D list: to help with finding a topic look at the words in BOLD print.
Jewish churches ~ A critique of one of
the newer movements (denominations) today, Messianic Judaism. These are Jews
who profess belief in Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah. Their worship appears
to be a combination of Old and New Testament items. They look for a return of Christ,
whom they do believe is the Messiah, back to the earth in
order to reign from Jerusalem. One
point made concerns their use of what they refer to as Messianic DANCE in worship.
on Dirty Dancing:
The continued
progression in ungodliness in DANCE among young people should be
evident. This contains various short quotes from different sources for
descriptive purposes.
Description of the Wicked This is a good article to present to the teenager
at home or elsewhere. The article is
written as a way of warning the young
and others as well the simple minded who do not see DANGER.
The vicious conduct of the wicked is well illustrated in Judges 19 with
regard to the Levite and his concubine who turned in to Gibeah to lodge for the
night. Applications to “today” include the fact that in some cases the “victim”
must understand that a tragedy could have been avoided had they themselves not
contributed by being out late at night in a place that makes them vulnerable.
Majority Know Another Jesus The church at Corinth gladly tolerated
fools who taught another Jesus and different gospel, Paul said (cf. 2 Cor.
11:4, 19). It is possible for one to
read the literature of fools and possess a completely false view of Jesus. Read the Gospels for yourself and see what
He really did do and teach. Here’s a start with applications from the
Gospels themselves that show the stark differences between what most think
Jesus taught and what He really did teach! Verses are presented that deal with: (1) the reason for not accepting Christ’s
word is you LOVE DARKNESS rather than light …
Somebody Told You a Christian Cannot Sin This
larger article begins with two brief newspaper articles that illustrates the
habit some develop of picking a favorite verse, or verses, without considering
“all” that the New Testament teaches on a particular topic. Thus we have an
example of “the favorite verses syndrome.” This happens to concern the
matter of Christians and when they do sin. It includes important points and
topics such as “God Knows,” “Why Confess?,” “Our Advocate is Jesus Christ,”
“The Wholeness of the Doctrine of Christ,” “God Gave Us His Word so We Can
Practice Righteousness” and “When Considering the Devil and Christians.”
Understand that John is emphasizing our “practicing righteousness” as our
“walk” or manner of life (I Jo. 1:6, I Jo. 3:7). We
are to walk in the LIGHT and not in DARKNESS.
Evil of No Man – But I Can Say… We
find the admonition to “speak evil of no man” in Titus 3:2. To speak evil means to vilify, defame, or blaspheme. Most
don’t know how to read the Bible. In the same verse we are not to be a brawler.
If I call a brawler what he is, i.e., a brawler do I violate “speak evil of no
man”? People pay no attention to what Jesus said and where he said it.
Furthermore, they pay no attention to what hypocrites said to Him and when they
said it. Finally, most pay no attention
to what Jesus said and who He said it to! When it comes to social, cultural, and political
activities, Christians
deal with the immoralities as He did. The unfruitful WORKS OF
DARKNESS are to be reproved (Eph 5:11-13).
I’ll use Herod Antipas as the first example. Was he the fox Jesus said he was?
Study of Sin Confessed This article addresses
the responsibility that Christians have to confess the sins they commit in
order that they might be forgiven. It explores various reasons and motives that
lay behind one's willingness to confess their wrongdoing. King DAVID in 2 Sam.
12:1-13 is used to show that confession of sin is sometimes produced upon
awareness of the same in others.
Noah Got Drunk,
But That’s Not Me! There is a look here at Noah in failing as all righteous men will do (Ecc 8:20). There are several
here concerning Noah. Also, on DAVID and
BATHSHEBA --- David with lustful eyes
coveting another man’s wife, and she lusted after him. In Bathsheba you see the
mind of a soon to be adulteress going to where he told her to meet him! And
then afterwards she’s going back to her house where she belongs!
Endings For Torn Relationships Five
important Bible relationships are presented while giving emphasis to the
importance of entreaty and reconciliation. The
relationships discussed in this article include Cain & Abel, Esau &
Jacob, Saul & DAVID, Paul & Barnabas and Euodia & Syntyche. Stated
goals for entreating are: 1. To be of the same mind, Phil. 2:2; 2. To be at
peace, I Th. 5:13; 3. To understand the outcome of dissension. It strengthens
the enemy of the gospel; the weak when pulled in to dissensions are caused to
stumble; 4. To repent and return to the work, Rev. 3:19-20; 5. To use with
older men, I Tim. 5:1; 6. To implement with God's wisdom which is easy to be
entreated, Ja. 3:17-18. Thus one is to be both approachable and easily
persuaded to do that which is right.
Based Upon One’s Righteousness, Integrity This study is linked with a prior
article and is a continuation of integrity as defined from Psalms 119, as well
as other Psalms. For the first article see the introduction. In this study you
will find such points as: (1) Pleading for protection against the wicked, (2)
One’s hope for deliverance, (3) Asking God for vindication, (4) Who is fit for
communion with God, (5) What preserves when in distress, (6) The “I Haves” of
integrity, and (7) DAVID’S integrity.
Every Politician Needs to Know Applicable lessons based
upon DAVID’S ADDRESSES, and of course God’s, to
Solomon concerning his reigning upon David’s throne form the background of this
particular article. This article applies to politicians. Read about Solomon’s
throne and exemplification of one of his own proverbs: “It is an abomination to
kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness”
(Prov. 6:12). Applications are also made from the book of Jeremiah and the
Psalms denouncing oppression, fraud, extortion, cruelty and the destruction of
the foundation of society.
A Safe
Deposit For My Treasures Do you
really want to go to heaven? This article contrasts the physical setbacks
besetting those who suffered during the fires of 2003 with the eternal setbacks
of not heeding Jesus instruction in Matt. 6:19-20. Why not refresh your mind by
reading about heaven as a safe deposit for your treasures? Morever you can read and understand that Heaven is a place where there will be no more death,
sorrow, crying, pain, curse or night - just eternal DAY (Rev. 21:1-4,
Doctrines on the State of Man After Death Corrected by the Scriptures : Some
religions believe that one ceases to exist after death and before the DAY of JUDGMENT. The Seventh-day Adventists’
belief is stated here to illustrate. Then compare Scriptural
Transfiguration of Jesus and those present; an after death conversation with
Abraham who is with Lazarus. This study relates to scriptures showing that
death cannot separate the faithful from the love of Christ and that one does
“not” cease to exist after death and before the Judgment Day. In addition there is an attached applicable newspaper article: “Surely
Not Laughable ~ When You Are Dead You Know It!”
What To Tell Your
Mate When They Are Guilty of Wrath Christians need to
study and then be honest and make the right applications to one another, all
family members, and especially with their own mates (Cf. I Th. 5:14). The stubborn and unrepentant heart stores up
wrath for the DAY of JUDGMENT.
Casting Down
Eloquence & Sophistry Series (2 Cor. 10:4-5) Sodom’s filthy conduct
in the Old Testament (Gen.19) stands as an example of the punishment of such
for those who live afterwards in the New Testament dispensation (2 Pet. 2:6-9;
Jude 7). Jesus, Himself God, referred to
this judgment where the Lord rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah.
He said it will be just the same way in the DAY the Son
of Man is Revealed! (Lk. 17: 27-30).
Newspaper Articles These are selected
articles that appeared in our local newspaper, The Sun. Included is “An Old Fear and Shame
~ EASTER.” Like most today leaders
in the second century were desirous of making the church more attractive. They
were fearful that the simple worship God gave His church would be held in
contempt by those used to pompous ceremonies as part of their old systems. This
fear was coupled with their being ashamed of the truths of the Gospel (Cf. Rom.
1:16-17; 2 Tim. 4:1-6). This departing from the faith was a refusal
to accept the admonition given by Paul in Col. 2:14-16 and Gal. 4:10. Leaders
today stand guilty of the same refusal, fear, and being ashamed in their
binding the OBSERVANCE OF DAYS, festivals and celebrations upon their
churches (Cf. Gal. 1:6-9;
Rev. 22:18-19).
Going to Church
with the Easter Bunny Paying close attention is hard work (Heb. 2:1-3). W. E. Vine states
commenting upon the word correctly translated “Passover” (Acts 12:4), “The term Easter is not of Christian
origin. It is another form of Astarte, one of the titles of the Chaldean
goddess, the queen of heaven. The
festival of Pasch held by Christians in post-apostolic times was a continuation
of the Jewish feast, but was not instituted by Christ, nor was it connected
with Lent. From this Pasch the Pagan festival of Easter was quite distinct and
was introduced into the apostate Western religion, as part of the attempt to
adapt Pagan festivals to Christianity” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary).
Why not read this presentation and understand fully that the churches of Christ
in the first century were not given a special Easter service. The development of SPECICAL
DAYS and FESTIVALS for the church after the death of the apostles was
the result of apostasy!
Divine Organization ~ The Local Church, Part Two of Two This is Lesson Four (Part Two of Two) in our
Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Four, Part Two: "God's Divine Organization ~ The Local
Church, Part Two of Two." In this lesson you will be studying the
local church as the organization that God gave for the collective work of
Christians in evangelism, edification, worship and benevolence to needy saints.
You will take an in depth look at the organization of the local church
according to God's pattern in the New Testament. Both the place and qualifications for elders and DEACONS are given right from the Bible in order for you to see the difference in the church of Christ and
Catholicism, denominationalism and the community type churches.
The Appreciation
Of Godly Sisters In Christ The tremendous value of our sisters in
Christ is set forth in this article. They are to be ready unto every good work
(Eph. 2:10, I Tim. 5:10, Titus 3:1, 2:14). We
are all to stay ready unto every good work (Titus 3:1). Consider by contrast the sisters that are not
appreciated mentioned in I Timothy 5. The first thing said about the
unappreciated sister (s) is she gives herself to wanton pleasure and is DEAD while she lives (I Tim. 5:6). Sensual desires
lead to her casting off the faith (I Tim. 5:10-13). That is followed by the
duties in I Tim. 5:14 that come with marriage, bearing children, managing the
household, and giving no occasion to adversary for reproach. Paul adds that
others would follow what some had already done in turning aside after Satan (I
Tim. 5:15). Why not study the nine points of application directed
towards their being scripturally appreciated?
~ Things I Can Count On Today America
was attacked by terrorists on this date. This is a “time” when people thrive upon
inappropriate statements, and misleading applications of God’s Word.
