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Listing of Articles
A reply to an article written by
Cynthia Ozick: "Why Aren't Christians Speaking Out?"
W.S.J. |
Answers to questions concerning
witchcraft. |
The relationship between
husbands and wives as it ought to be. |
What is wrong with the positive
mental attitude style of preaching. |
This article answers simple
questions people have about baptism. It discusses who should be baptized and
whether one who has “seemingly” been baptized should consider
scriptural baptism. It also includes ones being subject to church discipline
based upon baptism into Christ. |
This defines "the last days"
and explains why there are no prophets today. Moreover
there is an abundance of material on the spiritual gifts given through the
apostles in this article. |
The foremost lesson in this
article is the authority Christ vested in His Apostles. But the article also
gives emphasis to the matters of both "giving" and
"receiving." |
This article shows how apostasy
repeats itself. We now have some who are building human societies as
ministries to be supported by individual contributions. |
Explaining how one truly becomes
a "disciple" of Christ by being baptized for the remission of one's
sins according to the commission given the apostles. |
You can read about the
"immediate" approach of our Lord in correcting others. This is
followed with scriptures depicting the responsibility all members have to do the same. |
This article addresses the
responsibility that Christians have to confess the
sins they commit in order that they might be forgiven. It explores various
reasons and motives that lay behind one's willingness to confess their
wrongdoing. |
The material offers appropriate
encouragement and warnings for those recently baptized for the remission of
their sins. |
Here is a study that corrects
false views that many today have of what the Bible teaches about the
Antichrists. |
A respondent has present the
idea that there was another race (the "other people") upon
earth who did not have Adam and Eve for their genealogy. She says they are first mentioned
in Gen. 4:16. The reply shows how her claim doesn't fit with the scriptures
in the Bible. |
Selected newspaper articles: "Disclaimers for Fortunetellers," "Mothers of a Different Kind," "Alternative Lifestyles," "Fornication Kit." |
A respondent has stated that
people are going around preaching 666 about everything. He states that people
are even looking for the "mark" on the foreheads of others and
requests that something be said about this. The material puts the
"mark" in the context (historical setting) where it belongs! |
A critique of one of the newer
movements (denominations) today. These are Jews who profess belief in Jesus
of Nazareth as the Messiah. Their worship appears to be a combination of Old
and New Testament items. They look for a return of Christ, whom they do
believe is the Messiah, back to the earth in order to
reign from |
One simple but effective way of
explaining the difference between a major “world” religion and
the gospel of Christ (the New Testament, Matt. 26:28) is to show the things
found “in Christ” that are not found elsewhere. The following are things found in
Jesus Christ that are not found in Islam. |
This article explains in detail
what it truly means to mourn the sins we see others commit. For example, the
first point given emphasis is we mourn the sins of others when we are
justifiably angry at sin, Ex. 32:18-21. Several applicable points are
presented. |
The vast
majority of people think that mere human tradition is the truth today.
This article exposes the religious errors (and there are many) that the majority of people practice during the Christmas
holiday. You do not have to remain among them! |
An inquirer asks: Does God still
do miracles today through men of God and apostles? Such questions stem from,
I’m convinced, people’s awareness that the so-called
“miracles” performed by faith healers today are obviously the
works of frauds. They can see that their so-called miracles are not of the
same nature as those recorded in the New Testament. The request asks if the
New Testament miracles performed by men came to an end? |
For further study I have listed
miracles you find recorded in the book of Acts. There are several of these
and I ask you to consider carefully their “nature” in contrast to
the false miraculous works of so-called faith healers today. |
are not Funny! (A serious look at Worship offered to God.) |
Have you seen these frivolous
church advertisements that mention "hypocrites" with somewhat of an
amusing tone? They will even state that they only have a few so feel free to
come and worship with them. In contrast the Bible teaches the worship a
hypocrite offers is an abomination to God. But such hypocrites actually think, "God is glad to see me here!"
And have you ever thought of how "others" such as the preacher and
members themselves might contribute to this polluting of worship? Also, what
condition is a church in that tolerates even one hypocrite as a member? |
This article deals with
Christians who request prayer on their behalf. While such a request is not
without scriptural foundation (James |
Women's conduct in both learning
and teaching. The role of women in the church is of such a nature that they
are to learn in quietness with all submission. They must not teach, nor usurp
authority over the man, but be in quietness ( I Tim.
"Let your women keep
silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they
are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. [35] And if they
will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands
at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." I Cor. 14:34-35 |
CORRESPONDENCE COURSE! Series: "Fundamental Lessons on
the Church." Lesson One: |
This is Lesson One of eight
lessons in our Series: "Fundamental Lessons on
the Church." Lesson One: "The Establishment of the 1. As planned
by God in eternity before the world began. 2. As
foretold through Old Testament prophesies. 3. From
Christ's own teaching during His ministry before His ascension into heaven. 4. As
established on the day of Pentecost recorded in Acts 2. Note: Each lesson in the series
has been designed with a Q&A for an On-Line Correspondence Study on the Church should you desire. |
COURRESPONDENCE COURSE! Series: "Fundamental Lessons on
the Church." Lesson Two: |
This is Lesson Two in our
Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Two: "The
Head And Authority of the Church." In this lesson you will learn about
the church: 1. With Jesus
Christ as the one and only Head. 2. With the
responsibility to hold to, uphold, and proclaim the New Testament as the word
of Christ, the authority that Christ gave to the church. The church is not
the authority. The revealed word is the authority Christ gave for the church
to uphold and proclaim. Note: Each lesson in the series
has been designed with a Q&A for an On-Line Correspondence Study on the Church should you desire. |
CORRESPONDENCE COURSE! Series: "Fundamental Lessons on
the Church." Lesson Three: Membership
Requirements According to the First Century Revelation |
This lesson is Lesson Three in
our Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Three:
"Membership Requirements According to the First Century
Revelation." In this lesson you will learn about what one must do to be
saved and become a member of Christ's church. The question, "What must I
do to be saved?" is fully answered as you study through the accounts of
conversion recorded in Acts.
Note: Each lesson in the series
has been designed with a Q&A for an On-Line Correspondence Study on the Church should you desire. |
CORRESPONDENCE COURSE! Series: "Fundamental Lessons on
the Church." Lesson Four, Part One: God's
Divine Organization ~ The Local Church, Part One of Two |
This is Lesson Four (Part One of
Two) in our Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson
Four, Part One: "God's Divine Organization ~ The Note: Each lesson in the series
has been designed with a Q&A for an On-Line Correspondence Study on the Church should you desire. |
COURSE! Series: "Fundamental Lessons on
the Church." Lesson Four,
Part Two: God's
Divine Organization ~ The Local Church, Part Two of Two |
This is Lesson Four (Part Two of
Two) in our Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson
Four, Part Two: "God's Divine Organization ~ The Note: Each lesson in the series
has been designed with a Q&A for an On-Line Correspondence Study on the Church should you desire. |
"Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Five: |
This is Lesson Five in our
Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Five: "The
Worship of the Church." In this lesson you will be studying the items of
worship for the church: 1. The Lord's Supper upon the first day of the week. 2. Instruction in God's word. 3. Singing. 4. Prayer. 5. Giving. By studying these items of worship you can learn what "edification" means
and how it was practiced in the assemblies of the first century church. Note: Each lesson in the series
has been designed with a Q&A for an On-Line Correspondence Study on the Church should you desire. |
CORRESPONDENCE COURSE! Series: "Fundamental Lessons on
the Church." Lesson Six: |
This is Lesson Six in our
Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Six: " Note: Each lesson in the series has
been designed with a Q&A for an On-Line Correspondence Study on the Church should you desire. |
CORRESPONDENCE COURSE! Series: "Fundamental Lessons on
the Church." Lesson Seven: |
This is Lesson Seven in our
Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Seven:
"The Note: Each lesson in the series
has been designed with a Q&A for an On-Line Correspondence Study on the Church should you desire. |
CORRESPONDENCE COURSE! Series: "Fundamental Lessons on
the Church." (FINAL LESSON) Lesson Eight: |
Lesson Eight is the final lesson
in our Series: "Fundamental Lessons on the Church." Lesson Eight:
"The Note: Each lesson in the series
has been designed with a Q&A for an On-Line Correspondence Study on the Church should you desire. |
This article discusses the
"additions" of Catholicism along with its frank admission that the
New Testament scriptures are not its sole authority. These
"additions," the Catholic hierarchy claims have equal authority to
the sacred Scriptures. It is through these "additions" that the
hierarchy of the Catholic church maintains and exercises its control over its
people. At the end of the article Christ's scriptural qualifications for a
bishop or elder in His church is contrasted with a so-called Bishop in Catholicism. |
In this article you can learn
what God says concerning good people and their need for salvation. Many
people today believe that being "good" is good enough. Appropriate
scriptures are applied to refute this belief. These will show that all men
are accountable before God and must obey the Gospel to gain eternal life in
Christ the Lord. |
The following study resulted
from a respondent who asked for scriptural answers for one with whom he was
studying. The respondent stated that this person now believes in faith only,
no baptism. Moreover they believe that water baptism
was of the Old Testament and now it is Holy Spirit baptism without water. The
core of this particular study is Peter's preaching
to Cornelius and his household upon whom the Holy Spirit fell, and how they
were saved by the words Peter spoke. In addition it examines the conversion of the
Samaritans by Philip, and how they received the Holy Spirit through the
laying on of the apostle's hands. |
This article addresses the
following assumptions or postulations that have been made in discussing the 1. A person
claiming not to be religious states that mankind is just like the dinosaurs
and will end up destroying itself. 2. Some claim
that the bible teaches Christians ought to support 3. "I
know that God has not broken His covenant with the Jewish people." |
This article deals with a point
often overlooked when teaching on the conscience. “Conscience”
here is the other person’s perception! Rather than having approval in
my own conscience concerning myself, here the approval is in others’
consciences. It’s like saying, “How do you feel about me
now?” Why not consider studying this applicable lesson for Christians? |
This is a good article to
present to the teenager at home or elsewhere. The
article is written as a way of warning the young and others as well who are simple minded and do not see danger. The vicious conduct
of the wicked is well illustrated in Judges 19 with regard to the Levite and
his concubine who turned in to Gibeah to lodge for
the night. Applications to “today” include the fact that in some
cases the “victim” must understand that a tragedy could have been
avoided had they themselves not contributed by being out late at night in a
place that makes them vulnerable. |
This article from 1999 relates to
the meeting between Jerry Falwell and the so called
gay Christians. The press presented them as "gay Christians"
meaning that they were practicing homosexuals and lesbians. When such present
themselves as in good standing with God, then the contradictions from a
religious point of view must be exposed! Many young people are taking
acceptance, tolerance and diversity instruction to mean that there is nothing
wrong "morally" with being gay. Tell your children that being
taught "tolerance" does not make sinful acts right. It changes
nothing! |
This is a lesson on dress. The
study first looks at Jesus' teaching concerning "anxiety" and dress
(Matt. 6, the Sermon on the Mount). Following this, application is drawn from
the use
of "clothing" as a metaphor in warning against false religious
teachers (Matt. |
This article should help anyone
today who has come to realize that the variety of explanations offered due to
diverse human philosophies and beliefs today have left many frustrated
concerning the important matter of salvation. Three such beliefs, the
Pentecostal experience, adults baptizing infants, and professing belief
without required obedience are examined in the light of God's word and found
wanting! If you will take your Bible and read each scripture in this brief study it will enable you to be honest with yourself (see
Acts |
This article begins with an
example of patronage to our flag and pledge of allegiance,
but respectfully submits that the mention of God brings with it an
even greater lesson concerning "Allegiance." For Christians the
words "under God" are illustrative of God's rule over all the
nations of mankind (Ps. 2:7-12; Matt. 28:18-20; I Tim. |
article uses an important part of Old Testament history to illustrate the
conviction and love for the Truth that enables one to put themselves in the
proper setting where they have access to scriptural fellowship and collective
worship with brethren (2 Chron. 11-13). We are concerned today about those
whom we often hear about who have left the faith, and
needing to be restored simply are not connecting a love for the Truth and
"relocation" as an effective means of putting oneself where they
know that they can serve God faithfully. Out of our concern and effort to
save some who have fallen away we have "cross-referenced" and
linked an important article at the end of this article titled
"Restoration Viewpoints." |
Should you find yourself, dear reader,
in the category of one who has fallen away from the faith once delivered
(Jude 3), we would encourage you to read the following article based
primarily upon Luke 15 (the Prodigal Son). The article is titled
“Restoration Viewpoints” and it takes a detailed look at some of
the viewpoints presented in the Scriptures that are helpful in restoring one
to the faith. It is presented concerned reader with
a singular point in mind, that being your own restoration and eternal salvation.
The points presented from the scriptures should help anyone who needs to look
back to the time they were faithful, look at the extent and duration of their
unfaithfulness, and look at the certainty of their acceptance once again
having repented and confessed their unfaithfulness to God. |
letters written to our local newspaper editor concerning the immorality of
homosexuality |
This post contains two
letters written to our local newspaper editor concerning the sin of
homosexuality. The first article, "Legislator's Chaplain" deals
with an effort made to provide our State Legislators of all things with a gay
chaplain for counseling on morality! Laugh if you dare not cry. The second
deals with the methods used by gays in the Anglican church. |
This article contains a
simplified explanation of what human cloning might consist of for the benefit
of all. It explains in simple terms the W's altered (enucleated) seed in the
absence of the physical act of intimacy. All 46 chromosomes come from the H
and none from the wife. The fertilized egg's equivalent is planted in the W's
womb and allowed to develop into a full fledge baby after nine months. Additionally there are Scriptures from the Bible
concerning Human Life and the Spirit of man. And this along with some
Questions for one's own meditation. |
Are you looking for "the
church" you read about in the New Testament? Many who say they are
religious are most often not looking for the |
Five important Bible
relationships are presented while giving emphasis to the importance of
entreaty and reconciliation. The goals for entreating: 1. To be of the same
mind, Phil. 2:2; 2. To be at peace, I Th. 5:13; 3. To understand the outcome
of dissension. It strengthens the enemy of the gospel; the weak when pulled in to dissensions are caused to stumble; 4. To repent and
return to the work, Rev. 3:19-20; 5. To use with older men, I Tim. 5:1; 6. To
implement with God's wisdom which is easy to be entreated, Ja. 3:17-18. Thus one is to be both approachable and easily persuaded
to do that which is right. |
The primary part of this
study concerns Jehoshaphat (the king of |
Read this article and it
should help you to better understand the "unity of the Spirit" in
the bond of peace and love (Eph. 4:1-3; Col. 3:12-14). These 7 Virtues are
discussed as being necessary for each member of the local church: Lowliness
(Humility), Meekness (Gentleness), Longsuffering (Patience), Forebearing
(Showing Tolerance), Tender Mercies (Heart of Compassion), Kindness and
Forgiving one another. Understanding these in this context answers such
important questions as: Whom can I talk to?, When do
I go to another?, Can I speak publicly in rebuking to thus maintain this
unity?, What would a refusal to listen indicate? And, What happens to one who
does not forgive if one repents? |
You Can And Will Do In Christ |
This brief study should offer
assurance to Christians that their efforts to serve God faithfully are
attainable, as well as being greatly aided by others' prayers on their
behalf. Such is declared through the words of Paul's prayer for the church at
In this article an example of
baptism in the first century is set in contrast with teaching from the
Catholic Encylopedia, "Baptism, Sacrament
of." The explanation that the Catholic Encyclopedia gives simply does
not equate with what the New Testament teaches about baptism being an
immersion. The mode of baptism taught in the New Testament is immersion and
not "pouring." Neither does the New Testament teach a blessing of
the water before baptism! Above all the New Testament does not teach Infant
Baptism. |
Many are seeing and
discussing a pattern manifested by members of the church in their choice to
not place their
membership with a local |
the verses in this article about bishops or elders in Christ's church and
then consider the various council meetings, emergency meeting, etc., along
with the human credentials and advanced technology used to present to the
world their stress of trying to decide if homosexuality is sin that cannot be
tolerated by their church. Please now, try not to laugh out loud. Why cannot
they simply read the Bible? |
you really want to go to Heaven? This article contrasts the physical setbacks
besetting those who suffered during the fires of 2003 with the eternal
setbacks of not heeding Jesus instruction in Matt.
