lessons of our day. Beginning with a
list of well known EXCUSES offered by brethren from all over, the blame is
placed where it should be and this is with the unfaithfulness of the church as
a “whole.” Local churches are
failing miserably in making certain of any particular member’s faithfulness,
and thus not to be guilty of allowing unfaithfulness. That “fear” is the main
reason there is an obvious (manifest) attendance problem in so many churches is
plainly stated. Members themselves are afraid of disciplining for fear of
losing numbers, finances, status, etc. God’s people should be told their sins!
Are you afraid to do that?
~ Oldies Are Still the Goodies! There’s nothing so entertaining
to some as tuning in to the “Oldies” program on their available radio network.
In fact, I have a neighbor who does just such a program — he is a veritable
walking encyclopedia on the hits from the 60s. Some of those hits you just don’t get tired of hearing, and there are
some EXCUSES for evading scriptural authority that you are always hearing from
those who never tire of using them. Here are several oldies that are
still goodies for those disrespecting scriptural authority.
God Turns
The Way Of The Wicked Upside Down This lesson considers the path of the wicked
that is a familiar topic throughout the Psalms. You will learn about the wicked
by the following: (1) God thwarts the way of the wicked (Ps. 146:9); (2) God
puts the wicked in great fear because He despises them! (Ps. 53; Lev.
26:14-33); (3) Accusers are filled with their own ways (Ps. 109). This section
tells you exactly what will happen to the wicked; (4) You will learn about the purpose of their traps they set for the
righteous. Their
wicked plots and devices are in order that they might EXHALT themselves!; (5) God overthrows the best
of secret counsel (Ps. 64).
Staying with Zoom” The current pride in technology denominational
invite is “Worship online or in person here.” We must be certain that what we
do with high tech is scriptural as regards the work and worship of Christ’s
church. If “zoom” and “online” are let stray, as some among us already have,
then you will have a developed human tradition that will cause many to lose
their souls. The impact itself on the body of Christ can be like a spreading
spiritual virus in years following upon member’s zeal for assembling (Cf. Eph.
4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb. 10:24-27). TO “Speak the things proper for sound
doctrine” you must know the difference between the word “home” and
“house” and “houses” and the words “come together as a church” and “assembling
of ourselves together” and “in the church.” Read here for proper definitions
that lead to proper applications of what it means to “assemble together.”
presented in the following points with the definitions given:
1. Showing oneself a
lover of the truth is seen in SPEAKING the truth to one another (EPH.
2. TO SPEAK, EXHORT and rebuke with all authority (TITUS 2:15)
3. PREACHING involves “REPROVE” [G1651], “REBUKE”
[G2008] & “EXHORT” [G3870] (CF. 2 TIM. 4:2)
(G1651) THE GAINSAYSERS (G483) (Titus 1:9).
Newspaper Articles Here
are four newspaper articles presented to the community with a love for the
truth. The intent is to present God’s truths
without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other
religious bodies: (4) “Justifying Self By Saying Church Responsibility Is Not
Necessary” answers four popular self justifications offered for not studying
and seeking to worship in a scriptural church. The oft repeated self
justification based on the kingdom is: 2.
“Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you.” Answer: Christ dwells in
the heart of true Christians (Eph. 3:17), and they will not disobey this
command to not forsake assembling
themselves together: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves
together, as the manner of some is; but EXHORTING ONE
ANOTHER: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Heb.
10:25). Why not read the pitiful self justifications along with
their scriptural answers?
The Paths of
Mercy The subject of God’s great mercy is connected with the
things that He delights in. God delights in Loving-kindness, Justice and
Righteousness, thus the necessity of our glorying in these things in order that
we might receive His mercy! Moreover, God’s mercy is for those who fear Him
(Ps. 103:17-18). We must remember that it is in the practice of mercy itself
that we receive back from God (Ps. 18:25-27). Along with these there is a checklist of
applications on God’s kindness that includes the EXPECTATION that I will
see it.