Illustrations of such would be, “Nostradamus said…,” “Armageddon has come” and
“the Mark of the Beast.” When men have questions as to "Why?" or
"What is the future?" Christians have a limited number of precious
things that they can depend upon. These few but precious things are where a
Christian's life really is any day and any place that they might be. One distinction of being a Christian is
that we know the reality
of physical DEATH and of eternal damnation (Heb.
9:27; Mark 9:43-48).
A Safe
Deposit For My Treasures Do you
really want to go to heaven? This article contrasts the physical setbacks
besetting those who suffered during the fires of 2003 with the eternal setbacks
of not heeding Jesus instruction in Matt. 6:19-20. Why not refresh your mind by
reading about heaven as a safe deposit for your treasures? Morever you can read and understand that Heaven is a place where there will be no more DEATH,
sorrow, crying, pain, curse or night - just
eternal day (Rev. 21:1-4, 21:25-22:5).
Doctrines on the State of Man After Death Corrected by the Scriptures : Some
religions believe that one ceases to exist after death
and before the DAY of JUDGMENT. The
Seventh-day Adventists’ belief is stated here to illustrate. Then compare Scriptural AFTER-DEATH SCENARIOS such as the Transfiguration of Jesus and those
present; an after death conversation with
Abraham who is with Lazarus. This study relates to scriptures showing that
death cannot separate the faithful from the love of Christ and that one does
“not” cease to exist after death and before the Judgment Day. In addition there is an attached applicable newspaper article: “Surely
Not Laughable ~ When You Are DEAD You Know It!”
Has Its Place A Study of Shame. When lives spiritually are at
stake to save them shame matters (!!) and
has a place. Shame is a consequence of
sin that is a violation of God’s law; with sin there is sting of conscience
(that’s shame). Having obeyed the gospel, you still feel shame for
past sins now (at the present time):
Rom 6:20 For when you
were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to
righteousness. Rom 6:21 What fruit did you have then in the things of
which you are now ashamed? FOR THE
reminder the outcome of those things is eternal death in Hell. > Those who
exchange their soul’s salvation for material things are ashamed of Christ, and
He will be ashamed of them when He comes – they will be lost eternally: (Mk 8:34-38).
To think you can spend your life not going to church, not serving God in “every
good work” (Titus 1:16, 3:1) is to be self-deceived – this is the materialistic
man’s own imagination (Pr 18:11).
Newspaper Articles Selected from 2020 This selection includes: (1) “A Win
for Women” concerning the argument that sex refers to biological sex and does
not include “gender identity”; (2) “Worry About Your Soul Today!” is a simple
imploration for one to pause and consider the value of their soul and its
eternal well being after this life on earth, and that
along with needed warnings and examples – one of which is a real person who did
not do such; (3) “AFRAID OF DYING? Losing All?” again
implores one to pause and consider their soul’s value in light of the
impossibility of trying to serve God and mammon (Lk. 16:13).
Things in
Christ not found in Islam One simple but effective way of explaining the
difference between a major “world” religion and the gospel of Christ (the New
Testament, Matt. 26:28) is to show the things found “in Christ” that are not
found elsewhere. The following are things found in Jesus Christ that are not found in
Islam. One of these being that Jesus’ DEATH (sacrifice) satisfies the
penalty for sin.
Came to Fulfill the Law (Matt. 5:17-18)
People are quick to quote these passages
to justify using a combination of the Mosaic Law (Old Testament or Covenant)
along with the New Testament. This is used for any number of things, but
especially for items of worship that they particularly like which cannot be
justified by the New Testament teaching concerning the church of Christ. The
attraction of special clothing (cf. Ex. 28) for ministers and priests, along
with the use of instruments, candles, incense, etc. would be examples. For the
most part should any one of them be asked, Why not offer the animal sacrifices
and various offerings and activities made by the Jews at the Temple? — they’d
say that’s not necessary today. Why? Since we are not given these in the New
Testament for worship are we free to choose one or all if we want to? The Jews blinded by
their affection for the Law of Moses were holding to a ministry of DEATH and
condemnation (2 Cor. 3:4-16). But
when they turned to Christ and His New Covenant that blindness would cease (I
Cor. 3:12-16).
Newspaper Articles Dear reader the following titles are selected
newspaper articles that appeared in our local newspaper the Yuma Sun. The
intent of these articles is that each shows a love for and desire to present
the Truth without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other
religious bodies today. There is nothing comparable to the truth of God’s words
with its wisdom. The topics are: “The Buyer Is Like The Seller; The Creditor Is Like The
DEBTOR” (What God’s word says about liars,
cheats and murderers applies to all – the rich and poor!); “Wicked
Kids, Teens, Beating & Stomping Others” (This exposes the lie, “Oh they’re
just too young to know better!”); “Some Wrights Are So Wrong” (When so called “Pastors” are asked if John 14:6 is true and
if they think Islam is another way to salvation, and then suggest that there is
another path to the Father they deny what Jesus and the apostles taught! (cf.
John 12:48).
Added to the Lord It is common to hear people ask,
“Are you a BELIEVER?” But they never ask if you’ve been ADDED TO
THE LORD. Why? Look below to understand when believers are added to the
Lord. After the brief newspaper article there is more concerning DECEIT IN TEACHING the so-called “Sinner’s Prayer” for salvation.
A Read the
Bible Story worth Telling The importance of reading the Bible is stressed along with
appropriate applications concerning the blessings of reading it, hearing it and
keeping it. In Jo. 8:31-32 Jesus said if you continue in word, then you are my
disciples. The Bible can be understood alike. If those who believed on Him couldn’t understand it alike
then how could they continue in it? Concerning the epistle to the Ephesians Paul
said, “Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of
Christ” (Eph. 3:4). There is this warning: If you could not understand the Bible you would not know the difference between human
tradition, man’s so called spiritual wisdom, and God’s Word! Col 2:8 warns us, “Beware
lest any man spoil you through philosophy and VAIN DECEIT, after the tradition
of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” So why do people make the claim we cannot
understand the Bible alike? They claim such because they are holding on to
their human traditions. With that in mind the article presents a conversation
with a man who said that he is reading the Bible for himself for the first time
in his life. Moreover, he’s seeing the differences between what man is willing
to teach for the sake of human tradition, power, prestige, etc. and how the
Bible really reads.
The Lies
Of Apostasies The full title of this article is “The
Pattern Of Lies Producing And Sustaining Apostasies.” Read this article to study what Jeroboam did
wrong when he said in his heart that God’s established order would not work.
Besides Jeroboam’s apostasy, the article presents in detail the pattern of lies
producing apostasies from the book of Jeremiah. Some important questions
answered are: Why do lies prevail? How has the truth been affected? What Lies?
What will God do in the end? Here is an excerpt: “What happened
to the truth? Through DECEIT they
refused to know God! (Jer. 9:6). When
apostasies go on and continue it is proof that through DECEIT
God’s people refuse to know Him! The truth perished. Hear Jeremiah, “But thou shalt say unto them, This is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the Lord their God, nor receiveth correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their
mouth” (Jer. 7:28). … When apostasies go on and continue it is proof that God’s people choose to dwell in the midst of DECEIT and refuse to return to
the New Testament pattern!”
Casting Down
Eloquence & Sophistry Series “Everyone” who practices sin transgresses God’s
law, for sin is a transgression of God’s law (I Jo. 3:4). Great DECEIVERS are using “love your
neighbor” to put their own stamps of approval on iniquity! They teach the
local church is accept and fellowship heterosexual couples living together in
fornication (sin, Gal. 5:19), accept those in homosexual and lesbian
relationships (sin, I Cor. 6:9, Rom. 1:26-27), condone and fellowship
adulterous marriages (Matt. 19:9), etc. These DECEIVERS are guilty of rejoicing in iniquity, not
loving God, and being religiously injurious to all in their wicked deceptions! Their
churches are full of iniquity and their members love to have it so (2 Tim.
3:1-5, 4:3).
Newspaper Articles The following are selected newspaper
articles ran by the Valley church of Christ for 2009-2010. Both churches and
preachers would do well to consider that just offering a few scriptural points
on important topics can go a long way in helping others. Consider the following
points on (1) Why Pentecostal / Charismatic Tactics
Easily Deceive; (2) Complaining With No Intention Of Making Things Scriptural;
(3) Stupid Kid’s Games Draw Customers; (4) Liberation Theology & Marxist
Ideology; (5) Human Creeds & Statements of Faith.
Memory #2 You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April 2016 before this
continuing article concerning some simple applications pertaining to one’s
memory. Emphasis in this article is given to the importance of our
remembering our own past conduct. Paul did not exclude himself when
speaking of past conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that he was a
blasphemer, persecutor and violent aggressor (“injurious”) against the church. He
included himself in being foolish, disobedient, DECEIVED,
serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and
hating one another (Titus 3:3). There is also the importance of our not
forgetting even one of God’s benefits of salvation in Christ. Once restored one
must not revert back--- thus once again forgetting the
necessary obedience for salvation in Christ.
Unsuspiciousness (Jer. 40:14) This is based upon Gedaliah’s mistake as
recorded by Jeremiah. We see stupidity in the pattern presented by refusing to
credit information given verified by “all”; he was indignant towards the
informant and accusing him of lying. “You liar!” You will often hear that when
the evidence points to something one doesn’t want to believe. He should have
listened. This also includes events in the family of David when Amnon rapes
Tamar and Absalom seeks to kill Amnon. One point developed is the how ungodly
friends will support improper sexual thoughts and help another fulfill them. We
see David’s sin and weakness in withholding discipline; a father is DECEIVED and lied to by his own son.
Articles Series: “For the Greatly Exploited Generation Z” These NEWSPAPER articles identify spiritual exploitations of the “Z”
generation (2019-2020). Beginning
with the truthful statement that God’s Word will not exploit you the way
political correctness does --- these present God’s wisdom and power that exists
far beyond mankind’s own wisdom and power. You must believe in a Creator to
learn to put your life into His perspective and purpose for mankind (Ps. 89:11;
Eccl. 12:13). You may read about the various ways
generations, actually, have been DECEIVED and thus
think and act contrary to God’s revealed Word.
Theft Here
is a lesson based upon the prevalence of “identity theft.” This lesson answers
the questions, What is identity theft? How do thieves steal an identity? What
do thieves do with a stolen identity? How can you find out if your identity was
stolen? And what can you do to help fight identity theft? --- all with a spiritual
view as to the use of Christ’s name without proper permission and how Christ
name theft crimes take many forms. Spiritually the unity of belief and practice
of the one Gospel is the means by which we fight
identity theft and protect against those who wear Christ’s name who are frauds.