6:19-20. Why not refresh your mind by reading about Heaven as a safe deposit
for your treasures? Morever you can read and
understand that Heaven is a place where there will be no more death, sorrow,
crying, pain, curse or night - just eternal day (Rev. 21:1-4, 21:25-22:5). |
may never have heard about "spontaneous singing" as practiced in
some churches. It could be that you've have observed
one singing so loudly they drowned out the song leader and wondered if there
were scriptures that might be used to correct such. Perhaps you would be
interested in the scriptures that authorize a song leader and a church doing
things decently and in order during worship. If so, then you'd be interested
in this brief study. |
When one refers to another as
their "domestic partner" they've essentially said the same thing
about themselves, and their partner, as one who brags about their
"significant other." But both designations actually
refer to live in relationships that are not
marriage. Why not read this article and learn more about marriage as God
ordained it ? |
Anytime that
one desires to study the matter of scriptural divorce they should consider
the applicable passages from the New Testament. My advice to anyone is that
they read these verses first, and do so without
getting into philosophical discussions that do not take these scriptures to
heart. God's word is truth (John |
It is
sometimes argued that the Bible's holding Jews responsible for the
crucifixion of Christ might foster feelings of hatred towards the Jewish
people in general. When one considers all of the
circumstances connected with the death of Jesus who is called Christ (Messiah
is translated Christ in the scriptures), still there is just no place for
such a hatred. The reason being that Christians accept Peter's recorded
statement that "God exhalted Jesus to His
right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to |
The full title of this article is,
"Why the difficulty in getting people to see God gave the local
church?" It is certainly a difficult task to get people who are
enthralled with "their" organization (human), to understand that
human societies built by men to do the work that God gave the local church to
do are a depreciation of the divine organization God gave. Such is the focus
of this article. |
Katy Jones
wrote this worthwhile and beneficial article explaining how her world was
turned up side down upon
hearing the pure gospel of Christ. We publicize her article with the hopes that it might benefit others who may be coming to
the realization that denominationalism is not found in the New Testament.
Should you find yourself in a similar situation as
she found herself in, then you too can find the truth if you seek for it
(John |
you've wondered what the alcohol content is in light beer. In this brief
article you will find an answer to that important question. Dear reader do not believe every thing that you hear concerning light beer. And
especially comments to this effect, "What's the
big deal after all it is only light beer?" Why not read this article and
give careful consideration to the scriptural
warnings about the deceitfulness of alcohol, and its attendant state of
drunkenness and addiction? |
The following
article was written with a view to a better understanding of acceptable
worship, and imploring “all” who are members to help out and join together in a concerted effort to repel
the present attack upon worship today. Read the article and then, if you are
a Christian, step forward, speak up, give counsel and do not put the sole
burden of having to deal with unseemly conduct during worship solely upon
those who stand before all and lead! |
This study
presents the duty of Christians helping one another. Perhaps you need to read
up on some of the improper motives for helping another. You can find some
listed here! Also, you can learn
more, perhaps, concerning the improper attitudes that individuals manifest
towards those who do fulfill their duty to help others. |
Too often,
I’m afraid, small churches are lacking in the duty of
“liberality” (I Cor. 16:1-3). Question: How is your liberality
doing concerning the local church you are a member of? Why not take time to
read some of the important reminders for us to be good at imparting? |
A fourfold
distinction is presented concerning God’s great mercy: (1) The General Mercy of God to
his creation and creatures; (2) We are saved by God’s Mercy; (3) There
Is A Mercy for those who have been saved; (4) Mercy as practiced by the saved. Notice carefully that the general mercies God
bestows upon the wicked are of a temporal nature only; they are confined
strictly to their life here on earth. There will be no mercy extended to them
beyond the grave! In spite of the clear scriptural
warnings given in this article the wicked say, “I do not believe that
God will ever cast me into hell.” They are wrong! |
Peter began
his sermon on Pentecost by telling some of his audience that their
supposition was wrong (cf. Acts |
Specifics of descriptions given in the
Scriptures, for our admonition and learning, concerning those going into
Apostasy are: 1. They are rebellious; 2. They are liars; 3. They will not
hear the law of the Lord; 4. They bear rule by their
own means; 5. The people love to have it so. In this article both Jeremiah
and Isaiah are quoted as presenting the mindset of those who are intent on
shutting the mouths of the faithful who are content with trusting in God’s ways in order to
receive His blessings. |
The important
warning given in this article is introduced by, “Dear reader, beware of
the appeal of a cute religious story, poem or prose. People love to be told
they are the greatest, receive unwarranted sympathy, hear they have surprise
coming, etc., and thus be made to feel secure in spite of
their ungodliness.” …With a click of a button an emotionally
charged email can be passed on via one’s mailing list with some kind of careless not attached such as,
“Enjoy!” |
We often speak of “age old
philosophies” in the context of them being man’s flimsy excuses
wherein he justifies himself in ungodliness. Solomon said there is nothing
new under the sun. Why not take a trip through the ages and look at some age old sayings of complacency along with the type of
individuals who make them? |
The applications in this brief study
will deal with those who are in affliction. Dear reader, you will notice that
with some of these God has no pleasure. For others, they see God’s
faithfulness during their afflictions. Why not read this either for your self or with a view to
being able to help another? |
A respondent who questioned the
matter of judging those who live together without marriage stated, “I
think these days it can be a good thing to live together before getting
married.... This obviously goes against your feelings, but they're just
your feelings, not everyone's." Last of all she stated, "As far as
your last sentence, it's not an idea that it's acceptable and normal, these
days, IT IS acceptable and normal.... If you don't like it, then don't do
it.... I wouldn't criticize you...why do you judge about people who choose to
live together?" |
Here is an article about the
inconsistencies in members of the church when they jump on political
bandwagons and thus promote the Ten Commandments. Perhaps you need to study
and realize the simple truth about where the Ten Commandments belong in
Biblical History. Christians do not “live by” the Ten
Commandments! |
Newspaper Articles From The Valley Church of Christ |
These are selected articles that
appeared in our local newspaper, The Sun. The intent of these articles is
that each shows a love for and desire to present the Truth without
incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other religious bodies
today. Why not read these short truthful articles titled “Has Someone
Pulled The Plug From Your Life?,” “Holding Back Truth To Be A Seeker Friendly Church,” “Among The Apostles There Was No
Pope,” and “Scriptural Warnings
Appropriate For Grad Night.” |
Summer time
of the year obviously appears to be what some have referred to as the time
for "youth summer camp," "youth rallies," and "FC
Camp" time. I offer the following by way of warning. If you think I'm
too concerned about nothing of any importance then
you may be the one who needs the warning. |
Newspaper Articles From The Valley Church of Christ |
These are
selected articles that appeared in our local newspaper, The Sun. The intent
of these articles is that each shows a love for and desire to present the
Truth without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other
religious bodies today. Why not read these short truthful articles titled “Coming To Worship ~ A Spectator Sport!,” “King Solomon And Child Murder,” “An Old Fear And Shame ~ Easter,” “War Protesters.” |
This article refers states God’s
desire for ALL men to come to repentance, shows ALL men have come from Adam, teaches the
Gospel is for ALL men, shows a
Jew preaching salvation to a Gentile, presents scripture where both Jew and
Gentiles were made “one new man,” i.e. a Christian, emphasizes
that ALL who manifest the works of the flesh will perish, and ends with
God’s universal requirement of repentance and baptism for ALL men in
order that they might be
saved! |
God expects the soul, heart, and
oneself to be pure. Moreover, it is man’s duty to be as concerned as
God about what He demands of one’s heart! How long has it been since
you asked God to look at your “own” heart? Perhaps you have never
made such a request to God. Why not read this brief article and compare the
points with your own heart and conscience, and this with a view to being
forgiven of your sins and maintaining a pure heart before God? |
Hurricane Katrina struck the
east coast the week this article was written. Did it frighten you? Perhaps
such will cause one to think about the importance of spending their lifetime
in faithful service to and fear of God (Cf. Heb. |
Members They Are Sinning In Deliberately Missing
Church |
This is the one
of the most needed and necessary lessons of our day. Beginning with a list of well known
excuses offered by brethren from all over, the blame is placed where it
should be and this is with the unfaithfulness of the church as a
“whole.” Local churches are failing
miserably in making certain of any particular
member’s faithfulness, and thus not to be guilty of allowing
unfaithfulness. That “fear” is the main reason there is an
obvious (manifest) attendance problem in so many churches is plainly stated.
Members themselves are afraid of disciplining for fear of losing numbers,
finances, status, etc. God’s people should be told their sins! Are you
afraid to do that? |
Do you know someone who is in trouble
and needs God’s help? In this brief study the scriptures are related to three
important questions dealing with those times when we need, desire, and ask
for God’s help: (1) When you want God’s help how fast do you want
Him there? (2) When we need Him to deliver us how
far do we want Him from us? (3) How do you want God to feel about you when
you ask Him to help you? |
This article relates to an important
issue the church faces today; when it comes to Christians building human
organizations for worship and evangelism, the issue has always been the right
of man to build another organization when God specified His, the local church
( I Tim. 3:15). God gave the local church as the
pillar and support of the truth! (I Tim. 3:15) In defense of the Guardian of
Truth’s own “Truth Magazine Lectureship” age old arguments
are popping up again, such as the |
Almost dying can be a frightening
experience afterwards when one realizes how close they came. God Himself is
said to deliver man’s soul from going into the pit, at times (Job
33:27-30). Elihu said that there
is often deliverance from God if one would but say, “I have sinned, and
perverted that which was right, and it profited me not” (Job 33:27).
The Psalmist said that God forgives and delivers in order that we might fear
Him! The grave matter of having been given another opportunity for faithful
service to God is reinforced by various thoughts on making our choice in life
the way of Truth. |
The subject of God’s great mercy
is connected with the things that He delights in.
God delights in Loving-kindness, Justice and Righteousness, thus the
necessity of our glorying in these things in order that we might receive His
mercy! Moreover, God’s mercy is for those who fear Him (Ps. 103:17-18).
We must remember that it is in the practice of mercy itself that we receive
back from God (Ps. |
Christians need to study and then be
honest and make the right applications to one another, all family members,
and especially with their own mates (Cf. I Th. |
A Lesson
On Being Fleeceable For The Naïve (Gullible) And Simple Minded |
Some are amazed at just how gullible
Christians can be. At least that’s what some say. This response was
written to concur with such amazement. Why not read it an
learn why some believe everything they are told? |
The world’s remedy is
offered by the world but God’s remedy for sinful situations in the
lives of His creation is found in the Gospel of Christ. Concerned reader,
God’s remedy begins by identifying the sin and stating the penalty. In
this article you will see the vast difference between just offering another
advice and telling them the truth about God’s remedies that deal with
the soul, the need of instruction from His word, the penalty for having
sinned, and what is necessary for one to receive the remission of their sins. |
This article contains a reply to
the question that is the topic of study.
One asked, “Oh yes, and what do you mean by collective
responsibilities?” Consider carefully the scriptures from the New
Testament that present individuals not acting “individually” and
you cannot miss the importance of collective responsibilities such as
belonging to and worshipping and working with a local church belonging to
Christ. |
Many refuse to recognize and
admit that doctrinal matters are included in maintaining a good conscience.
In other words concerning “conscience”
it is not as if one is always at liberty to do what they want. Just because
one chooses to do something, thinks they can do it, and feels good about it
doesn’t necessarily make it right! Now why not study
about this important matter by reading the article? |
Just like in the world, yet among members of the church one spouse will
often say that they have fallen out of love with the other. When this is not
dealt with scripturally, and immediately, then the next step is they quit
assembling and soon leave the church altogether (see Heb. |
Greed or covetousness may be found
at any level of society; the Bible makes no distinction as to social position
or race. Things can change
quickly for the covetous and all such will ultimately find themselves in
conflict with God. The covetous trouble their own house, Solomon said. They
are a torment to themselves, bring strife and trouble
their families, but are too dull spiritually to know wherein the problem
lies. |
Delighting in iniquity replaces
one’s delight to do God’s will. David testified to this when he
said, “I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my
heart” (Ps. 40:8). This article pursues, briefly, a time when David did
not delight in God’s law and sinned by numbering the people. Smitten in
heart by God’s punishment he turns to God, confesses, and asks
forgiveness. His heart had chosen that in which God did not delight; he had
delighted in iniquity! |
Discipline is a work of the
local church. The instruction given to the church at |
Jesus Is King of the Jews And All Men; (2) The Israel Of God Today |
Here are two short newspaper
articles. Jesus is not only the King over the Jews today
but He is everyone’s King. He rules today from heaven and has all
authority in heaven and upon earth (Read and understand ~ Lk. 10:22; John
3:35; 5:22-27;17:2,10; Matt. 28:18-20; Eph.