& Additions (Expediencies Reviewed)
churches never speak out on the necessity of having “scriptural authority” for
what one believes and practices. In fact, most are not willing to deal with the
subject because of the lack of
authority for things they are doing. It is important to know the difference
between “AIDS” (EXPEDIENCIES) used to carry out what is authorized
versus “ADDITIONS” which are things not authorized. This lesson should help with that distinction.
Beginning Point Leading To Salvation This article should help anyone today
who has come to realize that the variety of explanations offered today due to
diverse human philosophies and beliefs have left many frustrated concerning the
important matter of salvation. Three such beliefs, the PENTECOSTAL EXPERIENCE,
adults baptizing infants, and professing belief without required obedience are
examined in the light of God's word and found wanting! If you will take your
Bible and read each scripture in this brief study it will enable you to be
honest with yourself (see Acts 17:11) about your own salvation. Moreover, it
will help prevent the all too common occurrence of many misleading others by
that with which they were lead astray themselves.
Articles Series: “For the Greatly Exploited Generation Z” These NEWSPAPER
articles identify spiritual EXPLOITATIONS of the
“Z” generation (2019-2020). Beginning with the truthful statement that
God’s Word will not EXPLOIT you the way
political correctness does --- these present God’s wisdom and power that exists
far beyond mankind’s own wisdom and power. You must believe in a Creator to
learn to put your life into His perspective and purpose for mankind (Ps. 89:11;
Eccl. 12:13). You may read about the various ways generations, actually, have
been deceived and thus think and act contrary to God’s revealed Word.
the Label “Advertisement” On Our Articles
I’m often asked why there is a label of “advertisement” at the bottom of
the church’s articles. They’ll often say, “No one else’s does, why yours?” The
newspaper places it there. Consider this: While the designation is accurate,
for our articles tell people about the church of Christ, it is obvious that the
content is what we are seeking to get forward (Cf. 1 Tim. 3:15). There should
be a distinct difference in what a church of Christ presents to the community,
and that of the various false religions. And there is if the church is doing
its work as it should. By refusing the often sought “marketing approach” the
Truth becomes apparent. It is the Truth that is important in contrast to sin
and religious error. Included is an exposure of the oft used “Try Us And You’ll Like Us” pitch. Such
advertisements seek to take away the fear of having one’s IMMORALITY EXPOSED,
and thus one being seen in the true light of the Scriptures (Jo. 3:19-21).
Has Its Place A Study of Shame. When lives spiritually
are at stake to save them shame matters (!!) and has a place. THERE ARE OTHER WORDS AS WELL AS
EXPLANATIONS. We See The World’s Hatred Of The Light In Jo 3:19-21. Everyone
practicing evil hates the light and does not come to it “lest his deeds should
be exposed.” > “EXPOSED” / “REPROVED” [G1651] Strong’s: - convict, convince,
tell a fault, rebuke, reprove. > CWSD:
In the NT, to convict, to prove one in the wrong and thus to shame him.
All of these are related to
shame when preaching: “rebuke” G2008 (2 Tim 4:2) Thayer: 4) to tax with
fault, rate, chide, rebuke, reprove, censure severely 4a) to admonish or charge sharply; “convict” G1651 (Titus 1:9) Strong’s: -
convict, convince, tell a fault, rebuke, reprove. CWSD: In the NT, to convict,
to prove one in the wrong and thus to shame him; “convict” G1651 Thayer: 2a2) to call to
account, show one his fault, demand an explanation. Some want to act like they are
fighting for the Truth, but they are not really fighting. A rebuke stings.
General Inquiry does not (!!) replace the work of rebuking. The receiver
knows what it sounds like, and it is not a rebuke!