Paul described supposed spiritual
workers as false apostles and DECEITFUL WORKERS,
disguising themselves as apostles of Christ and servants of righteousness (cf.
2 Cor. 11:13-15). You will find twelve scriptural and helpful applications for
detecting these impostors who preach another Gospel. Such will “rob”
you of your prize if you let them (Col. 2:18-19).
Governing Our Collective Worship You may never have heard about "Spontaneous Singing" as practiced in some
churches. Perhaps you would be
interested in the scriptures that authorize all of the church doing
things DECENTLY and in order during worship.
Were Pagans Carried Away Unto Dumb Idols (I Cor. 12:2) Many are simply not
aware of the various “other” designations for the Gentiles – such as “pagans,”
“heathens,” “infidels” and “unbelievers.” This is especially true when some of
these refer to idolaters. The world is
divided into two divisions: Christians and the whole world that lies in the
power of the evil one, Satan (I Jo. 5:19). Notice the emphasis given to one
either being “in Christ” or “without” i.e. “outside” of Christ (Col. 4:5). All other “WORLD
RELIGIONS” and religious beliefs fall under the category of human
Wanting Abortions that Murder the Unborn – and All Others Included in the Same
Deception. *POLITICAL, POLITICIANS, POLITICS This article shows just
how deceived anyone is who thinks they can advocate for or practice the murder
the unborn, and newly born. There are many applications
of being DECEIVED, and SELF-DECEIVED while practicing the works of the
What are the Works
of the Flesh? The WORKS OF
THE FLESH in the New Testament scriptures are part of God’s moral
analysis to be taught and applied. The Vatican recently issued a new
document stating when people ask their priests for a blessing “an exhaustive
moral analysis should not be placed as a precondition for conferring it” – this
is mentioned later with comments in this article. The works of the flesh are
sin (I Jo 3:4). We’re told they are what keeps one from Heaven,
and sends one to Hell – thus, the truth about them must not be rejected. The
works of the flesh can be divisive being sound doctrine (I Cor 11:19).
God’s word applied correctly will divide the faithful from the unfaithful. False
churches push Woke philosophies and LGBT+ based on out right acceptance
(!!) of the works of the flesh.
can compare what the Vatican says with important points like these:
The warning is DO NOT BE DECEIVED, for
those practicing the works of the flesh will not inherit the kingdom of God
(Gal 5:19-21; I Cor 5:9-13; I Cor 6:9-11; Ja 1:13-16).
Strong Spiritually Against Those Who Frame Wickedness by Law Don’t buy in with the
sinful Go-Along Get-Along Gang. Just keep on exposing and reproving what is
sinful. The New Testament, the will of Christ, will do that right well.
Christians don’t endorse man’s “legislations” – Ps 94:20 Can a throne of destruction be allied with You, one who
devises mischief by decree? > “DECREE” H2706 a statute, law -- just because a particular political party
might be pushing them. See the point on Republicans and the 15 WEEK abortion
Rule of
Law Points From the authority implied in the “name” of Jesus Christ, who
has all authority, several points are made concerning the Gospel as the power
of God unto salvation for all men, Jesus’ authority to judge by His law, Sin as
a violation of Christ’s law and how His law convicts of sin. Major emphasis is also given to the RULE OF LAW of law being
attacked by ignorance, wrongful intent, good intentions, sincerity, carelessness,
ignoring, impulse and inconsistency, showing partiality, OUTRIGHT DEFIANCE, distortion of one’s words
and partial narratives of the Word (to neglect to teach the whole counsel of
God, Acts 20:27, 32.). Applications include God is no respecter of persons, to
show respect of persons is sin, the kind of judgment that condemns oneself, and
the one who boasts in God’s law but dishonors God through breaking the law.
Let Us
Get You A New Kind Of Preacher! Those full of carnality (works of
the flesh) accuse the faithful unjustly with wicked intent, spread strife with
their mouths, and set an example of evil for others to imitate (cf. 3 John
10-11). They have a goal, an objective, and will sacrifice the truth and
brethren to achieve it! These are looking forward to and working towards
division in order that they might have their own way, and that with the “kind
of preaching” that lacks application and pleases the ungodly (cf. 2 Tim.
4:1-5). Understand that the longer the
church postpones (DELAYS) dealing with them
scripturally the closer they get to their unscriptural goals (cf. Rev. 2:20). There is nothing more carnal, and full of the works of the
flesh, that I can think of at this age in my life than brethren who work to
stop applicable preaching and teaching. They
will stop at nothing to get the “new kind” of preacher. Old warnings need to be
issued! As in the past there will always be bigger churches somewhere ready to
aid the pattern of apostasy and provide the “new kind” of teachers and
preachers. That is how apostasy is able to continue.
Brethren beware! It is quite possible that you know of such things happening
among us and you need to help stop it!
The Way
of Integrity Psalms
119 This Psalm is often avoided because
of its length. This study begins with eight points on integrity with God. When free from the reproach of
inconsistencies we can have DELIGHT in God’s word as a
source of joy in our lives.
The Correct Delight of Kings “The appreciation of “THE DELIGHT OF KINGS” of Israel --- kept in proper
context under the Old Covenant --- is seen in their fear of God and
obedience to His commands given to Israel. The commands for them to love
truth and righteousness, and some doing so, stands in contrast to the
wickedness of civil government today!”
“They Delight In Destroying!”; “They Are Not Good People,
Nor Children.” : “They DELIGHT IN DESTROYING!” …These two articles
connect both adults and children to the destructive influence of WOKE philosophy, LGBTQ, and TRANS INFLUENCE.
Appreciation Of Godly Sisters In Christ The tremendous value of our sisters in Christ
is set forth in this article. Beginning with the honor that is due to faithful
women in Christ, the study sets forth the various duties enjoined upon them in regards to their family and service rendered to the
church that Christ built. Their glory
(boast) is in understanding and knowing God Who
DELIGHTS in loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth! (Cf.
Jer. 9:23-24). Obedience unto
righteousness is what God takes pleasure in, thus
these are the scriptural reasons why all of our godly sisters are appreciated.
Why not study the nine points of application directed towards their being
scripturally appreciated?
Why We
Rejoice With One Another God DELIGHTS over His people to do them good (De. 28:63). The Psalmist said, “Light is sown for
the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart” (Ps. 97:11). We are commanded to rejoice with those who
rejoice, and to weep with those who weep, being of the same mind one toward
another (Rom. 12:15-16). Our being sorrowful when one is arrogant and
suffers is different from sharing joy and sorrow as Paul spoke of. If one of us
suffers because we remain arrogant and obstinate then our tears will be the
tears of Jeremiah if we love them (cf. Jer. 13:17). However, you will find such
“rejoice with” applications in this article as (1) I Can Rejoice With One
Who Is Faithful Whom I Know God DELIGHTS Over To Do Good; (2) I Can’t Rejoice With Another
When I See The Vanity Of The World; (3) I Can Rejoice With One Who Rejoice In
Truth; (4) I Can Rejoice With One Who Wants God’s Instruction, Counsel, And Eye
Upon Them.
“They Delight In Destroying!”; “They
Are Not Good People, Nor Children.” : “They DELIGHT IN DESTROYING!” …These two articles
connect both adults and children to the destructive influence of WOKE philosophy,
How Will God
Feel About You When You Ask Him For Help? Do
you know someone who is in trouble and needs God’s help? In this brief study
the scriptures are related to
three important questions dealing with those times when we need,
desire, and ask for God’s help: (1) When
you want God’s help how fast do you want Him there? (2) When we need Him to DELIVER us how far do we want Him from us? (3) How do you want God to feel about you
when you ask Him to help you?
The Way
of Integrity Psalms
119 This Psalm is often avoided because
of its length. This study begins with eight points on integrity with God.
Understand that it is on the grounds of your integrity that you may plead to
God for protective care against the wicked (Ps. 119:121-128). He hated every false way! In answer to his
prayers the hope of DELIVERANCE was founded upon
his being free from the dominion of iniquity! Because he did not want to
wander from God the scriptures would be his counselors (lit., the men of
his counsel) to establish his ways. He
was afraid of God’s judgments --- instead of fearing his persecutors he fears
God’s judgments! These are but a few of the good lesson presented through
studying this Psalm. Why not read the article and while doing so read it along
with your Bible?
Based Upon One’s Righteousness, Integrity This study is linked
with a prior article and is a continuation of integrity as defined from Psalms
119, as well as other Psalms. For the first article see the introduction. In
this study you will find such points as: (1) Pleading for protection against the
wicked, (2) One’s
hope for DELIVERANCE, (3) Asking God for vindication, (4) Who is fit
for communion with God, (5) What preserves when in distress, (6) The “I Haves”
of integrity, and (7) David’s integrity.
Memory #2 You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April 2016 before this
continuing article concerning some simple applications pertaining to one’s
memory. Emphasis in this article is given to the importance of our remembering
our own past conduct. Paul did not exclude himself when speaking of past
conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that he was a blasphemer,
persecutor and violent aggressor against the church. There is also the
importance of our not forgetting even one of God’s benefits given to us in Christ.
Sometimes you make more than one trip through a “wilderness” you’ve been
through before – but you can make it without being
overly anxious when you continue to serve God, trust in His DELIVERANCES and
not stoop to serve Mammon (cf. Matt. 6:24-25).
and National Ignorance: The concerns of space aliens and extraterrestrial
activity in recent balloon intercepts, present A TOTALLY WRONG PERSPECTIVE OF
PLACE (Gen. 1:26; Ps. 115:16). There are no space aliens! The Devil and the
spiritual host of wickedness (not flesh and blood) working here to destroy
souls, is considered by most to be a myth (Ja 4:7; I Pet. 5:8; Eph. 6:10-13).
•Eph 5:6 refers to
5:3-5 which lists the very filth promoted by CRT, LGBTQ, Trans Identification,
•On Pentecost, Peter
answered their question on what to do to be saved, and he commanded those who
heard the gospel to repent and be baptized for the remission of their sins
(Acts 2:37-41).
•Paul spoke to the
supposed wise men in Athens at the Areopagus (Acts 17:22-33). Act 17:30 Truly,
these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to
repent, Act 17:31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world
in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of
this to all by raising Him from the dead."
Best Demon Hitter in New Zealand This reviews a report from a nurse in
Auckland, New Zealand who attended a so called “DEMON
Cleansing” ceremony – the article relates the experiences some claimed
to have had from a so called prophet of God. It
shows how gullible people are in the name of something said to be religious. Also
read it and learn something about those who falsely call themselves “prophets”
of God today.