1:19-23). The modern state of |
Old pagan beliefs and
practices surfaced during the Christmas Holiday. In referring to the
“sun” in this title I am thinking of the winter solstice. One
article which I read stated the sun was being thanked for its promise that
light will prevail and
another life-summer will eventually follow. What man sorely needs is to read
how God offers salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. In doing so they will
see the folly of paganism with its rank idolatrous practices, some of which
have crept back into modern society. |
Here are five articles that were
written for our local newspaper. Look below to see if some or all may be of
benefit to you or to another you might know. 1.
Jesus Is King Of The Jews And Of All Men! 2.
The 3. Christianity Does Not Teach Another 4.
The One Thousand Year Reign Is Not On Earth! 5.
The |
The various accounts of Jesus’
power to forgive sins during His personal ministry testified to Him being
God. He forgave sins for both men and women. In Matt. 9:1-8 when Jesus healed
the paralytic He wanted them to know that the Son of
Man had authority to forgive sins. The simple point is He had the authority
do so because He was God. We must accept that and keep it in the
“time” period in which it occurred. This article explains the
purpose of John’s baptism, as well as the forgiveness and salvation of the
thief who was crucified with Jesus (Lk. 23:43). The Lord said that He came to
seek and to save the lost (Lk. 19:10). Thus He
forgave sins as one of blessings of His presence among men. |
Trials should not cause us to forget
God’s law! We can receive strength in remembering past trials we
persevered in (Cf. Heb. |
This Psalm is often avoided because of
its length. This study begins with eight points on integrity with God. Follow these application is made
from each of the remaining sections. You will note that our inconsistencies
are often our reproach in life. And that there is boldness in serving God
when there are no inconsistencies. Also, that affliction is one of
God’s ways to “make” us understand His precepts. One lesson
is what God tells us to do when persecuted with a lie. And another is that we
should fear God’s judgments rather than fearing man. Understand that it
is on the grounds of your integrity that you may plead to God for protective
care against the wicked (Ps. 119:121-128). These are but a few of the good lesson presented through studying this
Psalm. Why not read the article and while doing so read it along with your
Bible? |
Having no real concern for
the whole of God’s commandments and doing all He requires (cf. Ps.
119:160), the wicked will often “keep records” (lists) of
others’ sins that they have repented of. Their carnal record keeping
seeks to condemn the righteous who have repented, and to justify the ungodly
who continue to mistreat them while ignoring their own sins. Such
intimidation by use of their “list” is just one way that they
seek to take the present righteousness of the just away from them! |
The prophet Jeremiah had a lot
to say about the stubbornness of God’s people. He pulled no punches but
stated plainly the carnality involved. The purpose of this study is to ensure
that we understand the importance of obedience being commanded
us. The seriousness of this study is seen in that the stubborn contend with
God, are punished, and while being punished go yet onwards towards that point
where iniquity is great, sins are numerous, and God’s punishment
painfully serious! |
The church at |
The full title of this article is
“The Pattern Of Lies Producing And Sustaining Apostasies.” You
don’t see much on this particular part of
apostasy in spite of the fact that those involved are frequently said to have
misrepresented others’ statements, twist what others say in confronting
them, and that they just flat make false statements.
Read this article to study what Jeroboam did wrong when he said in his heart
that God’s established order would not work. Besides Jeroboam’s
apostasy, the article presents in detail the pattern of lies producing
apostasies from the book of Jeremiah. |
God delights over His people to do
them good (De. 28:63). The Psalmist said, “Light is sown for the
righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart” (Ps. 97:11). We are
commanded to rejoice with those who rejoice, and to weep with those who weep,
being of the same mind one toward another (Rom. |
This article goes along with
“Why We Rejoice With One Another” listed just above. These give
emphasis to how there can be suffering, sorrow, and joy in combination and at
the same times (cf. 2 Cor. 7:4; Phil. |
The tremendous value of our
sisters in Christ is set forth in this article. Beginning with the honor that
is due to faithful women in Christ, the study sets forth the various duties
enjoined upon them in regards to their family and
service to rendered to the church that Christ built. They are to be ready unto every good work (Eph. 2:10, I Tim. 5:10, Titus 3:1,
2:14). Why not study the nine points of application directed towards their
being scripturally appreciated? |
Here are four newspaper articles
presented to the community with a love for the truth. The intent is to
present God’s truths without incorporating the
emotional flavor so popular with other religious bodies: (1) “When
You’re Promised You’ll Like It!” exposes
“pitches” for attracting visitors contrasted with what
God’s word should produce in those who hear. (2) “Politics
Does Not Make Evil To Be Good!” presents the fear associated
with “political correctness” in our society contrasted with true
Christians’ desire to tell people they are wrong morally, i.e.
religiously. (3) “God Knows When Men Conceal The Truth”
presents a scriptural view of those who claim to preach God’s word
while restraining their lips for covetousness sake.
These help the ungodly and love those who hate the Lord! (4)
“Justifying Self By Saying Church Responsibility Is Not
Necessary” answers
four popular self justifications offered for not
studying and seeking a scriptural church. |
Dear reader the following bold headings are selected articles
that appeared in our local newspaper the Yuma Sun. The intent of these
articles is that each shows a love for and desire to present the Truth
without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other religious
bodies today. The first of four articles titled “I’m Mr.
Positive!” bespeaks of the empty, vain, teaching and
preaching done today by popular speakers who serve themselves and not the
Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 16:17). Consider that the last three articles aim at
giving concerned people some idea of what Jesus really did say. We encourage
you to read each of scriptures referenced to
understand your own accountability (Jo. 12:48; Matt. 7:21-27). |
This study is linked with a
prior article and is a continuation of integrity as defined from Psalms 119
as well as other Psalms. For the first article see the introduction. In this
study you will find such points as: (1) Pleading for protection against the
wicked, (2) One’s hope for deliverance, (3) Asking God for vindication,
(4) Who is fit for communion with God, (5) What preserves when in distress,
(6) The “I Haves” of integrity, and (7) David’s integrity. |
This lesson considers the path of the
wicked that is a familiar topic throughout the Psalms. You will learn about
the wicked by the following: (1) God thwarts the way of the wicked (Ps.
146:9); (2) God puts the wicked in great fear (Ps. 53); (3) Accusers are
filled with their own ways (Ps. 109). This section tells you exactly what
will happen to the wicked; (4) You will learn about the purpose of their
traps they set for the righteous; (5) God overthrows the best of secret
counsel (Ps. 64). |
Those full of carnality (works
of the flesh) accuse the faithful unjustly with wicked intent, spread strife
with their mouths, and set an example of evil for others to imitate (cf. 3
John 10-11). They have a goal, an objective, and will sacrifice the truth and
brethren to achieve it! These are looking forward to
and working towards division in order that they might have their own way, and
that with the “kind of preaching” that lacks application and
pleases the ungodly (cf. 2 Tim. 4:1-5). Understand that the longer the church
postpones dealing with them scripturally the closer they get to their
unscriptural goals (cf. Rev. 2:20). There is nothing more carnal, and full of
the works of the flesh, that I can think of at this age in my life than
brethren who work to stop applicable preaching and teaching. They will stop
at nothing to get the “new kind” of preacher. Old warnings need
to be issued! As in the past there will always be bigger churches somewhere
ready to aid the pattern of apostasy and provide the “new kind”
of teachers and preachers. That is how apostasy is able to
continue. Brethren beware! It is quite possible that you know of such things
happening among us. |
Jesus said, “Not every one that saith unto me,
Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the
will of my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 7:21). This
is a lesson today for “the foolish” who refuse to recognize that
faith without works is useless and dead (see James 2:20-26). Above all it
becomes, when we understand the expression “the will of My
Father,” the very lesson people need who say Jesus is Lord and then
profess there are other religions that lead to the Father that don’t
believe Jesus is Lord (cp. Lk. 6:46). And again, notice in our study what
knowing and doing “the will of My Father” does to the statement
often heard, i.e. all you have to do is believe in
God. |
Dear reader the following titles
are selected newspaper articles that appeared in our local newspaper the Yuma
Sun. Advertizing for many churches tends to follow
the current trend for advertizing in general and
has an emotional “pitch” to possibly interest the reader. The
intent of these articles is that each shows a love for and desire to present
the Truth without incorporating the emotional flavor so popular with other
religious bodies today. There is nothing comparable to the truth of
God’s words with its wisdom. The topics are: “The Buyer Is
Like The Seller; The Creditor Is Like The Debtor” (What God’s word
says about liars, cheats and murderers applies to all – the rich and
poor!); “Wicked Kids, Teens, Beating & Stomping
Others” (This exposes the lie, “Oh they’re just
too young to know better!”); “Some Wrights Are So
Wrong” (When so called
“Pastors” are asked if John 14:6 is true and if they think Islam
is another way to salvation, and then suggest that there is another path to
the Father they deny what Jesus and the apostles taught! (cf. John 12:48). |
The bible contains
an abundance of information applicable to the direction that our society is
going as regards sexual immoralities or perversion. One immorality perhaps
considered less publicized than others is the “transgender”
thing. Perhaps I should be more specific and say “transsexual”
thing, i.e. the desire to live and be accepted as a member of the sex
opposite to that of their own birth. Such often alter their bodies and
physical appearance in order to present themselves
according to this desire. In the New Testament alone there are several lists
of the works of the flesh that will keep one out of the kingdom of
Christ. You will find some
helpful, worthwhile applications at the close of this article that will
provide wisdom to be shared with others. |
Don’t Have A Right To Be Supported By Our Local Churches |
The matter of the Truth Magazine Lectureship has come up
again (Guardian Of Truth Foundation’s). I ask you to consider the
following points: (1) What they cannot accept tells what they are; (2) Their
use of old liberal institutional slogans tell what they are; (3) Their silly
comparisons tell what they lack. |
Dear reader the following titles are selected newspaper
articles that appeared in our local newspaper the Yuma Sun. The first is
titled “That’s Not My Jesus!”
Some are quick to respond to Jesus’ condemnation of homosexuality with,
“That’s not my God!” Such do not present the real Jesus. You will notice should you read each
of the three brief articles that there are two kinds of “fools”
mentioned therein. There are “fools” who truly despise
God’s wisdom and instruction given by Him in His Word (Prov. 1:29).
Such fools as these do not listen to what God says. The article titled “Fools Leave God out of Marriage” presents this kind
of fool. Again, and by contrast
there those who do listen and obey God’s Word who are viewed as being
“fools” for so doing. These “fools” are presented in
the article titled “The Credentials of a
Fool.” Which kind of “fool” are you? |
Amazingly during the celebration of
the “blessing of animals” this year one church, not Catholic,
offered this opportunity: “In addition to the blessing, all present can offer special prayers to the animal friends
who have died. Each person may name the pet.” At least this what appeared in the newspaper article promoting this
event. Read this article and you will notice several strange and divergent
views that some hold concerning animals as part of God’s creation. |
Applicable lessons based upon
David’s addresses, and of course God’s, to Solomon concerning his
reigning upon David’s throne form the background of this particular article. Read about Solomon’s throne and
exemplification of one of his own proverbs: “It is an abomination to
kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by
righteousness” (Prov. 6:12). Applications are also made from the book
of Jeremiah and the Psalms denouncing oppression, fraud, extortion, cruelty
and the destruction of the foundation of society. |
Week’s Dec. 15th issue’s cover has “Gay
Marriage: Our Mutual Joy” as its top article. The author says:
“Opponents of gay marriage often cite Scripture. But what the Bible
teaches about love argues for the other side.” It is evident that the
author didn’t know what she was talking about. These short newspaper
articles expose a great deal of the error presented in this widely circulated
article. |
This article is a reply to a
respondent who was delighted with the error that was presented in News
Week’s Dec. 15ths feature article “Gay Marriage: Our
Mutual Joy.” I wasn’t delighted and had something to say
scripturally concerning those who justify the wicked as being an abomination
to the Lord (cf. Prov. 17:15).
The following presented ensued as he replied
to what I had said. And I in turn to what he said.
There is a great of deal scriptural information here concerning what Jesus
and inspired writers said about the sin of homosexuality. There are
descriptions of Sodom both from the Old and New Testaments. |
In this “The Truth In
Print” publication for Feb. 2009 you will find mention of a Mr. Knapp
who has taken issue with the church’s articles in our local newspaper
titled “Newsweek’s Biblical Blunder On The Bible & Gay
Marriage.” Included is what he chose to say about us in the opinion
column of our newspaper. He has accused our church of using selective
scriptures, the effect of which he says is to marginalize and demonize gays
and lesbians. There are certain things presented we’d like for others
to note concerning his disapproval of our teaching the truth about gay sex.
Mr. Knapp is illustrative of how confidence in the social scientific theories
of the “present” can lead one. It is obvious as one reads his
last paragraph that this confidence has led him to say the opposite of what
the Scriptures really do say. For example compare
what his last paragraph says with our fourth newspaper article, “News
Week’s Biblical Blunder On The Bible & Gay Marriage #4.” The
New Testament scriptures do not teach that those who practice gay sex are to
be included in fellowship with members of the local church. |
Having been criticized by a Unitarian
/ Universalist (See articles titled: “Newsweek’s Biblical Blunder
On The Bible & Gay Marriage” ) for our
series on Newsweek’s blunder --- this article states what Unitarians
are all about. You will find that you don’t have to believe in God to
be a part of their man made religion! |
This article relates two
separate incidents with regard to those who think
instruments of music are acceptable in church worship. Both serve, I believe,
as a reminder of how apostasy works and presents itself in
order to perpetuate its working of error. The second incident
illustrates how apostasy never stands still. You should know this and be able
to see this. The next generation goes yet further progressing in error. Some
churches calling themselves churches of Christ have now added the instrument
of music! |
Here is a lesson based upon the
prevalence of “identity theft.” This lesson answers the
questions, “What is identity theft?”, “How do thieves steal
an identity?”, “What do thieves do with a stolen
identity?”, “How can you find out if your identity was
stolen?” and
”What can you do to help fight identity theft?” ---
All with a spiritual view as to the use of Christ’s name without proper
permission and how Christ name theft crimes take many forms. Spiritually the
unity of belief and practice of the one Gospel is the means
by which we fight identity theft and protect against those who wear
Christ’s name who are frauds. You will find twelve scriptural and
helpful applications for detecting these impostors who preach another Gospel.
Such will “rob” you of your prize if you let them (Col. 2:18-19).