Getting Smart
with God (Sarcasm) : Many people, including some in the church,
think that all uses of sarcasm are simply wrong and belong in the category of
improper speech. Just like “satire” which is often humorous ridicule that
conveys a rebuke or criticism, likewise “sarcasm” can be used to expose folly
and vice. Brethren
it is not wrong to EXPOSE folly to ridicule! Here’s a Bible lesson using sarcasm. The rightful
use of sarcasm is presented in this lesson.
and National Ignorance: The concerns of SPACE ALIENS AND EXTRATERRESTRIAL ACTIVITY in recent balloon intercepts, present a totally wrong perspective of the
earth, life here, and mankind having been given the earth as a dwelling place
(Gen. 1:26; Ps. 115:16). There are no space aliens!
Why We
Rejoice With One Another God
delights over His people to do them good (De. 28:63). The Psalmist said, “Light
is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart” (Ps. 97:11).
We are commanded to rejoice with those who rejoice, and to weep with those who
weep, being of the same mind one toward another (Rom. 12:15-16). Our being
sorrowful when one is arrogant and suffers is different from sharing joy and
sorrow as Paul spoke of. If one of us suffers because we remain arrogant and
obstinate then our tears will be the tears of Jeremiah if we love them (cf.
Jer. 13:17). However, you will find such “rejoice with” applications in this
article as (1) I Can Rejoice With One Who Is Faithful Whom I Know God Delights
Over To Do Good; (2) I Can’t Rejoice With Another When I See The Vanity Of The
World; (3) I Can Rejoice With One Who Rejoice In Truth; (4) I Can Rejoice With One Who Wants God’s
Instruction, Counsel, And EYE Upon Them.
~ Oldies Are Still the Goodies! There’s nothing so
entertaining to some as tuning in to the “Oldies” program on their available
radio network. Some of those hits you just don’t get tired of hearing, and
there are some excuses for evading scriptural authority that you are always
hearing from those who never tire of using them. Here are several oldies that
are still goodies for those disrespecting scriptural authority: I. We are all
part of the body of Christ; II. The EYE CANNOT SAY TO THE HAND, “I have no
need of you”; III. Jesus said, I am the vine and ye are the
branches; IV. God loves sinners too; V. We’ve all been left under human
tradition; VI. Only God can judge another; VII. I’d never tell you that you are
in the wrong church; VIII. Never place a period where God has placed a comma.
the Label “Advertisement” On Our Articles
I’m often asked why there is a label of “advertisement” at the bottom of
the Church’s articles. They’ll often say, “No one else’s does, why yours?” The
newspaper places it there. Consider this: While the designation is accurate,
for our articles tell people about the church of Christ, it is obvious that the
content is what we are seeking to get forward (Cf. 1 Tim. 3:15). There should
be a distinct difference in what a church of Christ presents to the community,
and that of the various false religions. And there is if the church is doing
its work as it should. By refusing the often sought “marketing approach” the
Truth becomes apparent. It is the Truth that is important in contrast to sin
and religious error. Included is an
exposure of the oft used “Try Us And You’ll Like Us” pitch. …
When visitors are looking to please “self”
rather than God then you’ll often see them get up and march out. Those who hate
the Light aren’t comfortable around applicable teaching. It isn’t that the
church is not friendly. It is what Jesus said about those who love darkness
rather than light because their deeds are evil (Read Jo. 3:19-21). The point
is that YOU are just what GOD’S WORD is looking for! Through instruction from the Word the secrets of the heart are
made manifest (I Cor. 14:24). Those who go a lifetime playing “games” — thinking
that they have escaped the EYES of GOD — are greatly deceived:
Heb 4:12 For the word
of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and
marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the
Heb 4:13 Neither is
there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto
the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
A Case Of Compromise The primary part of this
study concerns Jehoshaphat (the king of Judah) and his compromise with wicked
Ahab the king of Israel (the northern kingdom). It compares Ahab's religion
with the description of
Jehoshaphat who did not let the Levitical service and the Temple
deteriorate, but was diligent in having the law of God taught in Judah (2 Ch.
17:6-9). A secondary point is that we
should follow the example of EZRA and
make sure that our actions match our statements we make about God's goodness,
providence and power in our lives (Ezra
8:21-32). This simple lesson shows why
people compromise the Truth along with the attendant consequences for doing