Church Autonomy This is Lesson Six
in our Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Six: "Local Church
Autonomy." Scriptures emphasizing local church autonomy or
independence are presented along with the needed applications for the present
day. In this lesson there is a list comprising the work of the local church –
elders “as elders” only oversee their local church and another nor some human
organization. The
churches of Christ do not practice DENOMINATIONALISM. It is impossible to build a religious organization
consisting of many local congregations under the oversight of a single
administrative body by God's simple plan for governing His church! Neither
elders nor evangelists, separately or in any combination, can by God's simple
New Testament plan find authority for building such religious organizations.
defines a Church of Christ” Questionnaire (Reviewed) A questionnaire, totaling 640 plus
respondents, titled “What is a Church of Christ” deals with the above question.
Some of the answers unscriptural as they were did not
surprise me in the least — they echoed the same cat calls we have heard for
years to join in fellowship with the denominations and other church types. It
set forth the clear division between non-institutional (N.I.) churches and
those supporting para-church organizations and missions. The report
mentioned churches that have added instruments of music for worship, jointly
ministered with DENOMINATIONAL GROUPS and have
also changed the “name” but “still identify with the fellowship of autonomous
congregations.” In their mind perhaps, but they
fail miserably in thinking that those studying the New Testament see them
somewhere in there.
You Really Have To Do Is Believe In God”
said, “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven”
(Matt. 7:21). Please
look below for what it means to DENY the Son Jesus Christ.
made concerning both the Father’s
will and JESUS are:
1. Jesus did the will of the father who sent
Him (cf. John 6:37-38).
Jesus’ words are the Father’s (John 17:14, 17).
Jesus was seeking the Father’s glory not His own (Jo. 7:17-18).
Jesus’ authority was the Father’s! (Read John 12:48-50).
Jesus gave us the Father’s word which is truth (John 17:14, 17).
One cannot come to Christ except by the will of the Father (Jo. 6:37).
The Father’s will is that you believe in Jesus His Son (Jo. 6:45).
The “work of God,” or requirement of God is that one believes in Jesus
whom He has sent (John 6:26-29).
The Father’s will is that eternal life comes through belief in Christ
(John 6:40).
10. Eternal life is gained by knowing His Father
and the Son whom He sent (Jo. 17:3).
11. Jesus is the only way to the Father (Jo.
12. The doing of the Father’s will establishes
one’s relationship with Christ (Matt. 12:50).
13. Those who do believe will not perish
14. The belief in Christ that saves is a belief
that obeys Him, else the wrath of God abides upon one (cf. Matt. 7:21; Jo.
3:36; Heb. 5:9).
15. The one who doesn’t
believe God has given us eternal life in His Son makes God a liar ( I John 5:10-11).
16. This is all
based in the Scriptures (John 5:39; De. 18:18-19).
17. Jesus didn’t
say that they “can’t” believe and obey but they “would not” (John 8:24).
18. His word which
was the Father’s necessitates baptism for initial obedience in order that one
might be saved (cf. Matt. 28:18-20 “all” authority for “all” nations; Mk.
16:15-16; Acts
16:31; Acts
22:16 an example of Saul obeying the Son of God).
19. Christ was
“end of the Law” (Rom. 10:4). Both Jew and Gentile are saved the same way by
obeying the Gospel (Rom. 1:16, 17, Rom. 3:29-30).
20. To believe in
Christ is to believe in the Father (cf. John 12:44-45). Of course, for that is
the Father’s will! (see above)
21. To reject Christ is to reject
the Father’s Word (cf. John 12:48-50, 14:24). Read the boldness of Peter and
John in the newspaper article above (Acts 4:12-13).
22. To receive
Christ is to receive the Father (cf. John 13:20). Jesus told why some do not
receive Him (cf. John 5:43-44).
23. If you don’t
love Christ you don’t keep the Father’s words (cf. John 14:24).
24. If you keep
the Father’s will you will keep Christ’s commandments (cf. John 14:15, 24,
25. To abide in
Jesus’ love is to abide in the Father’s love (cf. John 14:21, 15:9-10; I John
26. To be in
Christ is to be in the Father (cf. I John 4:15-16).
27. Knowing the
Son is knowing the Father (cf. John 14:7-10, 1:18, 10:15; Matt. 11:27 Plain!).
28. If you deny the Son you do not
have the Father (cf. I John 2:23). You’ve called God a liar! (I John 5:10). You
will die in your sins (John 8:24). Those who deny the Son are in the power of
Satan (I John 5:19-20).
29. Whoever
confesses the Son has the Father (cf. I John 2:23).
30. Does the
Father’s will really say all that one must do is believe in God in a very
general way? No!
Joyful Sorrow of Departing from those You Love Here is topic that
you don’t see discussed very often. There
are a lot of important things to consider when one thinks about moving
elsewhere -- especially when one is DEPARTING from
those whom they’ve worshipped and worked with in Christ. This
article is not just about preachers when they relocate but all members of a
local church should they decide to move elsewhere. Applications are made to
both the joy and sorrow of departing from those you love in Christ?
Transgender Attack This contains two newspaper articles: 1.
Surely Not Shameless ~ The Transgender Directive; 2. Surely Not Living a Lie ~
The Transgender Directive. These present both the spiritual and physical
dangers tied to the recent “I think I identify with transgender” decree from
President Obama. This is moving quickly in our society and especially so when
the media’s bias is presenting the kind of things that promote LGBT (Lesbian,
Gay *Homosexual, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual).
Included are scriptural points on evil thoughts and desires, lewdness, shameless
behavior, uncleanness, motives, the mind and
DEPRAVED passions, God’s wrath upon the children of disobedience who
walk and live in immoralities, plus what it means to despise all such
wickedness and immorality.
What You
Can And Will Do In Christ This brief
study should offer assurance to
Christians that their efforts to serve God faithfully are attainable, as well
as being greatly aided by others' prayers on their behalf. What one can and will do by remaining faithful in Christ is declared
through the words of Paul's prayer for the church at Colossae in Col. 1:9-12.
Here are the key thoughts: A. Be filled with knowledge, all wisdom and
spiritual understanding. B. Walk worthy, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every
good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Here is one's DESIRE to please God. C. Strengthened for attaining all steadfastness and
patience, with Joy. D. Joyously giving thanks to the Father. Following is a
"Check Your Spiritual Growth With Self-Test Questions" giving further
emphasis to our growth and development into mature children of God. The stated
"goal" of
our efforts is seen in Philippians 1:10-11.
Newspaper Articles The
topics are: “The Buyer Is Like The
Seller; The Creditor Is Like The Debtor” (What God’s
word says about liars, cheats, false business practices, and murderers applies
to all – the rich and poor! God’s judgment will come upon all of them for they
are all “alike” in their DESIRE TO DO EVIL.); “Wicked Kids, Teens,
Beating & Stomping Others” (This exposes the lie, “Oh they’re just too
young to know better!”); “Some Wrights Are So Wrong” (When
so called “Pastors” are asked if John 14:6 is true and if they think Islam is
another way to salvation, and then suggest that there is another path to the
Father they deny what Jesus and the apostles taught! (cf. John 12:48).
Do Not Let
Your Heart Envy Sinners The
purpose of this article is to emphasize the importance of enabling others to
develop speech that correctly describes the sinner and especially our children.
If you can’t say the wicked are so what
are some likely problems you will have? Young
adults as well as the older see worldly “success” through EYES THAT DESIRE: (a)
recognition of being in company with someone considered important in various
ways. It is easy
to justify the wicked if I desire what they have — “He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth
the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD” (Pr. 17:15); (b) DESIRE wealth
— this is the temptation of Prov. 1:13; (c) DESIRE opportunities to meet the opposite sex, to be
around those with money, cars, recreational vehicles etc.; (d) DESIRE a fun time — time not viewed by sinners as
something that must have as a primary allotment serving God and worshipping
collectively with a local church.
Staying with Zoom” The current pride in technology denominational invite is “Worship
online or in person here.” We must be certain that what we do with high tech is
scriptural as regards the work and worship of Christ’s church. If “zoom” and
“online” are let stray, as some among us already have, then you will have a
developed human tradition that will cause many to lose their souls. The impact
itself on the body of Christ can be like a spreading spiritual virus in years
following upon member’s zeal for assembling (Cf. Eph. 4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb.
10:24-27). To “speak
the things proper for SOUND DOCTRINE”
you must know the difference between the word “home” and “house” and
“houses” and the words “come together as a church” and “assembling of ourselves
together” and “in the church.” Read here for proper definitions that lead to
proper applications of what it means to “assemble together.”
The kind of SPEAKING DEMANDED is presented in the
following points with the definitions given:
Showing oneself a lover of the truth is seen in SPEAKING
the truth to one another (EPH. 4:20-25).
TO SPEAK, exhort and rebuke with all authority (TITUS 2:15)
PREACHING involves “REPROVE” [G1651], “REBUKE”
[G2008] & “EXHORT” [G3870]
(CF. 2 TIM. 4:2)
(G3870) AND CONVICT or CONVINCE (G1651) THE GAINSAYSERS (G483) (Titus 1:9).
OWN DESIRES” > [G1939 epithumia, nf] Thayer: 1) desire,
craving, longing, desire for what is forbidden, lust
b. “…because they have itching ears” > [G2833 knēthō, vb.] Thayer: 1) to scratch, tickle,
make to itch… 3) desirous of hearing something pleasant
c. “…heap up for themselves teachers” > [G2002 episōreuō] Strong’s: to accumulate further,
that is, (figuratively) seek additionally: - heap. Thayer: “to heap up,
accumulate in piles: to choose for themselves and run after a great number of
teachers, 2 Tim. 4:3.
d. “…be turned aside to fables” > [G3454 muthos]
Strong’s: - a tale, that is, fiction (“myth”): - fable > I Tim. 1:4, I Tim.
4:7, 2 Tim. 4:4, Titus 1:14 “…turn away from the truth”; 2 Pet. 1:16 “cunningly
devised tales…”
Transgender Attack This contains two newspaper articles: 1.
Surely Not Shameless ~ The Transgender Directive; 2. Surely Not Living a Lie ~
The Transgender Directive. These present both the spiritual and physical
dangers tied to the recent “I think I identify with transgender” decree from
President Obama. This is moving quickly in our society and especially so when
the media’s bias is presenting the kind of things that promote LGBT (Lesbian,
Gay *Homosexual, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual).