The truth is when one uses the phrase
“baptized believer” it may mean any number of things. If you plug
“baptized believer” into your search on the internet
you’ll probably get “Believer’s Baptism.” Likewise that phrase may mean any number of things. This
careful consideration of the wide variety of meanings that exist concerning
the use of “baptized believer” should serve as a warning
concerning its use. |
Here is topic
that you don’t see discussed very often. There are a lot of important
things to consider when one thinks about moving elsewhere. Especially when
one is departing from those whom they’ve worshipped and worked with in
Christ. Moreover, this article is not just about preachers when they relocate
but all members of a local church should they decide to move elsewhere. Why
not read this article and consider the applications as to both the joy and
sorrow of departing from those you love in Christ? |
Truths learned from Tom Roberts Speech at the Truth Magazine Lectures 2009 |
Those involved in the Guardian of
Truth Foundation apostasy need to repent. Tom Roberts’ speech at the
Truth Magazine Lectures simply reveals their continued digression. As he
seeks to justify their present apostasy he uses
arguments that liberals used to justify human societies in past generations.
You’ll be benefitted by this article if you
care about warning others concerning this continuing apostasy in our
brotherhood. |
The G12 discipline movement is
sweeping the nation and around the world. Some say that money is the god of
this movement, not God and His word. People do not have “bad
hearts” just because they wish to investigate or discuss
“systems” and “movements” that claim to be of Christ.
The introductory article tells briefly of the beginning of the movement. It
also includes a warning against the “Women Pastors & the
Co-Pastorate Husband and Wife Set Up” in general that is so prevalent
in non-denominational churches today. Read the entire series being developed
here! |
This is a series of Newspaper
Articles that we published in the Yuma Sun. There are six short article based upon activities in the life of the apostle
Paul. These present where government officials
either failed or succeeded in doing their work. Actually
there is a great deal of information here about civil rulers, workers, and
politicians dealing with such things as motives, consequences, civil
harassment, rumors and lies, hatred, mob violence, intent to murder, greed
and man pleasing – the desire and advantage for political figures as
they work at pleasing others. |
Here is a practical study of the
book of Malachi with questions for each section. It can be used for a class
study in whatever way one desires to do so. There are brief outlines
accompanying each section for additional information and application. |
The purpose of this article is
to emphasize the importance of enabling others to develop speech that correctly
describes the sinner ---- and especially our children. Applications are made
for this important question: If you can’t say the wicked are so what
are some likely problem you will have? |
In Proverbs chapter one
“Wisdom” shouts publicly to all including the simple minded
(naïve), scorners (scoffers) and fools. Religious and scriptural
applications are made with propaganda techniques. God doesn’t Name
Call. If God says someone or some group is stupid
then they are stupid! God does not use Glittering Generalities. He did not
choose words and phrases with always favorable implications! God does not us
the Plain Folks approach. God is not just one of us! God used
“true” Guilty By Association. The three mentioned in the title
are grouped and belong together, God says. God did not use the Band Wagon.
Accepting God’s law and obeying it will not put you in the majority!
You will find a link here to other articles from an extended study of Proverbs
chapter one. |
for the Naïve, Scoffers and Fools (Parts One Through Three) |
These articles state the
penalties the naïve, scoffers and fools thought they’d escape all
the while paying no attention to God’s call. Such listed penalties are:
(1) God Withholding His Word, (2) God Will Laugh at their Calamity and Mock
when their Fear Comes, (3) Distress and Anguish Come. You will find related
articles along with these at this particular link. |
Refused, Neglected, Paid Not Attention To And Hated
– Part One & Two |
Here are good admonitions to give to someone if
they are not paying attention and getting pounded by God for not doing so!
They are taken from an extended study of Proverbs chapter one. Such fools
were guilty of (1) Refusing God’s Call, (2) Paying No Attention to His
Outstretched Hand, (3) Neglecting All God’s Counsel, (4) Hating
Knowledge, and (5) Not Choosing the Fear of the Lord. You will find an
abundance of application here. You will find related
articles along with these at this particular link. |
Many believe that their
church’s creed – often written long ago – is equal in
authority to the New Testament scriptures. This article is written with the
intent of showing that creeds and statements of faith often contain error. Many statements of faith are written to
“attract” by stating social goals. Sadly, these are lacking in
stating truthfully what is necessary for one to believe and do in order to be saved. Even the ancient Apostles’
Creed is not enough! |
This is a series of newspaper Articles
titled “Civil Government Out Of Control” (Numbers 1-6) listed
above that ran in the Yuma Sun in 2009. Since I have put it into our
newsletter format I am listing it again. There are six short article based upon activities in the life of the apostle
Paul. These present where government officials
either failed or succeeded in doing their work. Actually
there is a great deal of information here about civil rulers, workers, and
politicians dealing with such things as motives, consequences, civil
harassment, rumors and lies, hatred, mob violence, intent to murder, greed
and man pleasing – the desire and advantage for political figures as
they work at pleasing others. |
The following are selected newspaper
articles ran by the Valley church of Christ for 2009-2010. We put some
together periodically in order to post them on our
website. Both churches and preachers would do well to consider that just
offering a few scriptural points on important topics can go a long way in
helping others. Consider the following points on (1) Why Pentecostal /
Charismatic Tactics Easily Deceive; (2) Complaining With No Intention Of
Making Things Scriptural; (3) Stupid Kid’s Games Draw Customers; (4)
Liberation Theology & Marxist Ideology; (5) Human Creeds & Statements
of Faith. |
You will often hear that Islam honors
all prophets, including Jesus. Just what “kind” of honor does
Islam give to the Lord Jesus Christ? It is certainly not that they believe in
His deity because they do not. The truth is Islam repeatedly denies that
Jesus is God. Islam also denies the basic tenants of the New Testament
teaching about Jesus and salvation. How do you supposedly honor Him when the
honor you give to Him is the dishonor of saying He was not who He said He
was? Why not follow this
series and see the many truths that Islam denies about Jesus that the New
Testament teaches and Christians believe? |
No one should disregard or deny the
“intolerance” of radical Muslims for others’ faiths as
shown in current news from Egypt and Iraq. This shows why such intolerance
must be kept out of America and elsewhere. The truth is that Muslims
themselves deny the basic principles of Christianity. Thus, they can in turn live civilly
with Christians stating that they do not believe in Muhammad or Islam.
Government should not participate in the destruction of the will to confess
Christ. What others think of our belief is not as important in this context
as what they cannot do to Christians in the United States or elsewhere.
Christianity is certainly not a religion that endorses the senseless murder
of individuals for either leaving or disagreeing! This series deals with some of the
differences between what the New Testament teaches about Jesus and what
Muslims believe. |
Once accepted
one human organization spawns others. A kinship
develops through acceptance, and the influence of even one “type”
of human society can weigh strongly in others’ desire for yet another.
The common defense of the human society amongst us is “It’s not a
church” ---thus the arguments that the school, the camp and the
benevolent society engaged in works God gave the local church are to be
accepted. By defining the human society by what it is “not” by no
means scripturally justifies it. This article presents this common defense
with current application. |
This series on premillennialism
with its so called “rapture” is set against recent false teaching
and predictions concerning such. You will find a simplified basic
premillennial chart that helps to explain this deceptive doctrine. Scriptural
points are given to counter this doctrine under “Important
Applications.” |
These short newspaper articles are linked with
The Truth In Print series (see above) so the reader may find information on
this very topic with expansion of the main points. Like the mentioned fuller
expanded study these article show the error in the
premillennial doctrine with its so called “rapture.” |
Here is a close look at Ramadan
as presented by Muslims from the Quran in English with English commentaries.
Every time I read what Muslim scholars have to say about Islam their message
is clearly that Islam is a religion that seeks to destroy belief in Jesus
Christ as the Son of God --- it denies the fundamental teaching of the New
Testament as the will of God for all of mankind until the end of time. Their
teaching on Ramadan obviously fits this established pattern! One interesting
doctrine also included is what Muslims are told to do in seeking the
forgiveness of their sins. |
Professions of love for the
“baby” Jesus at Christmas time are often nothing more than
hypocrisy. Such are often followed within a very short period
of time with drinking and revelry at New Years. Here is a description
of what the drunkard brings upon himself. |
Here is your “physical
future” generally speaking (Eccl. 12:1-8). With that in mind this
article presents Duties one must fulfill. First, there is duty to self to not
forsake the truth in old age. Of course, there is also the
duty to relieve and care for one’s own family. Thirdly, this article
presents some of the dangers for Christians in care centers and lessons from
the elderly, both good and bad. |
“Grass Roots” Pol. Movements Address Local Churches of Christ |
This is election year and I’m hearing that a pastor
(denominational usage) is afraid if he doesn’t allow his church to have
a requested political presentation from our grass root political movement. It
never dawned on such that a church of Christ would be in scriptural agreement
that such is not authorized as part of an assembly of the church. Where did
personal conscience suddenly go? What happened to religious liberty? Read
this study to understand why all the members of the local church are in agreement, and make no apologies for respecting the
authorized work of the assemblies of the church. |
to Church with the Easter Bunny |
Paying close attention is hard
work (Heb. 2:1-3). W. E. Vine states commenting upon the word correctly
translated “Passover” (Acts 12:4), “The term Easter is not
of Christian origin. It is another form of Astarte, one of the titles of the
Chaldean goddess, the queen of heaven. The festival of Pasch held by Christians in post-apostolic times was a
continuation of the Jewish feast, but was not instituted by Christ, nor was
it connected with Lent. From this Pasch the Pagan festival of Easter was
quite distinct and was introduced into the apostate Western religion, as part
of the attempt to adapt Pagan festivals to Christianity”
(Vine’s Expository Dictionary).
Why not read this presentation and understand fully that the churches
of Christ in the first century were not given a special Easter service. |
Modern teachers love to
emphasize some of the teaching of Jesus while discounting the teaching of His
apostles. This “discount” includes all prophets who wrote the New
Testament. Their prejudice against the whole of the New Testament scriptures
makes it easy to identify them. It is the Scriptures themselves that expose
their unwillingness to accept the whole of the New Testament teaching as the
revealed will of Christ. Why not take time to read the exposure of such false
teachers in these newspaper articles. |
This article brings the apostasy
of Individual Societies built by christians up to
date. What was proposed in the 1800s and then again in our lifetime has taken
root. Faithful members have always recognized that the congregational plan is
the divine arrangement. Societies built today to do the works God gave His
organization, the local church, to do are additions to His plan. They are not as is said just another avenue, or toll, for the
church to do its work. Again, they are additions to God’s divine plan!
In conjunction with this you might also want to read “Individually
Supported Societies on the Sideline.” |
Most churches never speak out on
the necessity of having “scriptural authority” for what one
believes and practices. In fact, most are not willing to deal with the
subject because of the lack of authority for things
they are doing. Here is a brief study on how to establish scriptural
authority by using Statements, Commands, Examples, and Necessary Inferences
found in the Word of God. Each person is expected to read and understand
God’s Word, just the same as if someone gave them an important set of
instruction dealing with their work, or health, to read for their benefit. |
Most churches never speak out on the
necessity of having “scriptural authority” for what one believes
and practices. In fact, most are not willing to deal with the subject because
of the lack of authority for things they are doing.
Here is a brief study on how to establish scriptural authority by using
Statements, Commands, Examples, and Necessary Inferences found in the Word of
God. Each person is expected to read and understand God’s Word, just
the same as if someone gave them an important set of instruction dealing with
their work, or health, to read for their benefit. |
Most churches never speak out on the
necessity of having “scriptural authority” for what one believes
and practices. In fact, most are not willing to deal with the subject because
of the lack of authority for things they are doing.
It is important to know the difference between “aids” used to
carry out what is authorized versus “additions” which are things
not authorized. This lesson should help with that distinction. |
Modern teachers love to emphasize some
of the teaching of Jesus while discounting the teaching of His apostles. This
“discount” includes all prophets who wrote the New Testament.
Their prejudice against the whole of the New Testament scriptures makes it
easy to identify them. It is the Scriptures themselves that expose their
unwillingness to accept the whole of the New Testament teaching as the
revealed will of Christ. Why not take time to read the exposure of such false
teachers in these newspaper articles. |
(Pentecostals’ Snake Handling) |
Some get offended when you ask,
“Why do Pentecostals practice fake spiritual signs?” Speaking the
truth often offends in the religious realm (cp. Jo. 6:60-62). Randy Mack
Wolford “was” a snake handler. He died of a snake bite received
during a worship service in May, 2012. His death was
supposed to have proved something --- that he was faithful to Christ.
I’ll discuss that in light of some scriptures
in this article. |
You will hear, “You know there
is really no such thing as religion in the Bible.” That’s as
false as one saying you can love Jesus but religion
is non-essential. Some falsely present Jesus as greater than religion, but
the religion He gave is His love, holiness, discipline and just nature.
Various scriptural usages of the word “religion” are presented in
this article while contrasting false religion with the faith once delivered
to the saints (Jude 3). You find references to the Jews’ religion,
sects of the Jews, and man-made religion after the commandments and doctrines
of men. Such are
contrasted with “pure religion and undefiled before God
and the Father” (Ja. 1:27). |
Brother C.C. Morgan wrote this article
in 1932. It presents a good look at the “Christian Church” in the
1930s. Why not read the reasons he gave for leaving? In his closing
admonition he says, “Walk out of the unscriptural practices of the
“Christian Church” and stand with the New Testament church on the
“Old Book” and the “Old Faith.” This was, he said,
“the only way out for those who love the Truth.” |
I’m often asked why there
is a label of “advertisement” at the bottom of the church’s
articles. They’ll often say, “No one else’s does, why
yours?” The newspaper places it there.
Consider this: While the designation is accurate, for our articles tell
people about the church of Christ, it is obvious that the content is what we
are seeking to get forward (Cf. 1 Tim. 3:15). There should be a distinct
difference in what a church of Christ presents to the community, and that of
the various false religions. And there is if the church is doing its work as
it should. By refusing the often sought “marketing approach” the
Truth becomes apparent. It is the Truth that is important in contrast to sin
and religious error. Included is an exposure of the oft used “Try Us
And You’ll Like Us” pitch. |
Here is information on the National
Cathedral in D.C. hosting same-sex nuptials. Here is a present example of the
fallacy of human conventions making man made laws and binding them on their
church. Such displays how corrupt churches really are! |
You might enjoy reading these as they
are grouped together: “Politics Does Not Make Evil to be Good,”
“What Presidents Do When They Promote Abortion and Gay Marriage,”
“When the Governing Powers Refuse to Listen” and “Women
Bishops And Gay Marriage Are Both Sinful.” |
There’s nothing so entertaining to some as tuning in to the
“Oldies” program on their available radio network. In fact, I
have a neighbor who does just such a program — he is a veritable
walking encyclopedia on the hits from the 60s. Some of those hits you just
don’t get tired of hearing, and there are some excuses for evading
scriptural authority that you are always hearing from those who never tire of
using them. |
Brethren can
sometimes find themselves in hurtful situations for which there seems to be
no solutions. This article presents the wrongful attitudes one might have
when means are insufficient, as well as the right way to approach such while
accepting and seeking the counsel of brethren who care. |
Many people, including some in
the church, think that all uses of sarcasm are simply wrong and belong in the
category of improper speech. Just like “satire” which is often
humorous ridicule that conveys a rebuke or criticism, likewise
“sarcasm” can be used to expose folly and vice. Brethren it is
not wrong to expose folly to ridicule! Here’s a Bible lesson using
sarcasm. The rightful use of sarcasm is presented in this lesson. |
Brethren building human
organizations to function in worship and edification is again addressed by
referencing the Camps. Such Camps are our children’s introductions to
brethren building unauthorized human institutions for worship, edification
and evangelism. Local churches should teach on human organizations
depreciating God’s own divinely given organization, the local church. |
This article presents the local
church’s collective responsibility to withdraw from a member who walks
disorderly, as well as each individual christian’s
duty to not associate with any brother who leads an unruly life and not
according to the instruction revealed in the New Testament scriptures. It
includes such verses as Matt. 18:15-17; I Cor. 5:11; 2 Th. 3:6, 14, 15; 2
Cor. 2:6-8 as well as information on invites and feasts found in the New
Testament. |
Newspaper Articles for 2013 |
These newspaper articles from 2013
include: (1) “Using ‘Christendom’ to Cover Religious
Error”; (2) “The Ways of the Street Mugger”; (3)
“Murders, Murderers, Victims”; (4) “Surely not a Hot
Head” and (5) “Surely not a Greedy Person.” |
“Twerking” is defined as
“The rhythmic gyrating of the lower fleshly extremities in a lascivious
manner with the intent to elicit sexual arousal or laughter in ones intended
audience. Hey Girl, lets Twerk on the dance floor.” Now, read this
article to understand why those who seek to justify such dance around the sin
of lasciviousness. |
You see in Jeremiah the repetition of
the same warning over and over, to Zedekiah and to all the people. The list
of immediate preceding kings at the beginning of
this article shows what has happened. Yet Zedekiah did not listen. We see in
him that attitude of all God’s people that caused God to despise them
and destroy them. Zedekiah had 11 years to hear and listen. Have you had your
11 years? * After reading this you may want to read “Jeremiah
and the Unfaithful Remnant” for more information on this period of
Judah. |
At time it is just plain obvious who
it is that is racist although some will offer lies as a cover for
unrighteousness. It accomplishes absolutely nothing to let someone mouth that
blatant racism and hatred is nothing more than an urban legend and get by
with it! This should be exposed as often as it appears. Now, read the article
for a scriptural exposure. |
In a prior article “Zedekiah
Would not Listen” God repeated the same warning to Zedekiah, and to
all the people. You may desire to read that article that deals with the same
period of Judah’s history. The account Jeremiah gives of the unfaithful
remnant is one chalked full of their lies, false requests for prayer on their
behalf, and idolatry as God repeats His warning. They “should clearly
understand” that God has spoken and what God says He’ll do to
those who do not listen and obey. Read this lesson and understand God’ |
Two prior articles deal with the days
of Jeremiah: Zedekiah
Would not Listen and Jeremiah
and the Unfaithful Remnant . This article describes the abject misery in
Jerusalem as God brings His judgments upon Judah and destroys Jerusalem.
Although the word “hell” is not found in the book of Lamentations
it is seen everywhere. Read about the various classifications of individuals
who were cast into eternal torment. |
Our brethren have built human
societies for the purpose of worship, edification and evangelism without
having scriptural authority to do so. These five articles answer common
arguments given for the existence of Florida College engaged in these works.
You may also wish to read The
Great Apostasy is Done, Finished! |
The comparison in Hebrews 7 is that of
Christ with those who officiated as high priests under the Levitical system. Heb. 10:28 says, “28 For
the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the
oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is consecrated for
evermore.” They were mere
men who themselves sinned; they were numerous and had to be replaced, due to
death. Here is the account of some beginning with Aaron. |
Brethren’s “Sole Purpose” Argument & “The
Percentage Justification” |
“Some of our brethren have built and maintained human
organizations (businesses) that do a portion of the above works belonging to
the local church. Such will often seek to justify their own organization’s
work in these areas by citing a percentage basis. They will reason if the
“sole purpose” is evangelism to save the lost world then it would
be wrong. Then they say that the “spiritual work” done is not the
primary work of the legitimate business in question. This is an all too
obvious maneuver or trick that intentionally takes away the importance of the
“whole” as belonging to God’s specified organization -- the
local church arrangement given to His people.” |
Churches Fear Applying “Scriptural Authority” ~ Selected
Newspaper Articles |
Local churches of Christ must continue to be the pillar and support of
the truth. These three articles relate to the fear manifested by church
leaders who use human wisdom, emotions and lies; whose goals are power,
prestige, pleasing self and material gain. Members themselves love their
false position that allows them to fulfill their own lusts. These show how
secular institutions influenced by Political Correctness have become
protectors and enforcers for those who despise God’s Word, thus
displaying a lack of respect for “religious” freedom of
speech! |
Fair is Unacceptable ~ “All” Works of the Flesh are Sinful! |
One aspect of “religious
freedom of speech” is the right to name specific immoralities as well
as oppose the teachings of other religions (cf. Matt. 15:12-14). Much is said
today in defense of practicing homosexuality as if none
have the right to say religiously that it is sinful conduct. However, true
Christians believe and teach that “all” works of the flesh
identified in the New Testament are sinful and that includes practicing
homosexuality (Cf. Rom. 1:24-32; I Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21). |
Today almost
every criticism of another’s religion brings the charge of irrational
criticism and hate: “You’re discriminating!” “You
hate!” A great weakness in understanding religious freedom of speech
lies in thinking that one must not criticize any religion for some might be
offended. Read here how Jesus replied to such false charges. |
followed by the “Curtain Call” followed by the “Go Get
‘Em Letter” |
There is a pattern at times that
is manifested in local churches.
One or more members, and at times among a family unit, manifest
discontent — one will often even state that someone is just not happy
therefore “they” might have to leave to please others or another.
With brief intermissions the state of someone being unhappy is manifested
again and again — the we will stay a little
longer feeling wears off finally issuing in the curtain call. A final curtain
call where one stands before the church, states that it saddens them to have
to say that they’ve withdrawn their membership and will be worshipping
elsewhere. |
Homosexuals Wed Civilly in Yuma |
Have you not read that God created
them “male” and “female” (cf. Gen. 1:27, Matt.
19:4-5)? Husband and wife are identified by God in the Bible (Gen. 2:23-25;
Gen. 3). You don’t find this kind of thing approved of in the Bible
(cf. I Cor. 6:9-11). Consider in view of God’s established order that a
man can’t be a wife to another man; a man can’t be a husband to
another man; a woman can’t be a husband to anyone; a woman can’t
be a wife to another woman. |
In this article Mr. Not Relevant has
the relevancy in the wrong place. First of all,
contending for the faith once for all delivered to the saints is always
relevant to the work of the local church (cf. Phil. 1:27). A basic
understanding of the local church is its teaching locally (cf. Acts 20:27-32;
I Cor. 14:26). Matters of apostasy are never irrelevant for Christians in a
local body as they are warned about them. Moreover
thinking none in the community outside the church will understand or relate,
is like saying they can’t understand the New Testament patterns Christ
gave concerning the local church. Many warnings were given to local churches
from one not even a member (cf. Gal.1:8-10, 2:8, 3:1; Col. 2:8). And local churches influence in teaching abroad is seen in such
passages as I Th. 1:7-8; Acts 15:2-3. |
We sing particular
songs because we are concerned about doing all things scripturally
– for edification, teaching and admonition. Read this to understand why
there was no use of instruments of music in the worship of the churches in
the first century churches of Christ. |
People are quick to quote these
passages to justify using a combination of the Mosaic Covenant along with the
New Covenant. This is used for any number of things, but especially for items
of worship that they particularly like that cannot be justified by the New
Testament teaching concerning the church of Christ. The attraction of special
clothing (cf. Ex. 28) for ministers and priests, along with the use of
instruments, candles, incense, etc. would be examples. For the most part
should any one of them be asked, Why not offer the animal sacrifices and
various offerings and activities made by the Jews at the Temple? —
they’d say that’s not necessary today. Why? Since we are not
given these in the New Testament for worship are we free to choose one or all
if we want to? |
After a bible study, which was on
Forgiveness, a visitor asked me, “What do you believe about
Hell?” I told him it believed Hell is real and eternal. Have you heard
the saying “God said it, that settles it, I believe it”? And that settles it IF I don’t
believe it! — But I do and the visitor
didn’t. He referred to Hell in his letter as “the fabled
Hell.” Read this article for points that answer those who choose not to
believe in Hell, although the Lord gave much teaching on eternal punishment. |
The title is also a quotation from a
visitor. She said, “I want you to know it is good to hear strong words
used. Back home we don’t get that.” The thing that bothers too
many brethren today, and it sadly lacking because of
that, is proper application to the brotherhood, the local church, other local
churches, and individual lives. She made some good “application”
herself – a wonderfully strong statement concerning a member who isn’t
coming. In no way did she indicate that it was otherwise and that she just
could not attend at all. She said they had a member who says she’s
sick, but sets at home and watches that “dribble” from the fake
T.V. evangelists on healing, and then when we admonish her
we’re not loving enough and too hard.” Sound familiar? |
Often times
the problem is not one’s sincerity but “what” one has been
taught. Today much emphasis is put on “belief” (just as long as one is sincere) rather than the necessity
of the Truth being believed. Moreover, too many push “sincerity”
is good enough regardless of what is believed. They say believing (whatever)
is the important thing. This is wrong. Why not read these articles with this
in mind? Then ask, What does the New Testament really teaching
concerning initial salvation? |
Many members of Christ’s
church have come out from human denominations in order to
be such. For some, they came to understand that modes of baptism other than
that taught in the New Testament are additions to God’s word and do not
save. In denominations offering options for baptism “church
manuals” override immersion by stating baptism may be administered to
believers by sprinkling, pouring or immersion. Many falsely view baptism as a
“sacrament” and not what it is, i.e. an initial step of obedience
necessary for the forgiveness of sins. This explains why some wait until they
have a group they can so baptize. Why not read this article to understand
neither of these are authorized as an option for baptism? |
Most Protestants are not aware
of just how old the convenience of the “Unity in Diversity”
doctrine is among known scholars. Here is an example from Philip
Scaff’s work “History Of The Christian Church” Vol. 7.
“Protestantism And Denominationalism” (1910). Human creeds are
the root of unity in diversity. Schaff’s presentation is pro division
while denying that it is possible to do the very thing that Christ requires
of us in His New Testament – contending earnestly for the faith (cf.
Jude 7; Phil. 1:27). |
Read this
article and understand that so called “sex change” is actually genital mutilation. One who has undergone such
tells what it actually is. Also notice here how
those who have allowed the physicians, therapists and psychologists to talk
them into such mock them, as well as the social hype that is promoting this
today. Consider carefully the point here that some would saturate children
with this nonsense – even beginning in grade school – telling
them they’ll decided later what gender they want to choose. |
So Much More to Tell One Another about Anxiety |
Being Christians there’s just so
much more truthful things we can tell one another about anxiety. These things
are matter of respecting the Lord’s authority – they are given to
us in the Scriptures. Read about these and apply Luke 6:46 “And why call ye me,
Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” |
The following brief outline is used in our congregation for a “special class” when needed. The outline of itself presents a quick view of patterns repeating themselves through the years of even our own lives. It presents both “individual” and “church” supported societies that have been built by brethren. |
Many are simply not aware of the various “other”
designations for the Gentiles – such as “pagans,”
“heathens,” “infidels” and “unbelievers.”
This is especially true when some of these refer to idolaters. The world is
divided into two divisions: Christians and the whole world that lies in the
power of the evil one, Satan (I Jo. 5:19). Notice the emphasis given to one
either being “in Christ” or “without” i.e.
“outside” of Christ (Col. 4:5). |
This article written by B.J. Bronger explains, as one who at one time
was in the Nazarene church, the injustices done to the Lord’s plan of
salvation by the Church of the Nazarene. We invite you to read this carefully
for many find themselves in either his or similar circumstances found in
denominationalism. |
The importance of reading the Bible is stressed along with appropriate
applications concerning the blessings of reading it, hearing it and keeping
it. Maturity only comes one way – in time with study and application
(Heb. 5:12-14). There is this warning: If you could not understand the Bible you would not know the difference between human
tradition, man’s so called spiritual wisdom, and God’s Word (Col.
2:8). With that in mind the article presents a conversation with a man who
said that he is reading the Bible for himself for the first time in his life.
Moreover, he’s seeing the differences between what man is willing to
teach for the sake of human tradition, power, prestige, etc. and how the
Bible really reads. |
Hopefully this will
be the first of three articles. Memory is brought to light with such words as
“remember,” “remind,” “forget” and
“neglect.” The antonym means to forget, and at times
intentionally thus implying culpability. Those who want to remember the
applicable lessons from God’s Word are the ones who are “doers of
the word” (Ja.1:22). The one who deceives himself hears God’s
word as it gives him the right view of himself but “immediately”
– at once, very soon upon departing from the word he forgets what he
really is – his mind turns immediately to what pleases him when he
leaves the word. The proper use of memory is presented in the light of using
it to repent, and using the past where brethren
sought to corrupt or even destroy the congregation. |
You may desire to read
“Memory #1” for April 2016 before this continuing article
concerning some simple applications pertaining to one’s memory.
Emphasis in this article is given to the importance of our
remembering our own past conduct. Paul did not exclude himself when
speaking of past conduct before his conversion – stating plainly that
he was a blasphemer, persecutor and violent aggressor against the church.
There is also the importance of our not forgetting even one of God’s
benefits given to us in Christ. |
This is the third portion of a brief
series on “Memory” (April, May and June 2016). This
article’s emphasis is on not using memory to prevent spiritual danger
and destruction, letting greed overpower remembering God’s presence in
times past, using memory to correct one’s life and the necessity of
being reminded to be ready for every good work. |
This contains two newspaper articles:
1. Surely Not Shameless ~ The Transgender Directive (May 2016); 2. Surely Not
Living a Lie ~ The Transgender Directive (June 2016). These present both the
spiritual and physical dangers tied to the recent “I think I identify
with transgender” decree from President Obama. This is moving quickly
in our society and especially so when the media’s bias is presenting
the kind of things that promote LGBT. |
This contains the third newspaper
article “Surely Not Adding to Confusion ~ the Transgender
Directive” for July of 2016. While stating that the wisdom of God is
foolishness to the world, and man’s wisdom is not God’s as
revealed in His word --- there is a review of Dr. McHugh’s commentary
(Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist) for the Wall Street Journal that not only states
that the so called “sex change” is biologically impossible, but
even puts the hammer to part of the foolishness found in the world’s
wisdom concerning “transgender.” His warnings include:
“everything is normal” sex education; schools’
“diversity counselors” with the wrong advice; against misguided
doctors. |
This reviews a report
from a nurse in Auckland, New Zealand who attended a so called “demon
cleansing” ceremony – the article relates the experiences some
claimed to have had from a so called prophet of God.