Included are scriptural points on evil
thoughts and desires, lewdness, shameless behavior, uncleanness, motives,
the mind and depraved passions, God’s wrath upon the children of
disobedience who walk and live in immoralities, plus what it means to DESPISE all such wickedness and
What To Tell Your
Mate When They Are Guilty of Wrath
Christians need to study and then be honest and make the right applications to
one another, all family members and especially with their own mates (Cf. I Th.
5:14). The stubborn and unrepentant heart DESPISES the
riches of God’s kindness, forbearance and longsuffering!
Selected Newspaper Articles Dear reader the following
titles are selected newspaper articles that appeared in our local newspaper the
Yuma Sun. The first is titled “That’s
Not My Jesus!” Some are quick to respond to Jesus’ condemnation of
homosexuality with, “That’s not my God!” Such do not present the real Jesus.
You will notice should you read each of the
three brief articles that there are two kinds of “fools” mentioned therein.
There are “fools” who truly despise God’s wisdom and instruction given by Him
in His Word (Prov. 1:29). Such fools as these do not listen to what God says.
The article titled “Fools Leave God out
of Marriage” presents this kind of fool.
By contrast in “The Credentials of A Fool” there are those who do listen and obey
God’s Word who are viewed as being “fools” for so doing. They are “DESPISED” as being without the honor, display and
reputation that is so admired and cherished by the successful in the world.
Which kind of “fool” are you?
God Turns
The Way Of The Wicked Upside Down
lesson considers the path of the wicked that is a familiar topic throughout the
Psalms. You will learn about the wicked by the following: (1) God thwarts the
way of the wicked (Ps. 146:9); (2) God puts the wicked in great fear because He DESPISES them! (Ps. 53; Lev. 26:14-33); (3) Accusers are
filled with their own ways (Ps. 109). This section tells you exactly what will
happen to the wicked; (4) The purpose of their traps they set for the
righteous; (5) God overthrows the best of secret counsel (Ps. 64).
You mentioned
“going to Hell,” with accent. After a bible study, which was on Forgiveness,
a visitor asked me, “What do you
believe about Hell?” I told him it believed Hell is real and eternal. Have you heard the
saying “God said it, that settles it, I believe it”? And that settles it IF I
don’t believe it! — but I do
and the visitor didn’t. He referred to Hell in his letter as “the fabled Hell.”
Read this article for points that answer
those who choose not to believe
in Hell, although the Lord gave much teaching on eternal punishment. You will find the following words
“They Delight In Destroying!”; “They Are Not Good People,
Nor Children.” : “They DELIGHT IN DESTROYING!” …These two articles
connect both adults and children to the destructive influence of WOKE philosophy, LGBTQ, and TRANS INFLUENCE.
Newspaper Articles for 2013 These newspaper articles from 2013 include: (1)
“Using ‘Christendom’ to Cover Religious Error”; (2) “The Ways of the Street
Mugger”; (3) “Murders, Murderers, Victims”; (4) “Surely not a Hot Head” – the fools lips or mouth brings contentions, DESTRUCTION and a
snare; (5) “Surely not a Greedy Person.”
Strong Spiritually Against Those Who Frame Wickedness by Law Don’t buy in with the
sinful Go-Along Get-Along Gang. Just keep on exposing and reproving what is
sinful. The New Testament, the will of Christ, will do that right well.
Christians don’t endorse man’s “legislations” – Ps 94:20 Can a THRONE OF DESTRUCTION be allied with You, one who
devises mischief by decree? > “DECREE” H2706 a statute, law -- just because a particular political party
might be pushing them. See the point on Republicans and the 15 WEEK abortion
to a response on "Questions on Witchcraft" A respondent has present
the idea that there was race upon earth who did not have Adam and Eve for their
genealogy. She claims to be of this so called "other people." The
reply shows how her claim doesn't fit with the scriptures in the Bible. She
claims Satan is a Christian ideal and not theirs. The reply shows that man has known the DEVIL since the beginning of time. He is a real spiritual being! There are but two
kingdoms spiritually. The kingdom of Christ, and the kingdom of Satan.
The mark
of the beast, 666,
Rev. 13:16-17 A
respondent has stated that people are going around preaching the number 666
about everything. He states that people are even looking for the
"mark" on the foreheads of others and requests that something be said
about this. The material puts the "mark" in the context (historical
setting) where it belongs! The DEVIL, Satan, attempts to destroy
Christ's church by using Rome and the false prophet in the book of Revelations.
So Somebody Told You a Christian Cannot Sin This larger article begins with two brief
newspaper articles that illustrates the habit some develop of picking a
favorite verse, or verses, without considering “all” that the New Testament
teaches on a particular topic. Thus we have an example
of “the favorite verses syndrome.” This happens to concern the matter of
Christians and when they do sin. It includes important points and topics
such as “God Knows,” “Why Confess?,” “Our Advocate is Jesus Christ,” “The
Wholeness of the Doctrine of Christ,” “God Gave Us His Word so We Can Practice
Righteousness” and “When Considering the DEVIL and
Christians.” Understand that John is
emphasizing our “practicing righteousness” as our “walk” or manner of life (I
Jo. 1:6, I Jo. 3:7). We are to walk in the light and not in darkness.
man, the world; Satan, man and the course of this world (PART ONE OF TWO) Emphasis is upon God
the creator of the earth, man, the universe and all material things --- by using various definitions of “world” or “age”
SATAN, THE DEVIL, is presented as
“the god of this world” who blinds the minds of the unbelieving. The Devil rules the thoughts
and deeds of the men of our own age. Get the Devil in your conversations!
The wise according to human wisdom and
philosophy, the scribe i.e. professional who writes and speaks to the detriment
of God’s word and wisdom, as well as the debater i.e. learned disputant ---
these offer elaborate and devious arguments in this “age” we live in as they
serve the Devil. Their message is full of deceit and error and hostile to God
and His Word.
man, the world; Satan, man and the course of this world (Part Two) Here in PART TWO there is continued
focus upon the work of the Devil with emphasis upon Christ, the church and the
Devil’s work. Things done to RESIST THE DEVIL are stated along with examples of Satan’s influences in the church. What will
happen to the Devil and those who follow him points to the necessity of one obeying in baptism to be saved (Mk.
and National Ignorance: The concerns of space aliens and extraterrestrial
activity in recent balloon intercepts, present A TOTALLY WRONG PERSPECTIVE OF THE
(Gen. 1:26; Ps. 115:16). There are no space aliens! WHAT IS WORKING HERE TO
DEVIL and the spiritual host of wickedness
(not flesh and blood) working here to destroy souls, is considered by most to
be a myth (Ja 4:7; I Pet. 5:8; Eph. 6:10-13).
Strong Spiritually Against Those Who Frame Wickedness by Law Don’t buy in with the sinful
Go-Along Get-Along Gang. Just keep on exposing and reproving what is sinful.
The New Testament, the will of Christ, will do that right well. Christians
don’t endorse man’s “legislations” – Ps 94:20 Can a throne of destruction be allied with You, one who DEVISES
mischief by decree? > “decree” H2706 a statute, law -- just
because a particular political party might be pushing them. See the point on
Republicans and the 15 WEEK abortion ban.
The Paths of
Mercy The subject of God’s great mercy is
connected with the things that He delights in. God delights in
Loving-kindness, Justice and Righteousness -- thus the necessity of our
glorying in these things in order that we might receive His mercy! Moreover,
God’s mercy is for those who fear Him (Ps. 103:17-18). We must remember that it is in the practice of mercy itself that we
receive back from God (Ps. 18:25-27). There is a checklist of applications on God’s kindness that
includes honor and DIGNITY (esteem).
What To Tell Your
Mate When They Are Guilty of Wrath Christians need to
study and then be honest and make the right applications to one another, all
family members and especially with their own mates (Cf. I Th. 5:14). Read this article
to understand what happens to one who is guilty of willful and perverse
DISBELIEF of the truth.
What You
Can And Will Do In Christ This brief
study should offer assurance to Christians
that their efforts to serve God faithfully are attainable, as well as being
greatly aided by others' prayers on their behalf. What one can and will do by
remaining faithful in Christ is declared through the words of Paul's prayer for
the church at Colossae in Col. 1:9-12. Here are the key thoughts: A. Be filled
with knowledge, all wisdom and spiritual understanding. B. Walk worthy, fully
pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge
of God. C. Strengthened for attaining all stedfastness
and patience, with Joy. D. Joyously giving thanks to the Father. Follow these "Check Your
Spiritual Growth With Self-Test Questions" gives further emphasis to our growth in knowledge and DISCERNMENT. The stated "goal" of our efforts is seen in
Philippians 1:10-11.
Is There Prophecy Today? This is a study of prophecy in
the New Testament dispensation; it
issues appropriate warnings to those often deceived by false teachers claiming
not only the gift of prophecy but other spiritual gifts as well. There is
an abundance of information on all of the
spiritual gifts; “prophecy”
was one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit enumerated in I Corinthians 12:8-10.
Prophecy appears here along with speaking in tongues, the word of knowledge,
and various other spiritual gifts. Notice that there were nine spiritual gifts
in all that were given to the infant church: 1. the word of wisdom, 2.
the word of knowledge, 3. faith, 4. gifts of healing, 5. working of miracles,
6. prophecy, 7. DISCERNING
OF SPIRITS, 8. different kinds of tongues (languages) and 9. the
interpretation of tongues.
Go ye
therefore and make disciples of all the nations… Explaining how one truly becomes a DISCIPLE
of Christ.
Name “Christian” and the “Churches of Christ” By the early 1900s the clear distinction between the Church of Christ
and the Disciples of Christ had been drawn: Concerning churches
that opposed the use of instrumental music in the worship, and missionary
organizations: “In 1906, J.W. Shepherd and others had representations to the
Census Bureau of the United States government that churches of this persuasion
should no longer be listed with the Disciples of Christ but be designated as
Church of Christ.” (Murch, pg. 218) “By 1909…some three hundred thousand
members were listed under “Churches of Christ,” in comparison with 1, 300,000
listed as “Disciples of Christ.” (Murch, pg. 218)
Centennial Celebration of Thomas Campbell’s Declaration and Address
& “Casual Listeners” This
article presents once again the difference in the “Churches of Christ” and the
“Disciples of Christ” --- further shown
with a brief discussion of what is called “The Great Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Gathering of 1909” when the Disciples celebrated the centennial celebration of
Thomas Campbell’s Declaration and Address.
Baptism, Then What? New Christians are implored
to recognize Paul's instruction in I Cor. 5:11 and apply DISCIPLINE
to any Christian that does not lead a faithful life. The material
offers appropriate encouragement and warnings for those recently baptized for
the remission of their sins.