It shows how gullible people are in the name of something said to be
religious. Also read it and learn something about those who falsely call
themselves “prophets” of God today. |
This article deals with
the fallacies of people who reason if I don’t know then I won’t
be accountable – these forget Sin; people who reason that you
don’t know my “intent” – I’m sincere in what I
do – these often also forget Sin; people are led to believe if you
can’t prove my “intent” then you must accept my actions.
People will lie to cover intent (Eph. 4:14). Error
that stems from ignorance never leads another or others in the right way! To
“ignore” does not imply sincerity but the opposite – this
is a large part of what contributes to “ignorance” in our
churches and among brethren individually. |
“Sexism” is much talked about today. I took
a look at what some have to say on this and feminism in our society
— while some were saying “be fair” as regards applications
to both male and female, the majority eventuated to an outright attack on
God’s “order” for men, women, marriage, the family, and the
church of Christ. |
~ Forced Heterosexuality ~ Patriarchal Society (Part Two) |
What is so
called “Forced Heterosexuality”? Read the article and see the
charges brought by radical feminists (bear in not all feminists agree with
them) against a society, they say, that enforces heterosexuality and brands
as deviant any noncompliance. It’s all you mens’ fault! |
These four newspaper
articles include: (1)
Surely Such Beautiful People (In this article “Beautiful people are just everywhere
here!” People, and especially our youth, do not understand the vanity
that is evil and destructive). (2) Surely Correct Thinking ~ Although It
Does Not Begin With the Fear of the Lord (In this article “The fear
of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Pr. 1:9) –
“beginning” meaning the first step in acquiring and then applying
God’s revealed word. This is not your own “I think” or “I
believe.” Four important applications display what men are willing to
do when they lack the fear of the Lord. (3) Surely Not Their Kind of
Preacher ~ Hired to Protect the Ungodly (Based upon I Tim. 3:16-17 it is
the members themselves who are responsible for maintaining such preachers;
these men pleasers are standing in line to take the place of those who preach
the truth and are dismissed or cast out for doing so. (4) Surely Displays Great Love for
Jesus ~ Cancelling Church for Sunday Dec. 25 (Lk. 2:11 says
“For you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is
Christ the Lord.” That’s right, all we have is “this
day” --- thus the obvious flaw in saying that anyone today knows the
exact day Jesus was born. Since no one knows then how can
“cancelling” church figure in at all? Put this with the command
not to forsake assembling and you see that love of the Traditions of men, not
God’s Word, is all important and mighty self-serving. |
Institutions Among The Brethren by Robert F. Turner (Preceptor 1962) |
Preface: The below is the first of six articles written in 1962 by
brother Robert Turner as duplicated by brother Dan Gatlin. A link will be
provided should you desire to read them in full, and I believe it will
benefit you to do so. However, I’m compelled to
warn that the below approach captioned with the catch phrase “hasten
leisurely” was not and is not today the way to deal with apostasy.
The phrase as you’ll see was taken from the president of Franklin
College who urged brethren in 1850 to “hasten leisurely” in their
conclusions touching the subject of the Bible in Colleges, Professorships in
Sacred History and Theological Schools. Brother Turner adopts and repeats it
as that which best expresses his own personal feelings on this matter in 1962
— some 112 years later. We must never convince ourselves as Christians
only that to deal with error immediately and demand repentance will do more
harm than good — those involved in error must repent and stop the
practice thereof (Cf. Acts 15:1-2; Gal. 2:14). Although you find no
scriptures in the several pages of these articles — “church
history” has been and easily may be accompanied by New Testament
Scriptures to expose the false practices, motives and patterns produced by
the human wisdom that seeks to establish human organizations to do the work
Christ gave the churches of Christ to do. Bob Lovelace |
Review of “Church Validation of The Lord’s Supper” by
Robert Turner (Torch Mag. 1984) |
Brother Turner’s article was printed in Torch Magazine in 1984.
He presents the roots of the assembly of the local church as being essential
to the Lord’s Supper as those of Catholicism. This is wrong! When finds
the Lord’s Supper in the New Testament what “kind” of
assembly does he find it in? He tells you himself as you read his article. It
is really hard to write about the Supper and not get
the assembly of the local church for that purpose in
there. |
Call it Easter just “Resurrection Sunday” and Keep the Human
Tradition |
This article contains a
complaint spoken by one who read a newspaper article wherein Lent’s law
of fasting is exposed as human tradition, and not the teaching of the New
Testament. The article is appears along with her
complaint. Most who observe Easter services know nothing about the apostasies
in the 2nd Century and what happened from the Period 100 A.D. to
325 A.D. A short view of apostasies from Phillip Schaff’s History of
the Christian Church is presented with specific mention of the observance of
the called Christian Sabbath, Pentecost, Passover, Easter, Epiphany and
Christmas. |
Should you think a brief
article on this is not necessary today, then you certainly do not understand
how lightly so called religious people take
additions to God’s Word. Consider Col. 2:14-17 and I Tim. 4:1-5 in light of “food laws” in Catholicism,
Seventh Day Adventist, Mormon and Judaism. |
concerning brethren not desiring sound doctrine, was
well as commands to speak the things concerning sound doctrine are easily
found throughout the epistles (2 Tim. 4:3; Titus 1:9, 2:1 etc).
Looking back institutional error can be much more
serious than one might think when participating. God requires an account of
what is past. We need to gather up those passages on remembrance, reminding,
and how putting in remembrance is a safe thing for all. |
Here is a request made
to me concerning writing the truths of the gospel. You will find the motives
behind such requests seeking to dismiss “specifics” by requesting
more general terms be used. This is simply one art of political correctness.
However, preaching and teaching the gospel of Christ should not be construed
as simply one’s political view of anything! The preaching of the gospel
is neither Republican, nor Democrat or Independent along that line of
thinking. |
The continued
progression in ungodliness in dance among young people should be evident.
This contains various short quotes from different sources for descriptive
purposes. |
This is based upon
Gedaliah’s mistake as recorded by Jeremiah. We see stupidity in the
pattern presented by refusing to credit information given by
“all”; being indignant towards the informant and accusing him of
lying. “You liar!” You will often hear that when the evidence
points to something one doesn’t want to believe. He should have
listened. |
Example of going beyond Local Church Organization – The Seventh-day
Adventists |
Here is a comparison of
Christ’s church as set forth in the New Testament and the Seventh-day
Adventists. As you read this you will see important points on
“how” false religions get started. There is a vast difference in
stating that we must go back to the New Testament patterns for the
organization and worship of Christ's church He built -- and the establishment
of a denomination upon false visions and leaders falsely claiming the gift of
prophecy (I Cor. 13:8). New Testament authority for what is practiced is
sorely lacking today! |
Doctrines on the State of Man After Death Corrected by the Scriptures |
Some religions believe
that one ceases to exist after death and before the Day of Judgment. The
Seventh-day Adventists’ belief is stated here to illustrate. Then
compare Scriptural After-Death Scenarios such as the Transfiguration of Jesus
and those present; an after death conversation with
Abraham who is with Lazarus. This study relates to scriptures showing that
death cannot separate the faithful from the love of Christ and that one does
“not” cease to exist after death and before the Judgment Day. |
a Lesson on Humility Became a “Church Ordinance” |
Jesus did wash His
disciples’ feet and the lesson explained in
that context is that they must serve one another. However
Ellen G. White, a supposed prophetess of the Seventh-day Adventist church,
takes it upon herself to teach that the Lord’s Supper is to be preceded
by a “foot washing” as a church ordinance. This lesson should
help one to understand the difference between individual obligations and the
“collective” works God gave for the local church as a functioning
body or organization. |
These four newspaper
articles include: (1) Surely All the Men’s Fault ~ So Called
“Forced Heterosexuality”; (2) Surely Empowerment and Courage ~
Abortion; (3) Surely the Ends of the World ~ But Don’t Quit Your Job!; (4) Surely Not the Time for Two Drinking Parties ~
Christmas & New Years. |
This gives some
interesting statistics concerning schools associated with Churches of Christ.
From a recent article and survey it is stated they
have a problem with “brand loyalty” and parents’
commitments. God’s divine pattern for the church is contrasted with
their stated concern. |
There are degrees of
progression of age in this text. Accountability is seen throughout and the
“right” things done are contrasted with things sinful that must
be removed. These portions of life merge together and are fleeting, thus the
necessity of remembering one’s Creator in the days of youth. |
A questionnaire,
totaling 640 plus respondents, titled “What is a Church of
Christ” deals with the above question. Some of the answers unscriptural
as they were did not surprise me in the least
— they echoed the same cat calls we have heard for years to join in
fellowship with the denominations and other church types. It set forth the
clear division between non-institutional (N.I.) churches and those supporting
para-church organizations and missions. It mentioned churches that have added
instruments of music for worship, jointly ministered with denominational
groups and have changed the name but “still identify with the
fellowship of autonomous congregations.” In
their mind perhaps, but they fail miserably in thinking that those studying
the New Testament see them somewhere in there. |
Things: Repentance, Reproof, Approval, Appeasement, Compromise & Demands |
Notice in this list as
presented in the study the things that hinder repentance being sinful
themselves. |
A College professor has
been quoted as saying Jesus was a drag king, pan-sexual, who was cross
dressing and had lascivious desires at the Passover supper. This capped with
Christ (God) lusting sexually after the Father (God) on the Cross.
You’d think a “high” prof in a theological class would know
God is Spirit and theirs is not a physical relationship. This article gets to
the core error of one who held such a prestigious place among men – Sin
and what Jesus had to say about it. This with the fact that the Word revealed
by the Spirit in the N.T. is the Father’s Word given by Christ who sent
the Holy Spirit (also God) to reveal it (Jo. 14:24, 26; 16:13; 17:14-20).
There is no Sin in God (I Pet. 2:22). His Word reveals lewdness is expressed
in one’s words and not just otherwise behavior. Evil imaginations and
images stated in explanations such as we read are condemned throughout the
New Testament. The only right thing to say about anyone accusing Jesus of
lewdness (in word, thought or deed) is Christ’s own references to
man’s heart and what comes out of it in his speech! You may read now
about the filthy speech. |
College Camp Arizona ~ Your Child’s Introduction to Institutionalism |
Unauthorized human
organizations built by brethren that intrude into the work Christ gave for
the churches are discussed here. The emphasis is on Camps and the obvious
part they take, as well their promotion of Florida College. |
Some don’t like the idea of preachers being supported by local
churches and label preachers as “pulpit preachers.” You
don’t suppose at times such criticism is especially towards those who
teach the truth and expose others’ false teaching do you? Even among
some members of the Church of Christ you will find those of the “mutual
edification” / “no located preacher” belief. |
There are things young people
need to be warned about, and especially before leaving home. This belief is
one of them. Last month’s article on the “No Located
Preacher” belief is another, for their doctrine is error rather than as
I have heard said, “You know they are very conservative.” I’ve yet to
meet all of these personally but warnings have rang out through the years
concerning such beliefs as No Located Preacher, A Local Church Cannot Own
Their Own Building, No Bible Classes Because They Divide The Assembly, One
Cup Only For The Lord’s Supper, Women’s Head Covering A
Necessity etc. There may be a combination of these in a single church.
I’ve been asked if we believe in One Cup and No Bible Classes at the
same time by those seeking a church. Surely there are none of our brethren who
believe like the Baptist preacher who visited us and insisted the only
translation a church can use is the King James Version. He couldn’t
read the original if you handed him one! If you appease there are often just
more demands. |
There are things
young people need to be warned about, and especially before leaving home. The
last two months I’ve warned about the “No Located Preacher”
and “No Bible Class” beliefs. I said concerning the “No
Located Preacher” belief that their doctrine is error rather than as I
have heard said, “You know they are very conservative.” They
aren’t any such thing! While I’ve
yet to meet all of these personally, warnings have rang
out through the years concerning such beliefs as No Located Preacher, A Local
Church Cannot Own Their Own Building, No Bible Classes Because They Divide
The Assembly, One Cup Only For The Lord’s Supper A Necessity, and
Women’s Head Covering A Necessity. There may be a
combination of these in a single church. One inquiry stated that a couple
were looking for a Church of Christ in Yuma and did I know of a One Cup and
No Bible Class church. I replied that I do not recommend churches when I do
not know what they are teaching. Adding that it is a dangerous thing today to
just go here or there because a church calls itself a church of Christ. Thus they were welcome to visit with us. This was not in
accord with their request and they let me know that
I’d answer to God on the Judgment day for they thought Jesus blessed
just “one cup” i.e. one container and that’s all that is
allowed. |
The Apostolic Christian
Churches believe in the Trinity, while Jesus Name churches are one God
holiness and deny the Trinity. Apostolic Christian Churches baptize in the
name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The “Jesus Name” churches
are also referred to at times as the Apostolic Jesus Name Church and they
baptize only in the name of Jesus Christ. Some do say they teach baptism for
the remission of sins. Some say they also teach receiving the Baptism of the
Holy Spirit as a necessary part of salvation. Their doctrines are compared
with the New Testament pattern for salvation. |
“A Mistaken View ~
When Teaching God’s Word You Are Just Stating
Your Political View (Parts One Through Four).” This brief
series, parts one through four, appeared in the church’s newspaper
articles. “One
should never become so politicized in their thinking that for them a
rejection of a biblical truth is considered OK in view of their personal
political stand.” Several
wrongful views are presented. As things are today another’s
politicizing your belief in and statement of a truth in God’s Word in
their mind is often, if they should agree with your statement, equal in their
thinking both of you have equal “standing” before Christ. This is
a dangerous assumption carried out I believe
multiple times every day. |
Review of “ ‘Love Wins’ at
same-sex conference” by Bobby Ross Jr. |
This is a brief review of
an article about a same-sex conference hosted by Highland Oaks Church of
Christ, Dallas Tex. “Our” young people should be able to see the
vast differences in a sound church of Christ and unsound churches calling
themselves churches of Christ. |
There are four articles
selected from 2018: (1) Jezebel A Woman Politician ~ Surely Quality Skills,
Empathy with Honor (2) Surely God Had No Place in the Creation ~ But If You
Could Only Talk to Stephen Hawking Now! (3) Surely Very Beneficial ~ The
“Virtues” of Vulgar Language (4) The “Y” Chromosome ~
Surely “Men” Disappear in less than 5 Million Years. |
Here are three newspaper
articles from 2018: (1) Surely Know What A Pharisee Is ~ When Charging Others
As One! (2) Surely Friends of Jesus! Those Who Accuse Others of
“Legalism” for Obeying Christ’s Commandments (3) Surely
Farfetched ~ The Church Can’t Be About Religion Or It Is A Cult. |
This is beginning of articles on infanticide. Before I get to our
current cultural and political state in these here is some Biblical history
that is all important – when Israel turned from God it turned to false
god and practiced infanticide. |
Here is a brief look at
cultural, political and moral aspects of infanticide and abortion. Using Will
Durant’s “Caesar and Christ” the depths to which a society is capable of sinking in pagan immoralities is seen in
ancient Carthage and Rome. Our nation has similar connections of abortion and
infanticide with sexual immoralities, adultery, prostitution and the
deterioration of marriage and the family structure. “Limiting” by
abortion and infanticide are products of our own godless society! |
Here are three newspaper
articles from 2018: (1) Is Gibberish A Spoken Language Like The
“Tongues” In Acts 2?; (2) Are
“Prophecies” Claimed Today Like The Gibberish Called
“Tongue” Speaking?; (3) The Mouth Speaks From That Which Is in
the Heart. |
College Camp Arizona ~ Your Child’s Introduction to Institutionalism |
A necessary
repeated warning again in 2019 concerning Florida College Arizona Summer Camp
as well as other camps. Unauthorized human organizations built by brethren
that intrude into the work Christ gave for the churches are discussed here.
The emphasis is on Camps and the obvious part they take, as well as their
promotion of Florida College. |
This larger article
begins with two brief newspaper articles that illustrates the habit some
develop of picking a favorite verse, or verses, without considering
“all” that the New Testament teaches on a particular topic. Thus we have an example of “the favorite verses
syndrome.” This happens to concern the matter of Christians and when
they do sin. It includes important points and topics such as “God
Knows,” “Why Confess?,” “Our
Advocate is Jesus Christ,” “The Wholeness of the Doctrine of
Christ,” “God Gave Us His Word so We Can Practice
Righteousness” and “When Considering the Devil and
Christians.” |
Those who deal with
issues that come up concerning sound doctrine are often called arrogant for
doing so. But think of the arrogance that exempts from the task. Brethren
(including all members) don’t get to decide “which issues”
they’ll deal with for the “issue” comes to you and your
church by evil men entering in among you, and from within i.e. from among
yourselves men arise speaking perverse things. It is sheer arrogance for one
to think they are so important that they do not have to deal with any issue
that involves sound doctrine. |
Church of Christ, Abilene TX, Adds Women Preaching (Part One) |
This is Part One of a
review of a recent article written on this event (The Abilene Reporter News).
As I work through the article explaining how
Highland and other churches arrived at having women preachers, you younger in
our brotherhood should be able to see why we teach you on the necessity of
having scriptural authority for what we practice in the organization, worship
and work of the local church. And why you have been taught well on apostasies
past and present in order to understand their
components. This if beneficial if for no other
reason than to be able to present a clear pattern of what is happening in the
Liberal brotherhood. |
Church of Christ, Abilene TX, Adds Women Preaching (Part Two) |
This Part Two gives
information on how Highland came to add women preaching under the leadership
its elders. As I work through the articles (Parts One, Two) explaining how
Highland and other churches arrived at having women preachers, you younger in
our brotherhood should be able to see why we teach you on the necessity of
having scriptural authority for what we practice in the organization, worship
and work of the local church. And why you have been taught well on apostasies
past and present in order to understand their
components. This if beneficial if for no other
reason than to be able to present a clear pattern of what is happening in the
Liberal brotherhood. |
Review of “Questions of Women’s roles…requires grace,
humility” by Cana Moore (Part One) |
Part One: Here is
an article concerning women’s roles in the church. It especially
centers on I Tim. 2:12. Paul said: 1Ti.
2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 1Ti. 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to
teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. I’ve got some things I want to say
that I believe apply to some of the contexts in the article; the article
should elicit thoughts of your own as well. |
Review of “Questions of Women’s roles…requires grace,
humility” by Cana Moore (Part Two) |
Part Two: Here is
an article concerning women’s roles in the church. It especially
centers on I Tim. 2:12. Paul said: 1Ti.
2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 1Ti. 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to
teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. I’ve got some things I want to say
that I believe apply to some of the contexts in the article; the article
should elicit thoughts of your own as well. |
Articles Series: “For the Greatly Exploited Generation Z” |
These newspaper articles
identify spiritual exploitations of the “Z” generation. Beginning
with the truthful statement that God’s Word will not exploit you the
way political correctness does --- these present God’s wisdom and power
that exists far beyond mankind’s own wisdom and power. You must believe
in a Creator to learn to put your life into His perspective and purpose for
mankind (Ps. 89:11; Eccl. 12:13). You may read about the various ways
generations, actually, have been deceived and thus
think and act contrary to God’s revealed Word. |
you changed the pattern for the Lord’s Supper because of the Virus to
please yourself? |
So what is this thing that some brethren in small groups,
at home, etc. are partaking of the Lord’s Supper? One of the concerns
brethren have had is that some would do that and change the saints assembling together to break bread (Acts 20:7; I Cor. 11:
17, 18, 20, 33). Brethren viruses do not change that! The pattern is that the
Lord’s Supper was in a planned assembly of the local church for that purpose, and partaken of by those christians
who assembled (Acts 20:7; I Cor. 11:33). You don’t throw that out just
because of a Pandemic! How lightly do some think of scriptural authority? |
Here is a review of Bob
Owen’s “Individual Communion” talk he gave concerning the
Lord’s Supper and the corona virus restrictions. He presented no
scripture that justifies his teaching that the individual may take the
Lord’s Supper at home outside the assembly of the local church. The
Lord set the venue for the Lord’s Supper is a
planned assembly of the local church for that purpose. Those Christians who
assembled partook together (Acts 20:7; I Cor. 11:18, 20, 33). |
Here are further comments on Bob
Owen’s “Individual Communion” talk and on the Lord’s
Supper. It takes a closer look at the context of I Cor. 11: 17-34. |
Ok, You’re Ok! Really? Truthfully – the use of a Principle |
“How popular has the so called principle “that anything a person
does in violation of his own conscience is sinful” become? Is there not
a longstanding history of the misuse of Rom. 14 in the brotherhood?
Wouldn’t that of itself cause one to proceed with caution should a new
teaching of “Individual Communion” using this Rom. 14
“principle” be spreading through the church? (Cf. I Th.
5:21).” |
When one turns to the
Gospel of Christ immediately its emphasis is all lives matter (Mk.
16:15-16). Saying “black
lives matter” became political and enforceable and people followed like
sheep! All lives matter — don’t be stupid and endorse the Black
Lives Matter organization that is evil. Have the courage as a Christian to
say all lives matter. This is fundamental to our example as a teaching
element and concern for lost souls (Cf. Mk. 16:15-16, Gal. 6:10, etc.). |
By the early 1900s the clear
distinction between the Church of Christ and the Disciples of Christ had been
drawn: Concerning churches that opposed the use of instrumental music in the
worship, and missionary organizations: “In 1906, J.W. Shepherd and
others had representations to the Census Bureau of the United States
government that churches of this persuasion should no longer be listed with
the Disciples of Christ but be designated as Church of Christ.” (Murch,
pg. 218) “By 1909…some three hundred thousand members were listed
under “Churches of Christ,” in comparison with 1, 300,000 listed
as “Disciples of Christ.” (Murch, pg. 218) |
Civil government is a hot topic and for
good reasons — just look at what covid19 restrictions have brought to
our nation. Here are a few brief articles that highlight important aspects of
a government out of control even according to our own Bill of Rights —
much less having intruded into God’s authority! There is an IF that is
well known in Acts 4:19, 5:29. If the government’s rules are not a
violation of God’s laws then we are to submit
to them. When man’s rules seek to restrict God’s commands, then
we are restricted by God’s commands! Included are: The Corona Virus and
Worship (April 2020); The Corona Virus and Worship #2 (May 2020); The Corona
Virus and Worship #3 – Seeking to Trump God with the Health Card (June
2020); Civil Government #1 ~ The Kind of Government God Approves of Rewards
Good Works and not Evil (July 2020) and Civil Government #2 ~ The Kind of
Government God Approves of Allows Worship, Work & Provides Protection
(August 2020). |
Centennial Celebration of Thomas Campbell’s Declaration and Address
& “Casual Listeners” |
This article presents once again the
difference in the “Churches of Christ” and the “Disciples
of Christ” --- further shown with a brief discussion of what is called
“The Great Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Gathering of 1909” when the
Disciples celebrated the centennial celebration of Thomas Campbell’s
Declaration and Address. |
From the authority implied in the
“name” of Jesus Christ, who has all authority, several points are
made concerning the Gospel as the power of God unto salvation for all men,
Jesus’ authority to judge by His law, Sin as a violation of
Christ’s law and how His law convicts of sin. Major emphasis is also
given to the rule of law being attacked by ignorance, wrongful intent, good
intentions, sincerity, carelessness, ignoring, impulse and inconsistency,
showing partiality, outright defiance, distortion of one’s words and
partial narratives of the Word (to neglect to teach the whole counsel of God,
Acts 20:27, 32.). Applications include God is no respecter of persons, to
show respect of persons is sin, the kind of judgment that condemns oneself,
and the one who boasts in God’s law but dishonors God through breaking
the law. |
Just what kind of “push”
did you expect from the ungodly and unbelieving to make? Get the preachers
out of the way – make them turn from the rightful order of things
– let’s not hear about God and His law. |
This selection includes: (1) “A Win for
Women” concerning the argument that sex refers to biological sex and
does not include “gender identity”; (2) “Worry About Your
Soul Today!” is a simple imploration for one to pause and consider the
value of their soul and its eternal well being
after this life on earth, and that along with needed warnings and examples
– one of which is a real person who did not do such; (3) “Afraid
Of Dying? Losing All?” again implores one to pause and consider their
soul’s value in light of the impossibility of
trying to serve God and mammon (Lk. 16:13). |
End! The Babylonian Captivity (Part One: Focus On First & Second Stages) |
Three Stages of the Babylonian Captivity
(Part One) An
End! The Babylonian Captivity (Part
One: Focus on Stages One & Two) What
“End”? The Babylonian Captivity – Three Stages (605 B.C.,
597 B.C., 586 B.C.)
Eze 7:2 “And you, son of man, thus says the Lord GOD to the land
of Israel: 'An end! The end has come upon the four corners of
the land.
Eze 7:3 Now the end has come upon you, And I will send My anger
against you; I will judge you according to your ways, And I will repay you
for all your abominations. I
thought it would be good for the younger christians
in the church here to see clearly the truth in these statements concerning
Israel's provocation and rebellion against God -- and especially through
their lust for idolatry: *SEE THE TRUTH IN THESE STATEMENTS:
•Deu 9:6 Therefore understand that the LORD your God is not giving you
this good land to possess because of your righteousness, for you are a stiffnecked people.•Deu
9:7 "Remember! Do not forget how you provoked the LORD your God to wrath
in the wilderness. From the day that you departed from the land of Egypt
until you came to this place, you have been rebellious against the LORD.•Deu 9:24 You have
been rebellious against the LORD from the day that I knew you. One repeated important application in
this study: Pro19:27 Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will
stray from the words of knowledge. |
Stages of the Babylonian Captivity (Part Two) An
End! The Babylonian Captivity (Part
Two: The Third Stage, Focus on Zedekiah) What
“End”? The Babylonian Captivity – Three Stages (605 B.C.,
597 B.C., 586 B.C.)
Eze 7:2 “And you, son of man, thus says the Lord GOD to the land
of Israel: 'An end! The end has come upon the four corners of
the land.
Eze 7:3 Now the end has come upon you, And I will send My anger
against you; I will judge you according to your ways, And I will repay you
for all your abominations. I thought it would be good for the younger christians in the church here to see clearly the truth in
these statements concerning Israel's provocation and rebellion against God --
and especially through their lust for idolatry: *SEE THE TRUTH IN THESE STATEMENTS:
•Deu 9:6 Therefore understand that the LORD your God is not giving you
this good land to possess because of your righteousness, for you are a stiffnecked people.•Deu
9:7 "Remember! Do not forget how you provoked the LORD your God to wrath
in the wilderness. From the day that you departed from the land of Egypt
until you came to this place, you have been rebellious against the LORD.•Deu 9:24 You have
been rebellious against the LORD from the day that I knew you. One repeated important application in
this study: Pro19:27 Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will
stray from the words of knowledge. |
Stages of the Babylonian Captivity (Part Three) An
End! The Babylonian Captivity (Part
Three: Focus on Jeremiah’s Lamentations) What
“End”? The Babylonian Captivity – Three Stages (605 B.C.,
597 B.C., 586 B.C.)
Eze 7:2 “And you, son of man, thus says the Lord GOD to the land
of Israel: 'An end! The end has come upon the four corners of
the land.