A Case
Study of Mourning Sin: This article
explains in detail what it truly means to mourn the sins we see others
commit. We mourn the sins of others when
we are willing to lay aside the pride that over rides the necessity of church DISCIPLINE (I Cor. 5:2,6). The
steps necessary for both the local church and individuals to initiate
withdrawal are stated from Matthew 18:15-17, I Cor. Chapter 5, and 2 Thess.
3:14-15. Several applicable points are presented.
“Thank you
for the strong words.” The title
is also a quotation from a visitor. She said, “I want you to know it is good to
hear strong words used. Back home we don’t get that.” The thing that
bothers too many brethren today, and it sadly lacking because of that, is
proper application to the brotherhood, the local church, other local churches,
and individual lives. She made some good “application” herself – a wonderfully
strong statement concerning a member who isn’t coming. In no way did she
indicate that it was otherwise and that she just could not attend at all. She
said they had a member who says she’s sick, but sets at home and watches that
“dribble” from the fake T.V. evangelists on healing, and then when we admonish
her we’re not loving enough and too hard.” Sound familiar? Has your church placed being patient to the point of being negligent in
church DISCIPLINE? Does
yours need to stop neglecting CHURCH DISCIPLINE?
Unsuspiciousness (Jer. 40:14) This is based upon Gedaliah’s mistake as
recorded by Jeremiah. We see stupidity in the pattern presented by refusing to
credit information given verified by “all”; he was indignant towards the
informant and accusing him of lying. “You liar!” You will often hear that when
the evidence points to something one doesn’t want to believe. He should have
listened. This also includes events in the family of David when Amnon rapes
Tamar and Absalom seeks to kill Amnon. One point developed is the how ungodly
friends will support improper sexual thoughts and help another fulfill them. We see David’s sin and
weakness in withholding DISCIPLINE; a father is deceived and lied to by his own
followed by the “Curtain Call” followed by the “Go Get ‘Em Letter” There is a pattern at times that is
manifested in local churches. One or more members, and at times one or
some belonging to a family unit manifest DISCONTENT —
one will often even state that someone is just not happy therefore “they” might
have to leave to please others or another. With brief intermissions the
state of someone being unhappy is manifested again and again — their “we will
stay a little longer feeling” wears off finally issuing in the curtain call. A
final curtain call where one stands before the church, states that it saddens
them to have to say that they’ve withdrawn their membership and will be
worshipping elsewhere.
Discriminate! You Hate! ~ “Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after
they heard this saying?” (Matt. 15:12) Today almost every criticism of another’s religion brings the
charge of irrational criticism
and hate: “You’re
DISCRIMINATING!” “You hate!” A great
weakness in understanding religious freedom of speech lies in thinking that one
must not criticize any religion for some might be offended. Read here how Jesus
replied to such false charges.
God Turns
The Way Of The Wicked Upside Down
lesson considers the path of the wicked that is a familiar topic throughout the
Psalms. You will learn about the wicked by the following: (1) God thwarts the
way of the wicked (Ps. 146:9); (2) God puts the wicked in great fear because He
despises them! (Ps. 53; Lev. 26:14-33); (3)
Accusers are filled with their own ways (Ps. 109). This section tells you
exactly what will happen to the wicked. God clothes the wicked with shame and DISHONOR! (4) You will learn about the purpose of their traps
they set for the righteous; (5) God overthrows the best of secret counsel (Ps.
Theft Here
is a lesson based upon the prevalence of “identity theft.” This lesson answers
the questions, What is identity theft? How do thieves steal an identity? What
do thieves do with a stolen identity? How can you find out if your identity was
stolen? And what can you do to help fight identity theft? --- all with a
spiritual view as to the use of Christ’s name without proper permission and how
Christ name theft crimes take many forms. There is but “one” Gospel just as
there is but one of each of our persons (cf. Gal. 1:6-10). Spiritually the
unity of belief and practice of the one Gospel is the means
by which we fight identity theft and protect against those who wear
Christ’s name who are frauds. Spiritual impostors are defined as false apostles, deceitful
workers, DISGUISING themselves as apostles of Christ and servants of
righteousness (cf. 2 Cor. 11:13-15). You will find twelve scriptural
and helpful applications for detecting these impostors who preach another
Gospel. Such will “rob” you of your prize if you let them (Col. 2:18-19).
Rule of
Law Points From the authority implied in the “name” of Jesus Christ, who
has all authority, several points are made concerning the Gospel as the power
of God unto salvation for all men, Jesus’ authority to judge by His law, Sin as
a violation of Christ’s law and how His law convicts of sin. Major emphasis is also given to the RULE OF LAW of law being
attacked by ignorance, wrongful intent, good intentions, sincerity,
carelessness, ignoring, impulse and inconsistency, showing partiality, outright
defiance, distortion of one’s words and partial narratives of the Word (to
neglect to teach the whole counsel of God, Acts 20:27, 32.). Applications
include God is no respecter of persons, to show respect of persons is sin, the
kind of judgment that condemns oneself, and the
one who boasts in God’s law but DISHONORS God through breaking the law.
What To Tell Your
Mate When They Are Guilty of Wrath Christians need to
study and then be honest and make the right applications to one another, all
family members, and especially with their own mates (Cf. I Th. 5:14). Read this article
to better understand the consequences of willful and perverse DISOBEDIENCE.
Transgender Attack This contains two
newspaper articles: 1. Surely Not Shameless ~ The Transgender Directive; 2.
Surely Not Living a Lie ~ The Transgender Directive. These present both the
spiritual and physical dangers tied to the recent “I think I identify with
transgender” decree from President Obama. This is moving quickly in our society
and especially so when the media’s bias is presenting the kind of things that
promote LGBT (Lesbian, Gay *Homosexual, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual).
Key points include scriptures
on: evil thoughts, evil desire, lewdness, shameless behavior, uncleanness,
motives, the mind and depraved passions, the wrath
of God upon the CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE who walk in and live in
immoralities, and what it
means to despise all such wickedness.
and National Ignorance: The concerns of space aliens and extraterrestrial
activity in recent balloon intercepts, present A TOTALLY WRONG PERSPECTIVE OF
PLACE (Gen. 1:26; Ps. 115:16). There are no space aliens! The Devil and the
spiritual host of wickedness (not flesh and blood) working here to destroy
souls, is considered by most to be a myth (Ja 4:7; I Pet. 5:8; Eph. 6:10-13).
(EPH. 5:6; I TH 1:10, 5:9).
•Eph 5:6 refers to 5:3-5 which lists the very filth promoted by CRT,
LGBTQ, Trans Identification, etc.
•On Pentecost, Peter answered their question on what to do to be saved,
and he commanded those who heard the gospel to repent and be baptized for the
remission of their sins (Acts 2:37-41).
•Paul spoke to the supposed wise men in Athens at the Areopagus (Acts
Act 17:30 Truly, these times
of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent,
Act 17:31 because He has
appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man
whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from
the dead."
Memory #2 You may desire to read “Memory #1” for April 2016 before this
continuing article concerning some simple applications pertaining to one’s
memory. Emphasis in this article is given to the importance of our remembering
our own past conduct. Paul did not exclude himself when speaking of past
conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that he acted IGNORNANTLY
as a blasphemer, persecutor and violent aggressor (“injurious”) against the
church. He included himself in the list of being foolish, DISOBEDIENT, deceived, serving divers lusts and
pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another (Titus
3:3). There is also the importance of our not forgetting even one of God’s
benefits of salvation in Christ. Once restored one must not revert
back--- thus once again forgetting the necessary obedience for salvation
in Christ.
Family Reunions, Vacations, Special Days etc. This
article presents the local church’s collective responsibility to withdraw from a member who walks
DISORDERLY, as well as each individual Christian’s duty to not associate
with any brother who leads an unruly life. It includes such verses as Matt.
18:15-17; I Cor. 5:11; 2 Th. 3:6, 14, 15; 2 Cor. 2:6-8 with information on
invites and feasts found in the New Testament.
(1) Jesus
Is King of the Jews And All Men; (2) The Israel Of God Today Here are two short newspaper articles. Jesus is not only the king over the Jews today
but He is everyone’s king. He rules today from heaven and has all
authority in heaven and upon earth (Read and understand ~ Lk. 10:22; John 3:35;
5:22-27;17:2,10; Matt. 28:18-20; Eph. 1:19-23). The modern state of Israel is not like
the Biblical theocracy that the Israel of old at one time was. Moreover,
the spiritual Israel of God today is the church that consists of both Jews and
Gentiles serving God by faith in Jesus as the Son of God. Why not read these two articles and see the
error in the DISPENSATIONAL, Premillennial Viewpoint.
Has Its Place A Study of Shame. When lives spiritually are at
stake to save them shame matters (!!) and
has a place. Shame is a consequence of
sin that is a violation of God’s law; with sin there is sting of conscience
(that’s shame). Adonijah the son of David brought shame. Disregard Pro 29:15 and you will have an
Adonijah (Adonijah
set himself up as King).
> 1Ki 1:5 Then Adonijah the son of Haggith exalted himself, saying, I will
be king: and he prepared him chariots and horsemen, and fifty men to run before
him. > Failing
family copy failing family, and members of other families that have failed in
the past! He’s copying Absalom who
was also a great failure. They rebelled against David their father. > 1Ki 1:6 And HIS FATHER HAD NOT DISPLEASED HIM AT ANY TIME in saying, Why hast thou done so? and he also was
a very goodly man; and his mother bare him after Absalom. > DISPLEASED [H6087] A VERB MEANING A COMBINATION
Adonijah attempted to usurp the throne (1Ki 1:6). When a child wants to be your
King and you let it go on, and don’t question strongly and stop things it ends
in disaster. David and his wives
produced some handsome children – which doesn’t amount to a hill of beans as
regards righteousness.
went you out…to see?" This is a lesson on dress. What it means to
present one's self as a living sacrifice, acceptable to God, holy, …and not be
conformed to this world
(Rom. 12:1-2) is viewed in the light of proper dress and conduct.
Paul commanded the men to pray "without wrath and doubting" (I Tim.
2:8). We are to be
free of murmuring and DISPUTING (see Phil. 2:14).
Youth through the Prime of Life (Eccl. 11:9-12:1) There are degrees of
progression of age in this text. Accountability is seen throughout and the
“right” things done are contrasted with things sinful that must be removed. These
portions of life merge together and are fleeting, thus the necessity of
remembering one’s Creator in the days of youth. When
done right this “stage” is not filled with doubt and DISSATISFACTION, nor is
life mostly filled with unhappiness.