Eze 7:3 Now the end has come upon you, And I will send My anger
against you; I will judge you according to your ways, And I will repay you
for all your abominations. I thought it would be good for the younger christians in the church here to see clearly the truth in
these statements concerning Israel's provocation and rebellion against God --
and especially through their lust for idolatry: *SEE THE TRUTH IN THESE STATEMENTS:
•Deu 9:6 Therefore understand that the LORD your God is not giving you
this good land to possess because of your righteousness, for you are a stiffnecked people.•Deu
9:7 "Remember! Do not forget how you provoked the LORD your God to wrath
in the wilderness. From the day that you departed from the land of Egypt
until you came to this place, you have been rebellious against the LORD.•Deu 9:24 You have
been rebellious against the LORD from the day that I knew you. One repeated important application in
this study: Pro19:27 Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will
stray from the words of knowledge. |
The current pride in technology
denominational invite is “Worship online or in person here.” We
must be certain that what we do with high tech is scriptural as regards the
work and worship of Christ’s church. If “zoom” and
“online” are let stray, as some among us already have, then you
will have a developed human tradition that will cause many to lose their
souls. The impact itself on the body of Christ can be like a spreading
spiritual virus in years following upon member’s zeal for assembling
(Cf. Eph. 4:14; 2 Tim. 2:17; Heb. 10:24-27). |
Here Virtue is defined and put in the
right order as belonging first to God, and then man’s as set forth in
His Word in order that the church might be pleasing to Him. So called
“Virtue Signaling” is nothing more than the social justice
movement using the social media. The often seen
great flaw in “signaling” is that by contrast in true virtue
there is no sinful conduct or shameful thing! FIRST: …THE
man, the world; Satan, man and the course of this world (Part One) |
Following emphasis is upon God
the creator of the earth, man, the universe and all material things --- by
using various definitions of “world” or “age” Satan,
the Devil, is presented as “the god of this world” who blinds the minds of
the unbelieving. The Devil rules the thoughts and deeds of the men of our own
age. Get the Devil in your conversations! The wise according to human
wisdom and philosophy, the scribe i.e. professional who writes and speaks to
the detriment of God’s word and wisdom, as well as the debater i.e.
learned disputant --- these offer elaborate and
devious arguments in this “age” we live in as they serve the
Devil. Their message is full of deceit and error and hostile to God and His
Word. |
man, the world; Satan, man and the course of this world (Part Two) |
Here in Part Two
there is continued focus upon the work of the Devil with emphasis upon
Christ, the church and the Devil’s work. Things done to resist the
Devil are stated along with examples of Satan’s influences in the
church. What will happen to the Devil and those who follow him points to the
necessity of one obeying in baptism to be saved (Mk. 16:15-16). |
“They attack God’s
ownership, the earth as His creation, man made in His image, marriage as He
ordained it between a husband and wife, motherhood and natural affection,
childbirth and the dignity of human life, the immortal soul in man that
returns at death to God who gave it – and they attack the knowledge of
eternity. Connect the dots! The thing about these just listed is lying
hypocrites contradict “one” (or more) while claiming belief in
Christ.” |
There are all of
kinds of visitors – some are beneficial, some are benefitted by
edification and instruction and humble themselves (Cf. I Cor. 14:25), and
some are to be watched carefully (Cf. Acts 20:28-29). |
Rabshakeh the spokesman for the great King of Assyria is all over the
place in his blasphemy concerning who God is and what God is doing on the
earth. Read his contradictions about God as he threatens the inhabitants of
Jerusalem --- telling them not to let Hezekiah convince them to trust in the
Lord. A parallel is easy made to those who claim to know God and have Jesus
on their side -- answer the so called “woke social justice
movement” with the works of the flesh that Jesus condemned. Jesus is
God and God is on to their woke! When you put their
“woke social justice” on the board and look at their walk i.e.
their lifestyle you see its great immoral failure! |
It is better to have few than to have
the human organizations our brethren have formed that intrude into the work
God gave the local churches to do. God’s blessings come for the few as
well as many who are willing to respect scriptural authority. Here are some
applications as to why a church may be small in number.
A New
Story – Same Old Myth on Cain’s Wife (I Tim. 1:3-4) --- i.e.,
Cain’s wife belonged to another people not descended from Adam and Eve.
This makes use of a Fox News article title “EVOLUTIONARY SCIENCE IS MAKING
Here is an explanation with applications of what
it means to bless those who curse, and love and do good to those who hate you
(Lk 6:27-28). |
This offers warnings
from Proverbs along with an explanation of what drill rap music is --- some
have lost their lives because of connection with this genre. |
College Camp Arizona ~ Your Child’s Introduction to Institutionalism
A necessary repeated warning again in 2022
concerning Florida College Arizona Summer Camp as well as other camps.
Unauthorized human organizations built by brethren that intrude into the work
Christ gave for the churches are discussed here. The emphasis is on Camps and
the obvious part they take, as well as their promotion of Florida College. |
Here is some information on The Satanic Temple,
which they claim differs greatly from what is referred to as Religious
Satanism. Comparisons are made with the Bible’s teaching about Satan
and salvation through Christ. |
Here is an outline /
notes, etc., on the sects of the Pharisees and Sadducees, as well as
application to sects among us today. When speaking of the church Jesus said “I will build My church” (Matt 16:18). It
is His church: 1Co 3:10 According to the grace of God
which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I
have laid the foundation, and another buildeth
thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth
thereupon.; 1Co 3:11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid,
which is Jesus Christ.; Eph 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the
apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
…the sect of the Pharisees added “more” to God’s word
than was written in the Old Testament – today sects add
“more” than revealed in the New Testament concerning the church
of Christ. |
This article begins with the importance
of understanding that the Word was completely revealed in the first century.
And with this, understanding the duration of spiritual gifts. Today
Christians are guided by the completed, revealed, written Word. Going
onwards, you will find definitions of “providence” in the New
Testament. Next, a look at Joseph in Egypt when his brothers and eventually
Jacob (Israel) come to dwell there. It closes with Esther and her uncle
Mordecai, and their working to save their people, the Jews, whom wicked Haman
plotted to genocide in the provinces of Persia. |
find the admonition to “speak evil of no man” in Titus 3:2. To
speak evil means to vilify, defame, or blaspheme. Most don’t know how
to read the Bible. In the same verse we are not to be a
brawler. If I call a brawler what he is, i.e., a brawler do I violate
“speak evil of no man”? People pay no attention to what Jesus
said and where he said it. Furthermore, they pay no attention to what
hypocrites said to Him and when they said it.
Finally, most pay no attention to what Jesus said and who He said it to! When
it comes to social, cultural, and political activities, Christians deal with
the immoralities as He did. The unfruitful works of darkness are to be
reproved. (Eph 5:11-13). I’ll use Herod Antipas as the first example.
Was he the fox Jesus said he was? |
There is the kind of arrogance
that thinks when in the wrong, “I don’t have to answer! And
I’m not going to answer!” There is no silence in Paul’s
admonition to preach the Word in season and out of season (2 Ti 4:1-5). No Silence Here: Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the
unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose
them. 2Ti 2:15 “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a
worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of
truth.” Corrections are necessary to maintain fellowship with one
another (I Jo 1:6-7). We are to
test all things and hold fast to that which is good (I Th 5:21). Neither you
nor the Word must be silenced by: You know there’s error in every
church; There is no way anyone can preach with that kind of conviction; When
you teach on the issues you are too hard; We don’t allow any
denominations’ names to be mentioned in a sermon here; You’ve got
half the church upset; You’ve got your interpretation and I have mine;
You’ve got your opinion and I have mine. |
use Bible study tools that include the JFB Commentary -- Robert Jamieson,
A.R. Fauset, David Brown (the JFB commentary published in 1871 had
co-authors). One should be extremely careful in the use of commentaries, as
such reflect the personal beliefs of the writers. Not only do they deny that
baptism is for the remission of sins, but they seek to change the mode of
scriptural baptism. Baptism is an immersion in water for the remission of
one’s sins (Acts 2:37-41; Acts 22:16). They know what they’re doing.
There is deceit. They use context which does not change the mode of
scriptural baptism to teach false doctrine. |
often-used commentary is Robertson’s Word Pictures (RWP). A.T. Robertson (1863-1934) was a
Southern Baptist preacher, and is said to have been
a noted Greek scholar who focused on the New Testament. One should be
extremely careful in the use of commentaries, as such reflect the personal
beliefs of the writers. The command to be baptized for the remission of sins
is not to be taken lightly. Baptism is an immersion in water for the
remission of one’s sins (Acts 2:37-41; Acts 22:16). Anyone interested
in their own salvation should see through his use of Jonah’s preaching
in Nineveh, and their acceptance of it, as given in this article. |
concerns of alien and extraterrestrial activity in recent balloon intercepts,
present a totally wrong perspective of the earth, life here, and mankind
having been given the earth as a dwelling place (Gen. 1:26; Ps. 115:16).
There are no space aliens! |
“The appreciation of “the
delight of Kings” of Israel --- kept in proper context under the Old
Covenant --- is seen in their fear of God and obedience to His commands given
to Israel. The commands for them to love truth and righteousness, and some
doing so, stands in contrast to the wickedness of rulers and magistrates
today!” |
be misled by claims based upon what secular history says about the number of
Christians killed for belief in Christ, and obedience to the gospel (Rev
17:6). Some might even declare secular history shows the number is fewer than
most have thought from the time of Nero to Constantine. Would I or you be
willing to be a martyr? Understanding we should if necessary
die for Christ, cannot be thought to be making too much of the lessons given
for us in the New Testament. |
Read Eph 6:1-4. Who’s
in charge? God’s word is over children and parents. Does it say
co-parent with the government? When schools teach Woke philosophy
they teach children to sin! We now have the kind of
teachers in schools that promote spiritual death! (Cf. Rom 1:32, Rom 3:23,
Rom 6:23). These institutions want your children! Are you helping them get
your child? |
College Camp Arizona ~ Your Child’s Introduction to Institutionalism |
necessary repeated warning again in 2023 concerning Florida College Arizona
Summer Camp as well as other camps. Unauthorized human organizations built by
brethren that intrude into the work Christ gave for the churches are
discussed here. The emphasis is on Camps and the obvious part they take, as
well as their promotion of Florida College. |
important Bible points concerning what godly fathers know
and practice are shown to be also what godly mothers know and practice. |
Delight In Destroying!”; “They Are Not Good People, Nor
Children.” |
two articles connect both adults and children to the destructive influence of
Woke philosophy, LGBTQ, and Trans Influence. |
in the assembly must not be tolerated! Correction is the responsibility of
all members (I Th. 5:14). |
history of Israel goes back to God’s promise of Christ through
Abraham’s seed (Gen 12:1-3). It was through Christ, Abraham’s
seed, that all nations (all men everywhere) would have the offer of salvation
(Gal 3:26-29). When you study the salvation of Jews or Gentiles the New
Testament points to their baptisms into Christ for the remission of their
sins (Mk 16:15-16; Gal 3:26-29). Read this article and you will see the
difference between contending for political and national interests,
and contending for salvation offered through Christ for all men. |
Here is one of our newspaper articles for
2023 showing the fools who worship supposedly with avatars. The core of
edification is removed. This attacks the duty to “edify one
another” – to do so “together” and for “each
other.” This brief article is followed with notes concerning worship
– important words, definitions, and verses for consideration. |
interested, individuals being studied with will have many questions. I always
try to get in the initial steps of obedience from the first – I tell
them we’ll go into detail in following lessons. In one study I
explained that belief in the deity of Christ as the Son of God is an
essential step to becoming a Christian. He said he'd always believed He is
God’s Son. There seemed to be something in his expression, so I thought
it very important to explain Jesus Christ as the Son of God in more detail.
Here is the substance of that lesson. |
There is a look here at Noah in failing as
all righteous men will do. This also shows the foolishness of thinking too
lightly of one’s sin. There is scripture on drinking and drunkenness,
and application made directly to brethren who separate themselves from their
brethren in order to seek their own sinful desires. |
You will find applications made to evil surmisings or suspicions, and points directed to the need
to discriminate character and investigate matters as well. |
article shows just how deceived anyone is who thinks they can advocate for or
practice the murder the unborn,
and newly born. |
works of the flesh in the New Testament scriptures are part of God’s
moral analysis to be taught and applied. The Vatican recently issued a new
document stating when people ask their priests for a blessing “an
exhaustive moral analysis should not be placed as a precondition for
conferring it” – this is mentioned later with comments in this
article. The works of the flesh are sin (I Jo 3:4). We’re told they are
what keeps one from Heaven, and sends one to Hell – thus, the truth
about them must not be rejected. The works of the flesh can be divisive being
sound doctrine (I Cor 11:19). God’s word applied correctly will divide
the faithful from the unfaithful. False churches push Woke philosophies and
LGBT+ based on out right acceptance (!!) of the works of the flesh. |
When lives spiritually are at
stake to save them shame matters (!!) and has a
place. Shame is a consequence of sin
that is a violation of God’s law; with sin there is sting of conscience
(that’s shame). Others’ sins cause disappointment (that’s shame in the sense you can be ashamed because you expected
more out of them). Fear to act on a matter leads to
procrastination that is tied to one’s pride and things get worse. There
is the fear of losing family who become disobedient that leads to putting
them first before God (that’s a shameful thing! Matt 10:37). Sinful
pride produces being silent when knowing you speak up (that’s
shameful!). Shame comes by reproof designed to produce shame; withdrawal
produces shame if the Christian still has not hardened their heart completely
(2 Th 3:6,14 “be ashamed” [G1788] “to invert, turn one upon
himself” … “to shame one”). Lack of study produces
the shame of our spiritual work being a failure and not being approved by God
(2 Ti 2:15). Paul gave Timothy a warning in 2 Tim
1:8 to spare him shame. |
is a list for reading, learning, and work purposes. I’ve grouped some
of these – the noticeable thing about the illustrations preceded by
“like” (some by “as” depending upon the translation
you use) is how plain they are – even where there is a quick change
from one to another in the same verse they’re
still plain, and they make quite an impression on the mind. These preach
quite well and applications as you study them should be abundant. Again, you
will be benefitted by just reading these and thinking about their application
– several verses are included with some to show context. |
When a political party promotes Planned
Parenthood, you know what’s being pushed. Where is Margaret Sanger the
wonderful, caring, American activist when people need to be told the truth
about her, and about murdering the infant! |
Strong Spiritually Against Those Who Frame Wickedness by Law |
Stand Strong Spiritually Against Those Who
Frame Wickedness by Laws and the Lord will be Your Ally (Ps 94:20). Don’t
buy in with the sinful Go-Along Get-Along Gang. Just keep on exposing and
reproving what is sinful. The New Testament, the will of Christ, will do that
right well. Christians don’t endorse man’s
“legislations” – Ps 94:20 “decree” H2706 a
statute, law -- just because a particular political party might be pushing
them. See the point on Republicans and the 15 week
abortion ban. |
God Speaks of
“Members” of the Body Including the Mind as Instruments of
Righteousness. Rom
6:13 And do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the
dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. |
have asked about the woman “bishop” who spoke to President Trump
at the Washington National Cathedral recently. She’s promoting the Woke
that is destroying our country. Above all, people need to understand that
there is no such thing as a woman “bishop” (also called
overseers, elders, and pastors) in Christ’s church. Moreover, bishops
or elders served only over the local church they themselves were members of! The
provided link fully explains what people need to learn from the New Testament
about the church Christ established. The truth of God’s word exposes
her and her false Episcopal church. |
It is
common to hear people ask, “Are you a believer?” But they never
ask if you’ve been added to the Lord. Why? Look below to understand
when believers are added to the Lord. After the brief newspaper article there
is more concerning deceit in teaching the so-called Sinner’s Prayer for
salvation. |