Endings For Torn Relationships Five
important Bible relationships are presented while giving emphasis to the
importance of entreaty and reconciliation. The relationships discussed in this
article include Cain & Abel, Esau & Jacob, Saul & David, Paul &
Barnabas and Euodia & Syntyche. Stated goals for entreating are: 1. To be
of the same mind, Phil. 2:2; 2. To be at peace, I Th. 5:13; 3. To understand the
outcome of DISSENSION. It strengthens the enemy of the gospel; the weak when pulled in to dissensions are caused to stumble; 4. To
repent and return to the work, Rev. 3:19-20; 5. To use with older men, I Tim.
5:1; 6. To implement with God's wisdom which is easy to be entreated, Ja.
3:17-18. Thus one is to be both approachable and
easily persuaded to do that which is right.
Rule of
Law Points From the authority implied in the “name” of Jesus Christ, who
has all authority, several points are made concerning the Gospel as the power
of God unto salvation for all men, Jesus’ authority to judge by His law, Sin as
a violation of Christ’s law and how His law convicts of sin. Major emphasis is also given to the RULE OF LAW of law being
attacked by ignorance, wrongful intent, good intentions, sincerity,
carelessness, ignoring, impulse and inconsistency, showing partiality, outright
partial narratives of the Word (to neglect to teach the whole counsel of God,
Acts 20:27, 32.). Applications include God is no respecter of persons, to show
respect of persons is sin, the kind of judgment that condemns oneself, and the
one who boasts in God’s law but dishonors God through breaking the law.
Based Upon One’s Righteousness, Integrity This study is linked
with a prior article and is a continuation of integrity as defined from Psalms
119, as well as other Psalms. For the first article see the introduction. In
this study you will find such points as: (1) Pleading for protection against the
wicked, (2) One’s hope for deliverance, (3) Asking God for vindication, (4) Who
is fit for communion with God, (5) What preserves when
in DISTRESS, (6) The “I Haves” of integrity, and (7) David’s
Homosexuality This article from 1999 relates to the meeting between Jerry
Falwell and the so called gay Christians. The purpose of that meeting was to
reduce violence and hatred toward homosexuals. When the press presents practicing homosexual and lesbians as
Christians who present themselves in good standing with God, then the
contradictions from a religious point of view must be exposed! And that's
what the article does. It shows clearly why "practicing" homosexuals
and lesbians are not to be accepted or fellowshipped in the church. Many young people are taking ACCEPTANCE,
there is nothing wrong "morally" with being gay. You will hear them say, "What’s wrong with being
gay?" Such I believe is the aim of the homosexual activists. Tell your
children that being taught "tolerance" does not make sinful acts
right. It changes nothing! Such instruction in school should never leave the
impression that one should not, cannot or does not have the right to hold the
conviction that homosexuality is perversion.
What You
Can And Will Do In Christ This brief
study should offer assurance to
Christians that their efforts to serve God faithfully are attainable, as well
as being greatly aided by others' prayers on their behalf. What one can and
will do by remaining faithful in Christ is declared through the words of Paul's
prayer for the church at Colossae in Col. 1:9-12. Here are the key thoughts: A.
Be filled with knowledge, all wisdom and spiritual understanding. B. Walk
worthy, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in
the knowledge of God. C. Strengthened for attaining all stedfastness
and patience, with Joy. D. Joyously giving thanks to the Father. Following is a
"Check Your Spiritual Growth With Self-Test Questions" giving further
emphasis to our growth in knowledge and ability to discern both good and evil. Works of the flesh issue in envy, strife and DIVISIONS (I Cor. 3:1-3). The stated
"goal" of our efforts is seen in Philippians 1:10-11.
Let Us
Get You A New Kind Of Preacher! Those
full of carnality (works of the flesh) accuse the faithful unjustly with wicked
intent, spread strife with their mouths, and set an example of evil for others
to imitate (cf. 3 John 10-11). They have a goal, an objective, and will
sacrifice the truth and brethren to achieve it! These
are looking forward to and working towards DIVISION in order that they might
have their own way, and that with the “kind of preaching” that lacks
application and pleases the ungodly (cf. 2 Tim. 4:1-5). Understand that the longer the church postpones
dealing with them scripturally the closer they get to their unscriptural goals
(cf. Rev. 2:20). There is nothing more carnal, and full of the works of the
flesh, that I can think of at this age in my life than brethren who work to
stop applicable preaching and teaching. They will stop at nothing to get the
“new kind” of preacher. Old warnings need to be issued! As in the past there
will always be bigger churches somewhere ready to aid the pattern of apostasy
and provide the “new kind” of teachers and preachers. That is how apostasy is able to continue. Brethren beware! It is quite possible
that you know of such things happening among us and you need to help stop it.
What does
the New Testament teach on divorce? Anytime that one desires to study the matter of scriptural DIVORCE
they should consider the applicable passages from the New Testament. My advice to anyone is that they read these
verses first, and do so without getting into philosophical discussions that do
not take these scriptures to heart. God's word is truth (John 8:32; 17:17).
I've listed them here for that very purpose, so why not just take time to read
them and read them from your Bible as well? I caution --- avoid emotional arguments based upon "I feel like it
should be this way," or "I think in my heart that such and such will
be allowed or even overlooked by God" (Pr. 14:12; Lk. 6:46).
Helping to
Avoid Divorce When You
Know It’s Coming Just like in the world, yet among members of the church one
spouse will often say that they have fallen out of love with the other. When this is not dealt
with scripturally, and immediately, then the next step is they quit assembling
and soon leave the church altogether (see Heb. 10:24-26 for the eternal
consequences of doing such). When such begins and progresses we know there’s going to be
DIVORCE! This article sets forth a pattern that I’ve seen develop
among members of the church for many years now. They do not consult God’s word
and seek scriptural counsel from the faithful. Instead
they rush to the world and seek out those who offer them a quick worldly
solution to ensure that they can escape their marriage, and often with
financial security. Sin is added to sin
in such cases and the inevitable end in sight is
DIVORCE. Read this article with a view to offering scriptural aid to troubled
marriages in the church, and thus enabling them to
avoid the
sin of DIVORCE.
Majority Know Another Jesus The church at Corinth gladly tolerated
fools who taught another Jesus and different gospel, Paul said (cf. 2 Cor.
11:4, 19). It is possible for one to
read the literature of fools and possess a completely false
view of Jesus. Read the Gospels for
yourself and see what He really did do and teach. Here’s a start with
applications from the Gospels that show the stark differences between what most
think Jesus taught and what He really did teach! Verses are presented that deal with: (20) DIVORCE
must be for the cause of fornication …
What You
Can And Will Do In Christ This brief
study should offer assurance to Christians that their efforts to serve God faithfully
are attainable, as well as being greatly aided by others' prayers on their
behalf. What one can and WILL DO by remaining faithful in Christ is
declared through the words of Paul's prayer for the church at Colossae (Col.
1:9-12). Here are the key thoughts: A. Be filled with knowledge, all wisdom
and spiritual understanding. B. Walk worthy, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful
in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. C. Strengthened for
attaining all steadfastness and patience, with Joy. D. Joyously giving thanks
to the Father. Following is a "Check Your Spiritual Growth With Self-Test
Questions" giving further emphasis to our growth and development into
mature children of God. The stated "goal" of our efforts is seen in
Philippians 1:10-11.
Simple Biblical Pattern For Explaining “Why?” A respondent who questioned the matter of
judging those who live together without marriage stated, “I think these days it
can be a good thing to live together before getting married.... This
obviously goes against your feelings, but they're just your feelings, not
everyone's." Last of all she stated, "As far as your last sentence,
it's not an idea that it's acceptable and normal, these days, IT IS acceptable
and normal.... If you don't like it, then don't do it.... I wouldn't criticize
you...why do you judge about people who choose to live together?"
This individual wants to know
“Why” I would determine that people who choose to live together are wrong in
doing so. I presumed this to be an honest question deserving of an answer.
Proper applications of
God’s Word necessitate distinguishing between what is "right" and
what is "wrong." The
“profit” of His Word is seen in DOCTRINE, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness
thus equipping the Christian unto every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17). “Instruction” in the Word plainly states that
fornication as described above is a work of the flesh that leads to eternal
destruction if not
repented of (I Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19-21).
Why Churches Fear Applying “Scriptural Authority” ~
Selected Newspaper Articles This article shows
how false plans for unity cause local churches to cast
aside “SOUND DOCTRINE” in order to accept those practicing the grossest
of immoralities into fellowships (cf. I cor. 5, 6; I Tim. 1:10).
Somebody Told You a Christian Cannot Sin This larger article begins with two brief newspaper articles that
illustrates the habit some develop of picking a favorite verse, or verses,
without considering “all” that the New Testament teaches on a particular topic.
Thus we have an example of “the favorite verses syndrome.” This happens to
concern the matter of Christians and when they do sin. It includes
important points and topics such as “God Knows,” “Why Confess?,” “Our Advocate
is Jesus Christ,” “The Wholeness of the DOCTRINE of
Christ,” “God Gave Us His Word so We
Can Practice Righteousness” and “When Considering the Devil and Christians.”
to Deal With Issues While Loving and Following Jesus Those who deal with issues that come up concerning sound doctrine are
often called arrogant for doing so. But think of the arrogance that exempts
from the task. Brethren (including all
members) don’t get to decide “which issues” they’ll deal with for the “issue”
comes to you and your church by evil men entering in among you, and from within
i.e. from among yourselves men arise speaking perverse things. It is sheer
arrogance for one to think they are so important that they do not have to deal
with any issue that involves SOUND DOCTRINE.
Staying with Zoom” The current pride in technology denominational
invite is “Worship online or in person here.” We must be certain that what we
do with high tech is scriptural as regards the work and worship of Christ’s
church. If “zoom” and “online” are let stray, as some among us already have,
then you will have a developed human tradition that will cause many to lose
their souls. The impact itself on the body of Christ can be like a spreading
spiritual virus in years following upon member’s zeal for assembling (Cf. Eph.
4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb. 10:24-27). To “SPEAK THE
difference between the word “home” and “house” and “houses” and the words “come
together as a church” and “assembling of ourselves together” and “in the
church.” Read here for proper definitions that lead to proper applications of
what it means to “assemble together.”
The kind of SPEAKING
DEMANDED is presented in the following points with the definitions given:
Showing oneself a
lover of the truth is seen in SPEAKING the truth to one another (EPH.
exhort and rebuke with all authority (TITUS
involves “REPROVE” [G1651], “REBUKE” [G2008] & “EXHORT” [G3870] (CF. 2 TIM. 4:2)
or CONVINCE (G1651) THE GAINSAYSERS (G483) (Titus 1:9).
When “Mr.
Make a Show” Visits There
are all kinds of visitors – some are beneficial,
some are benefitted by edification and instruction and humble themselves (Cf. I
Cor. 14:25), and some are to be watched carefully (Cf. Acts 20:28-29). Any offer for a local church to merger with another
should be considered in light of “sound doctrine.” Many
can quickly forget about “STAND FAST” (Phil. 1:27; 2 Thess. 2:15) and “SOUND DOCTRINE” verses (2 Tim. 4:2; Titus
1:9; Titus 2:1) and be induced to make personal acceptance the standard for
fellowship and not sound doctrine to avoid trouble at all costs --- which
undeniably has led onwards to what we see in so called churches of Christ (in
name only) where they have women deacons, then add women preachers, then add
women elders --- and onwards to fellowshipping practicing gays and lesbians ---
most all justified by false teaching on love. That’s how apostasy works. It
keeps going further from the New Testament patterns all the while ignoring
sound doctrine.
Many and Few by Contrast It is better to have few than to have the human organizations our
brethren have formed that intrude into the work God gave the local churches to
do. God’s blessings come for the few as well as many who are willing to respect
scriptural authority. Here are
some applications that match ATTENDANCE with SOUND DOCTRINE.
Memory #1 Hopefully this will be the first of three
articles. Memory is brought to light with such words as “remember,” “remind,”
“forget” and “neglect.” The antonym means to forget, and at times intentionally
thus implying culpability. Those who want to remember the applicable lessons from God’s Word are the “DOERS
of the word” and not HEARERS ONLY (Ja.1:22). The one who deceives himself hears God’s word and gets the right view
of himself but “immediately” – at once, very soon upon departing from the word
he forgets what he really is and his mind turns to
what pleases himself rather than God. The proper use of memory is presented
in the light of using it to repent, and using the past where brethren sought to
corrupt or even destroy the congregation.
The List
That Justifies The Ungodly Using the instruction from Prov. 9:7-9 “Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate you…” this article deals with the ungodly who
have no real concern for the whole of God’s commandments and doing all He
requires (cf. Ps. 119:160). A major
point on reproofs and rebukes combines the above passage with the Lord’s
warning, “Give not that which is holy unto the DOGS,
neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their
feet, and turn again and rend you” (Matt. 7:6). These DOGS have no regard or use for instruction from God’s
word, which is holy. Moreover, their mistreatment of one who gives instruction from His word
can be severe!
Were Pagans Carried Away Unto Dumb Idols (I Cor. 12:2) Many are simply not
aware of the various “other” designations for the Gentiles – such as “pagans,”
“heathens,” “infidels” and “unbelievers.” This is especially true when some of
these refer to idolaters. The world is
divided into two divisions: Christians and the whole world that lies in the
power of the evil one, Satan (I Jo. 5:19). Notice the emphasis given to one
either being “in Christ” or “without” i.e. “outside” of Christ (Col. 4:5). Thus Jesus is the
DOOR (Jo. 10:9). You enter that
“door” by baptism into Christ (Mk. 16:15-16; Acts 2:38; Gal. 3:26-27). If one
has not been baptized into Christ they belong with all “unbelievers”—undeniably
the vast majority of the World Population i.e. some 7B+ are “unbelievers.”
Outside of Christ all other “WORLD RELIGIONS” and religious beliefs fall under
the category of “human philosophy” and “empty deception” according to the
“traditions of men” (Col. 2:8).
Youth through the Prime of Life (Eccl. 11:9-12:1) There are degrees of
progression of age in this text. Accountability is seen throughout and the
“right” things done are contrasted with things sinful that must be removed. These
portions of life merge together and are fleeting, thus the necessity of
remembering one’s Creator in the days of youth. When
done right this “stage” is not filled with DOUBT and dissatisfaction, nor is
life mostly filled with unhappiness.
went you out…to see?" This is a lesson on dress. What it means to
present one's self as a living sacrifice, acceptable to God, holy, …and not be
conformed to this world
(Rom. 12:1-2) is viewed in the light of proper dress and conduct.
Paul commanded the men to pray without wrath and
DOUBTING (I Tim. 2:8). We are
to be free of murmuring and disputing (see Phil. 2:14).
The mark
of the beast, 666, Rev. 13:16-17 A respondent has stated that people
are going around preaching the number 666 about everything. He states that
people are even looking for the "mark" on the foreheads of others and
requests that something be said about this. The material puts the
"mark" in the context (historical setting) where it belongs! The Devil, Satan, is introduced as a great fiery red DRAGON as he attempts to destroy Christ's
church by using Rome and the false prophet.
went you out…to see?" This is a lesson on DRESS. The brief study first looks at what Jesus said
about clothing (dress). It presents some of His teaching in Matthew 6 the
Sermon on the Mount concerning "anxiety" and dress. An application is
drawn from His use of
"clothing" as a metaphor in warning against false religious teachers
(Matt. 7:15). What it means to present one's self as a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable to God (Rom. 12:1-2), is viewed in the light of proper DRESS
and conduct. The kind of conduct that shows respect for oneself, for
others, and manifests one's self control (I Tim. 2:8-9).
Be Sure to
Keep Christ at New Years! Professions of love
for the “baby” Jesus at Christmas time are often nothing more than hypocrisy.
Such are often followed within a very
short period of time with DRINKING and revelry at New Years. Here is a description of
what the drunkard brings upon himself.
Noah Got Drunk,
But That’s Not Me! There is a look here at Noah in failing as all righteous men
will do (Eccl 7:20) – he planted a
vineyard and got DRUNK. This also shows
the foolishness of thinking too lightly of one’s sin. There is scripture on DRINKING and DRUNKENESS, and application
made directly to brethren who separate themselves from their brethren in order to seek their own sinful desires.
Newspaper Articles from 2017 These four newspaper articles include: (1)
Surely All the Men’s Fault ~ So Called “Forced Heterosexuality”; (2) Surely
Empowerment and Courage ~ Abortion; (3) Surely the Ends of the World ~ But
Don’t Quit Your Job!; (4) Surely Not the Time for Two Drinking Parties ~
Christmas & New Years. Jesus’ warning in
Matt. 24: 49-51 is put with Peter’s condemnation of “DRINKING PARTIES” in I
Pet. 4:3. Read Trench’s definition
and compare social drinking today.
Noah Got Drunk,
But That’s Not Me! There is a look here at Noah in failing as all righteous men
will do – he planted a vineyard and
got DRUNK. This also shows
the foolishness of thinking too lightly of one’s sin. There is scripture on DRINKING and DRUNKENESS, and application
made directly to brethren who separate themselves from their brethren in order to seek their own sinful desires.
What are the Works
of the Flesh? The
WORKS OF THE FLESH in the New Testament scriptures are part of God’s
moral analysis to be taught and applied. The Vatican recently issued a new
document stating when people ask their priests for a blessing “an exhaustive
moral analysis should not be placed as a precondition for conferring it” – this
is mentioned later with comments in this article. The works of the flesh are
sin (I Jo 3:4). We’re told they are what keeps one from Heaven,
and sends one to Hell – thus, the truth about them must not be rejected. The
works of the flesh can be divisive being sound doctrine (I Cor 11:19).
God’s word applied correctly will divide the faithful from the unfaithful. False
churches push Woke philosophies and LGBT+ based on out right acceptance
(!!) of the works of the flesh.
You can compare what the Vatican says with important
points like these:
5. Woke and Trans is
repeatedly condemned in the works of the flesh LISTING liars, HOMOSEXUALS, LESBIANS,
the sexually immoral, and more -- these will have their part in Hell
(Rev 21:8).
11. the
works of the flesh are God’s classification of others and not too authoritarian! It includes the sinful conduct of homosexuals,
lesbians, DRUNKS, fornicators, adulterers,
14. The works of the flesh are God’s NO
(!!) to blessing same-sex unions.
Beer Is Not So Light! Perhaps you've
wondered what the alcohol content is in light beer.
In this brief article you will find an answer to that important
question. Dear reader
do not believe everything that you hear concerning
light beer. And especially comments to this effect, "What's the big
deal after all it is only light beer?" Read these scriptural warnings about the deceitfulness of
alcohol, and its attendant state of DRUNKENESS and addiction.
Noah Got Drunk,
But That’s Not Me! There is a look here at Noah in failing as all righteous men
will do – he planted a vineyard and
got DRUNK. This also shows
the foolishness of thinking too lightly of one’s sin. There is scripture on DRINKING and DRUNKENESS, and application
made directly to brethren who separate themselves from their brethren in order to seek their own sinful desires.
What You
Can And Will Do In Christ This brief study should offer assurance to Christians that their efforts to serve God
faithfully are attainable, as well as being greatly aided by others' prayers on
their behalf. What one can and will do by remaining faithful in Christ is
declared through the words of Paul's prayer for the church at Colossae in Col.
1:9-12. Here are the key thoughts: A. Be filled with knowledge, all wisdom and
spiritual understanding. B. Walk worthy, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in
every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. C. Strengthened for
attaining all stedfastness and patience, with Joy. D.
Joyously giving thanks to the Father. Following is a "Check Your Spiritual
Growth With Self-Test Questions" giving further emphasis to our growth in
knowledge and ability to discern both good and evil.
To do this the Christian must get past carnality and the works of the flesh that make us DULL OF HEARING, and
spiteful of one another (I Cor. 3:1-3). The stated "goal"
of our efforts is seen in Philippians 1:10-11.
Casting Down
Eloquence & Sophistry Series (2
Cor. 10:4-5)
While professing love and understanding
false teachers make a mockery of Christ’s teaching in “how” they use Matt.
22:39 – they twist “love thy neighbor as thyself.” They fail to
properly put it with the preceding first and greatest commandment – to love God
with one’s “all” (cf. Matt. 22:37-38). Thus “love” carries with it the idea of DUTY AND OBEDIENCE
to God first. Great deceivers
are using “love your neighbor” to put their own stamps of approval on iniquity! They teach the local church is accept and
fellowship sinful relationships of heterosexual couples living together in
fornication (Gal. 5:19), those in homosexual and lesbian relationships (I Cor.
6:9, Rom. 1:26-27) and condone adulterous marriages (Matt. 19:9). These deceivers are guilty of rejoicing in
iniquity, not loving God, and being religiously injurious to all in their
wicked deceptions! Their
churches are full of iniquity and their members love to have it so (2 Tim.
3:1-5, 4:3).